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Technology Focus Areas

For over 50 years, JEDEC has been the global leader in developing open standards and publications for the microelectronics industry. JEDEC committees provide industry leadership in developing standards for a broad range of technologies. Current areas of focus include:

Committee Meetings

JC-13 16 - 19 Sep 2024
JC-14 1 - 3 Oct 2024
JC-14 & JEITA 15 - 17 Oct 2024
JC-15 30 Oct 2024
Board of Directors 5 Nov 2024
JC-70 6 Nov 2024
JC-16,40,42,45,63,64 2 - 5 Dec 2024
JC-11 4 - 5 Dec 2024

Committee Meetings

JC-13 16 - 19 Sep 2024
JC-14 1 - 3 Oct 2024
JC-14 & JEITA 15 - 17 Oct 2024
JC-15 30 Oct 2024
Board of Directors 5 Nov 2024
JC-70 6 Nov 2024
JC-16,40,42,45,63,64 2 - 5 Dec 2024
JC-11 4 - 5 Dec 2024