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Get Programming with Scala
Get Programming with Scala
Get Programming with Scala
Ebook922 pages9 hours

Get Programming with Scala

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About this ebook

The perfect starting point for your journey into Scala and functional programming.

In Get Programming in Scala you will learn:

    Object-oriented principles in Scala
    Express program designs in functions
    Use types to enforce program requirements
    Use abstractions to avoid code duplication
    Write meaningful tests and recognize code smells

Scala is a multi-style programming language for the JVM that supports both object-oriented and functional programming. Master Scala, and you'll be well-equipped to match your programming approach to the type of problem you're dealing with. Packed with examples and exercises, Get Programming with Scala is the perfect starting point for developers with some OO knowledge who want to learn Scala and pick up a few FP skills along the way.

Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.

About the technology
Scala developers are in high demand. This flexible language blends object-oriented and functional programming styles so you can write flexible, easy-to-maintain code. Because Scala runs on the JVM, your programs can interact seamlessly with Java libraries and tools. If you’re comfortable writing Java, this easy-to-read book will get you programming with Scala fast.

About the book
Get Programming with Scala is a fast-paced introduction to the Scala language, covering both Scala 2 and Scala 3. You’ll learn through lessons, quizzes, and hands-on projects that bring your new skills to life. Clear explanations make Scala’s features and abstractions easy to understand. As you go, you’ll learn to write familiar object-oriented code in Scala and also discover the possibilities of functional programming.

What's inside

    Apply object-oriented principles in Scala
    Learn the core concepts of functional programming
    Use types to enforce program requirements
    Use abstractions to avoid code duplication
    Write meaningful tests and recognize code smells

About the reader
For developers who know an OOP language like Java, Python, or C#. No experience with Scala or functional programming required.

About the author
Daniela Sfregola is a Senior Software Engineer and a Scala user since 2013. She is an active contributor to the Scala Community, a public speaker at Scala conferences and meetups, and a maintainer of open-source projects.

Table of Contents

Unit 5 LIST
Release dateOct 5, 2021
Get Programming with Scala

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    Book preview

    Get Programming with Scala - Daniela Sfregola

    inside front cover

    Comparison of the object-oriented and functional programming styles and how they handle different programming tasks

    Get Programming with Scala

    Daniela Sfregola

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    ISBN: 9781617295270


    To Marco, the best lockdown buddy I could ever ask for.




    About this book

    About the author

    Unit 0. Hello Scala!

    Lesson   1. Why Scala?

    Why Scala?

    Scala and the JVM

    Scala’s key features


    Lesson   2. The Scala environment

    The REPL installation

    The REPL commands

    The REPL code evaluation

    Other development tools


    Lesson   3. Scala Build Tool (sbt)

    Why sbt?

    sbt installation

    sbt commands

    Your first sbt project

    sbt project structure


    Unit 1. The Basics

    Lesson   4. Values and variables




    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson   5. Conditional constructs and loops

    If-else construct

    While loop

    For loop


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson   6. Function as the most fundamental block of code



    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson   7. Classes and subclasses to represent the world



    Abstract class


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson   8. The vending machine

    Setting up the vending machine

    Possible improvements to our solution


    Unit 2. Object-oriented fundamentals

    Lesson   9. Import and create packages

    Import an existing package

    Create a package


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 10. Scope your code with access modifiers

    Public, the default access modifier



    Which access level to use?


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 11. Singleton objects


    Executable object

    Companion object

    The apply method


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 12. Traits as interfaces

    Defining traits

    Extending traits

    Sealed traits

    Enumeration in Scala 3


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 13. What time is it?

    What time is it?

    Possible improvements to our solution


    Unit 3. HTTP server

    Lesson 14. Pattern matching

    If-else construct vs. pattern matching

    Sealed pattern matching


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 15. Anonymous functions

    Function vs. anonymous function

    Concise notation for anonymous functions


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 16. Partial functions

    Partial functions

    Use case: Exception handling


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 17. HTTP API with http4s

    An overview of http4s

    A ping server using http4s


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 18. The time HTTP server

    What time is it?

