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Donny’S Unauthorized Technical Guide to Harley-Davidson, 1936 to Present: Volume Iv: Performancing the Evolution
Donny’S Unauthorized Technical Guide to Harley-Davidson, 1936 to Present: Volume Iv: Performancing the Evolution
Donny’S Unauthorized Technical Guide to Harley-Davidson, 1936 to Present: Volume Iv: Performancing the Evolution
Ebook1,669 pages16 hours

Donny’S Unauthorized Technical Guide to Harley-Davidson, 1936 to Present: Volume Iv: Performancing the Evolution

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About this ebook

Do you want to make your Harley-Davidson run faster? Author Donny Petersen, with more than forty years of experience working on and designing Harleys, shows you how to make anything from mild to wild enhancements to your bike. He progresses from inexpensive power increases to every level of increased torque and horsepower.

With graphics, pictures, and charts, Donnys Unauthorized Technical Guide to Harley-Davidson, 1936 to Present offers the real deal in performancing your Harley-Davidson Evolution and guides you on a sure-footed journey to a thorough H-D Evolution performance understanding. This volume examines the theory, design, and practical aspects of Evolution performance; provides insight into technical issues; and explains what works and what doesnt in performancing the Evolution. He walks you through detailed procedures such as headwork, turbo-supercharging, nitrous, big-inch Harleys, and completing simple hop-up procedures like air breathers, exhausts, and ignition modifications.

In easy-to-understand terms, Donnys Unauthorized Technical Guide to Harley-Davidson, 1936 to Present shares performance secrets and provides clear guidance into what works, what does not, and whats just okay with performancing the Harley Evolution power train.
Release dateJul 1, 2014
Donny’S Unauthorized Technical Guide to Harley-Davidson, 1936 to Present: Volume Iv: Performancing the Evolution

Donny Petersen

Donny Petersen established and operated Heavy Duty Cycles in Canada from 1974 to 2010; his monthly column, “Techline,” has appeared in American Iron Magazine since 1992. Instructed privately by Harley-Davidson engineers, he has taught mechanics, designed tech-school curricula, and authored mechanic-licensing examinations. He lives in Toronto.

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    Donny’S Unauthorized Technical Guide to Harley-Davidson, 1936 to Present - Donny Petersen


    Donny’s Unauthorized Technical Guide to Harley-Davidson, 1936 to Present

    Volume IV: Performancing the Evolution

    Copyright © 2014 Donny Petersen.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means,

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    ISBN: 978-1-4917-3729-3 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-4917-3728-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014910608

    iUniverse rev. date: 06/26/2014





    Chapter I Platform for Success

    The Evolution Platform for Performance

    Evolution Engine Deficiencies

    Weak Hydraulic Lifters: 1984 to 1985

    Carbon-Contact Ticking: 1984 to 1985

    Ticking Valve Spring: 1984 to 1985

    The Gasketing Nightmare

    Historically, the Flimsiest Engine Cases

    Engine Installation Pitfalls

    Pulling Cylinder Studs

    Porous Engine Cases

    Right Engine Case Cracking and Breaking

    Early Evolution Flywheel Sprocket Shaft Contamination

    Performance: Easy and Inexpensive to Difficult and Costlier

    Screamin’ Eagle: Late for the Party

    S&S Super Stock Evolution Engine Cases

    S&S Twin Cam with Evolution Mounting Engine Cases

    S&S Evolution Special Application Engine Cases Picture

    Ultima Engine Cases: 3.500 to 4.400 Bore

    Breaking in the Performance Engine

    Ultima on Big Inch Engine Break-in Procedure

    JIMS Break-in Procedure

    JIMS on Atmospheric Conditions

    S&S on Break-in Procedure

    Chapter II Power Gains through Air Delivery, Cubic Inches, Compression, and Squish

    Air Delivery and Exhaust

    The Old Hot Rod Philosophy: Nuthin’ beats Cubic Inches!

    Increased Displacement (Cubic Inches)

    Increasing the Stroke

    Bigger Bore

    Big Bore Limited by Engine Case Cylinder Spigots


    Static, Theoretical, Mechanical, Advertised, or Nominal Compression Ratio

    Corrected or Effective Compression Ratio

    Cranking Compression: Dry and Wet

    Running Compression

    Altitude affects Compression

    Compression Equals Torque and Cylinder Fill

    Compression Ratio versus Cam Duration

    The Volume to Pressure Index (V/P Index)

    Cam Timing Events and Cylinder Fill

    Cylinder Pressure and Intake Valve Closing

    Lobe Separation Angle (LSA) and Compression

    Valve Overlap and Engine Function

    The Exhaust System, Compression (Cylinder Fill), and Torque

    Safe Cranking Pressure (Compression)

    Compression Relief and Mechanical/Electric Releases

    High Compression Pistons

    Screamin’ Eagle 1340cc 10:1 Compression Ratio Piston Kit

    Screamin’ Eagle 1340cc 10.2:1 Compression Ratio Piston Kit

    Screamin’ Eagle 1340cc 10.5:1 Compression Ratio Piston Kit

    Screamin’ Eagle 1340cc 11.7:1 Compression Ratio Piston Kit

    Piston Ring Compression Control: Theory and Practical

    Hemi-head, D-Squish, and Bathtub Combustion Chambers Picture

    S&S Evolution Performance Squish Bathtub Chamber Picture


    Squish Band

    Squish Thickness

    Chapter III Torque and Horsepower


    Torque and Horsepower Relationship


    Calculating Torque and Horsepower

    Torque and Horsepower are always equal at 5252 rpm

    Cylinder Fill and Torque Intertwine

    Formulae for Horsepower and Torque

    The Interrelationship between Torque, RPM, and Gearing

    Performance Requires Increases to both Torque and RPM

    Compression Equals Torque

    Head Ports and Valve Sizing

    Dr. Don’s Weight Loss Forum


    Compare Torque/Horsepower Graphs with your Riding Style

    Absorption, Brake, or Engine Dynamometer

    Inertia Dynamometer

    (Inertial) Chassis Dynamometer

    Eddy Current Absorber Module Dynamometer

    Horsepower Shootouts

    How a Dynamometer Works

    My Dynamometer Advice

    Dynamometer Correction Factors

    Smoothing the Dynamometer Graph

    The Air Fuel Ratio and Dynamometer Readings

    Carburetor Tuning Conundrums

    The Exhaust System to the Rescue

    What Should a Dynamometer Operator Look For?

    Will a Dynamometer Hurt an Engine or Power Train?

    S&S Cycle, Inc. on Dynamometer Numbers

    Different Types of Engine Horsepower

    The Worldwide Diversity of Horsepower

    Chapter IV Cubic Inches: Strokers, and Big Bore

    Defining Engine Stroke

    A Change in Stroke Leads to Other Modifications

    Evolution Engine Aftermarket 2-hole and 3-hole Crank Pins

    The Clearancing Rules

    Stroker Pistons

    Piston Speed

    Internal Engine Parts Speed Limitations

    Piston Acceleration

    Engine Maximum (Redline) Rpm Calculation

    Measuring Average or Mean Piston Speed

    Evolution Piston Speeds

    Piston Speed: Over Square, Square and Under-Square Engines

    Connecting Rod Length to Engine Stroke Ratio

    Performance Connecting Rod Length to Stroke Ratios

    Sample of Connecting Rod Ratios

    Connecting Rod Ratio Affects Engine Wear and Longevity

    Connecting Rod Angle

    Comparing Con Rod Ratios with Intake Breathing Quality

    The Bore/Stroke Ratio and Over Square, Square and Under-Square Engines

    Engine Stroke Limitations

    Cylinder Bore

    Evolution Big Bore Cylinder Availability

    S&S Big Inch Kits

    Stroker Kits

    Sidewinder Kits

    Hot Setup Performance Kits

    S&S Stroker Traditional Flywheels Picture

    S&S Stroker Flywheels with Sensor Timing Notches Picture

    S&S 96c.i Hot Setup Big Bore, Stroker Kit with Super Stock Heads Picture

    Truett and Osborne Stroker Flywheels and Crankshafts

    JIMS USA Big Inch Kits

    JIMS Pressed Evolution 87 Cubic Inch Stroker Kit

    JIMS Pressed Evolution 89 Cubic Inch Stroker Kit

    JIMS Pressed Evolution 96 Cubic Inch Stroker Kit

    JIMS Pressed Evolution Flywheel Assemblies

    JIMS Evolution Stroker Flywheels Picture

    Welding Interference Fit Straight Crank Pin Picture

    Chapter V Big Inch Engine Oil Carryover (Blowby)

