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Mastering ABP Framework: Build maintainable .NET solutions by implementing software development best practices
Mastering ABP Framework: Build maintainable .NET solutions by implementing software development best practices
Mastering ABP Framework: Build maintainable .NET solutions by implementing software development best practices
Ebook958 pages6 hours

Mastering ABP Framework: Build maintainable .NET solutions by implementing software development best practices

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About this ebook

ABP Framework is a complete infrastructure for creating modern web applications by following software development best practices and conventions. With ABP's high-level framework and ecosystem, you can implement the Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle and focus on your business code.
Written by the creator of ABP Framework, this book will help you to gain a complete understanding of the framework and modern web application development techniques. With step-by-step explanations of essential concepts and practical examples, you'll understand the requirements of a modern web solution and how ABP Framework makes it enjoyable to develop your own solutions. You'll discover the common requirements of enterprise web application development and explore the infrastructure provided by ABP. Throughout the book, you’ll get to grips with software development best practices for building maintainable and modular web solutions.
By the end of this book, you'll be able to create a complete web solution that is easy to develop, maintain, and test.

Release dateFeb 28, 2022
Mastering ABP Framework: Build maintainable .NET solutions by implementing software development best practices

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    Book preview

    Mastering ABP Framework - Halil İbrahim Kalkan



    Mastering ABP Framework

    Copyright © 2022 Packt Publishing

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    Group Product Manager: Pavan Ramchandani

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    First published: January 2022

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    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

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    ISBN 978-1-80107-924-2

    To my wife, Gözde, for always trusting me and being with me, and to my kids, Tuana and Mete.

    – Halil İbrahim Kalkan


    I have known Halil İbrahim Kalkan for almost 20 years and we have been working together for more than 10 years. Halil is one of the greatest developers/software architects I have ever worked with. He likes solving common software problems and tries to create solutions that other developers can use. With this passion, he created ASP.NET Boilerplate Framework back in 2013 and then included me in his journey of framework development. After ASP.NET Boilerplate became very popular in the .NET world, Halil decided to re-write it with the name ABP Framework. ABP Framework is a complete infrastructure for creating modern web applications by following software development best practices and conventions.

    In this book, Halil will show you how easy it is to build robust, maintainable, and scalable software solutions using ABP Framework. Developing modular software is every developer's dream, but it is really hard to do. Halil will also show you how to create modular software easily using ABP Framework.

    You will also learn how to work with Entity Framework Core and MongoDB to develop the data access layer for your application, how to build UIs with ASP.NET Core MVC (Razor Pages) and Blazor, and how ABP Framework seamlessly supports multi-tenancy.

    To develop robust software, testing the application is very important. Halil will guide you on how to write unit and integration tests using ABP Framework easily.

    By the end of this book, you will be able to create a complete web solution that is easy to develop, maintain, and test.

    İsmail ÇAĞDAŞ

    Co-Founder – Volosoft


    About the author

    Halil İbrahim Kalkan is a computer engineer who loves building reusable libraries, creating distributed solutions, and working on software architectures. He is an expert in domain-driven design, multi-tenancy, modularity, and microservice architecture. Halil has been building software since 1997 (when he was 14) and working as a professional since 2007. He has a lot of articles and talks on software development. He is a very active open source contributor and has built many projects based on web and Microsoft technologies. Halil is currently leading the open source ABP Framework, which provides a complete architectural solution for building .NET applications.

    I want to thank the people who were close to me and supported me while writing this book, especially my wife, Gözde, for her understanding and patience with me spending my all weekends completing this book, and my mother, Fatma, for always supporting me. I also thank Aaron Tanna, who came to me with this book offer; Hayden Edwards, Rashi Dubey, and Lee Richardson, for their excellent reviews and editorial support; and Berkan Şaşmaz, Engincan Veske, Armağan Ünlü, Melis Platin, and Enis Necipoğlu, for their help in preparing the EventHub reference application. This book could not have existed without your help.