    Possible improvements to our solution


    Unit 4. Immutable data and structures

    Lesson 19. Case classes to structure your data

    Case class

    Pattern matching and case classes

    Case object


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 20. Higher order functions

    Functions as parameters

    Functions as return values


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 21. What is purity?

    A definition of purity

    Differentiating between pure and impure functions


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 22. Option

    Why Option?

    Creating an Option

    Pattern matching on Option


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 23. Working with Option: map and flatMap

    Transforming an Option


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 24. Working with Option: For-comprehension

    For-comprehension on Option

    Other operations on Option


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 25. Tuple and unapply


    Implementing the unapply method


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 26. Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock!

    Implementing Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock!

    Possible improvements to our solution


    Unit 5. List

    Lesson 27. List

    Creating a list

    Adding elements to a list

    Pattern matching on a list


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 28. Working with List: map and flatMap

    The map, flatten, and flatMap operations



    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 29. Working with List: Properties

    Size of a list

    Properties of the elements in a list


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 30. Working with List: Element selection

    Selecting an element by its position

    Finding an element with given features

    Picking the minimum or maximum item


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 31. Working with List: Filtering

    Dropping and taking elements

    Filtering Items of a list

    Removing duplicates


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 32. Working with List: Sorting and other operations

    Sorting elements

    Converting a list to a string

    Sum elements of numerical sequences

    Grouping elements by feature


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 33. The movies dataset

    Download the base project

    Parsing a movie entity

    Printing query results

    Querying the movie data set


    Unit 6. Other collections and error handling

    Lesson 34. Set

    Creating a set

    Adding and removing elements

    The map, flatten, and flatMap operations



    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 35. Working with Set

    The Union, Intersection, and Difference operations

    Other operations on Set


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 36. Map

    Creating Map

    Adding and removing elements

    Merge and remove multiple entries

    The map and flatMap operations



    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 37. Working with Map

    Retrieving a value for a given key

    Getting all keys and values

    Other operations on Map


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 38. Either

    Why Either?

    Creating an Either

    Pattern matching on Either

    The map and flatMap operations



    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 39. Working with Either

    Retrieving an Either value

    Properties of an Either value


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 40. Error handling with Try

    Creating a Try

    Pattern matching on Try

    The map, flatten, and flatMap operations


    Other operations on Try


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 41. The library application

    Download the base project

    Parsing a book entity

    The business logic layer

    Let’s give it a try!

    Possible improvements to our solution


    Unit 7. Concurrency

    Lesson 42. Implicit and type classes

    Implicit parameters and values

    Implicit resolution

    Type classes


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 43. Future

    Why Future?

    Creating an instance of Future

    Processing Future on completion


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 44. Working with Future: map and flatMap

    The map, flatten, and flatMap operations


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 45. Working with Future: For-comprehension and other operations


    Retrieving the first Future to complete


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 46. Database queries with Quill

    Project setup

    Connecting to the PostgreSQL server

    Executing queries

    Running generated queries


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 47. The quiz application: Part

    Download the base project

    Health check queries

    Category queries

    Question and answer queries

    Let’s give it a try!


    Unit 8. JSON (de)serialization

    Lesson 48. JSON (de)serialization with circe

    Project setup

    JSON serialization: From instance to JSON

    JSON deserialization: From JSON to instance


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 49. Lazy evaluation

    By-name parameters

    Lazy values


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 50. The IO type

    Why IO?

    Project setup

    Synchronous side effect

    Asynchronous side effect


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 51. Working with the IO type

    The map and flatMap operations


    Parallel execution


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 52. Testing with ScalaTest

    Project setup

    Your first test

    Asynchronous testing


    Answers to quick checks

    Lesson 53. The quiz application: Part

    Download the base project

    Generic endpoints

    Displaying the available categories

    Creating a quiz

    Answering a quiz

    The HTTP server

    Writing tests

    Let’s give it a try!



    front matter


    When I first heard of Scala almost 10 years ago, I was immediately intrigued: a language that combines object-oriented programming (OOP) with functional programming (FP) sounded very interesting! And of course, at the time, I had no idea of what FP really meant or why I should care about it. When I decided to give this new language a try, I was lucky enough to work with great mentors who guided me in the learning process.