    Blowby or Carryover

    Engine Breathing


    The Breather Apparatus

    Rotary Breather Valve Gear

    Evolution Breather Valve Gear Use

    Plastic and Steel Rotary Breather Gears Comparison Picture

    Oil Blowby: Engine Manufacturer Defects

    Oil Blowby: Rider/mechanic Neglect

    Crank Vents

    S&S Blowby Solutions

    Crankcase Breather Reed Valve

    Ultima Blowby Solution

    The JIMS Blowby Solution

    The TP Pro Vent Solution

    Chapter VI Key to Power: Head Flow

    Air Delivery: In and Out

    Under-Square Engine and Breathing

    Combustion Chamber Design

    Heads Make or Break an Engine

    Porting and Polishing


    Valve Shrouding


    Cutting the Valve Seat

    Performance Heads

    Comparing Twin Cam Bathtub Squish, Evolution D-Squish Band, and Hemi Knucklehead Combustion Chambers Picture

    Feuling 4-valve Heads

    Edelbrock Performer RPM Power Package Picture

    Edelbrock Performer RPM Heads

    Edelbrock Power Package 1984 to 2000 Evolution Fitment

    S&S 3 ½ Bore and 3 ⅝ Big Bore Performance Cylinder Heads Picture

    S&S Performance Cylinder Head Intake Port Picture

    S&S 4.000" Big Bore Super Stock Performance Heads

    S&S V-Series 4 ⅛ (4.125) Big Bore Performance Heads

    Super Stock 3 ½ Bore and 3 ⅝ Big Bore Cylinder Heads

    S&S Super Stock Heads Picture

    S&S Super Stock Pistons Picture

    Screamin’ Eagle Heads

    Screamin’ Eagle Evolution 1340 Cylinder Heads

    Top End Clearance Verification

    Chapter VII Performance Camshafts

    What Cam Should I Buy?

    The Super Tuners: Getting the most Power

    Most Performance Cams do not Suit the Rider’s Needs

    A Diet will Produce More Power

    The Lungs

    Calculating Lift of an unidentified Cam Picture

    Cam Lobe Lift and Valve Lift

    Rocker Arm Ratio

    Cam Specifications Diagram

    Cam Duration

    Increasing Cam Lift Relative to Cam Duration

    Compression Ratio versus Cam Duration

    Gearing and Cam Duration

    Valve Overlap

    Valve Overlap effect on Power

    Lobe Centerline and Separation Angles (LCA and LSA)

    Lobe Centerline Angle

    Lobe Separation Angle

    Valve Closing Delay, Overlap, and LCA

    Cylinder Pressure (Compression) and Intake Valve Closing

    Production Cams – Compromise Performance Cams

    Production Performance Cams and Horsepower Claims

    Camshaft Degreeing: Ensure Correct Valve Timing

    Stock H-D and Screamin’ Eagle Camshafts

    Analyzing Some Camshaft Power Bands

    Chapter VIII The Valve Train

    It Takes Time to get Everything Moving


    The 45⁰ V-Twin Configuration

    Overhead Valve (OHV)

    Single Inline Camshaft

    Valve Train(s)

    JIMS Hydraulic Tappet Diagram

    How Does a Hydraulic Tappet Work?

    Lifter Tappets (Hydraulic and Solid)

    What are Solid Ramp and Hydraulic Ramp Cam Lobes?


    Adjusting Performance Pushrods

    Ultima Lifter Adjustment Procedure

    JIMS Lifter Adjustment Procedure

    Screamin’ Eagle Adjustable Pushrod Kits

    S&S Lifter Adjustment Procedure

    Adjusting Pushrods with HL2T Limiter Lifter Kit Installed

    Pushrod Adjustments Table

    Roller Rocker Arms

    Increasing Lift Relative to Duration: Longer-Ratio (High Ratio) Rocker Arms

    JIMS 1.745 Roller Rocker Arms Picture

    Valve Springs

    Checking Valve Spring Travel for Higher Lift Cams

    Valve Spring Metallurgy


    Valve Spring Terminology

    Valve Spring Wire Shape

    Oil Cools Heating Valve Springs

    Dual Cylindrical, Round Wire Valve Spring Sets

    Triple Valve Spring Sets

    The Beehive or Conical Valve Spring

    Natural Frequency and Critical RPM

    Valve Spring Harmonics

    Choosing a Spring Set

    Beehive Valve Springs Picture

    Performance Valve Springs Picture

    Screamin’ Eagle II High Performance Valve Train Kit

    Defective Screamin’ Eagle Valve Keepers/Keys (18211-86)

    Less weight is your Friend

    Chapter IX Fuel Delivery

    Air Filtration and Power

    Velocity Stacks

    Air Filter Materials

    Capturing Particulate in a Filter

    Cleaning Air Filters

    Air Filter Volume Capacity

    S&S High Flow Air Filter Picture

    Performance Filters and Air Breathers

    K&N Air Filters: the One Million Mile Warranty

    Measuring Air: the Flow Bench

    The Law on Air Filter Warranty

    Performance Air Breather Design

    Doherty Power Pacc Air Cleaner Picture

    S&S Air Cleaner

    Comparative S&S Cycle Air Breather Air Flow Rates

    S&S Teardrop Air Cleaner Inner and Outer Picture

    Screamin’ Eagle Air Filter Flow Rates

    Wood Performance Carburetor Air Filter cfm rates @ 1.5" H2O

    Confusing Dyno Tests

    Flow Bench Manometer Test Pressure Conversions

    Flow Bench Test Pressure Conversion Chart

    Calculating Necessary Flow Rates for Cubic Inch Displacement

    Do Atomizers Work?

    Ram Flow Induction Systems

    S&S 2 into 1 Single Bore Induction Picture

    Performance Carburetion

    Pressure Differences: Laws of Physics

    Carburetor Types

    Lose the Keihin Carburetor and MM EFI

    Intelligent Spark Technology

    Mikuni on Carburetor Tuning

    A Performance Cam may affect Carburetor Tuning

    Spark Plug Color Tuning

    Evolution CV Keihin Carburetor 1990 to 2000 Rear View Picture

    Tuning the CV Keihin Carburetor

    Dynojet Stage 7 Thunderslide for the CV Carburetor

    Dynojet Thunderslide CV Carburetor Re-calibration

    Boyesen TWIN SHOT CV 40mm Performance Kit

    Tuning the S&S Super E and G Carburetor

    Adjustable S&S Fuel Delivery

    The Boyesen S&S QUICKSHOT 3: Adjustable Fuel Delivery

    Thunder Jet and Thunder Pro

    Thunder PowerJet

    Mikuni HSR48 Easy Kit Picture

    Mikuni HSR42, HSR45, and HSR48 Smoothbore Carburetors

    How Similar is the HSR42, HSR45, and the HSR48?

    Tuning the HSR42, HSR45, and HSR48 Mikuni Carburetors

    Mikuni HSR Flatslide Smoothbore Diagram

    Mikuni Main Jetting and Exhaust System Choice

    Troubleshooting the Mikuni HSR Carburetors

    Mikuni HSR48 User Tips

    Screamin’ Eagle 40mm Carburetor Kit (91731-85A)

    Screamin’ Eagle 42mm Flatslide Carb Kits (29640-99, 29641-99)

