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From Leadership in School Organization to Pragmatic Research in Physical Education Professional Development
From Leadership in School Organization to Pragmatic Research in Physical Education Professional Development
From Leadership in School Organization to Pragmatic Research in Physical Education Professional Development
Ebook110 pages1 hour

From Leadership in School Organization to Pragmatic Research in Physical Education Professional Development

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About this ebook

The making of this book actually hit me a while back when I was working on for my doctoral dissertation. As an educational leadership doctoral student and candidate, I struggled with ideas related to leadership, and therefore, I kept little notes here and thereon papers, computers, cell phone, or in my head. Once, I was reading interesting studies or those that made sense with approaches to leadership. I wrote them down. Later, when it came time to write my dissertation, I struggled along the way. For that reason, I have decided to write the book and to familiarize those who want to write a dissertation or thesis with steps necessary to embark on and pursue to complete such a journey. During one of my trips to France, I shared my ideas with a colleague, Redha, who offered his assistance, expertise, and attention. From that point on, we communicated via email and during my visits to France. The leadership in school organization is written for educational leaders, and the research part of the book is written for students who want to investigate the professional development in physical education. Yet any leader or student can benefit from the general ideas offered here.
Release dateApr 18, 2018
From Leadership in School Organization to Pragmatic Research in Physical Education Professional Development

Dr. Ellie Abdi

Internationally recognized expert in education Dr. Ellie Abdi is a former gymnast, dancer and coach whom has held many academic roles from PK to doctoral level and currently at two American and two French Universities plus a school district. Dr. Abdi was an elected VP of physical education in New Jersey and an elect-chair of Diversity for SHAPE-America who advocates before the Congress in DC. Professor Abdi is an Editorial Board Member of several International journals in Turkey, India, Bulgaria and United States, a review editor for a Swiss journal and an invitee member of scientific committees at many conferences. A presenter of many papers, keynotes and workshops who has published many research, interviews and articles. She is the author of 2 books on education and contributed several chapters in few books on biomechanics.

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    From Leadership in School Organization to Pragmatic Research in Physical Education Professional Development - Dr. Ellie Abdi

    © 2018 Dr. Ellie Abdi and Dr. Redha Taiar. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 04/16/2018

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-3690-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-3692-4 (e)

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.




    Chapter 1   School Organizational Development

    1. Communication Development

    1.1 Social Media

    1.2 None-isolated Teaching

    1.3 Professional Development

    2. Community Development

    3. Decision-making Development

    Chapter 2   The Role of a Leader in a Professional Learning Community

    Chapter 3   School Educational Platform in Terms of Teacher Training in Physical Education

    Chapter 4   Effects of Four Worldviews in Teacher Education

    Chapter 5   Pragmatic Research in Professional Development of Physical Education

    1. Research Topic

    2. Problem Statement

    3. Purpose of the Study

    4. Research Questions

    5. Review of the Literature

    6. Research Design

    6.1. Methodology

    6.2. Envisioned Method

    7. Measurements and Assessments

    7.1. Validity

    8. Qualitative Data Analysis, Collection, and Reporting

    8. 1. Ethics

    8. 2. Collection and Reporting

    9. Definition of Key Terms

    About the Authors

    Dedicated to our children

    Joshua and Jacob

    Eddi and Yannis

    Life is art of living, paint it colorful


    The making of this book actually hit me awhile back when I was working on for my doctoral dissertation. As an educational leadership doctoral student and candidate, I struggled with ideas related to leadership and therefore I kept little notes here and there, on papers, computers, cell phone, or in my head. Once, I was reading interesting studies or those that made sense with approaches to leadership, I wrote them down. Later, when it came time to write my dissertation, I struggled along the way. For that reason, I have decided to write the book and to familiarize those who want to write a dissertation or thesis with steps necessary to embark on and pursue to complete such a journey. During one of my trips to France, I shared my ideas with a colleague, Redha, who offered his assistance, expertise, and attention. From that point on, we communicated via email and during my visits to France. The leadership in school organization is written for educational leaders and the research part of the book is written for students who want to investigate the professional development in physical education. Yet any leader or student can benefit from the general ideas offered here.


    New Jersey

    April, 2018


    School Organizational Development

    Practical experiences related to the school organizations and the process of structure and communication can positively and negatively impact the growth and success of the organization. Teachers are instructed to utilize different forms of communication, such as written, verbal, and nonverbal the same as students. Likewise, administrators spend a majority of their time communicating and making influential decisions. Improving school communication in order to share decisions requires planned, organizational development.

    The improvement of schools is tempered by compliance with legislation and regulations required by government, public service, and Department of Education policies concerning finances, resources, and staff. The leadership organizes the school in such a way that the school is effective and efficient in attaining instructional objectives. Administrators’ roles include both student learning and management of the school organization, both of which need to incorporate a balance between management and the creation of leaders of learning in a setting. Communication, community, and decision-making developments are essential to the advancement of school organization, which will be examined in this part.

    1. Communication Development

    One way to construct decisions is to communicate with faculty and staff. Through this process, participants can share and produce an understanding of different ideas to further develop them. The leader can also provide verbally and nonverbally communication to provide formal and informal feedback. Nevertheless, perfection is impractical but does not denote the fact that improvements in communication process should not take place.

    Advancement of communication through technology has changed drastically in recent years. Additionally, exposing oneself to all of the information on the internet about any particular topic, as well as verifying its relevance and accuracy, is more difficult than it once was–not to mention that the supply of information is vast. The internet is a relatively new communication tool, and its use worldwide has become commonplace. It is more difficult to ban or censor as the tool that is the internet because it does not exist in isolation and is used differently in various places and for dissimilar purposes. The internet, indeed, is an opportunity to travel beyond many resources available in libraries. Consequently, evaluating the quality of online material necessitates more-vigilant scanning of the available information to ferret out incorrect and inaccurate information. With the intent of proving or denying a theory, attention must be given to the most recent works in a subject area. Some of the research is outdated and therefore needs to be expanded in conjunction with current materials.

    Impacts of mediating constructs on decision quality were found to depend on the levels of participants’ expertise and deception (Kahai & Cooper, 2003). In general, it was found that deep media can have significantly positive impacts

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