The latest Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) climate scenarios provide an important guidepost for the financial sector in thinking about climate change. With an improved focus on physical risk assessments, these scenarios show that GDP losses by 2050 could be two to four times greater than previously estimated. How can #systemicrisk assessment take this work further? What's working and not working in climate risk analysis? Don't miss ASRA's Ajay Gambhir talk at RiskMinds International in London on November 18th where he’ll provide a best practice guide to climate risk stress testing. Sign up now! #globalrisks #climatechange #centralbanking #macromodelling #economy #NGFS #climaterisk #RiskMinds
Excited to share that I'm speaking at RiskMinds International 2024, 18-21 November 2024! Looking forward to discussing #riskmanagement with so many senior risk professionals and learning from other industry experts. Join me there and save 10% with my discount code FKN3277SPK 👉 #RiskMinds RiskMinds