    Tuning the Screamin’ Eagle 42mm Flatslide Carburetor

    Screamin’ Eagle Big Bore 44mm CV Carburetor Kit

    44mm CV Tuner Kit Parts

    Screamin’ Eagle 45mm Flatslide Carburetor Kit

    Coordinating Fuel Delivery with Ignition Timing

    How EFI Works: the Total Engine Management System

    Sensors for the first Magneti-Marelli EFI

    The MM EFI Electronic Control Module

    Magneti-Marelli EFI Components

    Magneti-Marelli EFI Induction Module Assembly 1995 to 2001 Picture

    Horsepower Inc. MM Performance Upgrades

    Screamin’ Eagle MM Performance Upgrades

    What to do with a Performanced Evolution with MM EFI

    JIMS Elliptical Advantage EFI

    S&S EFI 52mm Throttle Body Picture

    S&S Early MM Variable Fuel Injection (VFI) Upgrade Kit Picture

    H-D 45mm and S&S 58mm EFI Throttle Body Comparison Picture

    Chapter X Evolution Supercharging, Turbocharging, and Nitrous

    Air is King

    Volumetric Efficiency

    Wipe the Knowledge Slate Clean with Forced Induction


    Roots Supercharger

    Twin-screw Supercharger

    Centrifugal (Vane) Supercharger

    Turbo-Supercharger Benefits

    Disadvantages of Supercharging

    Spontaneous Combustion

    Gasoline, Boost, and Compression Relationship

    Cooling the Intake Charge with an Intercooler

    Cams for Superchargers

    Procharger: Intercooled Centrifugal Supercharger


    Turbocharger Cams

    Turbocharger Sizing

    Evolution Turbocharger

    Choosing a Supercharger or Turbocharger

    Supercharging, Turbocharging, and Nitrous Oxide

    Nitrous Oxide

    How Nitrous Works

    Dry Nitrous Delivery

    Wet Nitrous Delivery

    Direct Port Nitrous Delivery

    Riding with Nitrous

    The Nitrous Purge Valve

    The Forgotten Nitrous Tuning Aid: Spark Plugs

    Sneaky Speed Secret: Indexing Spark Plugs

    Power Tuning Nitrous

    Upgrade Engine Components

    Nitrous Jetting

    Nitrous Bottle Heating for Performance

    Nitrous Oxide Cams

    Chapter Xi The Exhaust System: a Design of Complexity

    Power Equals Breathing

    There is no Overall Best Exhaust System

    Exhaust Pulses, Pressure Differentials and Reversion

    Do You Really Want to Modify your Exhaust?

    Mufflers Silencing Noise

    Absorption Muffling

    Restriction Muffling

    Reflection Muffling


    Back Pressure

    Pipe Sizing

    Exhaust Cooling

    Muffler Volume Capacity

    Exhaust Effect on Fuel Delivery

    Torque, Cylinder Fill, and Exhaust

    The Exhaust System: Cam LC, Valve Overlap, and Closing Delays

    Camshafts and the Exhaust System

    Hooker Exhausts

    Python Staggered Duals

    Screamin’ Eagle

    SuperTrapp: Diffuser Technology


    True Duals: Performance or No?

    Vance and Hines: The Power Chamber

    Chapter XII Ignition: When to Spark the Spark

    High Compression and Ignition

    Spontaneous Combustion: the Great Engine Destroyer

    Preignition, Spark Knock, and Detonation

    The Engine Management System

    Advance, Retard Ignition Timing

    Rpm Spark/Advance Settings

    Performance Ignitions

    Ultima Programmable Ignition

    Daytona Twin Tec Internal Ignition

    Crane HI-4 Single Fire Race Ignitions

    Chapter XIII The Performance Clutch

    How to Wreck a Clutch

    Finding a Difficult Neutral

    Speed Shifting

    1984 to 1985 Evolution Dry Clutch Picture

    Evolution Wet Clutch Components Picture

    Late-1984 to 1989 Wet Clutch Diagram

    The Four Evolution Clutches

    Performance Clutch

    What is a Centrifugal Lock-up Clutch?

    Clutch Plate Manufacturers

    Barnett 1984 to 1985 4-speed and 5-speed Dry Clutch Replacements

    Dry Clutch Power and Efficiency Upgrades

    Barnett 1984 to mid-1989 Wet Clutches

    Barnett late-1989 to 1997 Wet Clutches

    Barnett 1998 to 2000 Evolution Wet Clutches

    Barnett Scorpion Clutch Baskets and Accessories for all Evolution

    Alto Clutches

    BAKER King Kong Clutch

    BDL Clutches

    JIMS Performance Clutch Sets

    S&S High Performance Clutch

    S&S Performance Clutch Pack Picture

    Ultima Performance Clutch

    H-D Performance Diaphragm Spring Clutch Friction Plates

    Screamin’ Eagle Performance Clutch Kit: 37950-98A: (1990 to 1997)

    Screamin’ Eagle Performance Clutch Kit: 37952-98A (1998-and-later)

    Screamin’ Eagle Race Clutch: 37960-98 (1989 to 2000)

    Screamin’ Eagle Race Clutch: 37960-98A (1990 to 2000)

    Screamin’ Eagle Variable Pressure Clutch

    Screamin’ Eagle Performance Clutch Components

    Chapter XIV Oil and Oil/Air Coolers

    The Bullshit Debate: Oil Coolers and Synthetic Oil

    Moly Protection Reduces Heat

    Octane: Engine Salvation

    Air and Liquid Cooled Engines

    Vertical 10-row Jagg Oil Cooler Picture

    The Formula is Turbulation Balanced with Restriction

    Jagg Turbulators, Finning, Two-pass Design, and Oil Cooler Adaptor Picture

    Resourceful Bikers: History of Oil Cooler Use

    How Much Cooling is Necessary?

    Oil Cooler Thermostats

    Oil Cooler Pressure Drop

    Practical Tips: Oil Cooler Installation

    Negative Vacuum Principle

    Oil Pressure Drop Wind and Bench Flow Analysis

    Colder versus Hotter Spark Plugs

    JIMS ForceFlow Cylinder Head Cooler

    CHAPTER XV Performance Transmissions

    Transmission Terminology

    Four Speed Transmission

    The Cowpie 4- speed Shifting Mechanism

    Four Speed Transmission Gear Set Picture

    Belts versus Chain Drives

    Five-speed Transmission

    H-D Develops Differing Gear Ratios: 1994

    1991 to 2000 Evolution 5-speed Transmission Gear Set Picture

    Torque Transfer Loss

    Performance Transmission Warranty

    Comparing some Six-speed Transmissions

    Changing the Gear Ratios to Superdrive the 1:1 Direct Drive Transmissions

    The BAKER TB6 TorqueBox 6-speed Transmission

    S&S and H-D Cruise Drive Shift Clutches, Gear & Ring Dogs

    The Helical Gear S&S 6-Speed

    Screamin’ Eagle 6-speed Gear Set

    Screamin’ Eagle 6-speed Transmission

    JIMS Performance Transmissions

    JIMS Transmission Gear Set Kit Selection

    JIMS 6-speed Overdrive Gear Set

    JIMS FLHT Oil Filler Spout Spacer

    JIMS 5-speed and 6-speed Transmissions for a 4-speed Frame

    JIMS 5-speed Transmission for a 4-speed Frame

    JIMS 6-speed Transmission for a 4-speed Frame

    BAKER 6 into a 4

    Sputhe 5 into a 4

    RevTech 5 into 4 and 6 into 4-speed Transmissions

    JIMS FAT 5 Overdrive Transmission Picture

    JIMS FAT 5 Overdrive Transmission Shifter Ring Picture

    FAT 5 Gears Comparison with Stock Gears Picture

    JIMS Right Side Drive (RSD) 6-speed OverDrive Transmission

    RevTech Transmissions

    RevTech 5-speed: 1990 to 1999 FXST/FLST

    RevTech 6-speed Overdrive Gear Clusters

    RevTech 6-speed Overdrive (LSD)

    RevTech 6-speed Overdrive (RSD)

    Ultima 6-speed 0.89 Overdrive Builder’s Kit

    Ultima Complete 6-speed 0.89 Overdrive Transmissions: Left and Right Side

    Ultima Left Side Drive (LSD) 6-speed Overdrive Transmission

    Ultima Right Side Drive (RSD) 6-speed Overdrive Transmission

    BAKER Frankentranny

    165 ft-lbs Torque: BAKER OD6: Overdrive 6-speed Transmission

    200 HP BAKER DD5: Direct Drive 5-speed Transmission

    BAKER DD6: Direct Drive 6-speed Transmission

    Sampling of Transmission Internal Gear Ratios

    Chapter XVI Big Inch Crate Engines

    Performance Aftermarket Evolution Fitment Engines

    Take the Horror Stories with a Grain of Salt

    Updating the Evolution Technology

    Traditional Evolution Technology Base Engines

    The S&S V96 Cubic Inch Engine

    S&S Super Stock Ignition System

    S&S IST Ignition

    S&S V124 Cubic Inch Engine Picture

    S&S Cycle V124 Cubic Inch Engine Specifications

    S&S V124 Engine Fitment

    S&S V124 Warranty

    S&S V124 Upgraded Technology

    S&S V124, V117, and V111 Cubic Inch Flywheels Diagram

    Carbureted V124 Engines

    V124 Super Stock Ignition System

    EFI V124 Engines: Variable Fuel Injection (VFI)

