Leading a virtual team can be challenging, especially if you want to get a promotion. You need to communicate effectively, build trust, motivate your team members, and manage expectations. In this article, you will learn what are the key skills for leading a virtual team and how to develop them.
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Communication is vital for any team, but even more so for a virtual one. You need to choose the right tools and platforms for your team, such as video conferencing, chat, email, or project management software. You also need to establish clear and consistent communication norms, such as when and how to share updates, feedback, and questions. Moreover, you need to communicate with empathy and respect, using positive and inclusive language, and avoiding misunderstandings and conflicts.
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Los equipos de trabajo deben utilizar los medios tecnológicos en forma dinámica para brindar eficiencia y hacer fluir los proyectos. Hacer las preguntas correctas para definir: que, como, cuando, a quien, y en que momento comunicar llevará a que las herramientas como: reuniones, correos y otros medios generen inercia en el equipo y quiten cargas innecesarias.
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Daily stand-up calls. Our virtual and in-person teams meet every morning to talk through priorities, challenges and project management and we are accomplishing great things together. Most people who work with our company have no idea we are spread across 6 countries and 3 U.S. states - we work together seamlessly by leveraging technology and engaging in regular communication not only in the mornings but throughout the day via WhatsApp and Slack. Communication is the foundation that allows us to scale and consistently deliver at a high level.
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Having summarized all my learning in a book recently, I would say that a global leader of a virtual team requires global competency. You need to be able to bridge the gap of intercultural communication and sensitivity with technology. You need to be inclusive without having a clear standard on what is "normal" because in a global, virtual team all standards are negotiable. It helps if you can build relationships and trust through media. It also helps if you are open to feedback. You need to provide the three S (that is from TA): Structure, Stimuli, and Strokes to your team. At the same time, you need to be able to deal with diverse time zones, holiday schedules, work ethics, and expectations of a leader. It's a challenge and it can be done.
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Today technology is so advanced that it allows us to hold meetings arround the world.
MS Teams or Zoom are the most used for videoconferencing, allowing us to share various files, share a desktop, record the session, set up rooms and tools that help us with effective communication.
Miro or Mural are very powerful tools to hold meetings collaboratively.
Finally the tools of
Management such as Jira or Azure support work methodologies and the way of building products.
Therefore, I believe that technology helps us improve our communication skills and manage conflicts.
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Es ist bekannt, dass der Inhalt einer Nachricht keine 10% der Botschaft in der Wahrnehmung des Empfängers ausmacht, während die nonverbale Kommunikation den größten Anteil einnimmt. Überträgt man dies auf das digitale Arbeiten, wird schnell klar, warum der Großteil an Konflikten in Teams und Unternehmen auf Kommunikation basieren.
Neben Tools und Normen braucht es vor allem Empathie durch die Moderatoren und Leader. Und deswegen braucht es auch Moderatoren und Leader, nicht jeder Mensch möchte derart im Fokus sein. Ich beobachte einen zunehmenden Shift zu einem rollenbasierten Ansatz in der Führung von Teams, Meetings und auch Kommunikation.
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I believe leading virtually requires more attention to individuals but also creates a collaborative environment. More than ever, it's important to show that we are part of a team with the same goal, so communication and engagement are the way to success.
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Second to trust-building, a leaders skill in communication will define their success and failure. Regardless of the work environment. It’s not just clear and concise messaging, but understanding hours to connect to your audience, be they employees, customers, shareholders, or stakeholders.
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Leading teams virtually need a effective communication skill to be showcased whether be in terms of written(clear and concise) or verbal communication,active listening or using any other tools to do so.As, it provides clarity , collaboration, aligns the teams and helps in building relationships.
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Pienso que es fundamental contar con las herramientas tecnologicas para poder trabajar de forma remota. En cuanto a habilidades es fundamental la comunicación clara, precisa y continua. La confianza en los equipos en fundamental y el acompañamiento del lider. Sumado a KPIs para monitorear el logro de los objetivos del equipo.