    As I was learning new features of the language, I decided to start writing down my discoveries to further cement my understanding of them. After one or two months, I started writing my blog. My original motivation was to force myself to keep studying and improving my skills, but I soon realized that other people were finding my blog posts useful. In particular, readers of my blog enjoyed my writings because they were tackling practical problems that were explained with simple terms and that avoided unnecessary complexity.

    Around the same time, I also started engaging with the Scala community by attending conferences and local meetups. By talking to fellow developers, I have recognized a similar pattern: folks were really intrigued by the language but surprised by a steep learning curve that was daunting for many newcomers due to the amount of complex and technical concepts that were assumed as common knowledge. Within six months, somebody nudged me into giving a presentation about a Scala library called Akka. When delivering the presentation, I decided that the best course of action was to offer my insights in a beginner-friendly fashion—helping several developers learn Scala one-on-one and sharing my knowledge of the Scala language and ecosystem in talks and workshops for beginners.

    This book distills what I have learned about Scala and FP over the years and applies the lessons learned while teaching it to newcomers, trying to present the topic in a simple and accessible way so that you can learn the basics in a quick and pragmatic manner.

    Learning new technologies can be overwhelming and intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. I hope this book will make you fall in love with Scala, a powerful yet approachable language that can be fun and increase your productivity at the same time.


    This book has been the most exciting and ambitious challenge of my career so far, and it would have not been possible without the constant help and support of many people.

    I’d like to show my gratitude to the reviewers and the MEAP readers: your invaluable feedback has made this book much better.

    Thanks to the Manning team, for their guidance and mentoring, particularly to Rebecca Rinehart, Michael Stephens, and Bert Bates for their precious advice during development of this book. Special thanks also go to my development editor, Katherine Olstein, for helping me continue focusing on its progress and get to the finishing line. I’d also like to thank my technical development editor, Arthur Zubarev, for his enthusiastic encouragement and my technical proofreader, Jean-François Morin, for his invaluable and detailed feedback.

    To all the reviewers: Andrew Jennings, Anto Aravinth, Bonnie Malec, Chad Davis, Damian Esteban, Dan Sheikh, David Clements, Dr. Davide Cadamuro, Edward G. Prentice, Emanuele Origgi, Evyatar Kafkafi, George Onofrei, George Thomas, Igor Karp, Jeff Smith, Jens Christian, B. Madsen, Jon Guenther, Kai Gellien, Kelvin Johnson, Kevin Orr, Michelle Williamson, Mike Jensen, Rambabu Posa, Ronald Tischliar, Sam Zaydel, Sanket Naik, Scott Dierbeck, William Wheeler, and Yvan Phelizot, your suggestions helped make this a better book.

    I’d like to show my gratitude to my mentors and colleagues, particularly to Bruno Filippone for introducing me to Scala, and ScalaItaly for inviting me to speak at a conference for the first time. Thanks to the Scala Community for your engagement and appreciation of this project and the Scala Center, particularly to Darja Jovanovic for her enthusiasm and support. Thanks to Professor Martin Odersky for creating such a beautiful language and for his invaluable feedback.

    Last but surely not least, thanks to my life partner, Marco, for his unconditional support during every stage of this book and for encouraging me during the countless nights and weekends spent writing this book.

    About this book

    Object-oriented programming (OOP) has been the mainstream programming paradigm for the past couple of decades. More recently, the growing need for handling concurrency and multi-core processing has encouraged developers to explore functional programming (FP) thanks to its concepts of immutability and purity, which allow you to safely share data and design applications that are composable and easy to test. We are currently in a transition period where developers are familiar with the OOP paradigm but would like to learn more about FP.

    Scala is a beautiful and powerful language that combines the OOP and FP coding styles to offer the best of both worlds and hence appeal to a broad set of developers.