    Evolution Oil Pump Feed Side Picture

    S&S HVHP Oil Pump Picture

    Ultima El Bruto Competition Series Long Rod 140c.i Crate Engine

    Specifications: 140 Cubic Inches

    Ultima Engine Fitment Installation

    Ultima Oil Recommendations

    Ultima on Powertrain Gearing

    Ultima on Alternators, Clutch, and Primary Belt Drives

    Ultima 140c.i Exhaust System

    Tuning the 140

    First Starting an Ultima Engine

    Ultima on the 140c.i Break-in Procedure

    Ultima Maintenance Schedule

    Ultima on Oil Blowby (Cylinder Head Breather Vents)

    Ultima EPA and CARB Compliant Engines

    RevTech 100c.i Square Engine

    RevTech 125 Cubic Inch Engine

    Twin Cam Evolution Mount Engines

    JIMS Big Inch Engines

    JIMS Machining 135 Cubic Inch Engine

    Hydraulic Outboard Cam-Support-Plate Timing Sprocket Assembly Picture

    JIMS Machining 131 Cubic Inch Engine

    High Flow Geroter Oil Pump Picture

    JIMS Pressed Evo Stroker Flywheel Assembly Picture

    JIMS Machining 120 Cubic Inch Engine

    Piston Balance Factors for JIMS Strokers

    Installing JIMS Engines with Gravity Feed Oil Tank

    JIMS Break-in Procedure

    JIMS Tuning Factors

    JIMS on Combustion Chamber Pressure

    The King of Cubes

    Comparing Big Inch Evolution Mount Crate Engines

    Big Engine Cubic Inch Displacement Chart

    Chapter XVII Technospeak Explained

    52100 Bearing Steel

    6061-T Extruded Aluminum

    660 Bronze

    7075-T651 Billet

    8620 Steel

    Absolute Efficiency (Ea)


    Bathtub Combustion Chambers

    Bernoulli’s Principle

    Billet (Ingots)

    C355-T6 cast Alloy: its use for Cylinders, Heads, and Engine Cases

    Cam Lobe Base Circle: Small and Normal

    Camshaft Lobes: Solid Ramp and Hydraulic Ramp


    Carbon Pile Load Tester

    Case Hardening

    Casting: Sand and Die Casting

    Chromemoly (Chromoly or CRMO) Steel

    CNC Machining Explained

    Connecting Rods: I-Beam and H-Beam

    Cryogenic Tempering and Hard Anodizing

    Detonation, Spark Knock (Knock), and Preignition


    Diode Bridge (Full Wave Bridge)

    Ductility (Ductile), Malleability (Malleable), and Plasticity

    EA or Absolute Efficiency

    Eddy Current Dynamometer

    Engine and Rear Wheel Power Measurement

    Forged Metal

    Forged Pistons

    Full wave Rectification

    Geroter Oil Pump Explained

    Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) Defined

    Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) Defined


    H-11 Tool Steel use in Valve Springs

    Heat Rejection

    High Silicon Wire and its use for Valve Springs

    Hobbed or Hobbing

    Kobe Alloy use in Valve Springs

    Laminar Flow

    Lockup Clutch

    Magnafluxing (Magnetic Particle Inspection)

    Manganese Bronze and its use for Valve Guides

    MLS Gaskets

    Molybdenum Disulfide (Moly)

    Mono-block Engine Components

    Nanopeening (Micro Shot) and Fatigue Strength

    Nitrided (Nitriding) Metal Hardening Process

    Oil Blowby Explained

    Oil Cooler Pressure Drop

    Parallel Circuit

    Parent Material Bearings

    Physics Principle: Conservation of Momentum

    Physics: Newton’s First Law: The Law of Inertia

    Physics: Newton’s Second Law: F = MA

    Physics: Newton’s Third Law: For Every Action there is an Equal and Opposite Reaction.

    Pillow Blocks (Transmission)

    Piston Construction: Forged, Hypereutectic, Eutectic, and Hypoeutectic


    Principles of Inertia, Momentum, and Harmonics



    Rheostat (Variable Resistor)

    Rockwell Hardness

    SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier)

    Series Circuit

    Spontaneous Combustion: the Great Engine Destroyer

    Squish Band


    Swept Volume

    Tensile Strength




    Torque Arm

    Torque Cones (Exhaust Header Pipe): an Exercise in Physics

    Transmission Detent

    Trap Door (Transmission)

    Ultimate Tensile Strength

    Valve Spring Harmonics

    Valve Spring Terminology

    Yield Strength

    Zenor Diode

    Chapter XVIII Evolution Performance Summary

    Performance and Vibration

    Torque Multiplication and Gear Ratios

    Performance Summary




    This book expresses the views of I Petersen and are not intended in place of, or to diagnose or resolve any issue not assessed by a qualified technician. I Petersen do not assume and expressly disclaim any liability concerning the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, advice, or recommendations within. I recognize that some words, model names, and designations mentioned herein are the property of the trademark holder. I use them for identification purposes only. This is not an official publication. Reference to any product, process, publication, service, or offering of any third party by trade name, manufacturer, or otherwise does not constitute or imply the endorsement or recommendation of such by I Petersen, Harley-Davidson Inc. or Harley-Davidson Motor Company or H-D Michigan, Inc.

    E. & O. E. (errors and omissions excepted)

    Use of the words, Allen, Andrews, Andrews Gears, Andrews Cams, Andrews Products, Aramid, ARP, Axtell, Axtell Sales, Axtell Dyno Master Performance Product’s, Band-Aid, Bendix, Bick, Boyesen, Brembo, Champion, Crane, Crane Cams, Crane Time Savers, Custom Chrome, Rev-Tech, Delphi, Deltran Battery Tender, Derale, DFO, Dobeck, Doherty, Doherty Machine, Dynojet, iPod, MLS, Myst Free, Nano, Power Vent, Delkron, Dynojet, Edelbrock, Edelbrock Carb(s), Performer, FATso, Fatso, Feuling, GESi Technology, Hayden, Hitachi, Holley, Hooker, Hoover, Horsepower Inc., Hylomar, Ina, JIMS, JIMS Machining, JIMS Powerglide, JIMS Pro-Lite, Kehein, Kerker, Kevlar, Knight Prowler, Kreem, Kuryakin, Lexan, Lockhart, Loctite, Mace, Magnavox, Magneti Marelli, Manley, Max Flow, Mikuni, HSR Mikuni Smoothbore, Mity-Vac, Nachi, NASCAR, Pablum, Pingel, Plastocine, Procharger, Pro Vent, Prestolite, QUICKSHOT, Quick Shot, Rivera, Rivera Taper Lite, S&S, S&S Cycle, S&S Cycle, Inc., Spinylok, Super Stock, Spirolox, STD, Sunnen, SuperFlow, SuperTrapp, Techlusion, Teflon, Thunder Jet, Thunder Powerjet, Thunder Pro Thunder Jet, Thunder Nozzle, Thunderheader, Thunderslide, Tillotson, Timken, Torx, TP, TP Engineering, Trochoid, TWINSHOT, Twin Shot, Uralite, Ultralite, VHR, Viton, Wood, Wood Carbs, Zumo, various model names and designations, and OEM part numbers and derivatives of the foregoing along with trademarks and copyrights owned by the above companies or any companies owned or affiliated to the above companies whose names are listed wholly or partly are provided solely for reference, fitment, or partial fitment and application information, and there is no affiliation between the above companies or products whose names are listed wholly or partly by I Petersen.

