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Trickster Feminism
Trickster Feminism
Trickster Feminism
Ebook197 pages1 hour

Trickster Feminism

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New from celebrated poet and performer Anne Waldman - an edgy, visionary collection that meditates on gender, existence, passion and activism

Mythopoetics, shape shifting, quantum entanglement, Anthropocene blues, litany and chance operation play inside the field of these intertwined poems, which coalesced out of months of protests with some texts penned in the streets. Anne Waldman looks to the imagination of mercurial possibility, to the spirits of the doorway and of crossroads, and to language that jolts the status quo of how one troubles gender and outwits patriarchy. She summons Tarot's Force Arcana, the passion of the suffragettes, and various messengers and heroines of historical, hermetic, and heretical stance, creating an intersectionality of lived experience: class, sexuality, race, politics all enter the din. These are experiments of survival.
PublisherPenguin Books
Release dateJul 3, 2018
Trickster Feminism

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    Book preview

    Trickster Feminism - Anne Waldman

    Cover for Trickster Feminism


    On the Wing

    O My Life!

    Giant Night

    Baby Breakdown

    Memorial Day (with Ted Berrigan)

    No Hassles

    The West Indies Poems

    Life Notes: Selected Poems

    Self Portrait (with Joe Brainard)

    Sun the Blonde Out

    Fast Speaking Woman

    Journals & Dreams


    Sphinxeries (with Denyse Du Roi)

    Polar Ode (with Eileen Myles)

    Countries (with Reed Bye)


    First Baby Poems

    Makeup on Empty Space

    Invention (with Susan Hall)

    Den Mond in Farbe Sehen

    Skin Meat Bones

    The Romance Thing

    Blue Mosque

    Tell Me About It: Poems for Painters

    Helping the Dreamer: New & Selected Poems, 1966–1988

    Her Story (with Elizabeth Murray)

    Not a Male Pseudonym


    Fait Accompli


    Iovis: All Is Full of Jove

    Kill or Cure

    Iovis II

    Kin (with Susan Rothenberg)

    Polemics (with Anselm Hollo & Jack Collom)

    Homage to Allen G. (with George Schneeman)

    Donna Che Parla Veloce

    Young Manhattan (with Bill Berkson)

    One Voice in Four Parts (with Richard Tuttle)

    Marriage: A Sentence

    Au Lit/Holy (with Eleni Sikelianos & Laird Hunt)

    Zombie Dawn (with Tom Clark)

    Dark Arcana/Afterimage or Glow

    In the Room of Never Grieve: New & Selected Poems, 1985–2003

    Fleuve Flâneur (with Mary Kite & Dave Kite)

    Structure of the World Compared to a Bubble


    Femme Qui Parle Vite

    Red Noir

    Nine Nights Meditation (with Donna Dennis)



    Matriot Acts

    The Iovis Trilogy: Colors in the Mechanism of Concealment

    Soldatesque/Soldiering (with Noah Saterstrom)

    Cry Stall Gaze (with Pat Steir)


    Archives, Pour Un Monde Menacé


    Empty Set (with Alexis Myre)

    Jaguar Harmonics

    Sweet-Voiced [Mutilated] Papyrus (with Pamela Lawton)

    Fantastic Caryatids (with Vincent Katz)

    Extinction Aria

    Voice’s Daughter of a Heart Yet to Be Born

    Book title, Trickster Feminism, author, Anne Waldman, imprint, Penguin Books


    An imprint of Penguin Random House LLC

    375 Hudson Street

    New York, New York 10014

    Copyright © 2018 by Anne Waldman

    Penguin supports copyright. Copyright fuels creativity, encourages diverse voices, promotes free speech, and creates a vibrant culture. Thank you for buying an authorized edition of this book and for complying with copyright laws by not reproducing, scanning, or distributing any part of it in any form without permission. You are supporting writers and allowing Penguin to continue to publish books for every reader.

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    Names: Waldman, Anne, 1945– author.

