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Create the Best Version of You: Step 1: Don’t Dress Just Not to Be Naked
Create the Best Version of You: Step 1: Don’t Dress Just Not to Be Naked
Create the Best Version of You: Step 1: Don’t Dress Just Not to Be Naked
Ebook215 pages3 hours

Create the Best Version of You: Step 1: Don’t Dress Just Not to Be Naked

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About this ebook

Every company wants their product to stand out from the competition. So why shouldn’t every man want the same thing? Men should strive to separate themselves from the competition too, and win what they are fighting for, whether this is a new job, a promotion, a business partnership, or a girlfriend.

Branding is everything. That’s why all serious companies invest in their brand. Unfortunately, too many men with great potential invest virtually nothing in their personal brand.

You will never cash your real worth with a poor or an average image.

Science has proven that a successful personal image is important for our self-esteem and confidence. Studies also show that any first impression is profoundly influenced by the way we look.

This book is a complete guide for every man who does not want to settle for mediocrity, but who wants to build a better version of himself and cash his worth. All men can learn from this guide, no matter their age, experience, position, or status. By paying attention to a few easy-to-follow steps, this guide describes how to build an outstanding personal brand image, allowing you to stand out in any personal or professional situation.

If you could be better, wouldn’t you want to be?
Release dateMay 17, 2019
Create the Best Version of You: Step 1: Don’t Dress Just Not to Be Naked

Romulus Sirbu

Romulus is a successful international executive, mentor, and coach with a unique blend of knowledge. He has managed 11 markets across 2 continents for a top Fortune 500 company. A direct selling expert and a charismatic leader for teams of more than 500,000 sellers, Romulus has been acclaimed for his leadership and branding in a career spanning over two decades.

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    Create the Best Version of You - Romulus Sirbu



    OTHERS BRING DATA! 43578.png

    Before we go any further, there are five important points that must be underlined here because, if you disagree with them, most things we’ll discuss here will not work for you. They are:

    1. You do not know what you don’t know!

    2. You need help from people who knows what you do not know

    3. You need to control your EGO

    4. Don’t let yourself distracted by what people will think if I am going to …

    5. No change works from the first attempt (trial)

    You must accept that none of us know everything, you included. Like all of us, you do not know what you do not know! There are plenty of amazing information out there, proven scenarios which can make you better but you simply have no idea they exist and as a result you’ll never do anything about it. Imagine trying to explain the sea to somebody that has only seen the lake in his entire life.

    Your belief system might work against you if your mind is not open to embrace new points of view. If you have no idea that life can be better because the only things you know and see are the ones surrounding you, then you’ll have zero chance to have a better life because you’ll not fight for something you don’t know and/or believe it can exist. 9 out of 10 men generally have a boring or wrong image which means, statistically speaking, you might be one of them. Be open and learn what no formal education ever teaches you.

    If you are one of the 9 out of 10 people, you need help from people who know what you do not know. Why spend time reinventing the wheel if somebody already did it and it works? In this book I will share things that you most probably do not know and even if you are aware of them, there is a high probability you do not know it the right way (you’ll see later if this is your case in the next chapters of this book)

    You need to control your EGO. Each time (or most of times for some people), ego is an emergency break for us and is stopping us from progress. For some people, it’s not pleasant to discover that they have certain bad habits for few decades already. People react differently and unfortunately, for some of them, instead of embracing the opportunity to change for the better, are locking themselves in their actual state of mind and are looking for every reason why the change will not work for them so, they do not need to unlearn something that are so obviously right for them.

    It is not easy to accept that you did something wrong for 40 years, for example. How could it be wrong? Simple! Because is not possible to know everything or because we have learned it the wrong way. What’s the big deal? Still, for some people, it is a big deal, probably because they see this as a sign of weakness and they cannot accept this – to show others they admit they were wrong … Smart? Well …probably not much but, fortunately for me, that is your problem to solve if you have it, not mine 43366.png

    Being stubborn in your beliefs in front of obvious is very dangerous and is definitely not working for you, but against you.

    Most probably one of the things which killed more dreams than anything else and keep people not trying to get better (which always involve changes) is the fact that they imagine what people will think if I am going to do that?

