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Seven Steps To Become A High Growth Individual


Seven Steps To Become A High Growth Individual

FromFuture Ready Leadership With Jacob Morgan


Seven Steps To Become A High Growth Individual

FromFuture Ready Leadership With Jacob Morgan

65 minutes
Jun 1, 2020
Podcast episode


Most of us have had our lives disrupted by the current pandemic in some way. We have had to find new ways to connect with friends and family, we aren’t traveling as much (or at all), and we’re having to adapt to new ways of working and learning. Whitney Johnson is one of the 50 leading business thinkers in the world and bestselling author of 3 books and as she told me during our discussion “if we’re going to manage the disruption, we need to disrupt ourselves.”   How to disrupt yourself and why it matters Clayton Christensen of the Harvard Business School was Whitney’s mentor and she co-founded The Disruptive Innovation Fund with him. It was Clayton who coined the term disruptive innovation, which he talked about in his book, Innovator’s Dilemma. The idea behind the term was that a small sometimes silly idea can take over the world, for example how the telephone disrupted the telegraph or how the automobile disrupted the horse and buggy. In more modern examples, we can see how Netflix disrupted Blockbuster and how Uber disrupted cabs. Whitney took that idea and instead of applying it to a product or a company she applied it to individuals--personal disruption. But she says there is one big difference between personal disruption and what Clayton was talking about. With personal disruption, you are both the small silly idea and the idea taking over the world. You are both Netflix and Blockbuster. You are both Uber and the cab company. As you can imagine this can pose a bit of a mental challenge.  Why should we disrupt ourselves? Whitney says, “the question you have to ask yourself is, do I wanna jump or do I want to get pushed? When you jump, you're acting. When you get pushed, you're going to feel pushed, and it will feel like a failure. And it's a very different equation around resilience and rebounding than if you've chosen to jump.” Disruption is going to happen, whether we want it to or not. We control whether we disrupt ourselves or let disruption happen to us.  The seven steps to managing the S-Curve of learning and mastery In Whitney’s book, Disrupt Yourself, she gives seven accelerants that can help you speed up your learning and mastery.  She says “The idea is, the base of the S the growth is slow until you reach a tipping point or you near the curve and you move into hyper growth. And then you get to saturation, the growth tapers off. That insight could help us understand how we learn. It could help us understand how we grow, how we develop. So, whenever you start something new, you are at the base of an S. Whether it's a new project, a new job, whether it's dealing with COVID-19, you're at the base of the S and growth is happening, but it can feel very slow. It can look like a slog. But knowing that helps you avoid discouragement. And then you put in the effort, and you accelerate competence and confidence and engagement. The idea of personal disruption is, you move up that S-curve, you learn and then you leave and then you repeat. You do that over and over again, and the faster you're able to do it, the higher-growth individual you can become.” The seven steps are: Take on market risk - The idea of playing where no one else is playing. We are much more likely to be successful if we can be the one to create instead of waiting to compete with others who have already created.  Play to your distinctive strengths - lean into what you do well, and mitigate the weaknesses that derail you. Embrace your constraints--Your constraints could be time, money, supporters, etc. Whatever they are, embrace them and use them to your advantage. Tension positively impacts innovation. Don't look at what you don't have, focus on what you do have. Battle your sense of entitlement - Don’t sit back and wait for things to come to you. You are no more or less important than anyone else. Put yourself out there and make it happen because as I always say, nobody is going to look out for you...but you. Step back to grow - Your journey to success
Jun 1, 2020
Podcast episode

Titles in the series (100)

Join futurist, best-selling author, and speaker Jacob Morgan as he explores the future of work. In this podcast Jacob sits down with some of the world's top business leaders and authors to get their perspectives, insights, and ideas on everything from technology and artificial intelligence, employee experience, leadership, careers and jobs, workforce trends, diversity and inclusion, purpose and meaning, the 4th industrial revolution, data and analytics, and a whole lot more! You will also learn the unique strategies and approaches that the top organizations around the world are deploying for their own workforce. Jacob's work has been endorsed by the CEO's of: T-Mobile, KPMG, Cisco, Schneider Electric, SAP, Nestle, Best Buy, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, the owner of the Golden State Warriors, and many others. If you want to future proof your career and your organization then this is the show for you