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A Lesson in Climate Change
A Lesson in Climate Change
A Lesson in Climate Change
Ebook33 pages14 minutes

A Lesson in Climate Change

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About this ebook

One of the great problems facing mankind today is the worldwide climate crisis. Efforts to manage and mitigate this problem will necessarily extend well into the future, begging the question: Will today's young people have the wherewithal to successfully handle this looming challenge?

'A Lesson in Climate Change' is a teaching lesson developed specifically to assist young people everywhere meet this enormous challenge. It does so by employing a unique digital 'tracking' procedure that brings to life the climate change process (What is climate change?), while providing a real-time visual assessment of climate changing where they live. In this way, each student can see on their digital device how their climate has changed over the past half-century, or more, and where it might be headed. Knowing this information will be paramount to managing and mitigating the climate crisis.

What better way to learn about climate change than to see it in action!

PublisherRoy Wysnewski
Release dateOct 26, 2021
A Lesson in Climate Change

Roy Wysnewski

I am a retired Nondestructive Testing Engineer/Manager living for the past twenty-five years with my wife Judy in Sarasota, Florida.At one point in my life, as a junior in college, I considered entering the field of meteorology. When that didn't materialize, I made a personal vow to become an amateur meteorologist and monitor the weather when I retired --- and that's what I did beginning in 1999.Unique lifetime weather experiences together with a very satisfactory eighteen years monitoring the local weather while volunteering as a Weather Spotter for the National Weather Service led me to write 'Whether To, Or Weather - Not To'.

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    Book preview

    A Lesson in Climate Change - Roy Wysnewski

    A Lesson in Climate Change

    July 2022


    Roy Wysnewski

    Also, author of:

    ‘Climates in Crisis’, and ‘Tracking Climate

    Change Locally (through) Weather’ [TCCLW] ©


    This lesson is about one of the most serious problems facing humanity today: CLIMATE CHANGE. Using a firsthand approach, you implement a digital graphics tool that brings climate change to life on your digital device. From this real-time experience, and the technical information presented, you learn about climate change, why it is a fundamental problem, and what you can do to help reduce its future impact on humanity.

    Table of Contents

    A Lesson In Climate Change


    A Lesson in Climate Change is presented in four steps.

    Let’s Get Personally Acquainted with Climate Change

    Step 1: Define Climate Change

    Step 2: Implement the NOAA Digital Graphing Tool ‘SC ACIS’

    Step 3: Analyze your Graph (Climate Changing Picture)

    Step 4: A Plan to Address Climate Change

    About the Author



    For years scientists and military leaders warned that climate change is mankind’s greatest ‘enemy’ -- one that threatens the

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