Project Update: Stony Creek Restoration Project
The Stony Creek Restoration Project, led by the West Michigan Shoreline Regional Development Commission (WMSRDC) and CRA, is progressing significantly. This initiative includes dam removal and stream crossing replacement (WMSRDC), stream corridor restoration, recreational access improvement, and floodplain reforestation (CRA).
Construction began in May, with WMSRDC replacing undersized culverts with a channel-spanning timber bridge. The Marshville Dam removal and stream corridor restoration were seamlessly carried out, setting the stage for a slew of ecological and recreational benefits.
The project’s finishing touches are soon to come.
For more information, before-and-during-construction photos, and a complete list of partners and funders, check out the link below.
Pictured: Partners from Oceana County Parks & Recreation Commission, WMSRDC, GEI Consultants, and CRA.