    About the reviewer

    Lee Richardson is a Microsoft MVP and a prolific writer, speaker, and YouTuber on .NET and open source topics. He frequently covers ABP content on his popular Code Hour YouTube channel, his blog, and on CodeProject. Throughout his two decades of software development consulting in the Washington DC area, he has spoken scores of times at code camps, conferences, and user groups. He currently works as a Solution Samurai at InfernoRed Technologies. He is active on Twitter, where you can reach him @lprichar.

    Table of Contents


    Part 1: Introduction

    Chapter 1: Modern Software Development and ABP Framework

    Challenges of developing an enterprise web solution

    Setting up the architecture

    Don't repeat yourself!

    Building a UI base

    Implementing common business requirements

    Understanding what ABP Framework offers

    The ABP architecture

    The startup templates

    The ABP infrastructure

    The community


    Chapter 2: Getting Started with ABP Framework

    Technical requirements


    .NET 6 SDK

    Database management system

    Installing the ABP CLI

    Creating a new solution

    Downloading the startup solution

    Using the ABP CLI

    Running the solution

    The connection string

    Creating a database

    Running the web application

    Exploring the pre-built modules

    Account module

    Identity module

    Tenant Management module


    Chapter 3: Step-By-Step Application Development

    Technical requirements

    Creating the solution

    Defining the domain objects





    EF Core and database mappings

    Adding entities to the DbContext class

    Mapping entities to the database tables

    The Add-Migration command

    Seeding data

    Migrating the database

    Listing the product data

    The ProductDto class



    Object to object mapping

    Testing the ProductAppService class

    Auto API Controllers and the Swagger UI

    Dynamic JavaScript proxies

    Creating a products page

    Adding a new menu item

    Creating the products data table

    Creating products

    Application service contracts

    Application service implementation


    Editing products

    Application service contracts

    Application service implementation


    Deleting products


    Chapter 4: Understanding the Reference Solution

    Technical requirements

    Introducing the application

    Understanding the architecture

    Authentication flow

    Exploring the solution

    Project dependencies

    Running the solution

    Cloning the GitHub repository

    Running the infrastructure

    Opening the solution

    Creating a database

    Running the applications

    Using the Tye project


    Part 2: Fundamentals of ABP Framework

    Chapter 5: Exploring the ASP.NET Core and ABP Infrastructure

    Technical requirements

    Understanding modularity

    The Startup class

    Defining a module class

    Module dependencies and the startup module

    Module lifecycle methods

    Using the dependency injection system

    Service lifetime

    Conventional service registrations

    Dependency interfaces

    The Dependency attribute

    Exposing services

    Configuring an application

    Setting the configuration values

    Reading the configuration values

    Implementing the options pattern

    Defining an options class

    Configuring the options

    Using the configured option values

    Setting the options via the configuration

    ASP.NET Core and ABP options



    Chapter 6: Working with the Data Access Infrastructure

    Technical requirements

    Defining entities

    AggregateRoot classes

    Entity classes

    Entities with CPKs

    The GUID PK

    Working with repositories

    Generic repositories

    Custom repositories

    EF Core integration

    Configuring the DBMS

    Defining DbContext

    Registering DbContext with DI

    Configuring entity mappings

    Implementing custom repositories

    Loading related data

    MongoDB integration

    Defining DbContexts

    Configuring object mappings

    Registering DbContext with DI

    Implementing custom repositories

    Understanding the UoW system

    Configuring UoW options

    Manually controlling the UoW


    Chapter 7: Exploring Cross-Cutting Concerns

    Technical requirements

    Working with authorization and permission systems

    Simple authorization

    Using the permission system

    Policy-based authorization

    Authorizations outside of controllers

