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Full Circle Marketing
Full Circle Marketing
Full Circle Marketing
Ebook108 pages1 hour

Full Circle Marketing

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Over the pages of this Full Circle Marketing you're going to discover two fundamental marketing strategies. Marketi

Release dateNov 3, 2021
Full Circle Marketing

Wayne Mullins

The Author has a Bachelor's Degree in Bible from Phila. College of Bible, and a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology from Moravian Seminary. He counseled for Catholic Social Agency for many years in Allentown, PA and Philipsburg, NJ before opening a private practice in the Greater Bethlehem Area of PA, where he still practices.

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Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Simply amazing,
    The examples are captivating, but most importantly the book takes a look back to the origins and basics of customer behavior and how it applies to this generation of marketers.
    It challenges and totally annihilates the new wave of guru marketers.
    Absolutely a must for marketers.

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Full Circle Marketing - Wayne Mullins

Full Circle Marketing

Copyright © 2021 by Wayne Mullins

Published by Ugly Mug Marketing

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the publisher.

Bulk orders: [email protected]

Print ISBN: 978-0-578-97651-8

Ebook ISBN: 978-0-578-97652-5

To Heather, Truett, Jett, Hudson and Harper, don’t settle.

It’s not going to be easy, but it’s going to be worth it.




CHAPTER 1: Meet the Marketing Rock

CHAPTER 2: There Is No Hope

CHAPTER 3: Following AIDA


CHAPTER 4: Going Natural

CHAPTER 5: Stranger Things

CHAPTER 6: Why Can’t We Be Friends

CHAPTER 7: Putting Money in the Bank


CHAPTER 8: Evangelizing the World

CHAPTER 9: Don’t Be Stupid

CHAPTER 10: Stop Being So Demanding

Bringing it All Together

About the Author


People assume marketing has to be expensive, complex, and complicated.

They’re wrong!

Marketing can be simple, effective, and affordable. But the only way to make your marketing simple, effective, and affordable is to be strategic. In an ever-changing, ever-evolving world, being strategic isn’t easy. The lure of the latest and greatest marketing tool or app is enough to persuade even the most skeptical among us to ditch our strategy and chase the new. And if the tools and apps aren’t enough to tempt us, we have plenty of self-proclaimed gurus pitching the marketing hack they discovered, all from their garage with a rented Lamborghini in the background. (Looking at you Tai Lopez.) With all the noise, how could you not believe marketing is expensive, complex, and complicated?

This belief that marketing has to be expensive, complex, and complicated is a myth. A narrative that we are being sold, and as much as I wish it weren’t true, it’s a myth we’ve bought hook, line, and sinker. I’m reminded of the wise words Steven Pressfield shared in his book The War of Art:

Do you regularly ingest any substance, controlled or otherwise, whose aim is the alleviation of depression, anxiety, etc.? I offer the following experience: I once worked as a writer for a big New York ad agency. Our boss used to tell us: Invent a disease. Come up with the disease, he said, and we can sell the cure. Attention Deficit Disorder, Seasonal Affect Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder. These aren’t diseases, they’re marketing ploys. Doctors didn’t discover them, copywriters did. Marketing departments did. Drug companies did.

This isn’t the book to debate the accuracy of Mr. Pressfield’s comment, but it is the book to help you shift your marketing narrative. During our time together, my job is to show you a process that can make your marketing both simple and effective. Notice I didn’t say simple or effective. I said simple and effective. Both are attainable with the right strategy. Both are possible when you choose to let go of the false narrative you’ve bought that effective marketing is complicated and unpredictable.

Over the next pages you’re going to discover two fundamental marketing strategies. Marketing strategies that work every single time they are used, and in many ways, these two fundamental strategies are like natural laws. And just like natural laws, you can choose to ignore them, or even pretend they don’t exist, but your decision doesn’t invalidate the laws. Jump out of an airplane, and you don’t invalidate the law of gravity; you prove it. The same is true for the strategies you’ll discover in the pages of this book. You can ignore them, or even intentionally violate them, but your decision won’t invalidate their reality. Instead your results, or lack thereof, will merely confirm their existence.

You may be thinking, that’s a bold claim to make in the first few words of this book. I agree, so let me briefly explain why I place so much confidence in these strategies. To begin, I’ve not only witnessed the results of these strategies in my own company, but also for hundreds of other organizations that have applied them. The next reason for my bold claim is simply this: these marketing strategies aren’t based on a tool, tactic, app, or what some guru shared with me in secret. Instead, they are based on the core fundamentals of human nature. This is not to say that human nature does not shift or change over time, because it does, but that changes are very slow and progressive. Therein lies the power of these marketing strategies—human nature. If your marketing strategies are in alignment with the way human nature works, you’ll succeed.

A brief warning before we get started. On the surface these strategies may seem too simple or even too good to be true. If you aren’t careful, their simplicity may tempt you to dismiss them, and that would be a mistake. As marketers, we are prone to complexity bias. Complexity bias is a logical fallacy that leads us to give undue credence to complex concepts. We mistakenly believe simple solutions can not, or will not, be effective. So if you are going to get the most from our time together, let go of your complexity bias. You have my permission.

Let’s begin!

PART 1 – There are no secrets



This rock has generated over a million dollars in revenue for our company!

Nope, that’s not a typo.

And nope, that’s not an exaggeration.

In fact, $1million dollars in revenue is an extremely conservative figure.

I’ll give

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