ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Previous GSRs and Best Practice Guidelines

​​​Regulation for impact​

  • ​​​Best Practice Guidelines on Charting the course of transformative technologies for positive impact

| عرب​​ي​ | 中​文​​ ​English​​​
Español​​| Fran​çais​​|​ Рус​ский​​​

​Discussion papers and reports​
  • ​​​​Best Practice Guidelines on Regulatory and economic incentives for an inclusive sustainable digital future

| عربي​ | 中​文 | English​​
Español​ | Fran​çais| Рус​ский​​

Discussion papers and reports​
​​​​​​​​​​ GSR-​21
  • ​​Best Practice Guidelines on Regulatory uplift ​for financing digital infrastructure, access and use

| عربي​ | 中​文 | English​​
Español​ | Fran​çais​| Рус​ский​​

​Discus​sion papers and reports​

The Regulat​ory Wheel of Change: Regulation for Digital Transformation​
  • ​Best Practice Guidelines on The gold standard for digital regulation

| عر​بي​​| 中​文 | English
Español​ | Fran​çais | Рус​ский​​

​Discussion papers and reports​
Inclusive Connectivity: the Future of Regulation
  • ​Best Practice Guidelines on Fast Forward Connectivity for All

| عربي​​ | 中​文​ | Engli​sh​
Español​ | Fran​çais​ | Рус​ский​

Discussion papers and reports

New Regulatory Frontiers

  • Best Practice Guidelines on New Regulatory Frontiers to Achieve Digital Transformation

عري ​ | 中文 | English​​
Español​​ | Français | Русский​​

Discussion papers and reports

Living in a World of Digital Opportunities

  • Best Practice Guidelines on Policy and Regulatory Incentives for Affordable Access to Digital Services

عربي | 中文 | English
Español​ | Français | Русский​​

Discussion papers and reports
Be Empowered, Be Included! Building Blocks for Smart Societies in a Connected World



Mind the Digital Gap - Regulatory incentives to achieve digital opportunities
  • ​​​​​​Best Practice Guidelines on facilitating the uptake and widespread use of mobile applications and services trough targeted regulation
عربي | 中​文 | English|
Español​ | Français | Русс​кий​​
Discussion Papers
​​GSR14 logo
Capitalizing on the potential of the digital world

Discussion Papers

4th-Generation Regulation: driving digital communications ahead

  • Best practice guidelines on the evolving roles of both regulation and the regulators in a digital environment

عرب|中文 |English |
Español |Français |Русский

Discussion Papers
  • Best Practice Guidelines on regulatory approaches to foster access to digital opportunities through cloud services.

Discussion Papers

GSR 2011
Smart Regulation for a Broadband
  • Best Practice Guidelines on identifying innovative regulatory approaches to advance the deployment of broadband, encourage innovation and enable digital inclusion of all.

Discussion Papers
  • Best practices in designing, building out and managing open access networks.

Discussion Papers
  • Best Practice Guidelines on innovative regulatory approaches in a converged world to strengthen the foundation of a global Information Society

Discussion Papers
  • Best Practice Guidelines on Infrastructure Sharing

Discussion Papers
  • Best Practice Guidelines for Next-Generation Networks (NGNs) Migration

Discussion Papers
  • Best Practice Guidelines for Spectrum Management to Promote Broadband Access

Discussion Papers

Licensing in an era of convergence
  • Best Practice Guidelines for the Promotion of Low Cost Broadband and Internet Connectivity

Discussion Papers
  • Universal Access Regulatory Best Practice Guidelines

Discussion Papers
Promoting Universal Access to ICTs
Discussion Papers
Effective regulation
Establishing a regulatory body