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Ce qui me semble important lors de communication d'équipe virtuelle c'est d'utiliser le bon outil (visio avec caméra allumée); se fixer un ou deux objectifs très concrets, utiliser des moyens simples pour communiquer (le post-it est facile d'utilisation ou lever la main pour prendre la parole), prendre le temps de s'écouter et reformuler si nécessaire. Enfin résumer en quelques mots le travail réalisé par le groupe et enfin, se projeter dans l'avenir pour que tout le monde sache pourquoi il a travaillé.
Trust is the foundation of any successful team, but it can be harder to build and maintain in a virtual setting. You need to show your team that you care about them as individuals, not just as workers. You can do this by getting to know them personally, recognizing their achievements, and supporting their development. You also need to demonstrate your reliability, competence, and integrity, by delivering on your promises, sharing your expertise, and being honest and transparent.
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Com as mudanças das reuniões e formação de equipes do mundo físico para o virtual, algumas coisas se perderam, tipo o olho no olho, o sentimento de como esta o colaborador naquele momento, isso porque de certa forma o virtual permite criar uma barreira, uma distancia.
A formação de equipes é baseada na confiança mutua, e esse é o desafio para os gestores que tem equipes virtuais, você precisa criar um meio de aproximação, de confiança, se o ambiente for hibrido, é mais fácil, mas se for só virtual o desafio é maior....
Algumas dicas são, promova e ressalte as boas ações e o reconhecimento nas reuniões de grupo, procure fazer reuniões informais onde vocês possam falar sobre outros assuntos, quebrando as barreiras e o gelo.
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É essencial para o líder não apenas manter a confiança na equipe, como também garantir que a equipe mantenha a confiança no líder. A comunicação desempenha um papel crucial nesse processo, não só dentro da equipe, mas também na transmissão da visão e das entregas do time para o restante da organização. Construir e manter essa confiança mútua é a chave para uma gestão eficaz. Acredito que demonstrar preocupação com cada indivíduo é fundamental. Mostrar essa presença genuína é o que verdadeiramente gera confiança. Lembrando sempre que, por trás das demandas, existem pessoas. Portanto, fazer com que as pessoas se sintam valorizadas e cuidadas não apenas agrega valor, mas também promove uma maior proximidade e colaboração.
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All arrive on time for meeting and leader proactively generate 'chit chat' to build enduring trust. Stealing from the McChrystal Group (where all members speaks once before anyone speaks twice), everyone in my virtual meetings says what they achieved or learned since last catch up.
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Must have skills for a virtual learner are
Time management
Digital literacy
Effective communication
Critical thinking
Ability to collaborate remotely
Moat of all self-discipline is crucial
It involves setting clear goals, creating a structured routine, breaking tasks into manageable steps, eliminating distractions, practicing mindfulness or meditation, rewarding yourself for progress, and holding yourself accountable through self-reflection and adjustment. Consistency and perseverance are key.
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A statement we use at work is "trust is earned in drops and lost in buckets". This is so very true, and one must be careful to follow through and to treat everyone with respect. It is important to celebrate success and understand failures. Failures are an important part of learning, and are bound to happen. They should not (necessarily) be punished, depending upon the nature and underlying reason.
The bigger aspect of what I just said is critically important: you must understand who the people are, how they work, the challenges they face, and the background of the problem. A lot of this is pre-work that sets up transparency, empathy, understanding and thus, trust. Once trust is established, good and bad news is easier to deliver.
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La construction de la confiance dans une équipe virtuelle est un processus qui demande du temps et de la patience. Les membres doivent s'accorder et trouver leur rythme, en cultivant une écoute mutuelle des besoins. Cette confiance naît de la transparence, de la responsabilité et de la cohérence dans les actions et les communications. Elle est renforcée par des interactions régulières et authentiques, malgré la distance physique. En investissant dans des relations solides et en respectant les engagements, les équipes virtuelles peuvent surmonter les obstacles et atteindre des niveaux élevés de collaboration et de réussite.