    Title: Trickster feminism / Anne Waldman.

    Description: New York, New York : Penguin Books, [2018] | Series: Penguin poets

    Identifiers: LCCN 2017060641 (print) | LCCN 2018003371 (ebook) | ISBN 9780525504344 (ebook) | ISBN 9780143132363 (softcover)

    Subjects: | BISAC: POETRY / American / General. | SOCIAL SCIENCE / Feminism & Feminist Theory.

    Classification: LCC PS3573.A4215 (ebook) | LCC PS3573.A4215 A6 2018 (print) | DDC 811/.54—dc23

    LC record available at


    in memoriam

    ~ Pauline Oliveros ~ Joanne Kyger ~ Geri Allen ~

    pushing against the darkness many decades with silence, poetry, sound, wit, radical exploratory consciousness

    I am so happy in the silky damp dark of the labyrinth and there is no thread.

    —Hélène Cixous

    I have important work for you to do . . . There are many bad creatures on earth. You will have to kill them, otherwise they will eat the New People. When you do this, the New People will honor you . . . They will honor you for killing the People-devouring monsters and for teaching . . . all the ways of living.

    Okanagan creation story

    "You know, most Egyptians are terrified of cobras, but certain Egyptian women can deal with them. When I was once working at Tell El Fara’in [the ancient city of Buto, home of the cobra goddess Wadjet], I came across women who had names like Miriam the Egyptian or Fatima the Egyptian. If you had a cobra in your house you’d send for one of these women, called rifaiea, who would catch snakes by making them bite on milk-soaked cloths; then they’d pick them up and wrap them around their necks. To do this, these women would have to practice sexual abstinence and undergo purification rites for a month—and would repeat them every year—during which time they drank a thimbleful of snake venom every morning and were rubbed all over with the venom as well."

    —from The Search for Omm Sety

    "Now I can’t tell the day from night,

    I’m crazy as a loon.

    You’ve got me chasin’ rabbits, pullin’ out my hair,

    And howlin’ at the moon."

    —Hank Williams, Howlin’ at the Moon


    books, chapbooks, and collaborations by anne waldman

    title page





    trick o’ death



    mash de beauvoir

    clytemnestra’s body polis ticks


    streets of the world

    radio play: face-down-girl

    mash butler

    strangling me with your lasso of stars



    trickster feminism



    trick o’ life

    coda: time to gambol withal?

    notes & citations


    about the author


    With gratitude to Anselm Berrigan, Ed Bowes, Michelle Ellsworth, Fast Speaking Music, Roger Green, Erika Hodges, Pat Steir, Edwin Torres, and the extremely helpful Lannan Foundation. And to Alicia Ostriker, who turned me toward Biblical Miriam. Applause to my excellent editor Paul Slovak.

    And appreciation to The Brooklyn Rail, Conjunctions, Denver Quarterly, Poetry, The Progressive, and Siècle 21, in which some versions of this writing was published.

    And to MaelstrÖm/ City Lights/ Mondo Di Luce for Crépusculaire, Bookleg #132.

    Melpomene and Trickster Feminism are considered part of the ongoing Iovis Project, Book IV.

    trick o’ death

    when you are sitting

    with the corpse of your friend

    this is what to do

    when what do you do

    if you are strong

    make a binding of your mind

    surface the body

    breathe in quick breaths

    huff! huff!

    this is what to do

    libation in small drops

    on heart center

    coins of ancient India on eyes

    feathers and serpentine


    and open words like talismans

    that shake the cosmos

    as in opening a crypt

    asleep too long

    for death is awakening

    and the alive, like you, ahunted

    like art like phantasm

    they will guide you

    around the heart

    circle around heart’s cold

    with drops of amrita

    leave them there

    of candle, frugal

    or flame

    can she see?

    she can still hear they

    say hearing is last to go

    more of this is what to do

    images of all you loved

    to go and lastly

    enterprise to repeat

    acts of love, and in going

    pound heart once more

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