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The Trial of Adolf Eichmann (The Play)
The Trial of Adolf Eichmann (The Play)
The Trial of Adolf Eichmann (The Play)
Ebook36 pages25 minutes

The Trial of Adolf Eichmann (The Play)

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"The Trial of Adolf Eichmann" is the new play by acclaimed director/producer David Serero. Inspired by actual events, this powerful drama takes audiences on a haunting journey through one of the most infamous trials in history, examining the depths of human evil and the quest for justice. The play revolves around the trial of Adolf Eichmann, one of the principal architects of the Holocaust, who orchestrated the systematic murder of millions of Jews during World War II. Set in Jerusalem in 1961, the story follows the trial of Eichmann, a former Nazi officer captured by Israeli agents in Argentina and brought to Israel to face justice.


As the courtroom drama unfolds, audiences are confronted with the moral dilemmas faced by the prosecution, defense, and the international community. Eichmann's unapologetic defense, which hinges on his claim of "just following orders," sparks intense debates about responsibility, collaboration, and the nature of evil. The play delves into the legal and ethical complexities of the trial, exploring how the pursuit of justice can intersect with the need for closure, healing, and reconciliation in the aftermath of unspeakable atrocities.


David Serero's masterful writing combines historical accuracy and dramatic tension to create a riveting theatrical experience. "The Trial of Adolf Eichmann" challenges its audience to grapple with profound questions about humanity's capacity for cruelty and the enduring quest for accountability in the face of unimaginable horror.


With a talented ensemble cast, "The Trial of Adolf Eichmann" is a timely reminder of the importance of remembering the past and seeking justice, even when the wounds are deep and the scars are still fresh.


Don't miss this compelling and thought-provoking theatrical experience as the world premiere of "The Trial of Adolf Eichmann" opens in July 2024 at the Center for Jewish History, inviting audiences to reflect on the lessons of history and the enduring struggle for justice and reconciliation.

Release dateJul 5, 2024
The Trial of Adolf Eichmann (The Play)

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    Book preview

    The Trial of Adolf Eichmann (The Play) - David Serero

    For licensing and performance authorization, please contact:

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    David Serero’s note:

    This play is a product of several transcripts produced during Adolf Eichmann's trial. A bulk of the dialogue, even though a number of them have been modified to fit into this dramatic performance, are real-life conversations of the trial, and they should be treated with the sacredness of the highest principle. Furthermore, every cast member and crew must extensively study the Holocaust, its history, and its significant players. Naturally, knowledge of this trial is encouraged. But remember that the original characters were not actors.


    Gideon Hausner

    Adolf Eichmann

    Robert Servatius

    Judge Raveh

    The Witnesses: Mr. Gilbert, Burzminski, De-Nur

    Audience members

    Zvi Aharoni

    NARRATOR: This story begins in 1939 when World War II started in Europe and spread to several countries. Every day, thousands of Jews were marched to gas chambers to their deaths. It didn't take long before six million Jews died. One man, Adolf Hitler, was behind all this. His wish was to eradicate all the Jewish population but also whoever was not of a pure race. Another key player in all of this was Adolf Eichmann, the man in charge of organizing the deportation of Jews to the death camps. But after the war, he escaped to Buenos Aires, Argentina. But even there, someone recognized him and tipped off the Israeli Government.

    EICHMANN (his voice aggravating): Who’s there?

    There is silence for a brief moment. Then, seconds later, footsteps are heard.

    EICHMANN: Who’s there?


    NARRATOR: Eichmann, who was now living under the name of Ricardo Clement in Argentina, did not know one thing; the Mossad, the Israeli secret services, was onto him. Avi Aharoni, a Mossad agent, is questioning him.

    ZVI AHARONI: What is your name?

    EICHMANN: I have told you, Otto Heninger.

    ZVI: What is your name?

    EICHMANN: My name is Ricardo Clement.

    ZVI: Are you scared to tell me your name?

    EICHMANN: Who are you?

    ZVI: I am a Jew.

    Eichmann is quiet. He smiles.

    ZVI: What’s your name?

    ADOLF EICHMANN: My name is... Adolf Eichmann. My SS number is 45,326. I was a

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