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Brand Zeitgeist: Embedding Brand Relationships into the Collective Consciousness
Brand Zeitgeist: Embedding Brand Relationships into the Collective Consciousness
Brand Zeitgeist: Embedding Brand Relationships into the Collective Consciousness
Ebook102 pages1 hour

Brand Zeitgeist: Embedding Brand Relationships into the Collective Consciousness

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Trying to figure out how to connect with customers when traditional marketing has lost much of its value, and why connecting is a whole lot more than todays buzzword? This is the book for you.
Kelly Erickson, author of Maximum Customer Experience

Most people know that branding is the most effective marketing strategy to build a long-term relationship with a dedicated group of customers. But many of us forget about the zeitgeist.

The zeitgeist is the evolving collective consciousness of society, and it is what people are talking about. Its what determines trends and buying behaviors.

Companies can tap into the power of the zeitgeist by providing customers with the tools they need to spread marketing messages through word-of-mouth and other viral channels. Chris Houchens, a marketing expert, uses real-world examples to show how branding works. Discover: Methods to craft and hone messages How to make the most out of first impressions Ways to harness groupthink The importance of logos and visual brand elements How to use social media How to measure the effectiveness of branding efforts And much more! If you have no idea how to create a marketing strategy or if you just need a fresh perspective on branding, then Brand Zeitgeist is for you.

Release dateFeb 8, 2010
Brand Zeitgeist: Embedding Brand Relationships into the Collective Consciousness

Chris Houchens

Chris Houchens spent years working in the real world of both media and marketing. He is now a marketing keynote speaker who writes a marketing blog at He lives on a farm in Kentucky with his wife and children.

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    Book preview

    Brand Zeitgeist - Chris Houchens


    Embedding Brand Relationships

    into the Collective Consciousness

    Chris Houchens

    iUniverse, Inc.

    New York Bloomington

    Brand Zeitgeist

    Embedding Brand Relationships into the Collective Consciousness

    Copyright © 2010 by Chris Houchens

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4502-0679-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4502-0681-5 (dj)

    ISBN: 978-1-4502-0680-8 (ebk)

    iUniverse rev. date: 1/26/2010





    What is the Zeitgeist?

    What is a Brand?

    First Impressions Last


    Trendsetters and Brand Evolution

    First Things First

    Brands are driven by the Message

    Experiencing the Brand Relationship

    Bottom Line Brands


    About the Author

    Connect Online

    Brand Examples

    References / Notes

    Bring Brand Zeitgeist to you

    For Jackson and Alana

    What I say today everybody will say tomorrow, though they will not remember who put it into their heads. Indeed they will be right for I never remember who puts things into my head; it is the Zeitgeist.

    —George Bernard Shaw


    This book will not solve your current marketing problem. However, it might help to stem marketing problems that could present themselves a few years down the road.

    The truth is there are many companies who are utilizing shortsighted marketing schemes that will just get customers in the door to meet this week’s sales quota. They are neglecting the customer relationships they could be building for success next week, next quarter, or next year. They’re focusing on the short-term with their marketing and killing their long-term success.

    Smart companies know the most effective marketing strategy is to build a long-term relationship with a dedicated group of customers. This is better known as branding.

    What this book attempts to do is clarify how a healthy brand image is the most important marketing tool an organization can have. It explains how a long-term systemic branding philosophy can help make the other aspects of marketing easier and cheaper. It shows how a strong brand nourishes a current customer base and helps develop new customers.

    The book uses the concept of the zeitgeist, the public’s collective consciousness, as the framework to use to integrate a brand into a specific market.

    This book is offered as a guide for developing an overall brand strategy and brand philosophy, not to offer a playbook of specific marketing tactics. Think of this book as a basic guide for your overall nutritional plan rather than what you should have for lunch.

    Branding is a big-picture view of business. The zeitgeist is a big picture view of what the public is thinking about. When you combine these two large-scale visions and make connections between them, you can develop penetrating marketing tactics that will be successful with any target market.


    This book would not have been possible without Laura: my editor, my biggest fan, and my best friend.


    In today’s consumer focused world, brands encompass our lives. Between waking up and going to bed, consumers are met with a barrage of marketing messages. The challenge for marketers is how to make their brand stand out in this clutter.

    We are also now living in an age when traditional forms of communication and marketing are no longer as effective as they once were. For years, marketers have been delivering interruptive marketing to a generic homogeneous mass market. As the market continues to segment itself into smaller and smaller niches, this method is becoming less effective in an increasingly crowded marketplace.

    It’s getting harder to get through and capture the mass market’s attention. Consumers are increasingly blocking out irrelevant marketing messages and are instead choosing the messages in which they want to invest their time. With the aid of emerging technologies, consumers are also creating marketing messages. Branding is now a multi-dimensional conversation.

    It’s a challenging time for marketers. If companies continue to use traditional methods to reach consumers, then the chance for success is slim. However, if a business can embrace the new reality of marketing in a consumer-driven world, there’s never been a better time for unbelievable growth.

    In order to cut through the clutter and gain top-of-mind awareness with customers, you have to craft marketing messages consumers are willing to receive.

    In order to have brand awareness spread virally among a target market, you must stake out territory in customers’ lives.

    You have to create dominant mindshare.

    You have to create a Brand Zeitgeist.

    What is the Zeitgeist?

    Most people think they know what a brand is. (If you don’t, you will by the end of the book.) But what’s a zeitgeist?

    The etymology of the word comes from the German words zeit, meaning time, and geist, meaning spirit, so the literal translation of zeitgeist is the spirit of the times. A zeitgeist is the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era. In simpler terms, the zeitgeist is what is top-of-mind right now in the minds of any particular group. It’s what people are thinking and talking about at any given moment in time.

    Probably the most well known use of the zeitgeist concept is Google’s listing of its most frequent search queries. The Google Zeitgeist,¹ now part of the bigger Google Trends product, provides a good snapshot of what’s on the public’s mind as it shows what people are searching for online in any given timeframe. Google can show search trends over time and even a glimpse back to see what people were thinking about in a certain time period.

    In fact, Google can spot trends

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