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.NET 7 Design Patterns In-Depth: Enhance code efficiency and maintainability with .NET Design Patterns (English Edition)
.NET 7 Design Patterns In-Depth: Enhance code efficiency and maintainability with .NET Design Patterns (English Edition)
.NET 7 Design Patterns In-Depth: Enhance code efficiency and maintainability with .NET Design Patterns (English Edition)
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.NET 7 Design Patterns In-Depth: Enhance code efficiency and maintainability with .NET Design Patterns (English Edition)

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About this ebook

Design patterns in .NET improve code quality, encourage collaboration, and address common software design issues, resulting in more efficient and effective software development projects. This book is an ideal resource for those seeking to learn about design patterns in .NET and their practical application.

The book highlights the importance of design patterns in solving software design challenges. It then proceeds to explore creational design patterns, which primarily address object creation, followed by structural design patterns that handle object composition and organization. Furthermore, the book delves into behavioral design patterns, which center around the interaction and communication between objects. It also covers domain logic design patterns, data source architectural design patterns, object-relational behaviors, structures, and metadata mapping design patterns. Moving on, the book provides insights into web presentation design patterns, offering guidance on the effective design of web interfaces. It also examines distribution design patterns, offline concurrency design patterns, and session state design patterns. Lastly, the book presents base design patterns as fundamental building blocks for other patterns.

Upon completion of this book, you will possess the knowledge and skills required to design and implement suitable software infrastructures using design patterns, .NET 7.0, and the C# programming language.
Release dateJul 7, 2023
.NET 7 Design Patterns In-Depth: Enhance code efficiency and maintainability with .NET Design Patterns (English Edition)

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    .NET 7 Design Patterns In-Depth - Vahid Farahmandian

    Chapter 1

    Introduction to Design Patterns


    One of the problems in understanding and using design patterns is the need for proper insight into software architecture and the reason for using design patterns. When this insight does not exist, design patterns will increase complexity. As they are not used in their proper place, the use of design patterns will be considered a waste of work. The reason for this is that the design patterns will not be able to have a good impact on quality because they need to be placed in the right place.

    In this chapter, an attempt has been made to briefly examine the software architecture and design patterns. The enterprise applications architecture has been introduced, and the relationship between software design problems and design patterns has been clarified. In the rest of the chapter, a brief look at .NET, some object-oriented principles, and the UML is given because, throughout the book, UML is used for modeling, and the .NET framework and C# language are used for sample codes.


    In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

    What is software architecture

    What are design patterns

    GoF design patterns

    Enterprise application and its design patterns

    Different types of enterprise applications

    Design patterns and software design problems

    Effective factors in choosing a design pattern


    Introduction to object orientation in .NET

    Object orientation SOLID principles

    UML class diagram



    By the end of this chapter, you will be able to understand the role and place of design patterns in software design, be familiar with software architecture, and evaluate software design problems from different aspects. You are also expected to have a good view of SOLID design principles at the end of this chapter and get to know .NET and UML.

    What is software architecture

    Today, there are various definitions for software architecture. The system’s basic structure, related to design decisions, must be made in the initial steps of software production. The common feature in all these definitions is their importance. Regardless of our attitude towards software architecture, we must always consider that suitable architecture can be developed and maintained. Also, when we want to look at the software from an architectural point of view, we must know what elements and items are of great importance and always try to keep those important elements and items in the best condition.

    Consider software that needs to be better designed, and its essential elements must be identified. During the production and maintenance of this software, we will need help with various problems, including implementing changes, which will reduce the speed of providing new features and increase the volume of software errors and bugs. For example, pay attention to the following figure:


    Figure 1.1: An example of software without proper architecture

    In the preceding figure, full cells are the new features provided, and empty cells are the design and architectural problems and defects.

    If we consider one row of Figure 1.1, the following figure will be seen:


    Figure 1.2: Sample feature delivery in software without proper architecture

    We see how much time it takes to provide three different features. If the correct design and architecture were adopted, new features would be delivered more quickly. The same row could be presented as the following figure:


    Figure 1.3: Sample feature delivery in software WITH proper architecture

    The difference in length in the preceding two forms (Figure 1.2 and Figure 1.3) is significant. This shows the importance of the right design and architecture in the software. A high-quality infrastructure in the short term may indicate that production speed decreases. This natural and high-quality infrastructure will show its effect in the long run.

