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Raspberry Pi: The Ultimate Guide to Learning the Fundamentals and Unleashing Powerful Hacks
Raspberry Pi: The Ultimate Guide to Learning the Fundamentals and Unleashing Powerful Hacks
Raspberry Pi: The Ultimate Guide to Learning the Fundamentals and Unleashing Powerful Hacks
Ebook182 pages1 hour

Raspberry Pi: The Ultimate Guide to Learning the Fundamentals and Unleashing Powerful Hacks

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About this ebook

Are you in search of an uncomplicated and budget-friendly solution for basic computing, programming, software development, or simplifying tasks at home with a convenient computer?

If so, your quest leads you to the Raspberry Pi, a credit card-sized computer revolutionizing the tech world. Originally designed to introduce programming to school kids, it has evolved into a versatile tool handling various tasks in homes and industries.

Beyond its role in simplified programming, the Raspberry Pi serves as a cost-effective web server for local or remote file hosting, discreet media display, audio streaming, and more, with minimal power consumption.

If you're a newcomer, you may wonder how to set up the device, configure its hardware, install necessary software, navigate its environment without confusion, connect remotely, and use it for computing or programming. This book is precisely crafted to address these queries, guiding you to unleash the full potential of this innovative device swiftly.

Covered in the book:

- Raspberry Pi components
- Reasons for choosing Raspberry Pi over other options
- Drawbacks and benefits of Raspberry Pi
- Linux system administration, troubleshooting, and network configuration
- Tools for Raspberry Pi configuration
- Hardware hacking, including the GPIO port and the Raspberry Pi camera module

PublisherVere salazar
Release dateFeb 29, 2024
Raspberry Pi: The Ultimate Guide to Learning the Fundamentals and Unleashing Powerful Hacks

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    Raspberry Pi - Vere salazar

    part i:

    the, board

    chapte,r one,: the, raspbe,rry pi

    the, raspbe,rry pi compone,nts

    the, raspbe,rry pi is a se,rie,s of small single,-board compute,rs de,ve,lope,d by the, raspbe,rry pi foundation in the, unite,d kingdom to promote, fundame,ntal compute,r scie,nce, te,aching in schools and de,ve,loping countrie,s. the, original mode,l be,came, much more, popular than e,xpe,cte,d, se,lling for use,s such as robotics outside, its targe,t marke,t. pe,riphe,rals (such as ke,yboards and mice,) and case,s are, not include,d he,re,. howe,ve,r, in se,ve,ral official and unofficial bundle,s, se,ve,ral acce,ssorie,s are, packe,d.

    two arms comprise, the, company be,hind the, raspbe,rry pi. the, first two ve,rsions we,re, produce,d by the, raspbe,rry pi foundation. the, foundation founde,d raspbe,rry pi trading afte,r the, launch of the, pi mode,l b. e,be,n upton was the, ce,o at the, time,. the, third mode,l, the, b+, was furthe,r de,ve,lope,d by the, foundation. raspbe,rry pi trading is re,sponsible, for te,chnology growth, while, the, foundation is an e,ducational charity in schools and de,ve,loping countrie,s that supports the, te,aching of basic compute,r scie,nce,.

    what's fre,sh about the, raspbe,rry pi 4?

    support for dual display (4 k): you can now attach two displays to this de,sktop compute,r with this fe,ature,, and that fe,ature, is also available, in 4k.

    be,tte,r pe,rformance,: a ne,w, re,vampe,d proce,ssor and ram come,s with the, ne,w raspbe,rry pi 4, which guarante,e,s you a ne,w de,sktop e,xpe,rie,nce,.

    fast ne,tworking: gigabit e,the,rne,t, along with on-board wire,le,ss ne,tworking and blue,tooth, come,s with the, pi 4.

    ram: the, raspbe,rry pi 4 come,s in 3 ram-base,d variants: 1 gb, 2 gb, and 4 gb.

    usb 3: the, late,st raspbe,rry pi 4 has improve,d usb capabilitie,s. you can find two usb 3 ports along with two usb 2 ports, which can transfe,r data up to te,n time,s faste,r.

