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Core Java: Made Simple: A popular language for Android smart phone application, favoured for edge device and
Core Java: Made Simple: A popular language for Android smart phone application, favoured for edge device and
Core Java: Made Simple: A popular language for Android smart phone application, favoured for edge device and
Ebook865 pages7 hours

Core Java: Made Simple: A popular language for Android smart phone application, favoured for edge device and

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About this ebook

Book is written in such a way that the concepts are explained in detail, giving adequate emphasis on examples. Appropriate analogies are given throughout the text to make clarity on topics.

Book will help you to understand each and every topic of java practically. It will help you in developing software and websites because one should have sound practical knowledge. It covers all the topics which are important from the point of view of the interview, certification and examinations and no topic is left untouched.
Release dateJul 1, 2018
Core Java: Made Simple: A popular language for Android smart phone application, favoured for edge device and

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    Core Java - Som Prakash Rai

    Chapter 1

    Introduction to Core Java

    1.1 Introduction

    Java is a high-level programming language which was originally developed by Sun Microsystems which was initiated by James Gosling and released in 1995 as core component of Sun Microsystems’ Java platform (Java 1.0 [J2SE]). It runs on variety of platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, and the various versions of UNIX. The latest release of the Java Standard Edition is Java SE 9. With the advancement of Java and its widespread popularity, multiple configurations were built to suit various types of platforms.

    1.2 Difference between C Programming and Java Programming

    Fig 1.1: C Programming and Java Programming

    C program will be saved with .c extension. After successful compilation of ‘c’ program native code or .exe file will be generated which is platform dependent and is cannot be used on any other platform. This .exe file is platform dependent because compatibility issue related to corresponding platform compatibility will be added. When we are writing java program, it must be saved with java extension. After successful compilation of java program .class file will be generated which is known as byte code, and it will be platform independent despite of corresponding platform JDK/JRE available. (Fig 1.1)

    Q 1: Why in ‘C’ programming language native code is available where as in java native code is not available?

    Ans: ‘C’ programming supports static loading which means if the corresponding member of program is required in further program then everything will not be loaded into the main memory where as Java supports dynamic loading which means if any method is required then it will be allocated in main memory and it will get immediately destroy after the use.

    1.3 Important terms to remember

    Source Code: The program which is written by the developer (Human Readable Format).

    Byte Code: After successful compilation of java program byte code will be generated i.e. .class file, which is called as byte code. That byte code will be processed further while running the program.

    Java Compiler: It is a program with the name of javac.exe which is mainly responsible for checking the grammar of the program language. It will also generate ‘.class’ file after the successful compilation of the program file with the name of class.

    Interpreter: It is a program with the extension of java.exe. Interpreter is mainly responsible for generating byte code to the native code line by line. Converting byte code to native code is time consuming process. So in order to overcome this problem from java2 JIT complier has been introduced.

    JIT (Just In Time) Compiler: It is used to convert byte code to the native code at a time by adding corresponding platform compatibly.

    JVM (Java Virtual Machine): It provides platform independent execution environment.

    Note: JVM itself is platform dependent. Byte Code is platform independent because of JVM available corresponding for that machine.

    JRE (Java Runtime Environment): It provides many JVM in order to run the program. It comes in different version associated with the corresponding JDK.

    JDK (Java Development Kit): It comes into different versions according to Sun Oracle released.

    JDK 1.2 (Playground)

    JDK 1.4 (Merline)

    JDK 1.5 (Tiger)

    JDK 1.6 (Mustang)

    JDK 1.7 (Dolphin)

    JDK 1.8 (Spider)

    Note: JDK consist of different types of tools JRE, JVM in order to develop the java application.

    Q 2: State whether following is True or False.

    ‘C’ programs are platform independent. (False)

    Java programs are platform independent. (True)

    ‘C’ compiler is platform dependent. (True)

    Java Compiler is platform Independent. (False)

    JDK is platform Independent. (False)

    1.4 Install the JDK


    Open JTC DVD.

    Open folder Java8.

    Double click on JDK 1.8. (Fig 1.2)

    Fig 1.2: Java SE Development Kit 8 Setup

    Click on next.

