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Addiction from Start to the End
Addiction from Start to the End
Addiction from Start to the End
Ebook172 pages1 hour

Addiction from Start to the End

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The war against drugs is intensifying more and more everyday. Drug pushers have captured their young, penetrating all levels of their lives and affecting all the social, political, ethical, and economical well-being of the people around them. A physician with more than twenty-five years of experience in addiction medicine, Dr. Parviz-Babalavi brings valiantly attempts to open your eyes to this reality.

In Addiction from Start to the End, he presents the documents he has gathered through interviewing thousands of drug Substance Abuse Dependents and collecting valuable information from real human sources. His studies have led him to strongly theorize that it is the drug pushers, who are often unscrupulously well-protected, that should be condemned and eliminated. Profoundly, he discusses how America and other countries should pay more attention to fighting against the breeding of drug pushers happening even within seemingly safe communities.

Backed with in-depth study and research, Addiction from Start to the End daringly exposes the possible lapses that may have triggered the growing issue of drugs. It is aimed to become a wake-up call to every individual who is directly or indirectly affected by an illness undeniably happening in every corner of the world.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 27, 2010
Addiction from Start to the End

Parviz-Babalavi MD

Since graduating on 1964, Dr. Parviz Babalavi was in direct contact with patients as a General Practitioner, and since 1985 focused on Addiction Medicine. He interviewed thousands of Substance Abuse Dependents (addicts) and engaged in counseling and treating these people. He collected the majority of information that you will find in this book as the result of 30 years practicing Drug Addiction Treatment and long time experience of direct friendly contact with these people. He believes these nice people are the victim of people who dragged them to the trap of addiction. Drug addicts are innocent, in need of help and the best way to help them is providing information which you will find in this book.

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    Addiction from Start to the End - Parviz-Babalavi MD











































    It is hard to believe or even imagine, but as it is said, Reality is always bitter, and avoid to taste it by ignorance. Author, a physician with more than twenty-five years of experience in addiction medicine, will open your eyes to reality. By interviewing thousands of drug addicts and collecting valuable information from real human sources, I came to this belief that America is faced with a power of drug dealers. This power is fighting every day and night in every corner of this country from New York to San Francisco, from Chicago to Miami, from East to West, North to South, and in cities in rural and urban areas, downtown, uptown, in the sky, in the sea, and even inside our prisons, our schools, our colleges, our factories, etc.

    We send our U.S. Army to fight or defend the other nations of the world in Korea, Vietnam, Africa, Kuwait, Bosnia, etc., while ignoring the devil power of drugs that tears the lives of our children, destroys their future, inactivates our youngsters, and eats our lives like a cancer!

    This power has millions of fighters within the borders of the United States who put their lives, their future, and the country on the path of destructive addiction, and every U.S. citizen pays for the expense of such power. This is the only power in the world and in history that recruits its fighters from any country at the expense of its inhabitants. How? To know how and to face the reality, follow what I have written and have exposed in this book! I hope by raising public awareness, I can pay my moral contribution to such a great, lovely country, and with the help of the U.S. patriots, we can see the United States in the future as a drug-free nation!

    Knowing this reality is so important for the well-being of the United States that I believe that this book needs to be a part of the curriculum of studies in our schools and colleges.

    My great thanks and appreciation to all of my friends without whose encouragement I would not have been able to fulfill my contribution to prepare this book.



    When on different occasions I talked about drug problem with different people in different levels of society, it was hard for them to believe, but when I gave them some brief explanations on the nature of the drug world, they sobered up and their minds opened to reach to the same level of understanding and belief.

    The American people will not succeed in the drug war unless they realize that this country is facing nasty drug pushers that captures their young, penetrates all levels of their lives, and affects all the social, political, ethical, and economical well-being of every U.S. citizen directly or indirectly, as described in this book.

    As you and I know, each army needs to have commanders, soldiers, ammunition, and logistics. These are exactly what the imaginary army of drugs have. Commanders are people who are on top of the operation and plan and arrange to invade new territories and drain money and profit for their own purposes. These commanders are living and operating from outside of America as well as inside America. They are located in different parts of the world. In the Middle Eastern countries such as Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and in the Far East such as Laos, Burma, Thailand, and South American countries like Colombia, Ecuador, etc.

    These commanders of chief operations located in different parts of the world may not have a direct connection with each other or possibly not even know each other, but they have a common goal: collect huge amounts of money! The amount of money that they collect produces great power for them. It’s like having an atomic bomb of money that enables them to do whatever they want: change political figures in different countries, participate in terrorist activities, and buy chief administrators in different countries. Some of these commanders are high-level politicians that have access to all governmental resources to be used for their own purposes.

    Yearly, U.S. drug sales are more than $100 billion. That is more money than the American farmers make each year from all the products they sell. Having such a huge amount of money gives the commanders of drug pushers great power that they use to destroy the normal life of American society, involve people in drug addiction, and turn millions of people into their moneymaker machines.



    Drug dealers, like any other businessmen, need to have a market and customers. If they can get somebody in their trap for a customer, such a person not only becomes their permanent customer, but also lures many other people into the trap of drugs. The market keeps growing, and the drug user will act as a recruiter for the drug dealer. The classic difference between an addict and a fighter is the fact that an addict not only does not get paid for his service, but also produces income for drug lords without protection or support!

    They struggle to get the drug as they sacrifice their lives in favor and to the benefit of the drug lord, without ever knowing that they are acting as a puppet whose life is in danger. Almost all of them will die prematurely by either getting diseases such as hepatitis, AIDS, and infections or be murdered, end up in a prison or mental institution.

    The main purpose of the drug pushers is to attract pretty girls and boys into drug use. Drugs also are widely used in espionage in order to trap the target by involving them into using drugs. The urge for using drugs becomes so strong that the target may exchange any secret or classified document just to get drugs!



    As everybody knows, each invader needs to have ammunition to use to invade other territories. The most powerful weapon of this case is drugs in different forms such as heroin, cocaine, hashish, LSD, marijuana. They produce their ammunition at very low prices in poor countries such as Colombia, Laos, Lebanon, Syria, and Afghanistan. They also have classic ammunition like handguns and automatic rifles to protect their businesses or kill people. Part of the money is considered a tool to bribe or buy hit men.

    These ammunition are not made in factories but in the fields, harvesting plants. It is a part of life for many of the peasants and farmers, sometimes the sole source of their income. Drug dealers buy the product from the farmers and send it to the markets, the streets where you live.

    It is not my intention to go into details of the chemical or biochemical aspects of the different drugs, but in brief, all these drugs (ammunition) have a deceptive effect on the human body. After consumption, they produce a temporary felling of well-being, happiness, optimism, and euphoria that removes worries and anxieties, but this false feeling, which is very pleasant, does not last long. After thirty minutes to a couple of hours, this feeling disappears, and the person feels disappointment as reality starts to appear. He or she becomes more or less depressed, but because he or she has experienced happiness by using the drug, he develops an obsession to use it again to regain that state of euphoria. As I will describe later, this high is a high of misery; I mean, the person will ascend the ladder of misery.

    All of these drugs have a secret effect on the brain and body cells. The body, little by little, gets used to it and develops a tolerance, so each time, the person needs to use more drugs to reach that high that he reached before. After a while, be it a couple of days or weeks, even by taking the maximum amount of that drug, he will never reach the level he reached the very first time. At this point he will be attached to the drug, and it will become a part of his biochemical makeup. The body cells demand to have the drug, and this is the stage

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