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Complete Financial Check-In Today

Do you want to live near the library or the lacrosse fields?

Take the elective you want first semester — or second semester?

Financial Check-In (FCI) is your gateway to everyday life at Liberty. And the earlier you complete it, the more freedom you’ll have to customize your campus experience.

What does Financial Check-In do for you?

Every Liberty student must complete Financial Check-In before beginning classes — but there are advantages to completing it early.

You’ll have…

  • Access to our most generous scholarship package
  • An invitation to register early for classes
  • Lower monthly payments (longer payment plans)
  • Your choice of premium housing options

Housing and class registration fill up quickly, and students who have completed FCI get first choice. So if you have your heart set on a particular living area or class schedule, make sure you complete Financial Check-In as soon as it opens.

You’ll love life at Liberty no matter where you live or what you study — FCI simply locks in what that looks like.

  • FCI deadline: New Fall 2024 students: Aug. 9, 2024

Make sure you don’t miss the FCI deadlines – you could lose your courses and pay a $150 late fee.

The Commons

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Res Financial Check In Walkthrough

Watch the video to see how to complete Financial Check-In.

Ready to get started?

Complete Financial Check-In 

FCI Step-by-Step

Set your future life at Liberty up with one app! Our Financial Check-In application works with your phone, tablet, or computer. Here’s how:

  • Choose your term.
  • Track your progress on the right.
    • A green check-mark means the step has been completed.
    • A dot means it’s in progress.
    • A lock means you can’t move forward until you complete the previous step.
  • Your semester balance so far will show just under the progress box.

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If you miss the FCI deadline, your courses may be dropped and you could incur a $150 late fee.

  • New Residential Students
    • The FCI deadline for the upcoming Fall 2024 semester is Aug. 9, 2024.
    • Complete FCI first, then register for courses with an Admissions Counselor.
  • Returning Residential Students

Contact Us

Contact Information for Student Financial Services:

Don’t see the financial aid you were expecting?
Contact Financial Aid:
(888) 583-5704
[email protected]
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Have other questions about your account?
Contact Student Accounts:
(866) 783-0191
[email protected]
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