    And because you do not know what you do not know, you can’t actually anticipate what people will think if, for example, when you start to wear tailored clothes, because you never did it before. And because our system of self-preservation will always do its best to keep us within our comfort zone, not outside of it, and because most of our thoughts (roughly 70% of them) are negative, in most cases, we’ll start imagining only bad things when trying to answer this question: what would people think of the new me?

    Do not do this to yourself and give it a confident try. Why? Because all the people who have changed their image based on my prescription, which will be described in these pages never wanted to go back to the old them – that is progress.

    You must understand that if you want a positive transformation, the old you have to die before the New You can be REBORN.

    My fifth point (No change works from the first attempt (trial)) was about the fact that change and mostly its effects, rarely happens overnight.

    Try to imagine or even do this simple change; start brushing your teeth with your left hand – this will not be so convenient (unless you are lefty), isn’t it? 43373.png But after a week of doing it, I’m sure you’ll get comfortable with your new technique and things will just be fine.

    If you will only give it only one try, then you might think oh, it’s not OK. I can do it better the other way (because this is the way I used to do it) then you’ll probably quit and never try again.

    Our transformation, which starts with your wardrobe would completely change your fitting style, the colours and patterns you use to wear and the way you accessorized them. You’ll have the feeling of brushing your teeth with your left hand – uncomfortable at the beginning but after a week or two, the result will simply be amazing


    Tip: our brain has serious difficulties to handle major changes overnight. That is why very few people manage, for example, to keep super strict diets for a long time. But the great news is that our brain can handle one small step at a time. Which means, if we gradually implement new disciplines in our daily routines, we can do it! We can transform ourselves step by step, day by day.

    In order to state my case, I will bring into our conversation few well known discoveries.

    One of them is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:


    The pyramid shape suggests the size of each group. More people are in the bottom categories and less in the top categories.

    The higher the category you belong, the more you stand out among the others.

    At the same time, if you want to win over the masses, you have to address their needs. You probably have already noticed how many advertisements use such techniques to influence the subconscious mind of the masses by introducing an appealing image of a woman or a man (not as often as woman), regardless of the product that they sell. These companies know that any connection with sexuality will trigger the attention of the majority of people (Maslow bottom category).

    This fact proves as well that if YOU are that appealing image, then you’ll be an attraction for most people, especially from the opposite gender.

    Let’s try a simple question: if you can choose between a colleague with good appearance and another that looks messy and does not care about him/her self (considering both have more or less same required business knowledge), which one would you choose?

    One cashier pay attention and make her appearance appealing while the other cashier pays no attention to her appearance (unkempt hair, tired eyes, etc). Which one will your instinct pick to pay your goodies? Is this fair? Obviously not, but this is the way our subconscious mind work – we are automatically attracted by better looking-people.

    Would you prefer to date a gorgeous or an unattractive woman? I’ll let you answer the question because we both know your answer so, let’s move on.

    Next discovery says that up to 95% of our actions are run by our subconscious mind, which is massive number and all these actions are based on what we’ve learned in our life so far.

    Simplistically here is how it works: you learn something new, you practice enough times until it becomes a habit and that’s it. From that moment on, it will work for you automatically.

    A common example is when we learn how to drive a car. While we are learning this skill, we are fully aware of all the moves we need to do but after a few weeks / months, all these things become automatic for us. We just do it.

    95% of what we are doing is on autopilot mode. Amazing or scary? Both, isn’t it?

    You could also think of it like downloading a program into your computer (our brain in this case). Once you did it, you’ll have it for the rest of your life, unless you delete it.

    If you know how to handle the 95% of your actions it’s amazing but, if others write the programs for you, it’s scary how much they can manipulate you …

    We must be careful what programs we’ve downloaded over the years.

    Isn’t it amazing that when we get a new phone or blender or any gadgets, we get a manual about how to use that device but we have no manual about how to use our mind although the mind is controlling 95% of our actions?


    If you have downloaded the right programs, your life will progress well but on the contrary, if you have the wrong programs you’ll struggle in life and you’ll not understand why. It says that our subconscious programs about money will keep poor people poor and rich people rich unless they download new programs and delete the old programs.