    Get Programming with Scala gives you an overview of its core features and guides you through several exercises to consolidate your understanding. It also teaches you how to develop more and more complex real-life Scala applications. It aims to make you productive in Scala as quickly and easily as possible, making it an ideal book when diving in for the first time.

    Who should read this book

    This book is for anyone with some programming experience using any OOP language, who is looking for a practical introduction to the Scala language and FP. You do not need any experience developing on the Java Virtual Machine (although it will certainly not hurt you) or any prior FP knowledge; you’ll learn about these subjects in this book.

    How this book is organized: A roadmap

    The structure of Get Programming with Scala is different from most of the programming books you may have read before. The book is divided into units, each containing bite-sized, easy-to-understand lessons. Each lesson has several quick check questions to help you verify your understanding (all of the answers are at the end of each lesson) and a final Try This exercise to help you consolidate the topic (solutions can be found on the book’s GitHub repository). At the end of each unit, its capstone project shows you how to apply what you have learned so far in a real-life application. The units cover the following content:

    Unit 0 discusses why Scala is a great language to learn and the tools you need to install on your machine to start coding. You’ll learn about the Scala REPL, which helps you discover the language by evaluating Scala expressions, and sbt, the Scala Build Tool you’ll use for your Scala applications.

    Unit 1 introduces you to the fundamental code components of the language. In particular, you’ll learn to define values and variables, conditional statements, functions, and classes.

    Unit 2 shows you how to code in Scala using classic OOP concepts you have used in other languages. You’ll see how to create and import packages, use access modifiers that limit your code’s visibility, and define interfaces and singletons.

    Unit 3 starts your FP journey by teaching you about pattern matching, one of the most powerful and versatile tools of the Scala language. You’ll learn about anonymous and particular functions and how the library http4s uses them to define an HTTP server.

    Unit 4 discusses immutability by introducing you to case classes. It then introduces you to higher order functions and the concept of purity. Option is presented as a tool to indicate that a value may be missing and to avoid those annoying and unpredictable NullPointerExceptions.

    Unit 5 introduces you to List collection as an ordered group of elements of the same kind. It shows you how to perform on it, such as picking, filtering, and sorting its items.

    Unit 6 discusses some of the other collections in the Scala library. You’ll learn about Set as an unordered group of unique elements and Map for key-value structures. You’ll also see how to use Either for validation and Try for error handling.

    Unit 7 shows you how to code using concurrent asynchronous computations. You’ll see how to use Future to represent an asynchronous operation that runs in the background and use the library Quill to connect and query to a Postgres database.

    Finally, Unit 8 teaches you how to use the library circe for JSON serialization and ScalaTest to write tests. It also introduces you to the concept of laziness and IO from the cats-effect library as a tool to control side effects.

    Each unit builds on top of the concepts introduced by the previous one, so you should consider reading each of them in succession. Depending on your OOP experience, you may want to skim the first lessons of the book. I strongly recommend not to skip the Quick Check and Try This exercises, even if they may seem easy, because they are designed to consolidate your understanding and highlight unexpected behavior that newcomers to the language tend to struggle with.

    About the code

    Throughout the book, you will see lots of code examples and quizzes to help you master the topics of each unit. The source code is formatted in a fixed-width font like this to separate it from ordinary text. Sometimes code is also in bold to highlight code that has changed from previous steps in the chapter, such as when a new feature adds to an existing line of code.

    In many cases, the original source code has been reformatted; we’ve added line breaks and reworked indentation to accommodate the available page space in the book. In rare cases, even this was not enough, and listings include line-continuation markers (➥). Additionally, comments in the source code have often been removed from the listings when the code is described in the text. Code annotations accompany many of the listings, highlighting important concepts.

    Source code, exercises, and solutions are available for download from the Manning website at and from GitHub at

    liveBook discussion forum

    Purchase of Get Progamming with Scala includes free access to a private web forum run by Manning Publications where you can make comments about the book, ask technical questions, and receive help from the author and from other users. To access the forum, go to You can also learn more about Manning's forums and the rules of conduct at!/discussion.