    E. & O. E.

    Use of the word Harley-Davidson, various model names and designations, and OEM part numbers along with trademarks and copyrights owned by Harley-Davidson, Inc. or Harley-Davidson Motor Company, H-D Michigan, Inc. or any companies owned or connected or affiliated to Harley-Davidson, Inc. or Harley-Davidson Motor Company, H-D Michigan, Inc. and derivatives of the foregoing are provided solely for reference, fitment or partial fitment and application information and there is no affiliation between Harley-Davidson, Inc. or Harley-Davidson Motor Company and companies owned or connected to them and I Petersen. The words Bad Boy, Buell, Cross Bones, Cruise Drive, Cyclone, CVO, Deuce, Digital Technician, Disc Glide, Duo Glide, Dyna, Electra Glide, Evolution, Evo, Fatbob(s), Fat Bob, Fatboy, Fat Boy, Fat Boy Lo, Fat Boy Special, HD, H-D, Harley, Harley-Davidson, Heritage Softail, Heritage Springer, HOG, Hog, Hawg, Hugger, Lightning, Low Rider, Night Train, Power Blend, PowerPak, PowerPak 103, Premium II, Road Glide, Road King, Road Tech, Roadster, Rocker, Screamin’ Eagle, Softail, Sport Glide, Sportster, Sport Glide, Springer Softail, Street Bob, Street Glide, Sturgis, Super Glide, TechLink, T-Sport, Tour Pak, Tour Glide, Twin Cam, Twin Cam 88, Twin Cam 88A, Twin Cam 88B, TC88, TC88A, TC88B, Twin Cam 96, Twin Cam 96A, Twin Cam 96B, TC96, TC96A, TC96B, Ultra, Ultra Classic, and Wide Glide are registered trademarks of Harley-Davidson, Inc., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA or Harley-Davidson Motor Company. The words: Bad Boy, Blast, Convertible, Deuce, Duo-Glide, Firebolt, Hydra-Glide, Revolution, Thunderbolt, Tri Glide, V², V-Fire III, V-Rod, XR1200, and XR1200X are trademarks of Harley-Davidson, Inc., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, or Harley-Davidson Motor Company. The following model designations and any derivatives thereof for Harley-Davidson motorcycles are used in this book for reference only: EL, FL, FLB, FLFB, FLF, FLH, FLHF, FLHB FLHC, FLHF, FLHFB, FLHR, FLHRC, FLHRI, FLHRCI, FLHS, FLHT, FLHTC, FLHTCI, FLHTCU, FLHTCUI, FLHTCUTG, FLHTK, FLHX, FLHXXX, FLP, FLPF, FLST, FLSTC, FLSTCI, FLSTF, FLSTFI, FLSTN, FLSTNI, FLSTS, FLSTSB, FLSTSCI, FLSTSI, FLT, FLTC, FLTCU, FLTCUI, FLTR, FLTRI, FLTRX, FX, FXB, FXCW, FXCWC, FXD, FXD35, FXDB, FXDBI, FXDC, FXDCI, FXDF, FXDI, FXDG, FXDL, FXDLI, FXDS, FXDS-Conv., FXDWG, FXDWGI, FXDX, FXDXI, FXDXT, FXE, FXEF, FXLR, FXR, FXRC, FXRD, FXRDG, FXRP, FXRS, FXRSE, FXRS-Convertible, FXRS-SP, FXRT, FXS, FXSB, FXST, FXSTB, FXSTBI, FXSTC, FXSTD, FXSTDI, FXSTI, FXSTS, FXSTSB, FXSTSI, FXWG, GE, K, KH, VSRC, VRSCA, VRSCB, VRSCD, VRSCDA, VRSCF, VRSCR, VRSCAW, VRSCAWA, VRSCW, VRSCDX, VRSCDXA, WL, WLA, XL, XL883C, XL883L, XL883N, XL883R, XL1200C, XL1200L, XL1200N, XL1200S, XLCH, XLCR, XLH, XLH883, XLH1100, XLH1200, XLR, XLS, XLT, XLX, XLX-61, XR-1000, XR1200, and XR1200X plus any of the above that form part of the Screamin’ Eagle CVO models that will have the suffix SE or the plethora of police models that will generally contain the letter P in the model designation nomenclature.

    E. & O. E.


    Always think and try to evaluate when reading any technical literature including mine. Mistakes and typographical errors happen easily in a technical journal.


    I am proud to announce that my second last effort, The Twin Cam: 1999 to Present, has won the 2012 International Book Award based out of New York City.

    Also, that Part I: The Shovelhead: 1966 to 1985, has won the 2013 International Book Award.

    Furthermore, Part II: The Shovelhead: 1966 to 1985 just won the 2014 International Book Award.

    This may seem a prodigious achievement but who else is dumb enough to do what I do.


    I might not write further technical books.

    As much as I enjoy the intellectual exercise, making seven cents per hour is wearing on my capitalistic spirit.

    Writing takes so much time, I am beginning to feel like a hermit. I pass up wonderful experiences to sit at home or on the road and write. I think this is the problem where writing takes the place of real life adventure.

    If I do continue, the Sportster is on my mind. However, this project will entail three volumes; The Ironhead Sportster: 1957 to 1985, Evolution Sportster: 1985 to 2003, and Evolution Sportster: 2004 to Present.

    The Sportster is the biggest subject within the Harley-Davidson umbrella by far.

    My friend Padre has made it worse; he has helped me acquire every Service Bulletin and Recall from 1957-to-present.

    My published books are available through,, or amongst others… perhaps iTunes, which I am working on now.

    However, I think I will always write my monthly technical columns for a major magazine like American Iron, whom I have written a monthly column Techline since 1992.

    My Life Story

    I get many requests for my life story in book and film … not happening.

    Biker History by a Biker

    If people who forged our lifestyle agree, I may do historical biker books, telling it the way it really happened from a biker perspective.


    I get better with each book, building on the experiences generated by the ones before.

    I was never going to write Performancing the Evolution because I thought riders were no longer interested. There I go thinking again!

    I think this 7th book is my best effort thus far.

    It’s weird. I have performanced hundreds, perhaps many hundreds of Evolutions. I thought I knew the subject inside and out. Writing this book has made my mechanical skills even better.

    I can now build a faster bike than the really fast bikes I have built.

    I now need to clear up an ongoing bad choice of words by myself and the vast majority of mechanics and technicians.


    Most mechanics do not differentiate between preignition, spark knock, and detonation. However, all three different events, while different are caused by many of the same conditions.

    Normally fuel burns at a controlled predictable rate in the combustion chamber. It does not explode (detonate). An explosion is uncontrolled, instantaneous, violent, and destructive.

    If air and fuel is compressed enough it will ignite by itself.

    Other factors that affect ignition include the Octane rating of the fuel, how well air and fuel is mixed, and physical characteristics of the combustion chamber. So, these are the common conditions that cause or prevent preignition, spark knock (knock), and detonation, which are technically different but very similar events.


    Detonation is a spontaneous event that occurs independent of ignition. Correctly, detonation or run-on is when a hot engine runs on after the key is turned off. It will sound like there are steel ball bearings bouncing around inside the cylinders.

    Spark Knock or Knock

    In an engine where the conditions are right, the mixture is compressed and the spark plug ignites the mixture. Knock occurs when the flame front burns too fast and a pressure wave generates that slams into a pocket of unburned fuel mixture. The pressure becomes intense and the fuel explodes. This is one reason high compression engines cannot tolerate as much spark advance as low compression engines.

    A poorly designed combustion chamber is the perfect set up for spark knock.


    Preignition - is more or less defined by fuel igniting without the spark plug. Its name suggests spontaneous ignition before the spark plug ignites the fuel. Again, fuel Octane rating, compression, and temperature are major factors, but here you also have hot spots in the chamber, like sharp edges, incandescent carbon deposits, too hot a spark plug etcetera that can ignite the fuel without the ignition system.

    These events also promote spark knock since it doesn’t take as much of a pressure increase to make the unburned fuel pockets light off if there is a contributing hot edge on a valve pocket or some glowing carbon deposits.

    Spontaneous Combustion

    I will correctly refer to all three of these rogue ignition events as spontaneous combustion.


    Platform for Success

    I borrow this expression Platform for Success from Harley-Davidson engineers. I first heard these words in 1998, when the engineering team was patiently teaching me about the new Twin Cam TC88. Their view and I concur with time proving them right that the TC88 Twin Cam engine was going to be a platform for suc cess.

    This meant amongst other things, expansion into bigger and reliable engines (TC96, TC103, and CVO 110). Furthermore, the design was a platform for longevity, efficiency, and problem free riding. Like most engines, the Twin Cam has had its foibles like TC88 cam chain tensioner design and the CVO 110 heat issues culminating in recurring rear head gasket failures.

    The Evolution Platform for Performance

    This chapter will deal with many Evolution deficiencies. From the deficiencies, a platform of success will emerge. Unfortunately, for many year engines between 1984 and 2000, the aftermarket must supply the engine cases for the platform to be successful especially with an increase in cubic inch displacement.

    Let’s view the Evolution historically, in terms of reliability, longevity, speed, and technical design developments. It is simply the best engine to date on every front. Surely, many innovations and improvements were tested in later Shovelhead years while the Evolution was secretly developed. Superior chassis, braking, and handling aspects also followed step to create a safer bike.

    Some advancements were also borrowed from the ultra secret Nova project like the FXRT faring and the first H-D 5-speed transmission.

