Hdd News

News Hdd

LaCie’s 2big RAID is a sleek, solid drive if you don’t need Thunderbolt


Near the end of 2017, LaCie released the 2big Dock, a two-disk RAID 0/1 desktop drive designed to be a part of a ingest/work/store solution that took advantage of Thunderbolt's speed and daisy-chain capabilities. But the 2big Dock, as good as it is in its use case, was built with a very specific workflow in mind: you...

The memory card backup device you’ve been waiting for? Meet the Flash Porter


DFi Gear thinks you need a device to keep your images backed-up in the field, and over 200 backers on Kickstarter think so as well, giving the company over $50,000 towards a goal of $15,000 to produce their first units of the Flash Porter.

Portable memory backup devices became quite popular in the 2000's, given the...

An overview of the best practices for storing and archiving your images


One of the most important aspects of digital photography is storing and properly backing up your photographs. As impressive as storage solutions have become, they’re by no means infallible and are more than capable of failing out of nowhere.

It’s important then that you have a pre-planned digital storage solution to...