    Provide the destination folder where exactly you wanted to install JDK 1.8 or else if you do not want to specify any specific location then click on next. (Fig 1.3, 1.4)

    Fig 1.3: Custom Setup

    Fig 1.4: Progress

    Click on next. (Fig 1.5, 1.6)

    Fig 1.5: Destination Folder

    Fig 1.6: Java Setup Progress

    Click Finish. (Fig 1.7)

    Fig 1.7: Java SE Development Kit 8 - Complete

    After successful installation of JDK, you need to set path for the ‘bin’ of the JDK. It is not sufficient just to install JDK in your machine but parallel you need to set the JDK of bin.

    1.4.1 Setting Path

    Path can be set in two different ways:

    Temporary path setting.

    To set the Temporary path

    Go to your corresponding working directory in command prompt.

    Copy JDK/Bin folder location.

    Type on command prompt. (Fig 1.8)

    Set path =%path%;C:\Java\Jdk1.7\bin

    Fig 1.8: Command Prompt

    When you set path in temporary manner, then each time when you try to compile and run java program or when you open command prompt then you need to set the path, which is time consuming process.

    In order to avoid the problem with temporary path setting we can set the path in permanent manner.

    2. Permanent path setting.

    To set the permanent path:

    Right click on My Computer Icon.

    Click on properties.

    Click on advance tab. (Fig 1.9)

    Fig 1.9: Advance System Settings

    Click on Environment variable. (Fig 1.10)

    Fig 1.10: Environment Variables

    Click on new under user variable. (Fig 1.11)

    Fig 1.11: New Variables

    Provide variable name as path and variable value as path%;C:\Java\Jdk1.7\ bin (bin folder location)

    Click on Ok. (Fig 1.12)

    Fig 1.12: Edit User Variable

    After setting the permanent path you need not to set the path again and again.

    1.4.2 How to Compile Java Program

    Write your java program and save that program with .java extension.

    After successful compilation of java program (.class) file will be generate which is called byte code with the name of class.

    The entire java program must be written inside the class.

    To compile java program open your command prompt.

    Go to the corresponding working directory.

    Syntax: javac filename (by which you have saved java program). E.g.: javac

    At the time of compiling the java program you need to provide the file name by which your java program has been saved.

    You can save your java program by any name followed by ‘.java’ extension.

    .class file will be generated with the name of class not with the name of the file name.

    It is always recommendable to save the java program with the name of class which contains main method.

    1.4.3 Running the java program

    At the time of running the java program you need to provide the .class file name which contains main method. E.g.:- java Jtc1

    Program 1.1

    class Hello{

    void m1(){

    System.out.println(m1 in Hello);



    public class Jtc2 {

    public static void main(String[] args) { Hello h1=new Hello(); h1.m1();



    Compile: javac - Two .class file will be generated first with Hello and second with Jtc2.

    Run : java Jtc2

    M1 in Hello - output

    Run : java Hello

    Error : Main method not found in class Hello please define the main method as: Public static void main(String args[])

    Above program can be saved by any name followed by .java extension while compiling the program you need to provide the file name by which you have saved the program.

    After successful compilation of above program two .class file will be generated i.e. Jtc2 and Hello.


    The .class file generation does not depend upon by which you have saved program or main method. As many number of classes available inside your source file that many number of .class file will be generated.

    While running the program you need to provide the (.class) file name which contains main method that is Jtc2.

    Q 3: Let's consider that you are saving a java program by some name followed by .java extension but within that editor you have not written any single thing then what will happen when we compile it, will be considered as Java program or not?

    Ans: It will be considered as java program but in order to compile successfully some context must be there inside, but if corresponding editor is not having any content then there is no question of compiling the program. So, even we cannot expect any .class file will be generated.

    Q 4: Can we perform any kind of changes or any kind of replacement in byte code by the keyboard.

    Ans: No, you cannot. If you are doing any changes in existing bytecode then you will not be able to run that program successfully because whatever input you are providing from the keyboard, it will be there in the form of input stream which is having some different meaning then the existing one.