    The following figure shows the relationship between Time and Output:


    Figure 1.4: Time-Output Relation in Software Delivery

    In Figure 1.4, at the beginning of the work, reaching the output with a low-quality Infrastructure is faster than with a high-quality Infrastructure. However, with the passage of time and the increase in the capabilities and complexity of the software, the ability to maintain and apply software change is accelerated with better quality infrastructure. This will reduce costs, increase user satisfaction, and improve maintenance.

    In this regard, Gerald Weinberg, the late American computer science scientist, has a quote that says,

    If builders-built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization.

    Weinberg tried to express the importance of infrastructure and software architecture. According to Weinberg’s quote, paying attention to maintainability in the design and implementation of software solutions is important. Today, various principles can be useful in reaching a suitable infrastructure.

    Some of these principles are as follows:

    Separation of concerns: Different software parts should be separated from each other according to their work.

    Encapsulation: This is a way to restrict the direct access to some components of an object, so users cannot access state values for all the variables of a particular object. Encapsulation can hide data members, functions, or methods associated with an instantiated class or object. Users will have no idea how classes are implemented or stored, and the users will only know that the values are being passed and initialized (Data Hiding). Also, it would be easy to change and adapt to new requirements (ease of use) using Encapsulation.

    Dependency inversion: High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules, and the dependence between these two should only happen through abstractions. To clarify the issue, consider the following example:

    We have two different times in software production: compile and run time. Suppose that in a dependency graph at compile-time, the following relationship exists between classes A, B, and C:


    Figure 1.5: Relationship between A, B, and C in compile-time

    As you can see, at compile-time, A is directly connected to B to call a method in B, and the exact relationship is true for the relationship between B and C. This connection will be established in the same way during runtime as follows:


    Figure 1.6: Relationship between A, B, and C in runtime

    The problem in this type of communication is that there is no loose coupling between A-B and B-C, and these parts are highly dependent on each other and cause problems in maintainability. To solve this problem, instead of the direct connection between A and B, we consider the connection at compile-time based on abstractions as shown in the following figure:


    Figure 1.7: Relationship between A, B, and C based on abstractions

    In the prior connection, A depends on an abstraction from B at the compile-time, and B has implemented the corresponding abstraction. This change in communication type will ultimately remain the same as at runtime. But it will cause a loose coupling in the sense that the implementation of B can be changed without changing A.

    The communication during runtime in the prior mode is shown in the following figure:


    Figure 1.8: Relationship between A, B, and C based on abstractions in runtime

    Explicit dependencies: Classes and methods must be honest with their users. For example, attribute X must have a correct value for a class to function properly. This condition can be applied through the class constructor, and objects that cannot be used can be prevented from being created.

    Single responsibility: This principle is proposed in object-oriented design as one of the architectural principles. This principle is like the separation of concerns and states that an object must have one task and reason for the change.

    DRY: The behavior related to a specific concept should not be given in several places. Failure to comply with this principle will cause all the code to change its behavior, increasing the probability of errors and bugs.

    Persistence ignorance: Different business models in data sources should be able to store regardless of the type. These models are often called Plain Old CLR Object (POCO)s in .NET. This is because the storage resource can change over time (for example, from SQL Server to Azure Cosmos DB), and this should not affect the rest of the sections. Some signs of violation of this principle can be introduced as the following:

    Binding to a specific parent class

    The requirement to implement a specific interface

    Requiring the class to store itself (as in Active Record)

    The presence of mandatory parametric constructors

    The presence of virtual features in the class

    The presence of unique attributes related to storage technology

    The preceding cases are introduced as violations of the principle of persistence ignorance because these cases often create a dependency between models and storage technology, making it difficult to adapt to new storage technology in the future.

    Bounded contexts: A more significant problem can be divided into smaller conceptual sub-problems. In other words, each sub-problem represents a context that is independent of other contexts. Communication between different contexts is established through programming interfaces. Any communication or data source shared between contexts should be avoided, as it will cause tight coupling between contexts.

