Who Was Mother Teresa?
By Jim Gigliotti, Who HQ and David Groff
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Jim Gigliotti
Jim Gigliotti is the former editor at the National Football League who now is a freelance writer based in southern California. He is a lifelong San Francisco Giants fan.
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Who Was Mother Teresa? - Jim Gigliotti
For Wendy, who reminds me every day to do small things with great love—JG
To my brothers and sisters and their wonderful families—DG
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Ebook ISBN 9780698412118
Title Page
Who Was Mother Teresa?
Call to a Spiritual Life
Leaving Home
To India
A Long Wait
Into the Slums
Poorest of the Poor
Missionaries of Charity Goes Global
Saint Among Us
Timeline of Mother Teresa’s Life
Timeline of the World
Who Was
Mother Teresa?
Mother Teresa stared out the window of the train as it made its way from the crowded city of Calcutta, India, to the mountain resort town of Darjeeling in September 1946.
The Indian countryside was very beautiful. But the train ride took many hours. With lots of twists and turns and zigzags to get up the mountain, the train moved slowly. That was okay, though. It gave Mother Teresa plenty of time to think.
Mother Teresa was traveling from St. Mary’s School for girls to her annual retreat in Darjeeling. A retreat is a good place to get away from the noise and distractions of everyday life, and to spend quiet time in prayer and reflection. It was the perfect time to think about God and to get energized for the coming school year.
Mother Teresa was the headmistress at St. Mary’s—that is why she was called Mother.