    Validating user inputs

    Using data annotation attributes

    Custom validation with the IValidatableObject interface

    Understanding the validation exception

    Disabling the validation

    Validation in other types

    Integrating the FluentValidation library

    Exception handling

    User-friendly exceptions

    Business exceptions

    Controlling exception logging

    Controlling the HTTP status code


    Chapter 8: Using the Features and Services of ABP

    Technical requirements

    Obtaining the current user

    Defining custom claims

    Using the data filtering system

    The soft-delete data filter

    The multi-tenancy data filter

    Disabling a data filter

    Defining custom data filters

    Controlling the audit logging system

    Audit log object

    Audit log scope

    Auditing options

    Disabling and enabling audit logging in detail

    Caching data

    Using the IDistributedCache interface

    Configuring cache options

    Error handling

    Using the cache in a multi-tenancy application

    Using Redis as the distributed cache provider

    Invalidating cache values

    Localizing the user interface

    Configuring supported languages

    Determining the current language

    Defining a localization resource

    Working with the localization JSON files

    Getting localized texts

    Configuring localization resources

    Localizing in special services

    Using localization on the client side


    Part 3: Implementing Domain–Driven Design

    Chapter 9: Understanding Domain-Driven Design

    Technical requirements

    Introducing DDD

    What is domain-driven design?

    DDD layers

    Building blocks

    Structuring a .NET solution based on DDD

    Creating a simple DDD-based .NET solution

    Evolution of the ABP startup solution

    Separating the hosting from the UI

    Dealing with multiple applications

    Understanding the execution flow

    Understanding the common principles

    Database provider independence

    Presentation technology-agnostic


    Chapter 10: DDD – The Domain Layer

    Technical requirements

    Exploring the example domain

    Designing aggregates and entities

    What is an aggregate root?

    Referencing other aggregates by their ID

    Keep aggregates small

    Determining the primary keys for entities

    Implementing entity constructors

    Using services to create aggregates

    Implementing business logic and constraints

    Using external services in entity methods

    Implementing domain services

    Implementing repositories

    Building specifications

    Parameterless specifications

    Parameterized specifications

    Combining specifications

    Publishing domain events

    Using the local event bus

    Using the distributed event bus


    Chapter 11: DDD – The Application Layer

    Technical requirements

    Implementing application services

    Designing DTOs

    Designing DTO classes

    Validating input DTOs

    Object-to-object mapping

    DTO design best practices

    Understanding the responsibilities of the layers

    Authorizing users

    Controlling the transaction

    Validating the user input

    Working with the current user


    Part 4: User Interface and API Development

    Chapter 12: Working with MVC/Razor Pages

    Technical requirements

    Understanding the theming system

    The base libraries

    The layouts

    Using the bundling and minification system

    Installing NPM packages

    Using the standard packages

    Importing script and style files

    Creating page bundles

    Configuring global bundles

    Creating named bundles

    Controlling the bundling and minification behavior

    Working with menus

    Working with Bootstrap tag helpers

    Creating forms and implementing validation

    Rendering form elements

    Validating user inputs

    Localizing forms

    Implementing AJAX forms

    Working with modals

    Understanding the basics of modals

    Working with forms inside modals

    Adding JavaScript for modals

    Using the JavaScript API

    Accessing the current user

    Checking user permissions

    Checking the tenant features

    Localizing strings

    Showing message boxes

    Showing notifications

    Consuming HTTP APIs

    Using the abp.ajax API

    Using dynamic client proxies

    Using static client proxies


    Chapter 13: Working with the Blazor WebAssembly UI

    Technical requirements

    What is Blazor?