    What are design patterns

    As can be seen from the title of the word design pattern, it is simply a pattern that can be used to solve an upcoming problem. This means that the completed design is not a finished design that can be directly converted into source code or machine code. During the design and production of software, we face various problems in design and implementation, which are repetitive. Therefore, the answer to these often has a fixed format. For example, developing a feature to send messages to the end user may be necessary for software production. Therefore, a suitable infrastructure must be designed and implemented for this requirement. On the other hand, there are different ways to send messages to end users, such as via email, SMS, and so on. The mentioned problem has fixed generalities in most software, and the answer often has a fixed design and format.

    A design pattern is a general, repeatable solution to common problems in software design. Therefore, if we encounter a new issue during software production, there may be no pattern introduced for that, and we need to solve it without the help of existing practices. This needs to be solved by designing a correct structure.

    Using design patterns has several advantages:

    Increasing scalability

    Increasing expandability

    Increased flexibility

    Increase the speed of development

    Reduce errors and problems

    Reducing the amount of coding

    The important thing about design patterns is that they are not a part of the architecture of software systems, and they only provide the correct method of object-oriented coding. You can choose and implement the right way to solve a problem.

    GoF design patterns

    In the past years, Christopher Alexander introduced the design pattern. He was an architect and used patterns to build buildings. This attitude and thinking of Alexander made Eric Gama use design patterns to develop and produce software in his doctoral dissertation. After a short period, Chard Helm started working with Eric Gama. Later, John Vlissides and Ralph Johnson also joined this group. The initial idea was to publish the design patterns as an article, and due to its length, the full text was published as a book. This four-person group, which is also called Gang of Four (GoF), published a book called Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, and they classified and presented 23 different design patterns in the form of 3 different categories (structural, behavioral, and creational). They tried to categorize it from the user's perspective. To fully present this, the GoF group developed a general structure to introduce the design patterns, which consisted of the following sections:

    Name and Classification: It shows the design pattern's name and specifies each design pattern's category.

    Also Known As: If other names know the design pattern, they are introduced in this section.

    Intent: This section gives brief explanations about the design pattern.

    Motivation, Structure, Implementation, and Sample Code: A description of the problem, main structure, implementation steps, and the source code of design patterns are presented.

    Participants: This section introduces and describes different participants (in terms of classes and objects involved) in the design pattern.

    Notes: Significant points are given in this section regarding the design and implementation of each design pattern.

    Consequences: Advantages and disadvantages of the discussed design pattern are given.

    Applicability: Places, where the discussed design pattern can be helpful, are briefly stated.

    Related Patterns: The relationship of each design pattern with other design patterns is mentioned.

    The 23 presented patterns can be divided in the form of the following table in terms of scope (whether the pattern is applied to the class or its objects) and purpose (what the pattern does):

    Table 1.1: Classification of GoF Design Patterns

    Every design pattern has four essential features as follows:

    Name: Every template must have a name. The name of the design pattern should be such that the application, problem, or solution provided can be reached from the name of the design pattern.

    Problem: The problem indicates how the design pattern can be applied.

    Solution: It deals with the expression of the solution, the involved elements, and their relationships.

    Consequences: It expresses the results, advantages, disadvantages, and effects of using the design pattern.

    The relationship of all these 23 patterns can be seen in the following figure:


    Figure 1.9: Relationships of GoF Design Patterns

    The design patterns provided by GoF are not the only design patterns available. Martin Fowler has also introduced a series of other design patterns with a different look at software production problems called Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture (PofEAA). He tried to introduce suitable solutions for everyday problems in producing enterprise software. Although there is a rea meter and criteria for using design patterns, a small software may need to use PofEAA design patterns. Martin Fowler has also divided the provided design patterns into different categories, which include the following:

    Domain-logic patterns

    Data-source architectural patterns

    Object-relational behavioral patterns

    Object-relational structural patterns

    Object-relational metadata-mapping patterns

    Web presentation patterns

    Distribution patterns

    Offline concurrency patterns

    Session-state patterns

    Base patterns

    In this chapter, an attempt has been made to explain GoF and PofEAA design patterns with a simple approach, along with practical examples.

    Enterprise application and its design patterns

    People construct types of different applications. Each of these has its challenges and complexities. For example, in one software, concurrency issues may be significant and critical, and in another category, the complexity of data structures might be necessary. The term enterprise application or information systems refers to systems in which we face the complexity of data processing and storage. To implement this software, special design patterns will be needed to manage business logic and data. It is important to understand that a series of design patterns can be useful for different types of software. However, a series will also be more suitable for enterprise applications.

