Rules for Colonies at War
Friendships: Friendship State and Mood.
Friendships is measured of values 0-10
-0: AT WAR
4-6: WARY.
10+: ALLIES.
WAR - When in a state of war, nations will attempt to attack and conquer the lands of the nations that they are at war with.
HOSTILE - When in a hostile state with another nation this means that both nations cannot move into each other's land. And if doing so, then this will cause combat to happen in that land and start a war.
WARY - When in a Wary state with another nation this means that both nations cannot move into each other's land. And if doing so, then this will cause combat to happen in that land and start a war. But ships can move through sea zones controlled by the wary nation.
FRIENDLY - When in a friendly state with another nation this means that both nations can move freely within each other's land without ‘attacking it’ or ‘causing a war’.
ALLIES - When two nations are Allies, this means that both nations will make war on any nation that attacks either allied nation.
Nations that are not connected to you and are far away will become disinterested in you and trade may stop and your friendship state will move to a more neutral position (wary).
Mood is important as it can directly affect your friendship state with another nation. If their Mood towards you is -negative then this will start to lower their friendship state towards you and this can possibly lead to war.
What can affect other nations MOOD towards you..
You build up a large army of 20,000+ (can have a negative effect).
Conquering land from them (negative effect).
Declaring war on them (negative effect).
Destroying lands anywhere (can have a negative effect).
Giving gifts (positive effect).
Giving Gifts to other nations will increase their mood +1 and increase their friendship +1. It's a very powerful tool to help make other Nations more friendly.
All friendships start at wary-friendly.
Computer players start with 75% of your starting money.
You can see the real numbers of troops when spying.
It’s cheaper to negotiate with other nations.
Your reward and score will be lower at the end of the game.
All friendships start at wary-friendly.
Diplomacy is active so nations can make friends, allies, and war.
Computer Players start with the same money as a human player.
Computers players are more challenging.
Computer Players are more hostile at the start of the game.
It’s more expensive to negotiate with other nations.
Computer Players start with 125% of your money.
Computer players hold grudges and defend lands better.
Your reward and score is higher at the end of the game.
Fleets can move 2 spaces.
Fleets can move through any friendly sea zones.
Fleets can move into any of your coastal lands, these are considered ports.
Fleets will combat any enemy navy they encounter when moving into sea areas.
How to move armies across the sea,
To be able to move armies across the sea from one land/island to another land/island you need the following conditions,
The Starting Location
The army needs to be located on a coastal land that is adjacent to a sea area that is either owned by you or by a friendly nation.
The End location
The final landing location needs to be adjacent to a sea area, and that sea area must have at least one of your ships in it.
Also, you must be able to trace a path through friendly sea regions between the start and end location. You don’t have to own these sea regions and you don’t need ships in them (apart from the final location) to be able to move across the sea.
All armies can move 2 spaces through any friendly land area.
Armies cannot move into a sea area.
Armies will combat any enemy Army they encounter when moving into another land area. The army's movement always finishes after combat.
When an army moves into another land controlled by an enemy, combat will take place and the victor will own/control that land area.
Garrison’s guard the land and cannot move. But an army can be created by drawing troops from a garrison.
Armies can move across the sea from one land or island to another land or island but you need ships parked outside or touching the land you wish to make a landing onto.
You can only create an army from troops in a garrison. Garrisoned troops are bought by tapping on one of the lands that you own and then tapping the Build button. A list of available military forces will be shown on the build page for you to purchase. Normally you will purchase 500 troops per tap. Once you have purchased your troops you can then create an army.
When you tap on a land with soldiers present, a small pane opens up at the bottom of the screen displaying any forces present in this land. The first box will be reserved for the garrison. If there are any other boxes present they will either be armies or navies. The first Box(garrison) may show a fort if present. A fort can defend both garrisons and armies.
Now tap on the garrison box and a new window will open showing you the forces in the garrison. If there is forces there you will see a ‘Create an Army’ button. Tap on this button and another page opens with sliders for you to move troops between your new army and the garrison. Note, all troops have already been moved into your army so you may want to move some back into the garrison. If you are happy with the number of troops in the army press the Accept button. You now have an army standing in front of all else. All armies are represented by a commander with a flag and 2 troops. Garrisons are represented by an image of 1-4 troops, this depends on the number of troops there.
Combat occurs when you move your army into a land with an enemy army of the garrison. Combat starts with your army attacking every enemy army in that land, and if successful then battle the garrison. Garrisons and armies get the defense benefit of the forts. But forts can be knocked down during any battle and maybe all destroyed when you fight the garrison. The only difference when battling armies and garrisons is the armies will tend to retreat sooner than the garrisons and this may save many lives if they have another land to retreat to, if not then they will surrender.
