ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

ITU Gateway for WSIS

WSIS+20 Forum High-Level Event

​The WSIS+20 Forum High-Level Event will be held from 27 to 31 May 2024, co-hosted by the Confederation of Switzerland in Geneva. ​More

WSIS Prizes 2024

​​​​​​​​​​​The contest of WSIS Prizes serves a mechanism to evaluate projects and activities that leverage the power ICTs to advance the SDGs. 18 Winners  and 72 Champions will be awarded.​ More

ITU Contribution to the WSIS Implementation

​​​​​​​​​​​ITU’s Contribution to the Implementation of the WSIS Outcomes is a annual comprehensive report on the IT​U activities in context ​of WSIS carried out by the Union in year​.  More

WSIS Action Line Roadmaps

​​​​​​​​​​​ITU WSIS Action Line Roadmaps for C2, C4, C5 and C6 are detailed plans to guide progress towards achieving the WSIS Implementation goals, showing clear linkages with the SDGs.  More


Linking WSIS Action Lines with Sustainable Development Goals: this mapping exercise draws direct linkages of the WSIS Action Lines with the SDGs to con​tinue strengthening the impact of ICTs for sustainable development.​​​ Each UN Action Line Facilitator has analyzed the connections and relations of their respective Action Line with the proposed SDGs and their targets.

The goal is to create a clear and direct link and an explicit connection between the key aim of the WSIS, that of harnessing the potential of ICTs to promote and realize the development goals, and the post 2015 development agenda, so as to contribute to the realisation of the latter.

More information​​​​​​​​​​

ITU's Role in the WSIS Implementation and Follow-up


In line with its mandate and the WSIS outcome documents, the ITU continues playing key role in WSIS implementation and follow-up, including:

ITU Contribution to the WSIS Implementation


ITU Contribution to the Implementation of the WSIS Outcomes is a comprehensive report on the ITU activities in context of WSIS carried out annually by the Union. The Report provides detailedd information on the key WSIS related initiatives and activities carried out by the three sectors of the Union (Standardization, Radiocommunication and the Development Sector) and the General Secretariat. Reports provide updates on the tasks carried out by the ITU at the operational and policy level, covering all assigned mandates with reference to the WSIS Process, in particular in its capacity as:​

ITU's annual and five year reports on the ITU contribution to the implementa​tion of the WSIS outcomes are available ​​he​re.

ITU in the WSIS Outcome Documents




ITU Decisions Relevant to WSIS Outcomes


