New automation event for AppSheet databases is now generally available!

July 22 Update: This feature is now generally available for everyone! 

Hi everyone,

By now everyone should have access to the public preview of AppSheet database automation Events. This means that users can now kick off automation workflows based on changes made directly in their AppSheet database. 

How does it work? What changed?

There are two changes to the Event Type dropdown to support this feature release and to address feedback we've heard from users: 

  1. The “Data change” option has been renamed to “App”, to make it clear that these automations are only triggered by changes made through an AppSheet app. Functionally nothing has changed.
  2. New “AppSheet database” option with the Beta tag
ShirleyN_9-1719527903078.pngBefore ShirleyN_7-1719527621645.pngPublic Preview

When using AppSheet database, users can trigger automations by adding, deleting, or updating data. If "updates" is selected as the bot Event, users must choose at least one column from the database to monitor for updates. To trigger automation based on changes in both an app and an AppSheet database, two separate bots are required at the moment.

Support articles

Known issues (both of these items are starting to rollout)

  • Events for Lookup columns are not yet supported. This should rollout in the next week or so. 
  • Suggestions for AppSheet database bot events are still to be added. This will be added before the feature becomes generally available. 

Are there more AppSheet automation features coming?

Yes, we recognize there is room for improvement in the existing automation experience. We are actively exploring how to make the experience easier for both existing and new users. 

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I just started playing with this and I have an automation that runs when you edit manually in the AppSheet database. 

but when I make a change using an API to make the change the Bot doesn’t run. Changing the same column and value that works manually.

Is this something that will be a feature?

Appreciate the testing @Swv50 ! Running bots from API changes is not in the current plan under the "AppSheet database" selection but I have added this as a feature request to consider for the roadmap. Would you expect "API changes" to just work when "AppSheet database" is selected as the bot event or would you expect it to be a separate option? 

Having the Option would be Great. but with my current use case it is not necessary.

but you would defiantly want it to be on by default otherwise it will drive people crazy trying to figure out why its not working. 

Thanks for the clarification. The AppSheet API is actually considered an app event because it's technically going through the app. If you have a bot event with "App" selected, then it should trigger an automation. Admittedly,  this is not super obvious so it is something we want to keep monitoring feedback on. 

Why Using API For Webhook doesn't work?...Please FIX it SOS

Hi @ShirleyN 
I am glad to see the UI being improved for citizen developers.😃

However, Automation can still work with the AppSheet Events add-on.

I don't think it is necessary to change the UI of the AppSheet Editor.
However, I think it is necessary to add a note on the AppSheet Events add-on page that the Event type works with App's Automation.

so my api change would work using Google sheets?

It clarifies a question for me: Is this update referring to the Google Sheet database or the AppSheet itself? Is it possible to somehow make this work when there is a change directly in the Google spreadsheet?

This is referring to the AppSheet database. See this article for how to trigger bots when users update a Google Sheet.