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Teach Yourself Yoga: The Classic Yoga Instruction Manual
Teach Yourself Yoga: The Classic Yoga Instruction Manual
Teach Yourself Yoga: The Classic Yoga Instruction Manual
Ebook248 pages2 hours

Teach Yourself Yoga: The Classic Yoga Instruction Manual

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About this ebook

Teach Yourself Yoga was first released in Australia in 1997 and became an immediate bestseller. It started many people on their own yoga paths, and still has pride of place on many a practitioner's bookshelf.

Out of print for 15 years, this new release is a re-creation of the original book, with a few changes to

Release dateFeb 7, 2022
Teach Yourself Yoga: The Classic Yoga Instruction Manual

Eve Grzybowski

Eve was born in 1944. She has been teaching yoga for over 40 years and has been training yoga teacher for more than thirty. Her style of yoga emphasises self-care, care for our environment and loving kindness practice. Before moving to the country, Eve founded two yoga studios, Sydney Yoga Centre and Simply Yoga. Writing is an equal passion with yoga for Eve. She has two published books, 'Teach Yourself Yoga and 'The Art of Adjustment', many yoga-related articles, and her weekly blog, 'Yoga Suits Her'. A memoir is in the planning/writing stage. Eve and her husband joined with two other couples-long-term friends - in 2009 to live communally on the Midcoast of NSW. They wanted to adopt a gentler lifestyle and support each other's endeavours as they aged. Some of the communities they participate in are a writers' group, book club, choir and palliative care volunteering. Eve has three grandchildren. You can find her website at

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    Book preview

    Teach Yourself Yoga - Eve Grzybowski

    To my teachers for the gift of my passion for yoga.

    And to my students for keeping the fire kindled.

    Teach Yourself Yoga

    Edition 4, 2020

    © Eve Grzybowski 1997

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher in writing.

    First published in Australasia by Simon & Schuster Australia.

    This edition published by Eve Grzybowski, 2 Scotts Rd, Mitchells Island, NSW, 2430.

    National Library of Australia

    Cataloguing-in-Publication data

    Author:  Grzybowski, Eve

    Title: Teach Yourself Yoga

    ISBN: 978-0-6487945-8-5

    1. Yoga.  2. Yoga, Hatha.  I. Title.

    Format:  eBook - ePub/Mobi/AZW3

    Original design (1997) by Anna Soo

    eBook design by Daniel Weinstein

    Photography by David Clare

    Cover design by Trevor Hyde

    This eBook edition published: 7 February 2022

    Heading - table of contents

    Preface for the 2020 edition

    About the Author




    Chapter 1 - WHY YOGA

    Chapter 2 - WHAT IS YOGA

    Origins of yoga

    Tree of yoga

    Yoga in the West

    Sanskrit — the language of yoga

    Chapter 3: GETTING STARTED


    Potential obstacles

    What you need

    Chapter 4: YOGA PRACTICE

    When to practice

    How much to practice

    Seasons and cycles


    Putting it all together

    Chapter 5: THE POSTURES

    Sitting Poses



    Baddha Konasana


    Paripurna Navasana

    Warm-up Poses

    Right-angle Stretch

    Chest-opener and Shoulder Stretch


    Adho Mukha Svanasana


    Supta Padangusthasana

    Surya Namaskar

    Standing Poses


    Urdhva Hastasana


    Virabhadrasana II



    Prasarita Padottanasana




    Forward Stretches

    Forward Virasana

    Janu Sirsasana


    Upavistha Konasana


    Chair Twist

    Sukhasana Twist

    Ardha Jathara Parivartanasana

    Restorative Poses

    Supta Baddha Konasana

    Viparita Karani


    Twelve-Week Program




    Heading - Preface

    Walk into any bookshop today and you’ll see whole shelves of yoga books. It wasn’t like that in 1997. Back then, yoga was only slowly becoming mainstream; information was still hard to find.

    It was even harder to find resources when I first learned yoga as a 27 year-old. I relied on a book called Yoga 28 Day Exercise Plan, which I soon outgrew. As a result, I started making up my own yoga practice sequences using 3x5 cards.

    After becoming a yoga teacher, I decided to write a book based on my years of teaching and practising yoga. This book would express one of my great passions. It would help people, no matter what their level of experience, to take up home practice.

    I sold my book idea, Teach Yourself Yoga ’to a publisher. My editor wasn’t really an exercise person. She said, ‘If you can write this book so that even I feel inspired to get up and do yoga, you will have succeeded.’ I was delighted when I sent her the first chapter and she congratulated me with the words, ‘Keep on keeping on!’

    Despite having no prior book writing experience, it took me only five months to write the book. I finished it on the exact day it was due.

    It was a kick to see my book being sold in major bookshops and in airport terminals. An overseas yoga teacher bought multiple copies for her yoga teacher trainees. A Byron Bay Pilates teacher bought copies for the yoga component of her teacher trainings. Teach Yourself Yoga sold so well that the publisher did another print run. That one sold, too.

