TDAG appointed Dr Ahmad Sharafat (Iran) to chair this group, with Ms Regina Fleur Assoumou-Bessou (Côte d’Ivoire) and Dr Fadel Digham (Egypt) appointed as vice-chairs.
The following Terms of Reference were approved by TDAG at its meeting held from 20 to 23 May 2024 and can also be found here.
- To act as a single platform for focused discussions on future ITU-D study Questions, and to assist ITU membership in their preparations for the next WTDC by proposing specific changes to Resolution 2 (Rev. Kigali, 2022) on the scope of ITU-D study Questions, their number, titles, and terms of reference, taking into consideration the evolution of ICTs, priorities of ITU membership, as well as current and past activities/outcomes of ITU-D study groups.
- To align, as far as possible, the proposed study Questions to BDT thematic priorities, proposed regional initiatives, the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and WSIS Action Lines (C2, C5 and C6) for which ITU has lead responsibility.
- To research and acquire views of ITU membership through relevant channels including surveys, contributions and meetings.
- To liaise with ITU-D Study Groups through the appointed ITU-D Study Groups 1 and 2 coordinators for the future of study Questions. The coordinators may, inter alia, upon the request of the ITU membership, assist them to prepare contributions on Future of Questions.
- To submit regular updates to TDAG.