    Manning’s commitment to our readers is to provide a venue where a meaningful dialogue between individual readers and between readers and the author can take place. It is not a commitment to any specific amount of participation on the part of the author, whose contribution to the forum remains voluntary (and unpaid). We suggest you try asking the author some challenging questions lest her interest stray! The forum and the archives of previous discussions will be accessible from the publisher’s website as long as the book is in print.

    About the author

    Unit 0. Hello Scala!

    Welcome to Get Programming with Scala! In Unit 0, you’ll have an overview of Scala and everything you need to know to set up your development environment and start coding. In particular, you’ll see the following subjects:

    Lesson 1 illustrates the key Scala features and why it is such a great programming language to learn. You’ll discover the typical execution flow of a Scala program, and you’ll get a glance at some Scala code.

    Lesson 2 shows you how to install and run the Scala REPL, a crucial tool to play and experiment with. You’ll write code snippets and see how the compiler interprets them.

    Lesson 3 introduces you to sbt—the Scala Build Tool. You’ll install it and write your first Scala program by organizing your folders and source files according to the sbt standard.

    After setting your environment up, you’ll continue with unit 1, where you’ll review the basics of object-oriented programming in Scala.

    1 Why Scala?

    After reading this lesson, you’ll be able to

    Discuss the advantages of adopting Scala

    Describe the execution flow of a typical Scala program

    Define the key features of the Scala language

    In this lesson, you’ll discover why Scala is an excellent language to learn and why its adoption is increasing so rapidly. You’ll see how Scala relates to the JVM and the key features that make it unique. You’ll also start looking at snippets of Scala code to get an idea of its appearance. After giving you an overview of the Scala language, you’ll continue with the next lesson, in which you’ll install the Scala REPL and use it to interpret snippets of code.

    1.1 Why Scala?

    Why should you spend time and effort in learning Scala? Why is it becoming so popular? What are the advantages of adopting it? Let’s discuss its main selling points.

    The JVM The

    JVM is the standard platform for running Scala programs. Sun Microsystems introduced it in 1994—more than 25 years ago. Since then, the industry has been extensively relying on it. The Java community has also been extremely active, and it has produced an impressive amount of libraries. Thanks to its integration with Java, you can use all these libraries in your Scala programs; this is also true for any Java legacy code you or your company may have.

    A Hybrid Language Scala

    manages to combine two programming techniques that are considerably different: the object-oriented style with the functional one. When executing code on the JVM, the object-oriented approach can be more performant but prone to errors. When using mutable state, your program will re-allocate its memory: every time a change occurs, it will change the data in place. However, sharing state can cause your application to suffer from data inconsistency issues due to multiple processes accessing and modifying the same portion of data.

    A functional approach can be more readable and reusable but not as performant. Thanks to immutable data and structures, you can guarantee your program’s correctness when dealing with concurrency: your data never changes, so it is safe to share it. Your code will also be easier to understand and reuse because all its components will be independent of external factors outside its control. But recreating data rather than updating could be a memory-expensive operation, even though it has massively improved thanks to numerous optimizations and efficient garbage collection strategies in recent years.

    In Scala, you do not have to stick to a particular style, but you can take advantage of one or the other paradigm depending on the specific task you are solving. Look at figure 1.1 for a comparison of how the two approaches tackle different programming tasks.

    Figure 1.1 Comparison of the object-oriented and functional programming styles and how they handle different programming tasks

    Concise Syntax Scala’s

    programming style is relatively concise, particularly when compared to other languages like Java. Having a compact syntax can increase both the productivity and readability of your program. At the beginning of your journey with Scala, you may find it quite overwhelming. In this book, syntax diagrams will help you master new topics and make your learning path smoother.

    Flexibility Scala is extremely flexible: you can achieve the same goal in more than one way, making the language extremely fun and exciting to use. The opportunity to choose between different programming paradigms allows you to gradually shift your mindset from one approach to another without committing to a specific style since day one. For example, you can dip your toe in the functional programming world without any long-term commitment. In this book, you’ll start writing Scala code using an object-oriented style and then gradually move to a more functional one.