    Getting started with the ABP Blazor UI

    Authenticating the user

    Understanding the theming system

    Working with menus

    Using the basic services

    Authorizing the users

    Localizing the user interface

    Accessing the current user

    Using the UI services

    Showing message boxes

    Showing notifications

    Showing alerts

    Consuming HTTP APIs

    Working with global scripts and styles


    Chapter 14: Building HTTP APIs and Real-Time Services

    Technical requirements

    Building HTTP APIs

    Creating an HTTP API project

    Creating ASP.NET Core controllers

    Understanding the Auto API Controllers

    Consuming HTTP APIs

    Using ABP's dynamic client-side proxies

    Using ABP's static (generated) client proxies

    Using SignalR with ABP Framework

    Using the ABP SignalR integration package

    Configuring SignalR clients


    Part 5: Miscellaneous

    Chapter 15: Working with Modularity

    Technical requirements

    Understanding modularity

    Class libraries and NuGet packages

    Application modules

    Building the Payment module

    Creating a new application module

    Restructuring the Payment module solution

    Understanding the payment process

    Providing configuration options

    Installing the Payment module into EventHub

    Setting the project dependencies

    Configuring the database integration


    Chapter 16: Implementing Multi-Tenancy

    Technical requirements

    Understanding multi-tenancy

    What is SaaS?

    What is multi-tenancy?

    The database architecture

    Working with the ABP multi-tenancy infrastructure

    Enabling and disabling multi-tenancy

    Determining the current tenant

    Working with the current tenant

    Switching between tenants

    Disabling the data isolation

    Designing the domain as multi-tenant

    Using the feature system

    Defining the features

    Checking for the features

    Managing tenant features

    When to use multi-tenancy


    Chapter 17: Building Automated Tests

    Technical requirements

    Understanding the ABP test infrastructure

    Exploring the test projects

    Exploring the test libraries

    Running the tests

    Building unit tests

    Testing static classes

    Testing classes with no dependencies

    Testing classes with dependencies

    Building integration tests

    Understanding ABP integration

    Mocking the database

    Seeding the test data

    Testing repositories

    Testing domain services

    Testing application services


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    ABP Framework is a complete infrastructure for creating modern web applications by following software development best practices and conventions. ABP provides a high-level framework and ecosystem to help you implement the Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle and focus on your business code.

    Written by the creator of ABP Framework, this book will help you to gain a complete understanding of ABP Framework and modern web application development techniques from scratch. With step-by-step explanations of essential concepts and practical examples, you’ll understand the requirements of a modern web solution and how ABP Framework makes it enjoyable to develop your own solution. You’ll discover the common requirements of enterprise web application development and explore the infrastructure provided by ABP Framework. Throughout the book, you’ll get to grips with software development best practices for building maintainable and modular web solutions.

    By the end of this book, you’ll be able to create a complete web solution that is easy to develop, maintain, and test.

    Who this book is for

    This book is for web developers who want to learn software architecture and best practices to build maintainable web-based solutions using Microsoft technologies and ABP Framework. Basic knowledge of C# and ASP.NET Core is necessary to get started with this book.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, Modern Software Development and ABP Framework, discusses the common challenges of developing a business application and explains how ABP addresses these challenges.

    Chapter 2, Getting Started with ABP Framework, explains how you can create and run a new solution with ABP Framework.

    Chapter 3, Step-By-Step Application Development, is the longest chapter of the book and shows application development with ABP Framework with an extensive example application. It is the main chapter for putting everything together. After this chapter, you may not understand all the ABP features but will be able to create your own application with the fundamental ABP concepts. You will understand the big picture here. Then, you will fill in the gaps and learn about all the details in the next chapters.

    Chapter 4, Understanding the Reference Solution, explains the architecture and structure of the reference solution, EventHub, that was created as a large example application for the readers of this book. It is suggested that you read this chapter and make the solution work in your environment.

    Chapter 5, Exploring the ASP.NET Core and ABP Infrastructure, explains some fundamental concepts such as dependency injection, basic modularity, configuration, and logging. These topics are essential to understanding development with ABP and ASP.NET Core.

    Chapter 6, Working with the Data Access Infrastructure, introduces the entity, repository, and unit of work concepts, and shows how to work with Entity Framework Core and MongoDB. You will learn different ways of querying and manipulating data and controlling database transactions.

    Chapter 7, Exploring Cross-Cutting Concerns, focuses on three important concerns you will need in your application: authorization, validation, and exception handling. These concerns are implemented in every part of your application. You will learn how to define and use a permission-based authorization system, validate user inputs, and deal with exceptions and exception messages.

