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Java Program to Subtract the Two Matrices

Last Updated : 24 Feb, 2023
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Given below the two matrices A and B, the task is to subtract them, and for subtracting the matrices the size of both the matrix should be the same i.e. both the matrix must have N X M dimension.


Input : A[][] = {{3, 1}, 
                 {2, 4}}
        B[][] = {{1, 1}, 
                 {2, 1}}
Output: {{2, 0}, 
         {0, 3}}
Input : A[][] = {{1, 2}, 
                 {3, 4}}
        B[][] = {{6, 4}, 
                 {1, 3}}       
Output: {{-5, -2}, 
         {2, 1}}


  • Initialize the two matrices of equal sizes because to perform the subtraction, the size of both the matrix should be the same.
  • Assign the values in both the matrix.
  • Create a new matrix of the same size as of Matrix1 and Matrix2 to store the result after subtraction.
  • Traverse through the matrix with the help of for loop, and perform the subtraction on both the matrix. And store the result in the resultant matrix.
  • Print the final resultant matrix.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// Java Program to Subtract the Two Matrices
class GFG {
    // Function to print Matrix
    static void printMatrix(int M[][], int rowSize,
                            int colSize)
        for (int i = 0; i < rowSize; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < colSize; j++)
                System.out.print(M[i][j] + " ");
    // Function to subtract the two matrices
    // and store in matrix C
    static int[][] subtract(int A[][], int B[][], int size)
        int i, j;
        int C[][] = new int[size][size];
        for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
            for (j = 0; j < size; j++)
                C[i][j] = A[i][j] - B[i][j];
        return C;
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int size = 3;
        int A[][] = { { 50, 20, 30 },
                      { 60, 30, 10 },
                      { 30, 80, 10 } };
        // Print the matrices A
        System.out.println("\nMatrix A:");
        printMatrix(A, size, size);
        int B[][] = { { 10, 10, 5 },
                      { 20, 10, 12 },
                      { 23, 21, 12 } };
        // Print the matrices B
        System.out.println("\nMatrix B:");
        printMatrix(B, size, size);
        // Add the two matrices
        int C[][] = subtract(A, B, size);
        // Print the result
        System.out.println("\nResultant Matrix:");
        printMatrix(C, size, size);


Matrix A:
50 20 30 
60 30 10 
30 80 10 

Matrix B:
10 10 5 
20 10 12 
23 21 12 

Resultant Matrix:
60 30 35 
80 40 22 
53 101 22 

Time Complexity: O(N x M), where N x M is the dimension of matrices and we are looping through the matrix so this is the time complexity.

Auxiliary Space: O(N x M). as we are using an extra space matrix of N x M dimension.

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