    Shovelhead to Evolution Advancements

    The late-Shovelhead successfully guinea pig experimented with many ideas put forth for the Evolution. Most occur after 1980. Some are:

    1.  Vibration reduction in 1980 with the rubbermount 5-speed models probably benefitted Harley-Davidson more than any other single item. Rigid mount models survived on sheer cool, riding on the back of chopper design and traditionalism. The rubbermount touring FLT and sport FXR’s made high speed and putting on the miles a joy. Rider comfort appealed to the mainstream bringing new riders into the fold. Vibration reduction also meant a more reliable bike. Parts did not break as often and the life span of bearings and related components increased.

    2.  The fabulously successful rear belt drive worked out its 4-speed pulley problems before introduction in the Evolution.

    3.  Piston technology refined from eutectic to hypereutectic design increasing piston life and reducing piston tolerances.

    4.  Piston ring improvements kept in step with the 3-piece oil ring. Compression and middle ring metallurgy also improved.

    5.  Improved electrical switches and connectors replaced predecessor deficient systems.

    6.  The offset front connecting rod reduced piston thrust on the cylinder wall increasing wear life and reducing frictional loss of horsepower.

    7.  Unleaded gas valve seats and harder valves led the way for EPA mandated unleaded gas.

    8.  Probably, the first Shovelhead change occurred as the Evolution project was just getting underway. Gear whine and clatter reduces in 1977 when mating cam gear to pinion gear tolerances become matched.

    Initial Evolution Advancements

    Some designs were too advanced or complicated for Shovelhead testing:

    1.  Heavy, inflexible cast iron engine barrels replaced with lighter aluminum cylinders.

    2.  Matching metallurgy allows each top end head and cylinder to tie to the bottom casings with 4-equidistant long cylinder studs. Compare to Shovelhead 5-bolts and 4-studs/nuts piling the head on top of the cylinder, and both to the bottom end cases.

    3.  Tolerances again, become closer because top end flexing controls but certainly does not eliminate.

    4.  The D-shaped combustion chamber with its built in squish area combining with a flat topped piston increased the percentage of burn of existing fuel in the combustion chamber. Flame travel efficiently crossed the chamber without hindrance from a domed piston top. This resulted in fuel efficiency married with increased motorcycle speed. I first learned that fuel economy could make a faster bike.

    5.  Brake master cylinders, calipers, and disc rotors improved exponentially in 1984.

    6.  The efficient power transfer, wet, multi-plate clutch began replacing the inefficient dry clutch in 1984.

    Ongoing Evolution Improvements

    The Evolution kept improving the product, albeit slowly and only when necessary as time progressed:

    1.  The Nippodenso starter motor with an incorporated solenoid augmented quality control and instituted a more efficient, long lasting design in 1989.

    2.  Electrical switches and connectors improved again in 1995.

    3.  EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) offensive gear (cam gear and Pinion gear) whine and clatter reduces again circa-1989 when former 1977 tolerances halved.

    4.  Harley-Davidson began using a new technology on transmission gears. H-D changed the shape of gear teeth so they rolled into the mating gear teeth. Tooth slap noise reduced.

    5.  The next noise problem was high spots on the gear teeth caused by the hardening process. H-D began using a new grinding technology to make the gear teeth smooth and consistent after hardening. A thick transmission casing with gears immersed in oil assisted in noise reduction.

    6.  The introduction 5-speed rubbermount model pan oil reservoirs underneath the transmission case also assisted in noise dampening.

    Evolution Engine Deficiencies

    I am going to list some Evolution deficiencies. The purpose is not to disparage the engine although some are inexcusable and downright embarrassing. My goal is to educate the reader, which components are exemplary, merely adequate, and those that are inadequate for a stock Evolution engine, never mind a performanced one.

    The reader will probably infer my frustrations with some of the deficiencies because I lived through them. I had to constantly fix them, sometimes with innovative aftermarket cures.

    Worst of all, I had to explain to customers why new engine cases were required or why some gaskets could not control design shortfall leaking.

    The Deficiency Has Probably Been Fixed

    I am sure that the majority, if not all inadequacies, imperfections, faults, and weaknesses have been fixed or dealt with since they first became known.

    The biggest problem especially from a performancing perspective will be the engine cases. The many debilitating flaws like cracking, breaking, porosity, leaking, loose case inserts, pulling top end studs, oversized seal holes, and base gasketing were a nightmare for owners in the day.

    Adding the stress of some extra compression or increased rpms will speed along and exacerbate problems.

    This exercise is not intended to make the reader afraid of touching their engines as pioneers of the era tried every performancing option known. The groundwork has been laid. We now know what works for speed, longevity, and problem free riding.

    Chances are that any Evolution on the road today will already have had corrective surgery from the following defects.

    Weak Hydraulic Lifters: 1984 to 1985

    In 1984 and 1985, the new automotive cam follower lifter tappets (18522-83) were not always up to snuff in the pump-up strength department. Harley-Davidson fixed this problem in 1986 with a stronger version, (18523-86) that worked very well until the Evolution demise in 2000.

    The Motor Company also issued a beef-up repair kit for the 1984 to 1985 problem lifters that corrected their malfunctioning and the bleed down symptom. The kit is no longer available, which is not a big deal since I can’t see a hydraulic lifter lasting with good service for 30-years as of this writing.

    Carbon-Contact Ticking: 1984 to 1985

    The affected motorcycles with carbon contact ticking syndrome are identified by crankcase production code identification number between 1584 013 041 and 1585 036 019. The interpretation is outlined in detail in Volume III: The Evolution: 1984 to 2000, Chapter III: Identifying the Evolution Models. A brief recap will assist the reader.

    1.  The first two numerals, 15 is the engine style, which in this case is the Evolution.

    2.  The next two numbers are the engine year. Therefore, 84 indicate 1984 while 85 indicates 1985.

    3.  The middle three numbers are the day of production. Therefore, 013 indicate January 13th and 036 indicate February 5th.

    4.  The last three numbers are the sequence of production for that day. Thus, 041 indicates the 41st engine produced that day while 019 indicates the 19th engine manufactured that particular day

    Therefore, this potential carbon-contact problem may occur in Evolution engines produced from January 13th, 1984 after the 40th engine produced that day to February 5th, 1985 up until the 19th engine produced that day.

    The Symptoms

    1.  A lifter-like ticking noise usually after the bike begins cooling down from long operation.

    2.  The noise may occur at idle but only in advanced stage cases.

    3.  Listen for a ticking noise after increasing the rpm level from 2000 rpm to 3000 rpm.

    4.  Allow engine to warm up.

    5.  After the engine reaches operating temperature, listen for the ticking noise again at 2000 rpm to 3000 rpm.

    6.  Increase the rpm level from 3000 rpm to 4000 rpm and listen.

    Noise Occurrence

    1.  Occurs during cool-down.

    2.  Takes place with engine cold between 2000 rpm and 3000 rpm.

    3.  Disappears or reduces with engine hot between 2000 rpm and 3000 rpm.

    4.  Recurs with engine hot between 3000 rpm and 4000 rpm.

    The Cause

    1.  Carbon buildup on the squish band and the flat piston top.

    2.  The carbon buildups contact each other.

    There must be somewhere around .040 space separating the piston top and the squish band. The distance depends on style of riding and if there is a performance application. Slightly less squish than a .040 tolerance is good for performance while more than .040 is not so good. Why?… more squish mixes the gas and air better into a burnable ratio.

    Furthermore some early pistons lacked valve pockets, if finding this; I always replace the pistons with later ones that utilize valve pockets.

    The Cure

    1.  Remove the head and decarbonizes the piston top and the head’s squish band.

    2.  Replace the 1984 to early-1985 thinner head gasket (16770-84), which reduces squish and thus slightly increases performance with the thicker upgrade head gasket (16773-85) that increases squish and reliability with a slight decrease in performance.

    How Does this Apply to the Performance Rider?

    Many times a performance mechanic will use varying thickness head gaskets to slightly increase or decrease compression. A thinking mechanic will also be very aware of squish tolerances and how they affect performance.

    Time honored ways of reducing carbon build up on piston crowns, combustion chambers, and now squish bands is to ride the bike harder to burn off carbon deposits. Using a better grade gasoline is also a remedy. Of course, if spending the money on performance, the rider should realize that using quality fuel is part of the formula.

    Please see Chapter II: Power Gains through Air Delivery, Cubic Inches, Compression, and Squish for a comprehensive discussion of compression and squish.

    Ticking Valve Spring: 1984 to 1985

    The usual suspect for a valve train ticking noise is an angled exhaust tappet partially bleeding down causing valve lash (space) between valve train components. It is also the first thing to eliminate as the causal problem during diagnosis.