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Building skills is key to personal and professional growth. To enhance your skills effectively, consider setting clear goals, staying consistent in your practice, seeking feedback, and learning from failures. Embrace challenges and push yourself out of your comfort zone to accelerate your learning. Engage in continuous learning through courses, workshops, books, and online resources. Remember, growth comes with persistence and a positive mindset. Prioritize self-improvement and enjoy the journey of skill development. Strengthening your skills opens doors to new opportunities and enables you to achieve your full potential.
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Building trust in a virtual environment takes time and effort. Virtual leaders should foster an environment of trust and transparency, where team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and concerns.
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Here are key things I gained while working in a remote product management roles:
- Be a clear communicator: articulate expectations, project updates, and any changes to foster a shared understanding among team members.
- Establish accountability: set clear goals and expectations for each team member.
- Be an open leader: be readily available for your team. Schedule regular 1-1 check-ins, open forums, and encourage open communication channels.
- Show recognition and appreciation: publicly recognise team members for their contributions, fostering a positive and motivating remote work culture.
- Give feedback: implement regular feedback loops. Constructive feedback builds trust by demonstrating a commitment to improvement and growth.
Motivation is the fuel that drives your team to perform well and achieve their goals. You need to inspire your team with a clear and compelling vision, aligning their work with the organization's mission and values. You also need to empower your team with autonomy and flexibility, allowing them to work in their own way and at their own pace. Moreover, you need to engage your team with meaningful and challenging tasks, providing them with opportunities to learn and grow.
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As mentioned before, allowing the team to understand how their work fits into the larger picture sets the stage for motivation. Nobody wants to work on something unimportant or that will not be used. Setting the vision of how their work will enable the company to succeed is a powerful motivator!
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Die Herausforderung, in einer virtuellen Welt zu motivieren, ist unverkennbar. Virtuelle Distanz kann uns trennen, macht es schwer, echtes Befinden und Motivation zu greifen. Werte und Motivationstreiber zu identifizieren, erfordert nun ein tieferes Verständnis und Feingefühl. Doch ich habe gelernt, dass regelmäßige persönliche Begegnungen, wie quartalsweise Teamwochen, unersetzlich für den Aufbau einer starken, motivierenden Kultur sind. Solche Treffen erwecken unsere gemeinsamen Werte zum Leben und stärken unsere Verbundenheit.
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Dans la gestion d'une équipe virtuelle, la motivation est essentielle pour maintenir la productivité et le moral des membres. Les managers doivent être disponibles pour leur équipe, compensant le manque d'interactions informelles par des moments dédiés à l'échange. Encourager la communication ouverte et écouter les préoccupations individuelles renforce l'engagement et la cohésion de l'équipe, stimulant ainsi la motivation. En favorisant un environnement de travail positif et en reconnaissant les contributions de chacun, les managers peuvent inspirer et soutenir leurs collaborateurs à distance.
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We know that employees are more motivated and committed if they feel belonging. Especially in virtual teams it's crucial. Motivating is a very important leadership skill that includes creating a safe space for the team that empowers them to speak about their ideas and about what is not working well. Providing an environment where everyone feels seen and heard is key.
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A motivação da equipe no mundo virtual é mais difícil, devidos as barreiras que a distancia impõem, assim trabalhar a motivação da equipe deve estar no DNA da atividade do gestor.
Reforce sempre que possível a missão, a visão e os valores da empresa, promova conversas abertas e francas, procure dar e receber feedback com seus colaboradores, promova a autonomia deles, desafie eles.
Mas principalmente, sempre seja franco e sincero com seus colaboradores, mesmo no ambiente virtual ele s conseguirão perceber sua real intenção em ajuda-los!
