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Real Estate Investing Wisdom
Real Estate Investing Wisdom
Real Estate Investing Wisdom
Ebook144 pages1 hour

Real Estate Investing Wisdom

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About this ebook

This is a book of wisdom "for the times". Since the Great Recession of 2009, many new investors have come into real estate. Prices and rents have increased steadily. Interest rates have declined to forty-year lows. Loan money has been abundant. Success, even wealth, have been readily available to those who apply themselves.

Times are changing now, and many investors are unprepared for less prosperous times. This book aims to help that. The author has combed through his forty-four years of experience to present the techniques that investors will need to succeed in the challenging markets ahead.

Release dateJan 4, 2024
Real Estate Investing Wisdom

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    Book preview

    Real Estate Investing Wisdom - Bruce Kellogg


    Real Estate Investing Wisdom

    Bruce Kellogg

    Copyright © 2023 Bruce Kellogg

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2023

    ISBN 979-8-88654-969-0 (pbk)

    ISBN 979-8-88654-976-8 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Introduction—Why This Book? Why Now?

    Chapter 1

    1. Getting Started in Real Estate… Properly

    Chapter 2

    2. Mastering Meetups

    Chapter 3

    3. Approaches To Real Estate Negotiation

    Chapter 4

    4. Essential Real Estate Calculations

    Chapter 5

    1. 24 Ways to Acquire Real Estate

    Chapter 6

    2. Seller Financing 101

    Chapter 7

    3. Seller-Carryback Note Terms

    Chapter 8

    1. Partnering For Profits in High-Priced Markets

    Chapter 9

    2. Buying and Selling Real Estate Using Notes

    Chapter 10

    3. Buying Real Estate Using Real Property, Personal Property and Personal Services

    Chapter 11

    1. Hiring and Managing Property Managers

    Chapter 12

    2. Dealing With Negative Cash Flows

    Chapter 13

    3. Dealing With Balloon Payments

    Chapter 14

    1. Foreclosing

    Chapter 15

    2. The Deed-in-Lieu-of-Foreclosure

    Chapter 16

    3. Bankruptcy Protection for Real Estate

    Chapter 17

    1. Enhanced Diligence for Turnkey Investing

    Chapter 18

    2. Enhanced Diligence for Syndication Investing

    Chapter 19

    1. Some Real Estate Lessons

    Chapter 20

    2. Caveat Investor

    Appendix A

    A. Buyer Prospecting Sources

    Appendix B

    B. Seller Prospecting Sources

    Appendix C

    C. Resources

    About the Author

    Developing Your Investing Skills

    Acquiring Real Estate

    Advanced Acquisition Methods

    Operating Your Investing Business

    Topics for Tough Times

    Passive Real Estate Investing

    Gaining Wisdom


    Introduction—Why This Book? Why Now?

    Why This Book? Why Now?

    There has been a real estate boom since the Great Recession ended in 2009. The participation of new investors, real estate agents and brokers, hedge funds, real estate service companies, and group investments/syndications has grown greatly. Many of the new books published for investors are produced by gurus, self-promoting trainers, coaches, and mentors who claim a single line of expertise such as foreclosures, wholesaling, syndications, Fix and Flip, options, and more. The subjects of these books change with the times. Further, many of the authors of these books self-publish their books because the sales potential is limited, and their goal is to build their brand more than it is to thoroughly instruct their readers.

    This book is different in several ways.

    #1—It is written by a highly experienced real estate agent and investor, not a guru, mentor, coach, etc.

    #2—The book is intended to be enduring, not just for the times. The techniques presented have long-term histories and future applicability.

    #3—This book consists of techniques for investors of all levels to pick and choose over the years as they grow in experience, accomplishments, and wealth.

    #4—Appendices are included for frequent reference by investors for ongoing dealmaking.

    #5—Much is being taught here. Nothing is being sold.

    So let's get started!

    Chapter 1

    1. Getting Started in Real Estate… Properly

    A good way to get started in any new endeavor, including real estate, is to learn as much as you can. Attend events, read the right materials, find a reputable mentor, and ask the right questions. But there are other factors to consider when starting as a real estate investor to ensure you start off on the right path.


    Investing for the future necessitates assessing the direction of the economy. The economy has business cycles. Consequently, there are real estate cycles. Search the internet for articles on real estate cycles and learn how they work so you can apply them to your investing.


    The saying goes, All real estate is local. Housing markets vary across the country. Some are rising, creating equity for homeowners and investors. Some are leveling off, or declining. In some markets, homeowners are underwater, where they owe more than their property is worth. So it is essential that new investors get an assessment of the markets that interest them.


    The newbie investor needs to do a personal assessment, as well. Ask what time commitment you are willing to make initially. Do you want to be all in? Do you prefer to invest part time while still employed? Or, do you want to write a check and read regular reports from a manager? Do the same for your financial commitment: a) keep your securities investments, b) sell some investments in favor of real estate, or c) refinance and borrow money to invest in real estate. Also consider your educational commitment and which options work best for you. You can go to meetups, purchase courses, attend workshops, and so on. Additionally, take an inventory of your strengths and development needs (i.e., weaknesses), then plan to utilize the strengths, and address the needs.


    There are two elements for growing into real estate maturity. One is experience, which is gained by transacting and owning properties. The second is education. Education must be ongoing because the market and the industry are always changing. Real estate investors of any level, but especially beginners, should take advantage of the following educational opportunities:

    Current books. Be cognizant of dated material, some of which might still be worthwhile.

    Courses at local adult education centers and community colleges.

    Speakers at meetups. Be cognizant of any biases and sales pitches.

    Workshops and boot camps.

    Courses from regional and national trainers

    Subscribe to and read national real estate investing magazines.

    Pay no attention to a course or program that costs more than $3,000 while still a newbie. You won't get enough out of it at this stage. And you can learn a lot by not spending much in the beginning. The same is true with hiring a mentor/coach. It may happen, but only after you know your development needs.

    Also, some trainers offer weeklong boot camps for as much as $60,000. a) That's a lot of tuition! b) You could buy 1–2 houses for that! (See Appendix B) c) Ask for a profit guarantee if you do it at all. d) It is basically not a rewarding opportunity most of the time.


    It's not a bad idea to get your license because it is educational, and it provides transacting experience. Plus, it can help you earn commissions. The only drawback is that you must disclose your licensee status when transacting property for your own account. Most find this is not a problem.


    Many newbies are eager to get started. Options like turnkey rentals, or commercial and multifamily syndications (i.e., group investments), are choices for passive investors. The problem, however, is dishonest and/or incompetent players in the syndication industry, and it's often hard to tell the good from the bad. Additionally, the syndication market has become highly competitive such that marginal deals are being

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