    Chapter 8, Using the Features and Services of ABP, covers some of the commonly used ABP features such as working with the current user, using the data filtering and audit log systems, caching data, and localizing the user interface.

    Chapter 9, Understanding Domain-Driven Design, is the first part of the DDD-related chapters. It starts by defining DDD and structuring a .NET solution based on DDD. You will learn how ABP’s startup template has been evolved from DDD’s standard four-layered solution model. You will also learn about the building blocks and principles of DDD.

    Chapter 10, DDD – The Domain Layer, continues looking at DDD with the domain layer. It begins by explaining the EventHub domain objects, since the examples in this chapter and the next chapter will be based on these objects. You will learn how to design aggregates; implement domain services, repositories, and specifications; and use an event bus to publish domain events.

    Chapter 11, DDD – The Application Layer, focuses on the application layer. You will learn the best practices for designing and validating data transfer objects and implementing your application services. You will also find discussions and examples in this chapter to help you understand the responsibilities of the domain and application layers.

    Chapter 12, Working with MVC/Razor Pages, covers developing MVC (Razor Pages) applications that generate the HTML on the server side. You will learn about ABP’s theming approach and learn about fundamental aspects such as bundling and minification, tag helpers, forms, menus, and modals. You will also learn how to make client-to-server API calls and use the JavaScript utility APIs provided by ABP Framework to show notifications, message boxes, and more.

    Chapter 13, Working with the Blazor WebAssembly UI, is similar to the previous chapter and explains UI development with Microsoft’s new Blazor SPA framework and ABP Framework. Blazor is a great framework for developers to use their existing .NET skills in the browser. ABP takes things a few steps further by providing built-in solutions for consuming HTTP APIs, implementing theming, and providing utility services to make common UI tasks easier.

    Chapter 14, Building HTTP APIs and Real-Time Services, explains how to create API controllers with the classic ASP.NET approach and ABP’s auto API controller system, and it discusses when you need to define controllers manually. In this chapter, you will also learn about dynamic and static C# proxies to automate client-to-server API calls from your .NET clients to your ABP-based HTTP services. This chapter also covers using SignalR with ABP Framework.

    Chapter 15, Working with Modularity, explains reusable application module development with an example case. We’ll create a payment module for the EventHub solution and explain the structure of that module in this chapter. In this way, you will understand how to develop reusable modules and install them in an application.

    Chapter 16, Implementing Multi-Tenancy, focuses on another fundamental ABP architecture, multi-tenancy, which is an architectural pattern to build Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions. You will see whether multi-tenancy is the right architecture for your solution and learn how to develop your code to be compatible with ABP’s multi-tenancy system. This chapter also covers ABP’s features system, which is used to define application functionalities as features and assign them to tenants in a multi-tenant solution.

    Chapter 17, Building Automated Tests, explains ABP’s test infrastructure and how to build unit and integration tests for your applications using xUnit as the test framework. You will also learn the basics of automated tests, such as assertions, mocking and replacing services, and dealing with exceptions.

    To get the most out of this book

    Basic knowledge of C# and ASP.NET Core is necessary to get started with this book.

    If you are using the digital version of this book, we advise you to type the code yourself or access the code from the book’s GitHub repository (a link is available in the next section). Doing so will help you avoid any potential errors related to the copying and pasting of code.

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    We also provide a PDF file that has color images of the screenshots and diagrams used in this book. You can download it here:

    Conventions used

    There are a number of text conventions used throughout this book.

    Code in text: Indicates code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles. Here is an example: If you want to specify the database connection string, you can also pass the --connection-string parameter as shown in the following example:

    A block of code is set as follows:

    ConnectionStrings: {

    Default: Server=(LocalDb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;Database=ProductManagement;Trusted_Connection=True


    Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

    dotnet tool install -g Volo.Abp.Cli

    Bold: Indicates a new term, an important word, or words that you see onscreen. For instance, words in menus or dialog boxes appear in bold. Here is an example: ABP Framework provides a pre-built Application Startup Template.