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Motivational skills are crucial for inspiring and empowering others towards achieving their goals. Effective motivators understand the individual needs and values of those they aim to inspire. They communicate clearly, providing a compelling vision and setting achievable objectives while encouraging creativity and innovation. Listening actively and providing constructive feedback helps build trust and reinforces a sense of accomplishment. By offering support and recognizing progress, motivators nurture resilience and maintain enthusiasm. Leading by example with passion and dedication, they foster a positive environment conducive to growth and success. Remember, motivation is contagious—inspire others to reach
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Los equipos se mueven en dos dimensiones, "Las Necesidades y Las Prácticas", la primera necesidad de un equipo se llama la "Inspiración" y la practica de la inspiración es el "Sentido", es decir, lo que nos mueve juntos como equipo. Si el equipo está inspirado de manera natural y genuina cada integrante encontrará el sentido de su trabajo según el rol que desempeñe y mejorará su productividad individual y grupal.
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Ayudar al equipo a sentirse motivado es una cosa importante para que todos podamos ser lo más productivos posible! Si nos sentimos bien, cómodos y contenidos, rendimos más y eso nos favorece a todos... Por suerte, y generalmente, no "le pega el bajón" a todos al mismo tiempo, así que a estar atentos para poder motivarse entre sí!
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Motivation is key to lead by example. Have a clear vision and allow all you lead to take ownership for a part of that vision. Allowing autonomy is a realistic way to guide success in a virtual team.
Expectation management is the art of setting and meeting realistic and mutually agreed goals for your team. You need to define and communicate the scope, timeline, and quality standards of your projects, as well as the roles and responsibilities of each team member. You also need to monitor and measure the progress and performance of your team, using data and feedback to track and evaluate results. Furthermore, you need to adjust and adapt your plans and strategies, based on changing circumstances and needs.
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No mundo atual, as expectativas e a realidade se distanciam.
Vemos colaboradores que recém entraram no mercado de trabalho e criam as expectativas de que em três meses, serão coordenadores, mais dois meses já serão gerentes e em um ano serão CEO's.
Por isso é muito importante que você como gestor deixe muito claro as expectativas da empresa, se ela tem um plano de cargos e salários, onde ele esta no atual momento e como poderá fazer para crescer e em quanto tempo, e através de qual entrega de resultado, e como ele será medido.
Com regras claras a todos as expectativas ficam mais próximas da realidade e os resultados e a real motivação aparecem de forma mais concreta.
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Das Managen von Erwartungen ist ein Thema, das mir besonders am Herzen liegt, da ich häufig beobachten konnte, wie eindimensional dieses Thema angegangen wird, fokussiert auf das "Ich", während die Perspektive des Unternehmens in den Hintergrund rückt. Einmal erlebte ich, wie eine Führungskraft diese Frage meisterlich löste, indem sie persönliche und unternehmerische Erwartungen elegant verwebte und dies dem Team vermittelte. Diese Erfahrung veränderte meine Sichtweise: Ein starkes Team entsteht, wenn individuelle Ziele und die Mission des Unternehmens in Einklang gebracht werden. Dieses Bewusstsein zu schaffen und zu pflegen, ist essentiell für wahre Teamerfolge.
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Pour bien diriger, il faut aussi avoir une capacité d'écoute pour mieux orienter ces décisions en vue d'optimiser le rendement de ses pairs et ou subordonnés
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Tracking progress towards a goal is hard in any context and virtually can be even more challenging. Develop the discipline of 'debriefing systematically' which creates structure, reduces burden on team leader and accelerates good team mental models.
Cultural awareness is the ability to understand and appreciate the diversity of your team, in terms of their backgrounds, beliefs, values, and preferences. You need to respect and celebrate the differences among your team members, as well as the similarities. You also need to avoid and overcome any cultural barriers or biases that may affect your communication, collaboration, and decision making. Moreover, you need to leverage the cultural richness of your team, by encouraging them to share their perspectives, insights, and ideas.
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A consciência cultural no ambiente corporativo se tornou uma necessidade crucial no mundo globalizado de hoje. Ela se refere à capacidade de compreender e apreciar as diferentes culturas e origens dos colaboradores, clientes e parceiros de negócios. Essa compreensão promove um ambiente de trabalho mais inclusivo, produtivo e inovador.
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In the first months of lockdown, we - overnight- moved to lead virtual team sessions. Fun fact? We asked everyone to share something of value from their new homeworking space. People showed things they were proud of, that moved them, drove them, or reminded them of a special moment. Bonding is always easier when you show interest in people and aim to understand their origins. Try it before you move to practicalities.