    Chapter 2

    Java Language

    2.1 Character Set

    There are mainly following types of character set in java.

    A to Z

    a to z

    0 to 9

    Basically, these are all the special symbol available on your keyboard. If you are developing any application in ‘C’ programming language then it can support maximum English language because ‘C’ supports 8-bit ASCII character set. Whereas Java supports 16-bit UNICODE Character Set. So, by using Java as an application, it can support many languages.

    When you are developing any application in Java then with the help of Internationalization (I18N) or localization. Till UNICODE 4.0 it was supporting almost all the languages but it was not supporting Sanskrit and some other languages. But from UNICODE 5.0 it supports Sanskrit and many more new inclusions are there.

    2.2 Data Types

    There are mainly two types of data type.

    a) Primitive Data Type:

    Program 2.1

    class Hello{

    byte b1;

    short s1;

    int i1;

    long l1;

    float f1;

    double d1;

    boolean b11;

    char c1;

    void m1(){

    System.out.println(m1 in Hello);










    void m2(){

    System.out.println(m2 in Hello);

    byte b11=127;

    byte b22=-128;

    //byte b33=128;

    //byte b44=-129;

    int i11=2147483647;

    int i12=-2147483648;

    //int i13=2147483648;

    //long l14=2147483649;

    long l12=2147483648l;

    //float f11=11.11;

    float f12=11.11f;

    double d11=11.12;

    double d12=11.13d;














    public class Jtc5 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    Hello h1=new Hello();






    b) User Define Data Type:

    There are mainly two types of user define data types:



    From JDK 1.5 two more data types have been introduced:



    2.3 Keywords

    Keywords are having some predefine meaning which cannot be changed. In your further programme as keywords cannot be used as identifiers or user defined words.

    List of Keywords:

    2.4 Identifiers or User Define Words

    Identifiers will be used as class variables methods etc. While naming the identifiers or user define words remember the following paths:

    Keywords cannot be used as identifiers.

    Identifier must not start with any numeric or it is always recommendable to starts some of the identifiers with small case.

    It must not contain any special symbol other than (_ or $).

    Identifier must not contain any blank space in between.

    Identifiers may contain numeric but it should not be in starting.


    int ab; //ok

    int a_b; //ok

    int a b; // not ok

    Program 2.2

    class Hello{

    int a;

    int ab;

    int ab1;

    //int 1ab; - not ok

    int a1b;

    int a_b;

    int ab_;

    int _ab;

    int a$b;

    //int _; - identifier might not be supported in releases after Java SE 8

    int _$;

    //int ab*; - not ok

    //int ()_; - not ok

    //int for; - not ok

    //int true; - not ok

    int Integer;

    int INT;

    int For;

    void m1(){

    System.out.println(m1 in Hello);





    public class Jtc6 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    Hello h1=new Hello();





    Note: int Integer; Integer INT; int java.lang.Integer;

    When we are writing int Integer, then it is being considered as variable of type int. This Integer will not be considered as keyword.

    When we are writing java.lang.Integer then in this case it is invalid declaration because special symbols are not allowed in identifiers name.

    In java corresponding to the primitive data type wrapper classes has been designed which is available in java.lang package. Therefore in Integer int, here Integer will be considered as wrapper class and ‘int’ will be considered as a reference variable of type Integer.

    2.5 Variable

    Variables will be of some specific data type which contains some value according to the compatibility of corresponding data type. The variable value can be changed in further program. The value which is been assign to any variable will be loosely coupled with that specific memory location.

    The variable will be mainly of two types

    Class Level Variable: It can be accessed anywhere within the class. If you are not assigning any value to the class level variable corresponding to data type, it will be assigned internally by the JVM.

    Two class level variables cannot have same name.

    The variable which is directly define inside the class is called as class level variable.

    Local Variable: The variable which is define inside any block, method, constructor or inside any local context is called as local variable. Local variables will not be initialized implicitly by the JVM i.e. that local variable must be initialised explicitly by the developer before the use.

    Local variable memory will be allocated only when that corresponding context is being processed and immediately after processing the context that memory will be destroyed. That is the region you cannot assess the local variable outside context.

