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Dark Energy and Human Consciousness: Humanity's Path to Freedom
Dark Energy and Human Consciousness: Humanity's Path to Freedom
Dark Energy and Human Consciousness: Humanity's Path to Freedom
Ebook111 pages1 hour

Dark Energy and Human Consciousness: Humanity's Path to Freedom

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Nobody knows how life was first breathed into the first atom, molecule, or cell; all biologists can do is to suggest the most reasonable possibilities by analysing the oldest DNA available. Scientists postulate that life emerged from non-life via natural processes about 3.7 billion years ago. It then evolved (and continues to evolve) to higher levels of complexity based on mutation, natural selection, and time. In other words, scientists believe that life is purely a physical phenomenon.

There are logical arguments, based on scientific concepts, suggesting that dark energy is a non-physical force that influences life and is the source of reason, intelligence, compassion, and love. If we acknowledge and nurture this non-physical (dark energy) aspect of our beings, it will bring balance to our minds and move us from selfishness to love, care, and compassion.

Is this the path to freedom from selfishness, corruption, abuse of power, and greed; and consequently from poverty, starvation, conflict and war?

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJul 22, 2014
Dark Energy and Human Consciousness: Humanity's Path to Freedom

Tom Cahalan

Tom Cahalan qualified as a mechanical engineer in 1974. For the past twelve years he has been researching the interconnectedness between the universe, life, and human consciousness. He published Beyond the Horizon: Where Science Finds God in 2012. This book describes the creation and structure of the universe and also looks at biological evolution and the development of human consciousness. It explains the interconnectedness between all aspects of reality, from the source of the universe to life, mind, and human consciousness. Finally, it discusses the influences that religion, politics, and science have on human consciousness and consequently on the world in which we live. Tom lives in the town of Clane in County Kildare, Ireland with his wife. They have five children and one grandson.

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    Dark Energy and Human Consciousness - Tom Cahalan

    Copyright © 2014 Tom Cahalan.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-1594-6 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-1595-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014909681

    Balboa Press rev. date: 07/18/2014



    1. The Present Reality


    Distribution of Wealth

    Quality of life

    The Present Paradigm

    2. The Universe

    The Composition of the Universe

    The Origin of the Universe – The Scientific View

    The Evolution of the Universe

    The Origin of the Universe – An Alternative Model

    3. The Origin and Evolution of Life

    Is there a non-physical aspect to life?

    Life: An Alternative View

    4. Reality

    Human Consciousness

    5. Religion

    6. The Evolution of Human Consciousness


    General Description

    How Do We Negotiate a Stage?

    The Four Quadrants of Consciousness

    The Evolution of Consciousness in the Human from Birth Onward

    Some Comments on the Human Journey

    Lines of Development

    7. Summary

    What must be done?

    How can this be done?


    To my wife Liz; my children Orlaith, Eibhlis, Tomás, Tadhg, and Micheál; and my grandson Jack

    Tom Cahalan qualified as a mechanical engineer at the College of Technology, Bolton St, Dublin, in 1974. He worked in Canada and the USA for eight years afterward and returned to Ireland in the early 1980s. He lectured in the Dublin Institute of Technology until the mid 1980s. Afterward, with two colleagues, he founded an engineering company that specialised in the design, start-up, and commissioning of production facilities for the electronics and pharmaceutical industries. They sold the company in 2000.

    For the past twelve years he has been researching the interconnectedness among the universe, life, mind, and human consciousness.

    He published Beyond the Horizon: Where Science Finds God in 2012. This book explains the interconnectedness of all aspects of reality, from the source of the universe to human consciousness. It also discusses the influences that religion, politics, and science have on human consciousness and, consequently, on the world in which we live.

    Tom lives in Clane, Co Kildare with his wife and family.


    In our world today, 870 million people are imprisoned in a life of poverty and starvation. Of those 870 million people, about 21,000 people die every day of hunger or hunger-related causes. I say they are imprisoned, because these people have no way of escaping from the prison of their lives. So who are the prison guards?

    The prison guards are the 0.111 per cent of humanity who control 81 per cent of the world’s wealth. This inequitable distribution of wealth is largely responsible for the high level of poverty and starvation in our world. However, blaming the rich for being rich or the poor for being poor is a futile exercise. The only hope of escaping from this terrible reality is to understand why it exists.

    The main reason for the existence of this inequitable distribution of wealth is the culture of selfishness, corruption, abuse of power, and greed, which dominates the political, religious, public service, and financial institutions worldwide. For ease of reference, I will give this culture of selfishness, corruption, abuse of power and greed the acronym SCAG. It is futile to blame the leaders of these institutions for the dominance of SCAG because few of us can say that we would act any differently if we occupied these positions of power. Our only hope is to understand why this SCAG culture is so dominant in the institutions where power and control come with the job.

    In this book I suggest that the fundamental reason for this SCAG culture is the innate quality of selfishness that is in every human being. When selfishness gains a foothold in our consciousness, greed quickly follows, and once we enter that terrain, then corruption and abuse of power almost inevitably results whenever the opportunity presents itself. Of course, the opportunity usually presents itself to people in power, which is why those of us who are not in power should not be too self-righteous or condemn these people too quickly. Why is selfishness an innate quality in every human being, and why can’t we move past it?

    It is a scientific fact that the natural propensity of matter is to evolve to states of lower complexity. Since humans have a physical aspect, they also have a force pulling them to lower complexity. If we consider human consciousness in terms of complexity, the lowest level of complexity is to offer care and compassion only to oneself. Examples of increasing levels of complexity are to offer care and compassion to family, community, society, country, and eventually to all of humanity; in other words, lower complexity equals lower inclusion, and higher complexity equals higher inclusion.

    The innate urge of the physical aspect to move to lower complexity means that we naturally offer care and compassion only to ourselves. Therefore, this physical aspect of our being is naturally pulling us toward selfishness – to taking care of ourselves first and last.

    If life is purely physical, then we have no escape from selfishness, so SCAG will always dominate in our world. However, in this book I present a strong argument based on scientific concepts that suggests that there is a non-physical aspect to all life, including human life. I also argue that this non-physical aspect has a natural

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