    Always go from simple and inexpensive to complicated and expensive. Taking heads apart to examine valve springs as the first option is foolish, time wasting, and expensive. The ticking tappet is a pushrod angle design fault of Panhead, Shovelhead, and Evolution engines using hydraulic lifters. So, why look elsewhere first?

    Sometimes, the lifter is not making this noise at all but odds are that it will be the cause. Occasionally, the noise may be a broken or distorted inner valve spring (18202-83). With either a break or a distortion, the inner valve spring will engage the rapidly compressing and decompressing outer valve spring (18201-83).

    Hopefully, this will only be a warning noise and many times it is. There will be a slight loss of performance but sometimes the spring will tick for a long time without causing other damage. However, if the errant spring jams with the outer spring, valve seizure will likely result.

    If the valve seizes in the closed position, the cylinder will not be able to run. This is good in a bad situation.

    1.  If the valve stays open, the ascending piston will surely hit it, bending or breaking the errant valve. This is just plain bad.

    2.  If the valve breaks, the carnage will continue with the repair expense climbing the longer the engine is allowed to turn over.

    Use Your Diagnostic Ear

    The astute mechanic will differentiate between a ticking tappet and an errant inner valve spring almost immediately if using a trained ear or even better, an engine stethoscope. This is an inexpensive and invaluable tool available from automotive supply stores.

    Ticking Tappet Characteristics

    1.  If ticking is caused by angular stress bleed down, the cause will usually be from the front exhaust tappet, or less frequently, the rear exhaust tappet, and sometimes from both. Only a maladjusted or weak lifter will cause the relatively straight up-and-down intake valve trains to tick.

    2.  The ticking is steady following the frequency of engine rpm.

    3.  If caused by dirt in the hydraulic lifter, the noise is usually much louder. The hydraulic unit cannot adequately pump up thus allowing excess room between parts to bang away. The noise may vary in loudness according to the lifter’s pumping capability. If the dirt particle clears by oil flow washing it out of the hydraulic lifter, all will return to normal engine quietness.

    4.  The noise from ticking tappets travels throughout the engine, sometimes making it difficult to isolate. However, its source will be a hydraulic lifter at the base of the engine cylinders. There is rarely more than two ticking at any given time (unless misadjusted). Usually only the front exhaust tappet ticks or will certainly tick the loudest because of the severe angularity of the pushrod pushing on the hydraulic lifter’s cup.

    Broken or Distorted Valve Spring Noise Characteristics

    1.  An erratic noise, much like a hot muffler cooling may generate.

    2.  The noise cadence will increase with rpm but will not exactly follow rpm in tandem like a ticking lifter will.

    3.  The spring will probably disrupt or destroy the sealing effectiveness of the valve guide seal. Therefore, burning oil may emit a blue or white smoke from the cylinder’s exhaust pipe affected.

    4.  The noise will emit from one head near the top of the engine and from one side, either the intake or exhaust although noise travels. However, this is where the mechanic will begin to concentrate if a valve spring breaks.

    Experience for a thinking mechanic is the best teacher for isolating a problem with noise as the symptom. It is easier repairing or replacing a hydraulic lifter than pulling a head for a valve spring replacement. Of course, the front ticking Evolution tappet may never totally cure on some bikes since the cause is a design one.

    One last thing, when inspecting valve springs, look for continuity of spring coiling. If a spring partially collapses due to weak or fatigued metal it may look okay to an inexperienced eye. Therefore, an astute inspection is required.

    I have to assume that the problematic inner valve spring confines itself to late 1984 and 1985 since the part numbers for both inner and outer valve springs remain consistent for Evolutions 1984 to 2000 and also have use in early Twin Cam engines. This indicates that there was a possible bad production run that was corrected by quality control and/or customer complaints by the end of 1985. If a design fault, the spring(s) part number(s) would upgrade via a suffix letter or a new part number entirely.

    Furthermore, the symptoms listed above will apply to any year Evolution motorcycle although I must say that broken valve springs are very rare unless improperly installed in a performance application. For example, if a spring has .500 movement capability before coil binding, then a .540 valve lift camshaft will break the spring or hopefully only bend a pushrod.

    The Quieter N Cam: 1992 to 2000 Carbureted

    Harley introduced the N cam in 1992. Its purpose was to limit noise via improved valve train dynamics. I never noticed a difference myself but perhaps the difference was one of degree. This particular design adjustment was probably EPA driven to control valve train noise.

    So what to do with a Ticking Front Exhaust Lifter?

    If the ticking is caused by early hydraulic lifters (18522-83) put in the later ones (18523- 86), which work great. Otherwise, replace the front hydraulic lifter to see if this cures the noise but remember the problem is primarily a design one.

    S&S Cycle, Inc., or Sifton Motorcycle Products, sell lifter limiter kits that will quite often solve the problem of severe pushrod angularity that causes the hydraulic lifter the bleed down. The bleed down space between lifter and pushrod that causes the ticking will eliminate or at least reduce with a limiter ring.

    Install a limiting ring into each lifter. These are metal circular rings that give solid lifter no-bleed-down qualities but allows for hydraulic lifter quiet operation.

    If still plagued with the annoying tick and it is determined that the hydraulic lifter is not weak, then a solid lifter application with an adjustable pushrod will do the trick. As I have said, there will still be a minor tick but in this case it is a normal and is supposed to be there. This can be done to the front exhaust while leaving the other three hydraulic if you so choose. Please see Chapter VIII: The Valve Train, sections How Does a Hydraulic Tappet Work?, Lifter Tappets (Hydraulic and Solid), Adjusting Performance Pushrods, JIMS Lifter Adjustment Procedure, Ultima Lifter Adjustment Procedure, S&S Lifter Adjustment Procedure, Adjusting Pushrods with HL2T Limiter Lifter kit Installed, and Pushrod Adjustments Table for a comprehensive discussion on lifters, lifter adjustment, and limiter ring installation.

    The Gasketing Nightmare

    The nightmare is the weeping cylinder base gasket syndrome that the Evolution suffered from its inception to its demise. Harley-Davidson began attracting a less forgiving clientele with the Evolution. Oil leaks were becoming a big problem with both the consumer and the EPA.

    The weeping base gaskets were not a gasketing problem at all but one of engine design. In my opinion this could have been easily fixed.

    The oil flowing down the return oil passage from the top end will often weep through the connecting base gasket as the oil transverses from the cylinder into the engine casing. On some year base gaskets:

    1.  The weeping oil saturates the base gasket near the return oil hole.

    2.  Engine heat then bakes the gasket until it becomes brittle.

    3.  The gasket then breaks and a chunk may work its way out between the gasket surfaces.

    4.  This leaves a wide open path for returning top end oil to escape the engine.

    5.  The weeping now becomes a flowing leak. Compare with the Twin Cam where weeping or leaking oil from any gasket surface is a rarity.

    6.  My opinion is that H-D did not put much effort into fixing Evolution gasketing foibles but they sure paid attention and showed their expertise when designing the Twin Cam.

    Base Gasket Succession

    Harley has used seven different base gaskets on Evolution engines from 1984 to 2000.

    1.  The original parts number H-D 16777-83 was replaced almost immediately.

    2.  The superseding parts number H-D 16777-83A was used in 1984 and 1985.

    3.  A new base gasket H-D 16774-86 introduced in late-1985 but went through a succession of four more changes in attempting to correct the ongoing pervasive problem of weeping between the cylinder base and the engine case deck cylinder mount.

    4.  These successive gaskets use the same part number but with a letter suffix. The suffixes A to D delineate the various gaskets.

    5.  The second last attempt to control oil weeping in 1991 used a gasket made from Kevlar (16774-86B).

    6.  However, it was improved again in 1993 with H-D 16774-86C and again in 1995 with H-D 16774-86D.

    Aftermarket Base Gaskets

    The aftermarket came out with Silicone-bead base gaskets, as well as copper and aluminum gaskets that all worked far better than Harley’s feeble attempts.

    Interestingly, most Twin Cam gasketing works extensively with metal center technology with coatings of Viton rubber on either side. The base gasket is a rubber O’ring.

    Silicone beading has use on other gaskets like the primary chaincase. The Evolution also used Silicone beading in later years.

    Weeping Base Gasket Solution: 1985

    I believe that H-D engineers initially thought that weeping base gaskets originated with oil permeating up cylinder stud (16837-83) threads providing the source for oil to work its way out through the base gasket.