    Tips or Important Notes

    Appear like this.

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    Part 1: Introduction

    The first part of this book introduces the challenges of modern web application development and explains how ABP solves the problems. It also shows how to create a new solution with ABP Framework and build a fully working, production-ready page to manage an entity. Finally, it explores the EventHub project, a real-world reference solution built with ABP Framework.

    In this part, we include the following chapters:

    Chapter 1, Modern Software Development and ABP Framework

    Chapter 2, Getting Started with ABP Framework

    Chapter 3, Step-by-Step Application Development

    Chapter 4, Understanding the Reference Solution

    Chapter 1: Modern Software Development and ABP Framework

    Building software systems has always been complicated. Especially in these modern times, there are many challenges while creating even a basic business solution. You often find yourself implementing standard non-business requirements and digging into infrastructure problems rather than implementing your business code, which is the actual valuable part of the system you are trying to build.

    ABP Framework helps you focus on the code that adds value to the stakeholders by offering a robust software architecture, automating the repetitive details, and providing the necessary infrastructure to help build modern web solutions. It provides an end-to-end, consistent development experience and improves your productivity. ABP gets you and your team up to speed with all the modern software development best practices pre-applied.

    This book is the ultimate guide to developing web applications and systems using ABP Framework by following modern software development approaches and best practices.

    This first chapter introduces the challenges of building a well-architected enterprise solution and explains how ABP Framework addresses these challenges. I will also explain the purpose and the structure of this book.

    In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

    Challenges of developing an enterprise web solution

    Understanding what ABP Framework offers

    Challenges of developing an enterprise web solution

    Before digging into ABP Framework, I want to present the challenges of developing a modern enterprise web solution to understand why we need an application framework like ABP Framework. Let's begin with the big picture: architecture.

    Setting up the architecture

    Before you start to write your code, you need to create a foundation for your solution. This is one of the most challenging phases of building a software system. You have a lot of options and need to make some fundamental decisions. Any decision you make at this stage will likely affect your application for the rest of its lifetime.

    There are some common, well-known, system-level architectural patterns, such as monolithic architecture, modular architecture, and microservice architecture. Applying one of these architectures determines how you develop, deploy, and scale your solution and should be decided based on your requirements.

    In addition to these system-level patterns, software development models such as Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Layered Architecture, and Clean Architecture determine how your code base is shaped.

    Once you decide on your architecture, you should create the fundamental solution structure to start development with that architecture. In this phase, you also need to decide which language, framework, tools, and libraries you will use.

    All these decisions need significant experience, so they are ideally done by experienced software architects and developers. However, not all the team members will have the same experience and knowledge level. You need to train them and determine the correct coding standards.

    After setting up your architecture and preparing the fundamental solution, your team can start the development process. The next section discusses the common aspects that are repeated by every software solution and how you can avoid repeating them in your development.

    Don't repeat yourself!

    Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) is a key principle for software development. Computers automate the repetitive tasks of the real world to make people's lives easier. So, why do we repeat ourselves while building software solutions?

    Authentication is a very common concern of every software solution – single sign-on, Active Directory integration, token-based authentication, social logins, two-factor authentication, forgot/reset password, email activation, and more. Are most of these requirements are familiar to you? You are not alone! Almost all software projects have more or less similar requirements for authentication. Instead of building all these from scratch, using an existing solution, such as a library or a cloud service, is better. Such pre-built solutions are mature and battle-tested, which is important for security.

    Some non-functional requirements, such as exception handling, validation, authorization, caching, audit logging, and database transaction management, are other sources of code repetition. These concerns are called cross-cutting concerns and should be handled in every web request. In a well-architected software solution, these concerns should be handled automatically by conventions in a central place in your code base, or you should have services to make them easier to implement.

    When you integrate to third-party systems, such as RabbitMQ and Redis, you typically want to create abstractions and wrappers around the code that interact with these systems. In this way, your business logic is isolated from these infrastructure components. Also, you don't repeat the same connection, retry, exception handling, and logging logic everywhere in your solution.

