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Burnout to Engagement: Mindfulness in Action
Burnout to Engagement: Mindfulness in Action
Burnout to Engagement: Mindfulness in Action
Ebook157 pages1 hour

Burnout to Engagement: Mindfulness in Action

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About this ebook

Despite the death of his father at age five, Assaad Mounzer, M.D., a native of Lebanon grew up in a loving home.
But with a civil war raging in his homeland, he moved to the United States of America, where he became an Urologist.

He discovered that patients appreciated his listening skills, and his compassion. He was so dedicated that eventually he began to suffer from empathy fatigue. While he did not realize it at the time, he was bringing home his patients suffering and problems.

In this book he describes his own struggles and his journey from suffering to acceptance and peace. As a student of mindfulness and a teacher, he shares what he has learned so others can:

overcome depression;
increase daily enthusiasm;
face feelings of fear and self-doubt; and
build resilience to get through difficult times.

Filled with inspirational quotes, reflections, and exercises to make mindfulness a part of your life, this book will move you from Burnout to Engagement.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateFeb 20, 2018
Burnout to Engagement: Mindfulness in Action

Assaad Mounzer MD MA ACC FACS

Dr. Mounzer is a motivational speaker and a talented coach. He is a semi-retired Urologist, spending his free time teaching Mindfulness to help people build resilience, avoid burnout and deal better with stress. He is a Certified MLP (Mindful Life Program) Mindfulness teacher, a Certified Professional Life Coach, and member of ICF (International Coach Federation). He holds a Masters degree in Spiritual Psychology with emphasis on Consciousness, Health and Healing from the University of Santa Monica, CA. He uses his compassion and caring to support his clients, so they can reach their potential, in their personal and professional development. He says about himself: I am a student of life. I am your partner in discovering new opportunities for personal and professional growth. I am an expert in compassionate listening and I walk with you the extra mile--to support you in clarifying your goals, taking effective actions and living a meaningful life in alignment with your values and purpose. Dr. Mounzer is also a philanthropist, he is the founder of The Mounzer Foundation for Service and Education, and he volunteers with Rotary International to spread peace, and make this world a better place.

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    Burnout to Engagement - Assaad Mounzer MD MA ACC FACS

    Copyright © 2018 Assaad Mounzer, M.D., MA, ACC, FACS.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-9628-8 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-9629-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018900884

    Balboa Press rev. date: 02/16/2018





    Chapter 1     A Personal Journey

    Chapter 2     When Death Can Become the Enemy

    Chapter 3     Stress and Burnout

    Chapter 4     Self Care

    Chapter 5     Resilience

    Chapter 6     Genuine Happiness

    Chapter 7     Health and Healing

    Chapter 8     New Model Medicine

    Chapter 9     What is Mindfulness?

    Chapter 10   Neuroplasticity

    Chapter 11   My Transformation With Coaching and Mindfulness.

    Chapter 12   Psycho-Neuro-Immunology

    Chapter 13   Discussion Groups

    Chapter 14   Compassionate Listening: The Fourth Leg of the Stool

    Chapter 15   The Burden of Worrying

    Chapter 16   Grief: Death and Dying

    Chapter 17   To Love Until We Say Goodbye

    Chapter 18   Spirituality and Medicine

    Chapter 19   Mission/Purpose/Meaning

    Chapter 20   Final Words


    About The Author


    I acknowledge my wife Carla for keeping up with me during all these years of happiness, friendship, camaraderie and sometimes sadness and struggles—like most lives are. I appreciate her love and gentleness, her amazing skills in raising our children and her talented cooking skills. I acknowledge my children, who are the pupils of my eyes and the most cherished people on earth for Carla and me.

    My daughter, Cyma, who did the first editing of this book, is smart, talented, beautiful, gentle, and will go far in life.

    My twins are Christina and Christopher. Christina, my second beautiful daughter, is dedicated, perceptive and has an amazing sense of curiosity to learn more and excel in her life.

    Christopher, a wonderful man, who is full of compassion, kindness, and devotion to his growth and advancement, can do anything he wants towards being successful in this journey called life.

    I would like also to thank Thomas Crowe who did a great job editing my book, I appreciate his wisdom and support.


    I dedicate this book to my mother, Samira Mounzer, who is an outstanding woman, dedicated, honest, perseverant, loving, and generous –just to name a few of her qualities. She instilled within my family a sense of duty and responsibility—to be the best we can be—and gave us a set of values that took us very far in life.

    There is no doubt in my mind that my brother Khalil and I owe part of our success to her persistent encouragement for us to become mature, productive, kind and caring human beings.


    Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love

    -Mother Teresa

    The reason I am writing this book is personal – very personal. It is about my journey during a tumultuous time in what used to be called the Switzerland of the Middle East. It is about an adventure from Medical School to Residency, during a war which was devastating to my native country, Lebanon, and the life transitions that I went through, ending up in immigration and settling in a new country, learning new skills, and experiencing many challenges that enriched my life on many levels.

    In this personal journey, I have included my struggles and experiences with some of the most challenging survival questions that trouble our mind while we are growing up (and we never stop growing up): What is life? What is death? What is happiness? What am I supposed to do to become important and successful? How do I get there? What if I do not make it? How do I stay healthy? How do I impress people?

    And later on, more existential questions arise: Is that all that there is? What is next? What is my purpose in life? How do I fulfill my life’s mission? How do I find meaning in all that has happened to me? Am I making any difference in this world?

    Of course, a lot of questions remain unanswered, and the more I live and learn, the more fascinated I am with life and its complexity and sometimes its simplicity. We can make it easy and simple or we can make it painful and complex.

    Looking back, I feel grateful to all the teachers, friends, family members, and total strangers, who were kind enough to guide me, love me, inspire me and show me the way.

    This book includes many chapters about our struggles as human beings, professionals, and as physicians, with our anxiety, perfectionism, fear, and disappointments. It also includes tools for practicing self-care on all levels (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual), building resilience, avoiding burnout, and finding meaning in our careers and lives. This book is for everyone who is looking to grow and find purpose in their lives.

    I have included some touching stories of my patients who helped heal me while I was healing them. The names have been completely changed for privacy and confidentiality.

    I’ve found that there are no easy answers or quick fixes to anything. This is a self-help book that you can read and keep, reminding yourself often about the importance of creating the discipline to learn a daily practice, and to be able to be genuinely happy, fulfilled, while creating sustainable results.

    I also talk about spiritual psychology, coaching and mindfulness practice, and how these have transformed my life in a positive way that have made me more aware of the blocks and challenges which were interfering with my growth. I learned to move forward, to live in the present, to learn from the past, and to plan for the future without obsessing about it.

    Life is short and unpredictable. It is wiser to spend it the way we choose to, remembering what is important to us and how we want to try every day to stay healthy, happy, and fulfilled.

    This book is also about building new habits and learning new skills to assist you, the reader, in staying healthy, engaged, and genuinely happy. It is about your right to thrive, grow, and fulfill your mission. It is about learning the basics of self-care and mindfulness, to live a more fulfilling, and meaningful life.

    Here, I have tried to offer some recommendations, shared experiences, and self-care techniques to reinvigorate your spirit. At the end of many of the chapters, I have also included some reflections, self-care techniques, and self-nurturing processes that you can use daily to help you navigate the changes affecting your life in a healthy, and proactive way.

    The only requirements are an open mind and an open heart, as well as the willingness to try something different.

    Listen to your inner wisdom, practice new skills diligently, and bring your most cherished values into your daily life. You have the right to treat yourself with compassion and reverence. You are the most precious person in your life, and if you do not take care of yourself, you cannot take care of others. With this dictum

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