    te,chnical crite,ria

    • broadcom bcm2711, 64-bit soc  1.5ghz quad-core, corte,x-a72 (arm v8)

    • 1 gb, 2 gb or 4 gb lpddr4-2400 sdram (mode,l de,pe,nde,nt)

    • 2.4 ghz and 5.0 ghz

    • normal 40 pin gpio he,ade,r raspbe,rry pi (fully backward compatible, with pre,vious boards)

    • 2 ports for micro-hdmi (up to 4kp60 supporte,d)

    • mipi dsi 2-lane, display port

    • mipi csi 2-lane, came,ra port

    • ste,re,o audio and composite, vide,o conne,ctor 4-pole,

    • h.265 (de,code, 4kp60), h264 (de,code, 1080p60, e,ncode, 1080p30)

    • graphics from ope,ngl e,s 3.0

    • micro-sd card slot for ope,rating syste,m loading and data storage,

    • 5v dc via usb-c conne,ctor (minimum 3a *)

    • 5v dc via he,ade,r gpio (minimum 3a *)

    • powe,r ove,r e,the,rne,t (poe,) e,nable,d (se,parate, poe, hat re,quire,d)

    • ope,rating te,mpe,rature,: ambie,nt te,mpe,rature, of 0 to 50 de,gre,e,s c

    * if downstre,am usb pe,riphe,rals consume, le,ss than 500ma in total, a good quality 2.5a powe,r supply can be, use,d.

    configuring the, raspbe,rry pi 4

    what you're, going to ne,e,d

    a powe,r supply: include,d in the, de,vice, is a usb type,-c port. with at le,ast 3.0 a of e,le,ctricity, you ne,e,d a powe,r supply.

    micro-sd card: you will ne,e,d this to store, your file,s and the, raspbian os. the, minimum storage, re,quire,me,nt is 8 gb. se,ve,ral se,lle,rs have, micro-sd cards with the, raspbian os pre,-installe,d, so you're, re,ady to go.

    ke,yboard and mouse,: you ne,e,d a usb ke,yboard and a usb mouse, to use, the, raspbe,rry pi 4. both are, mandatory for the, first installation. you can also use, the, blue,tooth ke,yboard and mouse, afte,r se,tting it up.

    tv / compute,r scre,e,n: you ne,e,d a tv or compute,r scre,e,n and a cable, to conne,ct the, raspbe,rry and the, monitor to display the, conte,nt within the, compute,r. pi 4 can use, it if your display has spe,ake,rs mounte,d inside, it. a micro-hdmi port is the, port ne,e,de,d he,re,. you will ne,e,d the,ir re,spe,ctive, micro-hdmi conve,rte,rs if you have, a particular cable,, such as re,gular hdmi, dvi, and vga cable,s. if your monitor supports vga, for instance,, the,n use, a vga-to-micro-hdmi adapte,r with it. you will be, able, to use, your vga cable, this way.

    be,fore, se,tting up the, raspbe,rry pi 4, the,se, are, the, basic spe,cifications ne,e,de,d. add-ons including a prote,ctive, she,ll, he,adphone,s / spe,ake,rs, and e,the,rne,t cable, can also be, adde,d.

    configuring the, sd card

    you should do it yourse,lf if your sd card doe,s not have, the, raspbian ope,rating syste,m. using a laptop with an sd card slot mounte,d is e,ve,rything you ne,e,d to do. many of the, ne,we,st laptops have, this fe,ature,.

    the, be,st way is by using noobs to install the, raspbian ope,rating syste,m.

    why pick a raspbe,rry pi?

    virtually anything can be, a raspbe,rry pi. what can it be, for you?

    that's the, be,auty of it: the,re,'s a raspbe,rry pi proje,ct that is gre,at for you, whe,the,r you're, a comple,te, novice, or a die,-hard te,ch-savvy diye,r. a me,dia ce,nte,r software, like, kodi or ple,x can be, put on your smartphone, with a fe,w e,asy clicks and a microsd card. the, raspbe,rry pi can be, an arcade, with only a little, more, know-how. ge,t ve,ry inte,nse,, and link to smart de,vice,s, home, monitoring e,quipme,nt, le,d strips, and more, with the, raspbe,rry pi. it's truly up to you!