    Having a pre-built infrastructure to automate this repetitive work saves your development time so that you can focus on your business logic. The next section discusses another topic that takes up our time in every business application – the user interface.

    Building a UI base

    One of the fundamental aspects of an application is its user interface (UI). An application with an unfashionable and unusable UI would not be as attractive at first glance, even if it has outstanding business value under the hood.

    While UI features and requirements vary for every application, some fundamental structures are common. Most applications need basic elements, such as alerts, buttons, cards, form elements, tabs, and data tables. You can use HTML/CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap, Bulma, and Ant Design instead of creating a design system for every application.

    Almost every web application has a responsive layout with the main menu, toolbar, header, and footer with custom colors and branding. You will need to determine all these and implement a base UI kit for your application's pages and components. In this way, UI developers can create a consistent UI without dealing with the common structures.

    Up to here, I've introduced some common infrastructure requirements, mostly independent from any business application. The next section discusses common business requirements for most enterprise systems.

    Implementing common business requirements

    While every application and system is unique and their value comes from that uniqueness, every enterprise system has some fundamental supporting requirements.

    A permission-based authorization system is one of these fundamental requirements. It is used to control the privileges of users and clients of the application. If you want to implement this yourself, you should create an end-to-end solution with database tables, authorization logic, permission caches, APIs, and UI pages to assign these permissions to your users and check them when needed. However, such a system is pretty generic and can be developed as a shared identity management functionality (a reusable module) and used by multiple applications.

    Like identity management, many systems need functionalities such as audit log reporting, tenant and subscription management (for SaaS applications), language management, file uploading and sharing, multi-language management, and time zone management. In addition to the pre-built application functionalities (modules), there may be low-level requirements, such as implementing the soft-delete pattern and storing Binary Large Object (BLOB) data in your applications.

    All these common requirements can be built from scratch, which can be the only solution for some enterprise systems. However, if these functionalities are not the main value that's provided by your application, you can consider using pre-built modules and libraries where they are available and customize them based on your requirements.

    In the next section, you will learn how ABP Framework helps us with the common infrastructure and base requirements that were discussed in this section.

    Understanding what ABP Framework offers

    ABP Framework offers an opinionated architecture to help you build enterprise software solutions with best practices on top of the .NET and ASP.NET Core platforms. It provides the fundamental infrastructure, production-ready modules, themes, tooling, guides, and documentation to implement that architecture properly and automate the details and repetitive work as much as possible.

    In the next few sub-sections, I will explain how ABP does all these, starting with the architecture.

    The ABP architecture

    I mentioned that ABP offers an opinionated architecture. In other words, it is an opinionated framework. So, I should first explain what an unopinionated framework is and what an opinionated framework is.

    As I stated in the Setting up the architecture section, preparing a foundation for a software solution requires a lot of decisions; you should decide on the system architecture, development model, techniques, patterns, tools, and libraries to use in your solution.

    Unopinionated frameworks, such as ASP.NET Core, don't say much about these decisions and mostly leave it up to you. For example, you can create a layered solution by separating your UI layer from the data access layer, or you can create a single-layered solution by directly accessing the database from your UI pages/views. You can use any library, so long as it is compatible with ASP.NET Core, and you can apply any architectural pattern. Being unopinionated makes ASP.NET Core flexible and usable in different scenarios. However, it assigns the responsibility to you to make all these decisions, set up the right architecture, and prepare your infrastructure to implement that architecture.

    I don't mean ASP.NET Core has no opinion at all. It assumes you are building a web application or API based on the HTTP specification. It clearly defines how your UI and API layers should be developed. It also offers some low-level infrastructure components such as dependency injection, caching, and logging (in fact, these components are usable in any .NET application and not specific to ASP.NET Core, but they are mainly developed alongside ASP.NET Core). However, it doesn't say much about how your business code is shaped and which architectural patterns you will use.

    ABP Framework, on the other hand, is an opinionated framework. It believes that certain ways of approaching

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