    Concurrency Thanks to its use of immutable data structures and expressive type system, dealing with concurrency is less prone to errors than in other languages. As a result, Scala programs tend to utilize resources more efficiently, and they usually perform better under pressure.

    Big Data and Spark Thanks

    to Scala’s features and optimizations at its compile level, the community has developed new performant tools for big data processing. Apache Spark is the most popular of these tools. Thanks to Scala’s lazy evaluation, which is a topic you are going to discover in unit 8, Spark can perform optimizations at compile time that have huge impacts on its runtime performance:

    "Run programs up to 100× faster than Hadoop MapReduce in memory, or 10× faster on disk.”.


    1.2 Scala and the JVM

    Scala takes its name from the word scalable. Martin Odersky and his team designed it in 2004 with the intent of creating a language for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that can easily handle high volumes of requests.

    To understand the execution of a Scala program, let’s compare it with the typical execution flow of a Java program; figure 1.2 provides a visual representation of the two processes. The JVM is a machine to perform tasks by executing a well-defined set of operations, called bytecode. A JVM language aims to translate its code into executable JVM bytecode, usually formed by multiple files with extension *.class. When coding in Java, you save your source files with extension *.java and use the compiler javac to produce a jar file containing the generated bytecode. When writing Scala code, your source files have extension *.scala. The Scala compiler called scalac is in charge of translating the code into bytecode. You can seamlessly add Java sources and depend on Java libraries in your Scala codebase. The Scala compiler fully integrates with the bytecode that the Java compiler produces, making the integration between the two languages straightforward.

    Figure 1.2 Comparison between the execution of a Java program with a Scala one. The Java source code has extension *.java, and javac translates it into bytecode files with extension *.class. You save Scala code in files with extension *.scala, and scalac is the compiler responsible for converting them into bytecode. The JVM is now ready to run the bytecode, usually conveniently grouped in a *.jar file.

    Scala as a multiplatform language

    Odersky and his team designed Scala for the JVM. A few open source projects (some more experimental than others) are trying to develop new compilers so that you can use the language in other platforms too.

    scala-js is a well-established open source project that allows you to compile Scala code to JavaScript. It is a framework to build applications that run in your browser. It enables you to share code between the front and the backend of your application. Visit for more information.

    scala-native (see is another project targeting Scala for the Low-Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) compiler. Its development is in progress but looks promising; running Scala programs on the LLVM would optimize their speed and memory.

    Finally, if you are looking for an alternative (more fun?) way of writing CSS code, look at scalacss (see for a super type-safe CSS in Scala.

    1.3 Scala’s key features

    Since 2004, Scala has evolved a lot, but its fundamental features have not changed. In this section, you’ll glance at a few fragments of Scala code, and you’ll learn about each of these topics in this book.

    Scala is Object-Oriented An object-oriented programming language has a structure based on classes and subclasses. They have well-defined behaviors, and they exchange information through methods.

    Listing 1.1 MyClass example

    // our first Scala example              ❶ class MyClass(name: String) {            ❷   def sayHello(otherName: String) =     sHi $otherName, my name is $name!  ❸ }

    ❶ This is a comment.

    ❷ This is a class with a parameter name and a method sayHello.

    ❸ Example of string interpolation: s... is the operator for string interpolation; it replaces $otherName and $name with their value.

    In unit 1, you’ll learn how to define classes and subclasses. In unit 4, you’ll also discover case classes to present data in an immutable manner.

    Singleton instances are instances that you should initialize at most once. Scala offers a dedicated syntax for them: you usually refer to them as objects. Do not be confused by the term object, as it can refer to an instance rather than a singleton in other languages. In unit 2, you’ll learn about singleton objects in Scala and how not to be confused by the terminology.

    Listing 1.2 MySingleton example

    object MyObject {                  ❶   val a = new MyClass(Scala)    ❷   println(a.sayHello(Martin)) }

    ❶ This is a singleton.

    ❷ This is an instance of the class MyClass.