    You can name local variable and class level variable with the same name but when you are accessing that local variable in that context itself then that local variable only will be accessed. In order to access the class level variable within that local context you need use the this keyword.

    Program 2.3

    class Hello{

    int a=10;

    int b;

    int Hello;

    Hello h1;

    void m1(){

    int ab=100;

    int bc;

    int a=101;

    //int b;

    System.out.println(m1 in Hello);

    System.out.println(a); System.out.println(b);







    public class Jtc7 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    Hello h1=new Hello();





    2.6 Constant

    If you wanted to declare any variable with the fixed value which must not change in further program. So declare that variable as final.

    final in tab=20;

    static final int ab1=20;

    static final int AB=30;

    Program 2.4

    class Hello{

    int a=10;

    final int ab=20;

    static final int AB=30;


    Hello h1= new Hello();

    Hello h2= new Hello();

    When you are writing final int ab then for ab, memory allocation depends upon number of objects creation. (Figure 2.1) In case of static final, int AB memory will be allocated only once for n number of object also.

    According to JLS (Java Language Specification) static final variable must be in caps.

    Final variable will not be initialized automatically by JVM explicitly, you must have to initialize final variable.

    Q 1: Can we change the value of the final variable?

    Ans: There are some conditions before changing the value of the final variable, such as if it is instance final variable and it being initialize there itself when you have declared then you will not be able to change the value of the final variable and If it is instance final variable and its not been initialized at the time of declaration then in different objects context you will be able to have the different values for the same final variable.

    Q 2: Is it always necessary to initialize the value of the final variable at the time of declaration?

    Ans: No, it is not necessary to initialize the value of final variable at the time of declaration. It can be initialized in following different ways:

    At the time of declaration, With the help of block (if it is instance variable then we need to initialize it by using instance block whereas in the case of static variable we need to initialize explicitly in static block.

    Also we can initialize it by using constructor.

    2.7 Literals

    Literals are the value which can be assigned to the corresponding type of data type variables. There are mainly following types of literals:

    a) Integer Literal: Integer literal is further divided into following parts:

    Decimal Literal: Decimal literal must not start with 0 i.e. it can be anything within 0 to 9.


    int i1=1234;

    int i2=89746;

    int i3=0123456; // not ok

    In case of i3 it will give error i.e. if it is starting with zero then it will be considered as octal but octal must be within the range of 0 to 7.

    Octal Literal: Octal literals must be within 0 to 7 but it must start with 0.


    int a=01234;

    int b=01267;

    int c=01248; // not ok

    Hexadecimal literals: Hexadecimal literal must start with zerox (0X) or 0x and it must be within the range of 0 to 9 and A to F.

    Note: a to f or A to F both are having the same meaning.


    int i1=0x1234A;

    int i2=0X1234a;

    int i3=1234a0X //not ok

    It is not necessary that Hexadecimal literal must have 0X somewhere in between but it is parallelly important that the Hexadecimal no must start with OX.

    Program 2.5

    class Hello1{

    int i1=123456980;

    int i2=10100101;

    int i3=2147483647;

    int i4=-2147483648;

    //int i5=2147483648;

    int i6=0101001;

    int i7=012347;

    //int i8=0123478;

    int i9=000;

    int i10=0x123a;

    int i11=0X123A;

    int i12=0XABCF;

    //int i13=123A0X;

    long l1=2147483648l;

    void m1(){

    System.out.println(m1 in Hello);

















    public class Jtc9 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    Hello1 h1=new Hello1(); h1.m1();




    b) Floating point Literal: In order to increase the readability from jdk1.7 underscore(_) is introduced. This (_) can be use to increase the readability of a numerical literal. Remember following points while using (_) in numeric literal:

    Underscore(_) must not be used for any numeric literal must not start with underscore(_) and not end with (_).

    Underscore must not be used just before or just after the decimal.

    NOTE: This underscore is just for the developer site which will not reflect in output.