Combat happens in rounds, each round the two sides fight, casualties are taken, forts are destroyed, morale is decreased. This keeps happening until one side's morale drops below 30% then they will be forced to retreat or surrender. If the Attacking army wins then he fights the next army or garrison.
Guns are primarily used to destroy forts.
Cavalry is better for attacking.
Sepoys are only good for defending in forts. Weak in attack, and low morale.
Ship combat is similar to land combat, each ship has a number of guns depending on the development level. Except ships can retreat without losing ships from surrendering. Ships can return to your capital if there is nowhere to retreat. Generally, the fleet with the most guns wins. Remember, it’s always better to have one larger fleet than 2 smaller fleets. One ship is needed to control a sea area.
Combat penalties would include terrain features, forts, rivers, amphibious landings.
Combat penalties are accumulative.
So, if you attack across a river into land with 3 forts and it’s in the forest, you would have a combat penalty of 35% plus 50% for the forts. Forts work a little differently as they can be knocked down during the battle.
RIVER (-20%) Attacking across a river
FORESTS (-15%)
FORTS, 1 (-40%), 2 (-45%), 3 (-50%), 4 (-55%), 5 (-60%), 6+ (-65%),
Technology in this game is extremely important because you have better ships to chose from and stronger troops but they are more expensive. You also can upgrade your lands to produce more factories and more money. Monastery and Universities are extremely important for getting in ahead of your competitors. At the start of the game, you will see small Monasteries and Universities scattered around the map.
As the Industrial Revolution unfolded in the 19th century, the age of wooden-hulled sailing ships gave way to that of steam-powered iron ships. As you advance your technology, new and better ship types become available to you. There are 6 basic ship types in this game and you will normally start at Level 0 technology and build up to level 5. Ships are bought singularly. The ships are as follows,
Level 0:
War Junk(Asia). Cost:20, Att:6, HP:20
Corsair(MiddleEast) Cost:25, Att:8, HP:25
Frigate(Europe) Cost:30, Att:10, HP:30
Level 1:
SteamShip. Cost:40, Att:20, HP:40
Level 2:
Ironclad. Cost:60, Att:35, HP:60
Level 3:
Battery ship. Cost:90, Att:100, HP:100
Level 4:
Turret ship. Cost:140, Att:225, HP:200
Level 5:
Pre-Dreadnought, Cost:220, Att:500, HP:500
The 1800s saw a variety of soldiers types armed with all types of weapons, Spears, swords, muskets, rifles, gattling guns, etc. This game portrays that various types from Level 0 to Level 5. Soldiers at Level 0 would be considered to be armed with handheld weapons like spears and swords while level 5 may have rifles and automatic guns. Soldiers are bought in lots of 500.
Level 0: Soldier Cost: 26, Att: 2, Def: 3, HP:2
Level 1: Soldier. Cost: 34, Att: 3, Def: 4, HP:2
Level 2: Soldier. Cost: 42, Att: 5, Def: 6, HP:2
Level 3: Soldier. Cost: 50, Att: 7, Def: 8, HP:2
Level 4: Soldier. Cost:58, Att:10, Def:12, HP:2
Level 5: Soldier. Cost:66, Att:15, Def:16, HP:2
The Cavalry is the tanks of the 1800s. They are the shock troops and can inflict more damage to the enemy than your infantry. But as you advance your technology and modernize your infantry your cavalry will become less effective and by level 5 they are not much better than infantry. Cavalry is bought in lots of 500.
Level 0: Cavalry Cost: 46, Att: 5, Def: 5, HP:3
Level 1: Cavalry. Cost: 54, Att: 6, Def: 6, HP:3
Level 2: Cavalry. Cost: 62, Att: 8, Def: 8, HP:3
Level 3: Cavalry. Cost:70, Att:10, Def:10, HP:3
Level 4: Cavalry. Cost:78, Att:13, Def:12, HP:3
Level 5: Cavalry. Cost:86, Att:17, Def:14, HP:3
Sepoy is inferior troops hired from local lands. They are cheaper and weaker than your regular infantry. If your land is at a lower development level compared to your national development level, then you can only buy Sepoy troops there. Note that Sepoy troops have low morale and break easily in battle so don’t put too many of them in your armies. Sepoys are bought in lots of 500.
