Atrium reposted this
Over the weekend we got the most thoughtful swag package EVER from Peter Kazanjy and Atrium. You see, a few weeks ago Peter saw a comment I made on someone’s post and sent me a DM that he appreciated that I shared my perspective (which isn’t the prevailing popular perspective in some circles for that topic). We got to messaging and I realized he’s the founder of a software we use here at BetterUp but that I hadn’t fully lean into yet. I offered up time if he had it to connect to learn more about Atrium, how I could leverage it and just to make another friend in the start up GTM world. We had a lovely 30 min chat and upon discovering I had two small kiddos he says “you must send me your address so I can send the girls our Atrium mascot stuffy”. And he did! He sent two (as any good parent of two knows this is a pro move), the cutest children’s book about growing up to be in sales, and an atrium notebook for me. I’m not a buyer of Atrium and not in a position to materially advance Peter or his company but he saw an oppty to have a positive impact and be human and he did it. To my GTM friends def give Atrium some thought to leverage tech and drive transparency in monitoring and driving performance (plus there’s some coaching embedded so you know that’s a winning solution). The girls brought their stuffies to church the next morning they are def the new hot items for the girls this week!