    Among the most famous enterprise applications, we can mention accounting software, toll payment, insurance, customer service, and so on. On the other hand, software such as text processors, operating systems, compilers, and even computer games are not part of the enterprise application category.

    The important characteristic of enterprise applications is the durability of data. This data may be stored in data sources for years. The reason for the durability of these data will be needed at different times in different parts of the program at different steps of the process. During the lifetime of the data, we may encounter small and significant changes in operating systems, hardware, and compilers. The volume of data we face in an enterprise application is often large, and different databases will often be needed for storing them.

    When we have a lot of data and have to present it to the users, graphic interfaces and different pages will be needed. The users who use these pages are different from each other and have different knowledge levels of software and computers. Therefore, we will use different methods and procedures to provide users with better data.

    Enterprise application often needs to communicate with other software. Each software may have its technology stack. However, we face different interaction, communication, and software integration methods. Even at the level of business analysis, each software may have different analyses for a specific entity, leading to the emergence of different data structures. From another point of view, business logic can be complex, and it is very important to organize these effectively and change them over time.

    When the word enterprise application is used, a mentality arises that we are dealing with a big software. In reality, this is not correct. A small software can create more value than a large software for the end user. One of the ways to deal with a big problem is to break and divide it into smaller problems. When these smaller issues are solved, they will lead to the solution of the bigger problem. This principle is also true about large software.

    Different types of enterprise applications

    It should always be kept in mind that every enterprise application has its own challenges and complexities. Therefore, one solution can be generalized for types of enterprise applications. Consider the following two examples:

    Example 1: In an online selling software, we face many concurrent users. In this case, the proposed solution should have good scalability in addition to the effective use of resources so that with the help of hardware enhancement, the volume of incoming requests can increase the volume of supported concurrent users. In this type of software, the end user can efficiently work with it, so it will be necessary to design a web application that can run on most browsers.

    Example 2: We may face software in which the volume of concurrent users is low, but the complexity of the business is high. For these systems, more complex graphical interfaces will be needed, which is necessary to manage more complex transactions.

    As evident in the preceding two examples, having a fixed architectural design for every type of enterprise software will not be possible. As mentioned before, the choice of architecture depends on the precise understanding of the problem.

    One of the important points in dealing with enterprise applications and their architecture is to pay attention to efficiency, which can be different among teams. One team may pay attention to the performance issues from the beginning, and another may prefer to produce the software first and then identify and fix performance issues by monitoring various metrics. At the same time, a team might use a combination of these two methods. Whichever method is used to improve performance, the following factors are usually important to address:

    Response time: The time it takes to process a request and return the appropriate response to the user.

    Responsiveness: For example, suppose the user is uploading a file. The response rate will be better if the user can work with the software during the upload operation. Another mode is that the user has to wait while performing the upload operation. In this case, the response rate will be equal to the time rate.

    Latency: The minimum time it takes to receive any response. For example, suppose we are connected to another system through Remote Desktop. The time it takes for the appropriate request and response to move through the network and reach us will indicate the delay rate.

    Throughput: It specifies the amount of work that can be done in a certain period. For example, when copying a file, the throughput can be set based on the number of bytes copied per second. Metrics such as the number of transactions per second or TPS can also be used for enterprise applications.

    Load: Specifies the amount of pressure on the system. For example, the number of online users can indicate Load. The load is often an important factor in setting up other factors. For example, the response time for ten users may be 1 second, and for 20 users, it may be 5 seconds.

    Load sensitivity: A proposition through which the change of response time based on load is specified. For example, assume that system A has a response time of 1 second for several 10-20 users. System B also has a response time of 0.5 seconds for ten users, while if the number of users becomes 20, its response time increases to 2 seconds. In this case, A has less load sensitivity than B.

    Efficiency: Performance divided by resources. A system with a TPS volume equal to 40 on 2 CPU cores has better efficiency than a system that brings a TPS volume equal to 50 with 6 CPU cores.

    Capacity of system: A measure that shows the maximum operating power or the maximum effective load that can be tolerated.

    Scalability: A measure that shows how efficiency is affected by increasing resources. Often, two vertical (Scale Up) and horizontal (Scale Out) methods are used for scalability.