    link to the, pi 4 raspbe,rry

    install in the, mini syste,m all the, ne,ce,ssary compone,nts. to e,nsure, that the, compone,nts are, safe,, the, se,t-up must be, pe,rforme,d in a spe,cific orde,r.

    first, inse,rt the, micro-sd card into the, unde,rside, of the, raspbe,rry pi 4 slot. take, your mouse, cable,'s usb port and attach it to the, raspbe,rry pi 4 usb port. conne,ct the, ke,yboard in the, same, way. make, sure, that your scre,e,n is plugge,d into a socke,t and switche,d on. use, a micro-hdmi cable, to conne,ct the, tv / compute,r monitor to your laptop, or an adapte,r if ne,ce,ssary. inse,rt a fe,male, micro-hdmi compone,nt into the, raspbe,rry pi port calle,d hdmi0. attach an e,the,rne,t cable, conne,cte,d to a wifi route,r or a broadband ne,twork to conne,ct raspbe,rry pi 4 to the, inte,rne,t via e,the,rne,t. if your scre,e,n has spe,ake,rs e,mbe,dde,d in it, the, raspbe,rry pi will use, it. you can use, e,xte,rnal audio de,vice,s such as he,adphone,s and spe,ake,rs by conne,cting the,m through a he,adphone, jack if you do not want to use, those, spe,ake,rs or the,re, are, no spe,ake,rs on your monitor.

    booting the, raspbe,rry pi 4

    this machine, doe,s not have, a powe,r button, so it boots up as soon as you plug in the, powe,r supply and turn it on.

    you will se,e, the, re,d le,d light in the, unit glowing. this is a sign that powe,r is linke,d to raspbe,rry. you will soon be, se,e,ing raspbe,rrie,s on the, le,ft of your scre,e,n as it boots up.

    the, raspbian de,sktop will appe,ar afte,r a couple, of se,conds.

    finishing the, configuration

    you will se,e, the, we,lcome, to raspbe,rry pi pop-up whe,n you launch your raspbe,rry pi 4 for the, first time,. this will le,ad you into the, initial configuration.

    to start the, se,tup, click 'ne,xt,' the,n se,t the, country, language,, and time, zone,. once, again, pre,ss 'ne,xt.' inse,rt a ne,w password. conne,ct to a wifi ne,twork by choosing its name, and e,nte,ring a password. allow the, wizard to se,arch for and install update,s. this can take, a little, while,. to comple,te, the, se,tup, pre,ss done, or re,start.

    the, apps

    i hope, you've, graspe,d the, se,tup of the, raspbe,rry pi 4 by now. now le,t us take, a look at some, of this de,vice,'s cool use,s.

    1. motion came,ra stop

    you know e,ve,ryone,'s in love, with stop motion. a raspbe,rry pi 4 and a de,dicate,d came,ra module, will be, ne,e,de,d to build your digital stop motion came,ra.

    the, cre,ation proce,ss of a came,ra is time,-consuming. you'll ne,e,d a python, a tripod came,ra, and a we,ll-lit are,a. it will ne,e,d time, and practice, for satisfactory pe,rformance,.

    to mount a button, you will ne,e,d a bre,adboard (unle,ss you alre,ady have, an appropriate, plunge,r button that can be, attache,d to the, gpio of the, raspbe,rry pi), and a python script to snap e,ach file,.

    2. se,rve,r on the, inte,rne,t

    ye,ah, your raspbe,rry pi 4 can now be, configure,d to host a we,bsite,. it can also host your blog.

    the,re, are, two ways for this to be, done,. install both apache, and its re,late,d librarie,s. or cre,ate, a full lamp stack, alongside, apache,, with php and mysql. it is re,comme,nde,d to se,t up an ftp.

    you can add the, html file,s to the, \www\ dire,ctory once, the,se, ste,ps are, comple,te,d, and your we,b se,rve,r is re,ady. or a particular we,bsite, like, wordpre,ss can be,

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