For more than two decades, BookBrowse has focused on seeking out and recommending the best contemporary books, with an emphasis on titles that not only engage and entertain but also deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
Because there are far too many books published for anyone to even read about them, let alone read them all, we recommend only the best of the best. Among much else, BookBrowse provides in-depth reviews and "beyond the book" articles; hand-selected read-alike recommendations for thousands of books and authors; the ability to browse by genre, time period, setting and a wide range of themes; previews of notable books publishing soon; and extensive resources for book clubs.
We are a destination for avid readers of intelligent fiction and narrative nonfiction, particularly book club members and those who read to expand their horizons. Our highly curated content allows visitors to bypass the noise of less selective and crowd-sourced sites to easily find the books that are right for them.
BookBrowse offers extensive free content, but full access to our online magazine and book discovery resources is only for individual members ( and patrons and staff of libraries that subscribe to BookBrowse for Libraries—our reader-focused and user-friendly readers' advisory resource (
We also publish four free newsletters—BookBrowse Highlights, Publishing This Week, Book Club News and Librarian News—and, for our members, a twice-monthly online magazine, The BookBrowse Review.
BookBrowse is a leader in book club research, having published multiple reports based on surveys of more than 20,000 book club members (
Book and Periodical Publishing
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2-10 employees
Saratoga, California
Privately Held
book clubs, reading guides, discussion guides, book club advice, book discovery, readers' advisory, what to read next , reading recommendations, library resources, book promotion, book reviews, book discussion, book magazine, book club research, literary fiction, narrative nonfiction, book curation, publishing industry, book publishing, and book discussion groups