Level 0: Sepoy Cost: 25, Att: 1, Def: 2, HP:2
Level 1: Sepoy. Cost: 30, Att: 2, Def: 3, HP:2
Level 2: Sepoy. Cost: 35, Att: 3, Def: 4, HP:2
Level 3: Sepoy. Cost: 40, Att: 4, Def: 6, HP:2
HEAVY GUNS of the 1800s
Heavy guns will include cannons, artillery, mortars, etc. These are primarily used to destroying forts, and they will make short work of them if in large numbers. For example, 50 guns will bring down 2-3 forts in one combat. While they are not critical in taking land areas and infantry alone can capture lands with forts in them. Having guns in your invasion force will lower the defense values of the defenders and increase the success rate of taking these lands. Guns are bought in lots of 5.
Level 0: Guns, Cost:26, Att: 30, Def: 20, HP:6
Level 1: Guns. Cost:34, Att: 45, Def: 30, HP:6
Level 2: Guns. Cost:42, Att: 60, Def: 40, HP:6
Level 3: Guns. Cost:50, Att: 75, Def: 50, HP:6
Level 4: Guns. Cost:58, Att: 90, Def: 60, HP:6
Level 5: Guns. Cost:66, Att:105, Def:70, HP:6
Land income is calculated by the following,
Land income = Factories + Population(M) + Resource
Plains- Plains are the most common feature and has no defense bonus
Mountains- Mountains offer a 10% defense bonus
Forests- Forests offer a 15% defense bonus
Rivers- When crossing a river to attack a land the is a 20% defense bonus
Beach landing - When attacking from the sea add another 25% defense bonus
Food - income: $10
Ore - income: $12
Horses - income: $14
Gunpowder - income: $16
Silk - income: $18
Coal - income: $12
Diamonds - income: $20
Tea - income: $16
Spice - income: $14
Gold - income: $30
Each land area has its own development level. If your nation's development level is at Level 3, you may have lands of any level, as you capture them you will need to upstage them to your national level. If you capture a land from a more developed nation and that land is L4, then you can build L4 warships, but you cannot build L4 soldiers. If you capture a L0 land then you can only build L0 ships and Sepoy troops which are inferior to your regular troops. You may upgrade that land until it reached you national level.
Factories grow naturally over time. The amount of factories depends on the Population and the development level of the land. Factories add to the land income and increase your tech points. Some factories will get destroyed when combat occurs in that land.
The Population of each land is different and does not change. The exception is when you destroy the land, then the population will drop by one million. Land populations have an effect on land income and factory growth. The population also has a large impact on trade. If you trade with a
Some lands can have a special building like a Great University or a Monastery. These are buildings of learning and greatly increase your nation's development. They are critical if you want to outperform other nation's development.
20 factories = 5 tech points/turn.
Great University = 50 tech points/turn.
Monastery = 25 tech points/turn.
Capital = 25 tech points/turn.
Trade will happen between Nations once they have started a trade agreement. To make a trade agreement with a nation you need to have your lands connected and also both nations cannot be hostile to each other. Just tap on the nations and then tap ‘Parley”, the Trade button should be seen at the bottom if available. Then just tap Trade and OK.
A trade connection to the other nation must be maintained, and relations must be maintained else the trade agreement will cease.
You can receive money from trade even when you don’t have a trade agreement but this is minimal and considered internal trade.
Trade income comes from importing and exporting resources, but you will always receive more money from exporting.
During the game, you can see how much money you are making from your trade and resources by opening your Nation’s detail page’s in your Nations Info Panel at the bottom of the screen.
To access your Nation’s detail pages you need to look for the Nations Info Panel. the Nations Info Panel is at the bottom of the screen and it shows you the Nation's name, income, credits, money, development level.
The two flags to either side are buttons that access the Nation’s detail pages.
Nation’s detail pages show various information about your relationships with the nations. It also shows the leaderboard for development, most powerful, incomes, armies, populations, trade, etc.
You should look through these pages and get yourself familiar with the information there.
Shows the top 20 nations' income they receive each turn.
Shows what other nations think of you Friendship State, Mood and if they are trading with you or not.
Shows other nation's friends and allies, and who they are at war with.
Shows your resources, which are imported/exported. The income from each resource.
Shows the top 20 nations and their technology level. And how much corruption each nation has.
Shows the numbers of troops each nation has, and also casualties.
Shows who is winning in the power game. Also the income, and population
To see your Nation’s Summary, Cash Flow, Victory Meter, and Market, you need to tap anywhere on the Nation Info Panel at the bottom.
The Nations Summary shows your Nation’s vital details - Cash on hand, Development Level, Population, Regions owned, Ships, Troops, Resources, Reputation, and your position on the leaderboard.
This is a breakdown of all your income and costs.
This Bar chart shows gives you a visual indication of how you are going compared to the next top nation and what this game is looking for to achieve victory.
Types of victory can be 1) most powerful, 2) most income, 3) victory points.
The market is where you can trade your credits for money to spend in the game.