Aligning with the Divine: Finding Your Power, Passion, and Purpose Through Self-Awareness and Self-Love
Energy Awareness
Personal Growth
Spiritual Growth
Journey of Self-Discovery
Power of Belief
Inner Struggle
Power of Love
Wise Mentor
Call to Adventure
Power Within
Hero's Journey
Chosen One
Consciousness Expansion
About this ebook
We are living in amazing times. Many people are awakening from their spiritual slumber and are seeking the deeper meanings of existence. Many are discovering that we are far more powerful than we have been led to believe—we are a direct reflection of creation; eternal beings of energy and light.
At this time of great growth in human consciousness, now is the time to reclaim our power and to align with the divine. The wisdom shared within the pages of this book offers a simplified understanding of relatively difficult concepts. We hope these ideas will inspire you to join us on a path towards spiritual awareness and empowerment. We hope you travel well on this quest of awakening to your true power—the power that lies dormant within you.
This book will teach you about ancient principles that unlock some of the universe’s best-kept secrets. It will serve you as you learn to cultivate compassion, to understand your fellow human beings more deeply, and to nurture your own inner peace and spiritual prosperity.
As you read this book, you will learn, through simple, practical steps:
• how to use the laws of physics to manifest a life of your choosing
• how to understand the human body’s energy systems
• how to practice energy awareness and management
• how to navigate your emotional state
• how to love yourself on a deeper level
• how to free yourself from sabotaging patterns that prevent your life from flowing in harmony with creation
• how to become self-aware, and
• how to create with emotion.
By reading this book you will:
• become more in tune with your intuition; your own direct connection with spirit
• go deeply into your subconscious mind
• challenge your borrowed beliefs, and
• free yourself from the bondage of a limiting perspective.
This book is a resource that you can turn to again and again to assist you in your sacred journey of exploration, experience, and spiritual expansion. We hope that this book will serve you in your awakening, empower you to connect directly to the divine, and lead you to your life’s purpose. Fueled by the clarity of your intentions, may you pursue your dreams fearlessly and manifest abundantly!
Chantelle Renee
Chantelle Renee is an intuitive writer who helps facilitate transformational healing and spiritual empowerment in others through merging spirituality and science. She has run several home-based businesses that have allowed her to be a dedicated, stay-at-home mother of two children. She has been married to the love of her life since 2000. Chantelle has lived in many U.S. states, and has learned, grown, and expanded within diverse communities—knowing always that our real home is in our hearts. Chantelle’s trials and triumphs have inspired her own spiritual growth and she has found her calling and passion in serving humanity by bringing forth the spiritually empowering wisdom in this book.
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Aligning with the Divine - Chantelle Renee
Copyright © 2017 Chantelle Renee.
Cover design by Chantelle Renee, Silviya Yordanova, Jonathan Brice Lyman, and Gary V. Tenuta.
Interior Graphics/Art Credits:
- Office of Masaru Emoto, LLC -
- Andrew Kukla, Silviya Yordanova, and Jonathan Brice Lyman -
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ISBN: 978-1-5043-9073-6 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2017917619
Balboa Press rev. date: 12/11/2017
I dedicate this book to the unseen, the unheard, the unloved, the grieving, and the hurting. The lost, the seekers and the non-believers, even the deceivers. For anyone who is struggling in their life, don’t give up. You are loved beyond measure. You may not believe this, but please try: open to receive the love that is yours. You are a child of light, destined to shine brightly.
You’re far more powerful than you may have been led to believe. It is time to remember your greatness as a powerful, eternal being—a creator, a direct reflection of All That Is And Ever Has Been. It is time to stand confidently in your power.
—Chantelle Renee
List of Illustrations
Note to Reader
We Are Here to Create History, Not Repeat It
Chapter 1 The Energetic, Living Universe
Chapter 2 The Universal Natural Laws
A Brief History of New Thought and Hermetic Thought
Thoughts are Things
Think Big – Using the Twelve Principles
Trust the Universe
The Law of Divine Oneness (Immutable)
The Law of Vibration (Immutable)
The Law of Action (Immutable)
The Law of Correspondence (Immutable)
The Law of Cause and Effect
The Law of Compensation
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
The Law of Relativity
The Law of Polarity
The Law of Rhythm
The Law of Gender
Taking Action – Putting the Laws and the Science to
Work for You
Chapter 3 Earth – The Cosmic College
Karma – Stepping out of the Karmic Cycle
Releasing Karmic Bonds
Chapter 4 Energy Awareness
Universal Energy
The Torus
Cymatics – The Science of Frequency
Energy Anatomy – The Subtle Body
The Aura
The Seven Major Chakras – Part I – Alignment to
Source Energy
The Seven Major Chakras – Part II – Healing
with the Chakras
The 1st Chakra – the Root Chakra (Muladhara)
The 2nd Chakra – the Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)
The 3rd Chakra – the Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
The 4th Chakra – the Heart Chakra (Anahata)
The 5th Chakra – the Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
The 6th Chakra – the Third Eye Chakra (Anja)
The 7th Chakra – the Crown Chakra (Sahasrāra)
Spirit Manifested in the Material World
Are You Ready to Flow?