    The critical point is that design decisions will not necessarily have similar effects on different efficiency factors. Usually, when producing enterprise applications, an effort is made to give higher priority to scalability. Because it can have a more significant effect on efficiency and will be easier to implement. In some situations, a team may prefer to increase the volume rate by implementing a series of complex tasks so they do not have to bear the high costs of purchasing hardware.

    The PofEAA presented in this book is inspired by the patterns presented in the Patterns of Enterprise Applications Architecture book written by Martin Fowler. The following structure is used in presenting PofEAA patterns:

    Name and Classification: It shows the design pattern's name and specifies each design pattern's category.

    Also Known As: If the design pattern is known by other names, they are introduced in this section.

    Intent: In this section, brief explanations about the design pattern are given.

    Motivation, Structure, Implementation, and Sample Code: A description of the problem, main structure, implementation steps, and the source code of design patterns are presented.

    Notes: Regarding the design and implementation of each design pattern, significant points are given in this section.

    Consequences: Advantages and disadvantages of the discussed design pattern are given.

    Applicability: Places, where the discussed design pattern can be helpful, are briefly stated.

    Related Patterns: The relationship of each design pattern with other design patterns is mentioned.

    Design patterns and software design problems

    When we talk about software design, we are talking about the plan, map, or structural layout on which the software is supposed to be placed. During a software production process, various design problems need to be identified and resolved. This behavior exists in the surrounding world and in real life. For example, when we try to present a solution, it is in line with a specific problem. The same point of view is also valid in the software production process. As mentioned earlier, in a software production process, design patterns solve many different problems. In order to identify and apply a suitable design pattern and a working method for a problem, it is necessary to determine the relationship between the design patterns and the upcoming software problem in the first step. In order to better understand this relationship, you can pay attention to the following:

    Finding the right objects: In the world of object-oriented programming, there are many different objects. Each contains a set of data and performs certain tasks. The things that the object can do are called the behavior of the object or its methods. In order to change the content of the data that the object carries, it is necessary to act through methods. One of the most important and most difficult parts of designing and implementing an object-oriented program is decomposing a system into a set of objects. This is difficult because this analysis requires the boundaries of encapsulation, granularity, dependence, flexibility, efficiency, and so on.

    When a problem arises, there are different ways to transform the problem into an object-oriented design. One of the ways is to pay attention to the structure of the sentences, convert the nouns into classes, and present the verbs in the form of methods. For example, in the phrase:

    A user can log in to the system by entering the username and password.

    User has the role of the noun in the sentence, and login is the verb of the sentence. Therefore, you can create a class called User, which has a method called Login as the following output:

    public class User {

    public void Login(/*Inputs*/) {}


    Another way is to pay attention to the connections, tasks, and interactions and thereby identify the classes, methods, and so on. No matter what method is used, at the end of the design, we may encounter classes for which we need help finding an equivalent in the real world or business environment. Design patterns help in abstractions, and classes can be placed in their proper place and used. For example, the class used to implement the sorting algorithm may not be identified in the early stages of analysis and design, but different design patterns can be designed correctly and connected with the rest of the system.

    Recognizing the granularity of objects: An object has a structure and can be accompanied by various details, and the depth of these details can be very high or low. This factor can affect the size and the number of objects. It is an important decision to decide what boundaries and limits the object structure should have. Design patterns can help form these boundaries and limits accurately.

    Knowing the interface of objects: The behavior of an object consists of the name, input parameters, and output type. These three components together form the signature of a behavior. The set of signatures provided by an object is called a connection or interface of the object. The object interface specifies under what conditions and in what ways a request can be sent to the object. These interfaces are required to communicate with an object, although having information about these does not mean having information about how to implement them. Being able to connect a request to the appropriate object and appropriate behavior at the time of execution is called dynamic binding.

    public class Sample {

    public int GetAge(string name){}

    public int GetAge(string nationalNo, string name){}


    Mentioning a request at the time of coding does not mean connecting the request for implementation. This connection will happen at the time of execution, which expresses its dynamic binding. This provides the ability to replace objects with each other at runtime. This is called polymorphism in object orientation. Design patterns also help in shaping such communications and interactions. This design pattern assistance may happen, for example, by placing a constraint on the structure of classes.