    Eventually, I bought the book rights and did several print runs of a spiral-bound version of the book. Then, I wrote another book–a teaching manual. I sold my yoga studio and moved to the country. I channelled my writing about yoga into blogging (Yoga Suits Her -, which I’ve been doing for the last 10 years.

    In the back of my mind, and encouraged by my husband Daniel and dear friend Collyn Rivers, I’ve often thought about bringing Teach Yourself Yoga back to life. It would mean that the classic book could move with the times. It would be a modern version for tablets of all kinds, as well as print-on-demand for those who like holding real books or having them on their bookshelves.

    On re-reading Teach Yourself Yoga, I was amazed how well the book has held up over the decades. I’ve had to make very few revisions. Some of the old ways of doing poses have proved incorrect so needed updating.

    I feel quite affectionate about this book. I believe it does deliver on its promise of inspiring the reader to do yoga, to follow the simple programs and to reap all the benefits of this ancient discipline. It is written in an accessible, inclusive style to reach a wide audience of young and old, male and female and people from all walks of life.

    Even the book’s photographic models are inspiring. Their ages span mid 30’s to late 60’s. I can say that although we have all aged since the photos were taken, yoga has kept us in exceedingly good health.

    May you, dear reader, with the help of this classic book, reap the many advantages of yoga practice, too!

    About the Author

    Eve Grzybowski has been practicing yoga since 1971 and has been teaching for more than 40 years. She started training new teachers in 1989 and many of her students are numbered among the leading teachers in Australia.

    Before moving to the country, Eve founded two yoga studios, Sydney Yoga Centre and Simply Yoga. Over the years, her style of yoga teaching has come to emphasise the importance of self-care, the practice of loving kindness and care for our environment.

    Writing is an equal passion with yoga for Eve. She has two published books, ‘Teach Yourself Yoga and ‘The Art of Adjustment’ and many yoga-related articles. In 2007 Eve started a blog. It eventually became known as ‘Yoga Suits Her’. She has published over 1300 posts, all of which can be viewed at A memoir is in the planning/writing stage.

    Eve and her husband joined with two other couples in 2009 to live communally on the Midcoast of NSW. They wanted to adopt a gentler lifestyle and support each other’s endeavours as they aged. Ten years on this experiment is flourishing.

    Eve has created a community of yoga teachers from various traditions who live and work on the east coast of NSW. They meet at one another’s studios once a month and provide an environment of mutual support in the local yoga community.

    Eve is passionate about community. Her living situation is a community. She participates in a variety of other local communities such as Scribbler’s writing group, an ‘all-girls’ book club and an acappella choir. In 2014 Eve trained and qualified as a palliative care volunteer. In that role she visits and offers support to people who are living with life threatening illnesses.

    Eve is married to Daniel Weinstein. Between them, they have two sons and three grandchildren, all under 5 years old.

    Heading - Forward

    When I discovered yoga, my life changed. The changes have been slow and subtle, but nevertheless profound. From my very first yoga class, I knew it was for me. I remember coming out of the class feeling like I was walking on air with my head in the clouds! Gradually, over time, I started to feel more comfortable with, and in, my body. The niggly aches and pains I used to feel have been replaced by a sense of wellbeing and my muscles are more relaxed, stronger and more flexible.

    Eve became one of my favourite teachers. Watching her demonstrate a yoga pose with superb grace is like watching a moving piece of art. You know you won’t be able to reproduce it exactly, but with her gentle encouragement and faith in your ability you quite often surprise yourself.

    The big turning point in my life came when Eve suggested I sign up for the yoga teaching training course. I had secretly dreamed of doing it, but convinced myself I wasn’t quite up to scratch. As soon as I heard those encouraging words, I started to feel more confident about being good enough to take on the course. As it turned out, that year was the best of my life. I loved every minute of the course and learned a lot about myself — and my yoga improved out of sight.

    Life is a journey and yoga has helped me confront that journey head on. It has been like a road map for me, gently giving me directions to the pathways I need to take. Yoga helped me make the inner connection with myself, allowing me to choose the smooth path instead of the rocky road.

    It is a great honour for me to recommend Eve’s book. I have collected many great yoga books over the years, but this one truly stands out as a gem. Eve’s warm and caring nature shines through the pages. Her personable style draws you in immediately, keeping you hungry for more. Covering every aspect of yoga, Teach Yourself Yoga is easy to read and understand — so whether you’re a complete beginner or someone who’s travelled the yoga path for a while, you’ll find it equally useful.

    Teach Yourself Yoga will become an essential handbook to read and re-read for practical knowledge and inspiration.

    Alison King

    Products Editor, Family Circle, and yoga teacher

    Heading - acknowledgments

    I’m grateful for the clear thinking beginner’s mind my husband, Daniel Weinstein, brought to reading the early and later versions of this book; the constructive criticism and friendship of Michael Hollingworth and Heather Hyde; and the willing offers of computer support from my stepson, Ben Weinstein.

    Heading - introduction

    The image people have of yoga, a 3000-year-old discipline, has been undergoing rapid, and radical, change. In recent times, it has become popular and ‘trendy’, even among

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