    The good thing is that whatever we have learned, we can unlearn. How? Simply, by installing new programs which will erase the old ones. The only way accessible to everyone to install new programs is through repetition.

    This is why, for example, people do not lose weight although they know what to do. The fact that we have diets instead of changing our lifestyle does not provide enough repetition to unlearn the bad eating habits and therefore, as soon as we drop the diet, most people gain back the lost weight.

    When it comes to success, we need to know what programs to erase and what programs to install.

    The reason I brought this short introduction about how subconscious mind works is for you to understand why having an outstanding image will also help you subconsciously to succeed.

    I held my courses in many geographical areas. One of the exercises I am doing to prove my case is the following: I show them the same 4 pictures of people they do not know and ask the audience to point out which one they believe is the most successful. Everybody (no exception) chose the same picture out of 4 as being the successful person in the group. Why does this happen everywhere? Basically, because we all have downloaded the same program early in life which give us the indication of how successful people look like.

    And here comes the risk of not knowing how important it is to project a successful image ALL THE TIME! If our image is not successful and we look at us in the mirror daily (which is a massive number of repetitions for our subconscious mind), the message we send to our mind is – I AM NOT SUCCESSFUL! (my image proves this daily). Then guess what? Our mind will work accordingly and will make sure we remain unsuccessful. This is the type of repetition which some of us will do for years, every day; which installs a program in your mind that says to yourself – you are not successful. I know how a successful person looks like. Look at you!

    The selfie lovers are even in more danger if they look dull. Their subconscious mind will get this message more often.

    And now most people will give the example of tech millionaires who always wear t-shirts and are still financially successful. I will comment this in more details later but let me briefly answer this for now:

    Overall, these people are the exceptions as they are a minority in the group of successful people. Probably for any one of these t-shirt-millionaires, you can find at least another 100 millionaires who look successful. And then how about the fact that almost all unsuccessful people are dressed dull? This statistic should worry you more! We can draw the following conclusion: because success attracts success, if you do not know how to look successful, you have a massive chance that you too will be unsuccessful and most probably you’ll never cash your real worth. Would you really prefer to be average instead of learning step by step how to dress like successful people?


    What will happen when we change our image according to what our subconscious mind already knows a successful person look like? We’ll start showing this every day to our mind (the repetition you need). The mind will understand this message: here’s a successful person and will act accordingly in your favor.

    Some culture will say: fake it until you make it!

    Remember that subconscious mind is a million times more powerful than our conscious mind. Don’t focus only on controlling your conscious thinking. Learn how to influence your subconscious mind in your favor, not against you.

    One more important Harvard study for our discussion, led by psychologist Prof. Amy Cuddy, stated that people ask themselves two questions when they first meet us:

    1. Can I trust this person?

    2. Can I respect this person?

    That is why, if we do not respect ourselves, why do we expect others to do? And if they don’t, according to the study about how our subconscious mind function, with high probability, we’ll fail our first impressions most of the time.

    How willing are you to fail on the first impression when:

    - You go to the interview for your dream job?

    - You deliver an important presentation to top management?

    - You go for a critical meeting to meet your potential business partners to seal an important deal for your business?

    - You deliver a public speech?

    - You meet the woman you want to be your girlfriend or wife?

    And when it comes to the first impression, the 2 features people will notice before they assess your knowledge are:

    1. how you look

    2. how you talk

    Basically, because 95% of our body is covered with clothes when we make a first impression, that means if we know how to dress and have the right presentation skills, we will have a remarkable impact on the result of that first impression question: will they like you or not?

    You can continue to think that focusing on image is shallow (and I do agree with you – it is shallow if all somebody have is just image) or you can study what psychology says about the importance of our appearance.

    Remember? We do not know what we do not know! Set your old believes aside and give a new approach a chance to change your life.

    In any way, rejecting something you do not know much about without at least trying is not the right behavior from somebody who want to be successful. Agree?

    Before moving further, we must be aware that most of us are facing few barriers when we build our image, that is why based on my observation when I am in a public space, 9 out of 10 people look average or poor. When I say poor, I do not mean from the

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