Ten Easy Ways to Empower Yourself:
Chapter 5 Intuition – Our Soul’s Navigation
Feel into your Heart Space
Your Clair Senses
Working with Your Guides
Chapter 6 Breaking the Chains – Limiting Core Beliefs
Be Present with Yourself
Core Beliefs
Shifting Your Core Beliefs Worksheet
The Ultimate Questions to Ask When
Challenging a Belief:
Chapter 7 Relationships: Mirrors for our Expansion
Practicing Non-Judgement
Chapter 8 Taming the Ego
Ten Ways to Tame Your Ego:
Self-Love and Spiritual Prosperity
Take the Other Road
Open Your Heart
Practice Gratitude
Embrace Life – Love Yourself!
Four Practical Exercises to Learn to Love Yourself
Create Your Future
Chapter 9 Creating with Emotion
Epigenetics and Your Emotional World
The Tyranny of Emotion
The Power of Feeling
The Emotional Scale
Chapter 10 Law of Attraction
Chapter 11 Your Action Plan – Manifesting your Dreams
Chapter 12 Conclusion
Works Cited – Reading List
About the Author
List of Illustrations
• Awakening
• Energy Human Absorption Model
• Love and Fear Torus - Page
• Love and Love Torus
• Dr. Emoto – Water Image
• Human Aura Energy Layers
• Child with Chakras
• Muladhara Chakra Symbol
• Svadhisthana Chakra Symbol
• Manipura Chakra Symbol
• Anahata Chakra Symbol
• Vishuddha Chakra Symbol
• Anja Chakra Symbol
• Sahasrāra Chakra Symbol
• Intuition, Internal Guidance
• Chained
• Relationship Mirrors
• The Flux and Flow of Human Emotions and Feelings
Note to Reader
In this book, in order to be all-inclusive regarding religious and spiritual belief systems, I have referred to God
as *God*. It is my hope that this symbolic usage will welcome and include all believers and seekers—those who believe in the Christian God in heaven as Lord of all creation, those who believe in the God of other monotheistic religions, and those who believe in God the creator as Universal Spirit. If you believe in God as chaos, God as intrinsic in the human spirit, or even in God-as-goddess, this *God* is also yours. In this spirit of inclusiveness, I refer to *God* throughout this book as He/he,
and as it.
Please read *God* as the God of your own heart, soul, and faith system. Thank you.
Welcome, All Souls of All Faiths.
There comes a point in everyone’s life when we ask these questions:
• Who am I?
• Where did I come from?
• Why am I here?
• Who—or what—is *God*?
I came into the world knowing a few things. I knew that *God* was not judgmental, I knew that those who held racist attitudes and separatist beliefs were ignorant, and I knew that the universe was on my side. I can’t explain how I knew. I just did.
I have never been able to abide what others have shared with me regarding the meaning of life and being human, especially what I was told by those who purported to speak on behalf of *God*. I have always rebelled against man-made
rules. I have felt safe and secure with my own connection to *God* and was never willing to hand it over to anyone.
Having a close communion with spirit has served my life in many ways. I am truly thankful for the gift of life and try to not take it for granted.
My curiosity about creation has been an ongoing love affair, a daily communion in which I seek a deeper understanding of the questions above. When I get still, when I concentrate deeply and move into my heart, I can get lost within the abyss of the collective mind—the mind that is everything, everywhere, and everyone. It feels like a hurricane of emotion, creation, and destruction, there in the heartbeat of the infinite.
I know that when I am in that place, I am observing not only the infinite chasm of the cosmos, but I am also observing myself. I know too, that the observation of self is the observation of *God*—*God* that is you, *God* that is me.