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Cultural awareness is critical when leading multinational teams. Difference in beliefs, values, norms and culture make it difficult to drive a diverse team to a common goal. Understanding the work culture in different geographies, demographics and values of multicultural team members are important. Finally, promoting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) at every level is surely a quick win.
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I lived, studied and worked in 4 different cultural paradigms. Here are a few points that helped me to develop cultural awareness skills:
- Continuous learning: staying informed about diverse cultures, customs, and business practices helped me better understand cultural features and patterns.
- Adaptability: embracing flexibility and adaptability when working within an international environment helped me adjust workflows, communication styles, and project timelines to accommodate cultural nuances and preferences.
- Build diverse teams: actively building diverse and inclusive teams, with a mix of cultural backgrounds enhances creativity and problem-solving by bringing unique perspectives to the table.
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Como gestores de equipos en entornos virtuales uno de nuestros grandes retos es cómo mantener viva la Cultura de nuestra compañía con nuestros equipos que trabajan en remoto y que por consecuencia les tenemos cada vez más dispersos en diferentes localizaciones globales.
Nuestro mayor logro debe ser tenerles conectados a nuestro core values. Esto sólo podemos lograrlo si mantenemos presentes vlos valores que sostienen la misión y visión de nuestra empresa. Para lograrlo sólo tenemos que ser fieles a ello y constantes en la pregunta ¿está acción que llevo acabo está alineados con el core values?, y por supuesto ser consecuentes en la coherencia de nuestro comportamiento en la respuesta a esa pregunta.
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Die Bedeutung von Unternehmenskultur, Werten und Mindset ist unumstritten, doch der Weg dorthin wird oft missverstanden. Es ist ein Trugschluss zu glauben, dass sporadische Seminare und Workshops genügen, um Kultur tiefgreifend zu beeinflussen. Wahre Kultur entsteht durch das Verhalten jedes Einzelnen in einer Organisation. Es geht um die kleinen Dinge, die täglichen Interaktionen, und es beginnt schon lange vor dem ersten Arbeitstag – nämlich bei der Auswahl durch HR. Als ehemaliger Gründer habe ich gelernt: Recruiting ist Chefsache. Möchtest du eine bestimmte Kultur schaffen, muss die Personalstrategie ganz oben auf der Agenda stehen. Hier beginnt kulturprägende Arbeit und dieses Bewusstsein sollten Führungskräfte haben.
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When leading a virtual team with members from diverse backgrounds, cultural awareness is essential. Virtual leaders should be mindful of cultural differences and strive to create an inclusive work environment.
Facilitation is the skill of guiding and supporting your team through various processes and activities, such as meetings, brainstorming, problem solving, or learning. You need to plan and prepare your facilitation sessions, defining the objectives, agenda, and format. You also need to execute and moderate your facilitation sessions, using techniques such as icebreakers, questions, polls, or breakout rooms. Moreover, you need to follow up and review your facilitation sessions, collecting and analyzing feedback, and documenting and sharing outcomes.
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The thing I found to be most useful is clarity of brief instructions, each step of the way, of what you are requesting back from participants, as you do your best to take care of the process. This is true always, all the more so online.
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Here are key strategies for developing effective facilitation skills according to my experience:
- Active Listening:
Cultivate the ability to actively listen to team members, stakeholders, and customers. By understanding diverse perspectives, team leaders can guide discussions more effectively and tailor solutions to meet everyone's needs.
- Clarity and structure:
Provide clear agendas and structures for meetings or workshops. A well-organised facilitation framework ensures that discussions stay on track, objectives are met, and participants remain engaged, contributing to more productive and efficient outcomes.
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Passez de manager submergé à manager-facilitateur! Oui la Facilitation pour animer ça s'apprend, et s'expérimente. Je dirais qu'il faut oser et se lancer.
