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Burn Brothers: Eternal Flames, #1
Burn Brothers: Eternal Flames, #1
Burn Brothers: Eternal Flames, #1
Ebook33 pages23 minutes

Burn Brothers: Eternal Flames, #1

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Jayk, a super-powered being with the ability to manifest and manipulate fire, has tried to keep his powers a secret. He has tried to live a normal life, living amongst mortals as he always intended. However, the one thing that he has run from, has finally caught up to him. A part of his past that could jepardize his future if it isn't stopped...his younger brother. 

Release dateOct 14, 2021
Burn Brothers: Eternal Flames, #1

Sakari Lacross

Michael Wayne Noland Jr, better known for his pen name Sakari Lacross, was born February 5th, 1994 in Cleveland Ohio. Spending most of his childhood being raised in Flint Michigan, Michael's mother moved him and his family to Arizona when he was 15. Even with his unstable background, Michael has been writing since he was nine years old, competing in his school's poetry contest and bimonthly writing events. Discovering all his true potential to write during his years he went to linden charter academy, Michael won his first local poetry contest at Sam Garcia Western Avenue Library, located in Avondale Arizona. Michael then published his first poetry collection, titled, PTSD. With so many more projects on the way, Michael has no plans of stopping his love for writing any time soon and encourages his readers to stick around for the rides to come.

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    Book preview

    Burn Brothers - Sakari Lacross

    Burn Brothers

    Eternal Flames, Volume 1

    Sakari Lacross

    Published by Sakari Lacross, 2021.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. October 14, 2021.

    Copyright © 2021 Sakari Lacross.

    ISBN: 978-1393645092

    Written by Sakari Lacross.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Burn Brothers (Eternal Flames, #1)

    Sign up for Sakari Lacross's Mailing List

    Further Reading: Flames Unversed

    Also By Sakari Lacross

    About the Author

    Who could do this? Who could burn down a children’s hospital? These were questions I wish I didn’t know the answer to. But seeing as this children’s hospital was the one I was born at, and the flames were so fierce that even fire fighters couldn’t put them out, along with the fact that after the building was burned down, detectives found no evidence of what caused the fire, I was aware of not what...but who was behind this.

    Born at St. Walkway hospital, I was born with unusual marks on my elbow. The marks were more like tattoos with swirl like designs. My mother noticed these weird symbols first, so she hid them from the world in precaution. As I got older, I quickly found out what the marks meant. The symbols held some tie in with an ability that I was born with. The ability to create fire from my body. To release it and control it at my will. Green flames that were so unique, no other fire could stand out in comparison. The problem was...I was not the only one to be born with this double-edged sword. My younger brother, now eighteen, Drew, also carried this trait. The only difference was his flames were purple. Unlike myself, he lacks self discipline, making the two of us targets in the world if I didn’t put a stop to

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