My inner quest has always been to understand life’s greatest mysteries. All my life, I have questioned, I have pondered, and I have sought union with the oneness of creation. So, when I first had a Eureka! moment and realized that I am—we all are—one with the universe, I felt sad. In that stillness, when I finally discovered the secret of creation, my reality and self-identity slowly unraveled. Yet at the same time, this truth gifted me, shifted me, and destroyed my perceived vision of myself. It handed me the power to align with the Divine and to take full responsibility for my life, my experience, and my creations.
And so, the story goes—not just for me, but for all of us. We are all one, with one another and one with creation. We are *God*. We will eternally remember and forget this, remember and forget, over and over again, and we will spend our lives continually discovering and rediscovering the majesty of our own Divinity.
This means you.
You see, to be awake is but a dream. We are dreaming a dream in which we are forever seeking, eternally reaching for higher states of being. I have found the bliss of oneness in the stillness of my heart. I am awake. Now, I am dreaming consciously—dreaming about eternity. I am grateful for the gifts that creation has bestowed upon me and upon you. Eternity is a cosmic sea of infinite possibilities. I will dive deeply, fearlessly into the unknown shores of self-discovery, forever.
Will you join me?
24610.pngWhen I was young, I longed for a book that would guide me through my exploration of potential truths and spiritual-empowerment. Since I never found that book, I wrote this book—and now, I am handing it to you. My hope is that this book will help you to create a space for your own Divine exploration, that it will inspire you to seek higher states of being, that it will help you to heal patterns of pain, and empower you to think beyond the borrowed beliefs and preconceived ideologies that many of us have blindly adopted as our own. My hope is that when you read this book, and embrace the wisdom in its pages, you will reclaim your sacred energy and manifest the life of your choosing. My dream is that this book will help you to cultivate peace within yourself and to awaken those around you.
Within these pages are my personal perspectives as well as ancient wisdom that has been kept secret for millennia. As you absorb these teachings and dive into your subconscious mind to challenge any self-limiting beliefs you may hold, I invite you to write your thoughts and revelations down. In the back of the book are blank pages for you to use. Journaling frequently as you move through this book will help you to illuminate any self-sabotaging patterns that are holding you back from becoming the best version of yourself. As you ponder the wisdom in this book, hold the intention that you wish to transcend your current state of being and move into a state of wholeness.
I sincerely hope you find this book to be a springboard into remembering and reclaiming who you really are—a child of light, a gift from the Most High. Many seekers have achieved enlightenment on their own. It is my hope that together, we can all obtain enlightenment and in so doing, raise the collective vibration of this planet to the benefit of all of creation.
Merging into Wholeness
With each shift in consciousness, your inner world changes as your view of the outer world changes. The process of spiritual expansion is serious—it comes with a cost. You will never again be the person you once thought you were. The distractions you once participated in will begin to fade. As you create a quiet space in which you begin to hear existence, solitude calls you. You may feel lonely—do not be afraid—you are merging into your wholeness from the illusion of separateness.
—Chantelle Renee
This book has been made possible by so many people dear to my heart, I can hardly find the words to express my deep and unwavering gratitude.
To my children, Jay and Savannah, you inspire me, challenge me, and bless me with your beings. I have grown exponentially through the gift of mothering you. Thank you. I love and cherish you.
To Jason, my lifelong love, you are a man among men, truly an incredible human being. You have stood by me through all things, supported me in every way possible, and loved me. You accept my unconventional philosophy and still choose to grow with me. May we continue to love one another and flourish together—and most of all, may we continue to enjoy each other each and every day.
To my family—my father, mother, and brother—I love you and appreciate you dearly. To my mother and father in-law, you have been a blessing in my life since I was seventeen. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for all you have done for our family. I love and appreciate you.
To my readers—and especially to those of you who have been with me since I began to share my spiritual ideas online—thank you all. Your belief in the messages I have shared has fueled my focus to complete this book. The outpouring of love and gratitude I receive from you shines a light on my path. Thanks to you, I have found my life’s purpose—to assist others in remembering our Divine connection to all things.
To my editor, Michael K. Ireland, you have been a gift to this project. Your talent and deep spiritual understanding have brought Aligning with the Divine to a level that I could not have achieved alone. I appreciate everything you taught me—and how you pushed me to grow as a writer.
To Gary, Andrew, Silviya, and Jonathan—the graphic artists who worked with me on this project—thank you for sharing your talent and your expertise, and for seeing my vision so clearly. I honor and treasure you.
Last—but certainly not least—thanks to *God*, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, and the Angels. You have been my inspiration since childhood. Your constant presence gave me a confidence that