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La gestion efficace d'une équipe virtuelle nécessite des compétences d'animation bien affûtées. Les leaders doivent être capables d'organiser des réunions virtuelles engageantes, de stimuler la participation de tous et de maintenir un climat positif malgré la distance. La capacité à utiliser des outils de collaboration en ligne et à encourager la créativité à travers des méthodes interactives sont essentielles. Une communication claire et empathique permet de surmonter les barrières virtuelles, favorisant ainsi une cohésion d'équipe solide et une productivité accrue.
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Always prepare. Prepare a plan of objectives and plan for many different opinions. Allowing for open and honest discussion gives all learners an opportunity to show how passion for their opinion with justification whether others are in agreement or not. That is when true learning happens. A trusting, honest and open environment for conversation.
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Las habilidades de facilitación son cruciales ya que permiten crear conexiones significativas a pesar de las barreras físicas. Enfocar las reuniones de equipo desde la facilitación permite dirigir eficazmente las discusiones, asegurando que todos los miembros se sientan escuchados y valorados. Esto es esencial para fomentar un ambiente de trabajo colaborativo y motivador.
Además, las habilidades de facilitación ayudan a resolver conflictos de manera constructiva, promoviendo un entorno de respeto y comprensión mutua. En resumen, no solo mejora la eficiencia y productividad del equipo, sino que también refuerza la cohesión y el compromiso de sus integrantes.
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A habilidade de facilitação é um conjunto de competências que permite a um facilitador guiar um grupo de pessoas de forma eficaz e engajadora, criando um ambiente propício para a colaboração, o aprendizado e a tomada de decisões. Ela vai além da mera organização de tarefas, permeando diversos aspectos do trabalho em equipe e da comunicação interpessoal.
Essa habilidade é uma ferramenta poderosa que pode ser utilizada para melhorar a comunicação, a colaboração e o engajamento em diversos contextos.
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Como lideres de equipos en entornos virtuales debemos ser facilitadores de las necesidades de nuestros equipos, facilitadores en las herramientas que garanticen el éxito de su día a día, facilitadores de las necesidades que equilibren sus roles profesionales y personales, facilitadores para desbloquear aquello que ralentiza el avance de los proyectos, en definitiva facilitadores de su Desarrollo.
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Pre-lock down, I would have team meetings where colleagues would dial in from home. The mixed medium/experience was poor for everyone, and so when one person was 'at home', all the office attendees dialed in (skype) from their desks - subtle, but worked wonders.
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In my opinion, it would be relevant to speak to the power of setting shared team agreements for how folks commit to showing up in the space, and also how to hold space. This can be a really useful way to build a more connected and effective team dynamic.
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Avoid one size fits all expectations. Understand what each person needs to be successful and be open to different ways of working. Agree on the outcome but be flexible on how the person gets there.
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These are all great skills to have and to try to master if you manage virtual teams. Just be sure to be genuine when looking to build these skills and take cues from other team members for when you need to focus on one over another.
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A pandemia do covid, trouxe muitas mudanças, principalmente às dinâmicas do mundo do trabalho, houve e ainda há a necessidade de muitas adaptações.
Gestores que estavam acostumados com um modo de trabalho presencial, hoje se deparam com ambientes híbridos e mesmo totalmente virtuais, a necessidade de adaptação a este novo formato é crucial para a sua sobrevivência no mundo corporativo, o que traz o crescimento e evolução.
Ainda teremos muitas mudanças daqui para a frente com o advindo da IA, uma constante mudança e evolução!!!
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En mi experiencia personal, una habilidad clave de liderazgo es la gestión de crisis y como complemento escencial, la gestión del tiempo. En estas circunstancias, cuando el líder se presenta como un sostén emocional y técnico, logra el respeto y la lealtad del equipo.
Estar preparados para una crisis y responder en el tiempo adecuado, es una característica de liderazgo que reconozco y comparto con la comunidad aquí presente.
Además, me gustaría agregar la inteligencia emocional, como una habilidad que hace posible el trabajo con tu equipo en diferentes escenarios comunicacionales, para poder generar el rapport necesario para reuniones efectivas.