    Knowing how to implement objects: Objects are created by instantiating from a class which leads to the allocation of memory to the internal data of the object. New classes can also be created as a subset or child of a class using inheritance. In this case, the child class will contain all the accessible data and behaviors of its parent class. If the definition of a class is necessary to leave the implementation of behavior to the children (abstract behavior), then the class can be defined as an abstract class. Since this class is only an abstraction, it cannot be instantiated. If a class is not abstract, then it is called a real or intrinsic class.

    public abstract class Sample {}// Abstract class

    public class Sample {}// Intrinsic class

    public abstract class Sample {

    public abstract void Get() ;//Abstract method


    How the objects are instantiated, and classes are formed and implemented are very important points that should be paid attention to. Several design patterns are useful in these situations. For example, one design pattern may help to create static implementations for classes, and another design pattern may help define static structure.

    Development based on interfaces: With the help of inheritance, a class can access the accessible behavior and data of the parent class and reuse them. Being able to reuse an implementation and having a group of objects with a similar structure are two different stories, which is very important and shows its importance in polymorphism. This usually happens with the help of abstract classes or interfaces.

    The use of abstract classes and interfaces makes the user unaware of the exact type of object used in the class. Because the object adheres to the provided abstraction and interface. Also, users are unaware of the classes that implement these objects and only know the abstraction that created the class. This makes it possible to write code based on interfaces and abstractions.

    The main purpose of creational design patterns is to provide different ways to communicate between interfaces and implementations. This category of design patterns tries to provide this communication in an inconspicuous way at the time of instantiating.

    Attention to reuse: Another important problem in software design and implementation is to benefit from reusability and provide appropriate flexibility to the codes. For example, you should pay attention to the differences between inheritance and composition and use each one in the right place. These two are one of the most widely used methods to provide code reusability. Using inheritance, one class can be implemented based on another class. Reusability, in this case, is formed in the form of a child class definition. This type of reuse is called White Box Reuse:

    public class Parent {

    public void Show_Parent(){}


    public class Child: Parent { // Inheritance

    public void Show_Child(){}


    On the other hand, Composition provides reusability by installing an object in a class and adding new functionality in that class. This type of reuse is also called Black Box Reuse:

    public class Engine {

    public void Get(){}


    public class Car {

    private Engine _engine;

    public Car(Enging engine)=>_engine = engine;//Composition


    Both inheritance and composition structures have advantages and disadvantages that should be considered while using them. However, empirically, most programmers overuse inheritance in order to provide reusability, and this causes problems in code development. Using composition can be very helpful in many scenarios. By using delegation, you can give double power to composition. Today, there are other ways that help to reach a code with suitable reusability. For example, in a language like C#, there is a feature called Generic, which can be very useful in this direction. Generics are also called parametrized types. With all these explanations, a series of design patterns help to provide reusability and flexibility well in the code.

    Design for change: It is a suitable and good design that can predict future changes and is not vulnerable to those changes. If the design cannot make a good prediction of the future, it should be ready to apply extensive changes in the future. One of the functions and advantages of design patterns is that it allows the design to be flexible to future changes.

    Effective factors in choosing a design pattern

    When first faced with a list of 23 GoF design patterns, it can be difficult to know which pattern to choose for a particular problem. This difficulty increases when we add the PofEAA design patterns to this list of 23 design patterns. It is enough to make the selection process difficult and confusing. In order to make a suitable choice, it is recommended to consider the following points:

    Understanding the problem space and how the design pattern can solve the problem:The first step in choosing a design pattern is to identify the problem correctly. Once the problem becomes clear, think about how the presence of the design pattern can help the problem.

    Examining the generalities of design patterns using the purpose and scope: By doing this review, you can understand the degree of compatibility of the problem ahead with the design patterns.

    Examining the interconnections of design patterns: For example, if the Abstract Factory design pattern is to be used by combining Singleton with this pattern, only one instance of Abstract Factory can be created. In order to apply dynamics to it, a Prototype can be used.

    Examining the similarities and differences of each design pattern: For example, if the problem ahead is a behavioral problem, you can choose the appropriate behavioral pattern among all the behavioral patterns.

    Knowing the reasons that lead to redesign: In this step, the factors that can cause redesign should be known.

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