    Their advice was to first clean oil weepage away from the affected cylinder base and to continue riding the bike to see if the problem persisted or went away. If persisting, the recommended procedure was:

    1.  Not to tighten the cylinder stud.

    2.  Evolution cylinder studs should never be re-torqued. This was difficult for the mechanics of the day to adapt to since every Shovelhead, Panhead, and Knucklehead required a religious re-torquing after the engine heated up when new or after a rebuild. If there was a leak from a base gasket on these earlier engines, the correct procedure was to tighten up the base stud nuts some more.

    3.  Remove the suspect stud closest to the oil leak and discard.

    4.  Never reuse Evolution cylinder studs.

    5.  Apply Loctite 242 to the threads of a new cylinder stud and reinstall to specified height.

    Guess what?

    In my experience this did not work because it was treating a possible symptom. The cure involves a redesign because oil weepage is a design symptom. The oil comes from the return oil passage from the top end, which must transfer from the cylinder into the engine block via a hole in the base gasket. It is easy to correct but the Factory never got around to it in 16-years of production.

    Kevlar Base Gaskets

    The introduction of Kevlar base gaskets (16774-86B) in 1991 attempted to resolve cylinder base weeping and leakage. The Evolution 1340cc Big Twin and the Evolution Sportster’s 883cc, 1100cc, and 1200cc models use the same base gasket. This may sound strange at first blanch but the outer diameter of the cylinder sleeve extending down from the cylinder base is the same for all four motorcycles.

    The 3.498" bore of the cylinders is the same for the 1200cc Sportster as it is for the 1340cc Evolution Big Twin. The difference in engine displacements is explained by the Big Twin’s longer connecting rod stroke. The 883cc and the 1986 to 1987 1100cc Sportster models use the same cylinder as the 1200cc XL. The displacement differences with these models are explained by how far out the cylinder liners are bored since their strokes remain the same.

    1992 Base Gasket Composition Change

    Any Evolutions built after May 26, 1992, received a new base gasket in the everlasting but lackadaisical quest to control weepage.

    This change was designed to improve gasket sealing through crush resistance. I guess the Factory felt that the former base gaskets were crushing too thinly to resist oil weepage. I never thought it was a gasketing problem but an engineering and design situation. Therefore, improved gasketing as welcome as it is, is nothing but a Band-Aid for a symptom.

    It is not a cure for the cause. The new base gasket part number is H-D 16774-86C and it retrofits back to 1984 as will its successor base gasket H-D 16774-86D.

    The O’ring Solution

    O’ringing the oil passage where the cylinder meets the engine case works well and requires a mating gasket with an oil-hole circumference that fits around the O’ring.

    This necessitates machining an O’ring groove into the engine case around the oil return hole. Enough, but not too much rubber must protrude to buttress up against the cylinder base.

    There are many variations of performing this fix. It requires skill, time, and energy. O’ringing the whole surface between the cylinder and engine case also solves the problem.

    1.  Merch Performance did this first with their aftermarket performance engines basing on the Evolution platform.

    2.  Harley-Davidson also did away with cylinder base gaskets and used an O’ring with the Twin Cams very successfully.

    3.  The Motor Company added a dowelling adjunct to oil sealing the Twin Cam cylinder bases, which also followed an aftermarket fix called pigtails.

    Don’t get me wrong, I am sure Merch did not invent O’ring base technology as I am equally certain that H-D did not invent the expertise that cured cylinder base weeping with the Twin Cam. However, I am glad manufacturers adopted this technique. My only question is why didn’t the Factory fix the weeping Evolution base gaskets with the same skill?

    Hollow Dowel Pin Insert (Pigtails)

    Putting an insert up into the cylinder oil passage that would also fit into the mating engine case passage is the final piece to the total solution. There is an aftermarket fix called a Pigtail that is a screw in hollow insert with a tube attached. The Evolution engine case oil return hole is threaded to accept the screw-in insert. The tube protrudes upwards. The cylinder is installed over the tube. The tube is a snug fit within the cylinder so that the oil now runs through this tube down into the engine casing with no contact with the cylinder base gasket.

    What Do I Do?

    At my former shop, Heavy Duty, I simply used a hollow dowel pin. I machined the cylinder base and engine case return oil passages to accept a hollow dowel with a sealing O’ring around it. This is exactly what the Twin Cam employs and it works wonderfully.

    1.  I use a base gasket with an enlarged oil passage hole to accommodate the dowel and O’ring.

    2.  H-D Twin Cams use a machined O’ring groove for a master base O’ring in addition to the dowel return oil passage O’ring.

    3.  There are two passages down each Evolution cylinder but only one is used for oil return.

    4.  The reason for this is that one cylinder (16510-83A silver; 16512-86A black with machined fins; 16557-98 black/without machined fins) serves both front and rear applications. The oil return passage is at the front of the front cylinder and the rear of the rear cylinder requiring two passages for a common cylinder to work.

    Machining the Gasket Surfaces

    Trock Cycle Specialties in Illinois makes a double-sided machining plate called an Evolution Lapping Ring that works very well. Quite often a cylinder base will leak because of a machining deficiency or abnormality.

    1.  Sometimes one of the three surfaces consisting of two case halves and the cylinder base is warped.

    2.  Other times the engine case halves do not mate correctly with one side being a little higher than the other.

    3.  Perhaps there is gasket residue or a bump on one of the mating surfaces that prevents a leak-free union.

    The lapping ring is used with a lapping compound. It works fast and with minimum effort once everything is ready to be worked on. If ever rebuilding your Evolution engine, I recommend to get this done as a preventive measure even if never having had a problem. It is very little effort and expense while rebuilding but if the engine must be taken apart for this purpose only it becomes expensive.

    There are over one million Evolution motorcycles on the road. However, Harley never corrected this weeping base gasket problem.

    The Best Solution

    1.  I would try using the lapping ring first to ensure flat mating surfaces on the same plane.

    2.  Then I would use a superior aftermarket base gasket like one with a Silicone bead incorporated or a Viton coated metal center gasket. If this did not work the following will.

    In my opinion, the best solution for a chronically weeping Evolution base gasket is:

    1.  I use a base gasket with an enlarged oil passage hole to accommodate the dowel and O’ring.

    2.  Use new cylinder studs with Loctite 242 on the threads.

    3.  Machine cylinder and engine case oil return passage to accept a hollow dowel pin.

    4.  Machine a groove in the engine case around the dowel for a Viton O’ring.

    5.  Modify an aluminum base gasket to accept the larger dowel/O’ring structure.

    6.  Use a lapping ring to ensure both cylinder surfaces are flat.

    7.  Also check where the engine casings bolt together. Both sides must be flat on an identical plane.

    This is a lot of work but is not that big a deal if the engine is already apart for rebuilding.

    Historically, the Flimsiest Engine Cases

    I like the 1984 to circa 1986 sand cast Evolution engine casings and find them to be reliable. I also begin to like the later cases beginning circa-1993. They continuously improved thereafter, until the demise of the Evo. These are generalizations. Do not assume all is perfect in these years.

    Engine Casings

    I am going to look at engine casings over the years.

    1.  The first casings were hand made after the casting process. Each set was laboriously machined via lathe and milling machine by the skilled factory workers of the day. For those familiar with older engine casings, this explains why they can be different in looks and/or machining.

    2.  During the Evolution era, H-D began experimenting with injection molding as they transferred from a sand cast method to die-casting.

    3.  I believe H-D also made at least one casing half that I am aware of offshore in of all places the Orient, which certainly flew in the Made in America shtick. These were not good years as one problem after another arose.

    4.  I have seen stock sets of cases with one side die-cast and the other sand cast.

    5.  The grade of aluminum alloy used between the worst years, 1989 and 1993, was unsuitable creating one debacle after another.

    Inexplicably, the Harley riders always forgave H-D probably because these V2 engines were so much faster and better in other ways than their predecessor the Shovelhead. Shovelhead engine cases were better but that is about far as it went.

    Now with the Twin Cam, the best casings ever used on an H-D engine with the possible exception of the V-Rod are going to give many years of problem free riding. I believe that these casings are no longer made at Harley-Davidson but contracted out to Mercury, one of the recognized industry leaders.

    Old Harley cases are sand cast, thick, and very strong. When they broke it was usually due to ignoring the need for a bottom end rebuild or improper installation of internal components.

    What is Sand Casting?

    The first Evolution engine casings are traditional sand cast. A sand casting also known as a sand mold or a sand molded casting is produced by forming a solid pattern sculpture mold from a sand mixture.


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