    Program 2.6

    class Hello2{

    int i1=11234;

    int i2=11_234;

    int i3=11__234;

    int i4=11_23_353_3;

    //int i5=_1123;

    //int i6=1123_;

    int i7=0x123_a;

    //int i8=0x_123_A;

    int i9=01_01_01_01_0;

    //int i10=0_X12233A; int i11=0_101010;

    void m1(){

    System.out.println(m1 in Hello);














    public class Jtc10 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    Hello2 h1=new Hello2();





    Floating point literal can be represented in two different ways:

    Floating point representation.

    e.g.- float f1=10.11; // not ok

    Exponential representation.

    double d1=9.9E+5;

    double d2=9.9E-5;

    Program 2.7

    class Hai{

    //float f1=11.22;

    not ok float f2=11.22f;

    float f3=11.33F;

    float f4=Float.MAX_VALUE;

    float f5=Float. MIN_VALUE;

    //float f6=11.22;

    float f7=11.22f;

    float f8=99.999f;

    float f9;

    float f10;

    double d1=11.555;

    double d2=526.566D;

    double d3=11.333d;

    double d4=Double.MAX_VALUE;

    double d5=Double.MIN_VALUE;

    double d6=22.22;

    double d7=221.378D;

    double d8=99.99e+5;

    double d9=9.9E-5;

    void show(){

    System.out.println(m1 in Hai);




















    public class Jtc11 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    Hai h1=new Hai();;



    F8 print Null as default (wrapper class) f9 print 0.0 because of primitive float type variable. Here f8 is called as reference variable and default type of a reference variable is null.

    In case of f7 assignment allow from jdk 1.5 because of jdk 1.5 auto boxing and un-boxing. It automatically or internally performs the required casting. But if the same assignment you are doing in JDK1.4 then it will give the error.

    c) Character literal: Anything which is enclosed with in single quotes will be considered as character literal.


    char ch1=‘A’;

    char ch2=‘a’;

    char ch3=‘AB’ //not ok

    char ch4=‘ ’; //not ok

    In case of character literal whenever you are enclosing any escape sequence character then it will show its original value for what it has been created.

    Program 2.8

    class Hello{

    char ch1; char ch2=‘ ’;

    char ch3=‘ ’;

    //char ch4=’’; not ok

    //char ch5=‘ . ’; not ok

    char ch6=‘"’;

    //char ch7=‘’’; not ok

    char ch8=‘\u0022’;

    char ch9=‘A’;

    //char ch10=‘AB’; not ok

    char ch11=‘*’;

    //char ch12=‘ ‘; not ok

    //char ch13=‘123’; not ok

    char ch14=‘1’;

    char ch15=65;

    char ch16=‘\n’;

    char ch17=‘\t’;

    char ch18=‘\r’;

    char ch19=‘\\’;

    //char ch20=‘\’;

    //char ch21=‘//’;

    char ch22=‘/’;

    char ch23=‘.’;

    char ch24=‘%’;

    char ch25=‘\u0001’;

    char ch26=‘\’’;

    //char ch27=‘\u000ABC’;

    int i1=‘A’;

    //int i2=A;

    //int i3=‘AB’;

    int i4=‘9’;

    int i5=‘\u0022’;

    int i6=‘\\’;

    //int i7=‘\’;

    int i8=‘ ‘;

    //int i9=‘123’;

    void m1(){

    System.out.println(m1 in Hello);




































    public class Jtc12 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    Hello h1=new Hello();





    Program 2.9

    public class Jtc13 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    char ch1;

    char ch2=‘ ‘;

    //char ch3=‘’;

    //char ch4=‘NULL’;

    //char ch5=Null;

    //char ch6=null;

    Character ch7=null;











    Exception in thread main java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: The local variable ch1 may not have been initialized System.out.println(ch1);


    In java there is no empty character literal but when you are assigning any character literal without giving any space in single quotes then it will be considered as empty character literal and it will give error at compile time.

    Commenting line dosen't mean that the compiler is going to ignore that. It reads that line by converting in corresponding Unicode but again it is not going to be verified from compiler library.

    In jtc13 we have written character ch6=null it doesn't mean that it is a character literal but in facts ch6 is a reference variable which is available inside main method & in that explicitly we have assigned default value of

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