    Exceptions are another typical feature of an object-oriented language. They represent code anomalies: you can throw and catch them to control your program’s execution flow. In Scala, exceptions are similar to those in languages such as Java, Python, and C++.

    Listing 1.3 Example of throwing and catching exceptions

    try {   throw new IllegalStateException(ERROR!)    ❶ } catch {   case ex: RuntimeException =>                ❷     println(Something went bad...) }

    ❶ Example of throwing a java.lang.IllegalStateException

    ❷ Example of catching and handling any RuntimeException. Note that an IllegalStateException is a subclass of RuntimeException.

    You’ll learn about try-catch expressions in detail in unit 3, in which you are also going to discover partial functions. In unit 6, you’ll master how to handle errors without throwing exceptions using a more functional and safe approach that uses types.

    Mutable data structures and assignments are also part of the language. The language’s design discourages their use, but you can still take advantage of them when needed. In lesson 4, you’ll learn about the difference between a value and a variable. In units 5 and 6, you’ll also discover what the Scala Collections have to offer.

    Listing 1.4 Example of mutable assignments

    var a = hello println(a)          ❶ a = Scala println(a)          ❷

    ❶ Prints hello

    ❷ Prints Scala

    Scala is Functional FP languages base their entire structure on functions. Functions play a big part in Scala as its first-class citizens. In lesson 6, you’ll learn their basics and how to define them. In unit 4, you’ll discover functional purity and its several advantages and how you can use functions as parameters or return values: you refer to them as higher order functions. They allow you to create powerful abstractions that simplify and remove code duplication in a way that is usually not so easily achievable in an object-oriented approach.

    Listing 1.5 Example of Higher Order Function

    def divideByTwo(n: Int): Int = n / 2            ❶ def addOne(f: Int => Int): Int => Int =          ❷   f andThen(_ + 1) def divideByTwoAndAddOne = addOne(divideByTwo)  ❸

    ❶ A function that takes an Int and returns an Int

    ❷ A function that takes a function from Int to Int as a parameter and that returns a new function from Int to Int

    ❸ A function defined by compositing two existing functions

    Scala has a Robust Type System Scala is a statically typed language. Types define the acceptable range of values for your computation. Thanks to them, the compiler can check at compile time that your code doesn’t violate any constraints, which makes your code more reliable and less prone to errors at runtime. Scala has a type inference system, so you do not have to specify the intended type for every expression of your program, making your code less verbose. Languages that do not have a type inference system require you to provide types explicitly and tend to be more verbose. Scala’s type system is also quite flexible: you can reuse existing or create custom types to ensure business requirements at the type level. Starting from unit 4, you’ll discover the most common types the language has to offer. In unit 7, you’ll see how to use type classes and define custom types to enforce requirements at compile time.

    Scala’s Integration with Java Scala is a JVM language that you can easily integrate Java code into your Scala programs. Most IDEs that provide Scala support, such as IntelliJ IDEA, can even rewrite Java code into Scala code automatically.

    Listing 1.6 Java to Scala code example

    // file String dateAsString = 22.11.2017; SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat( dd.MM.yyyy ); Date date = format.parse(dateAsString); // file Snippet.scala import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Date val dateAsString = 22.11.2017 val format = new SimpleDateFormat(dd.MM.yyyy) val date: Date = format.parse(dateAsString)

    Alternatively, you can also add files with extension *.java directly into your Scala project; Scalac will recognize them as Java and compile them accordingly.


    In this lesson, my objective was to give you an overview of the Scala language.

    You learned about its unique features and why it is a great language to learn.

    You discovered the typical execution flow of a Scala program and looked at Scala code snippets.

    2 The Scala environment

    After reading this lesson, you’ll be able to

    Execute commands on the Scala REPL

    Use the REPL to evaluate expressions

    Install the git and docker development tools

    The Scala REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop) is a development tool to interpret Scala code snippets. It will be a crucial tool in learning Scala, and it doesn’t require too much setup or infrastructure: you’ll be able to play and experiment with the language by typing and evaluating fragments of code. You’ll also install the git and docker development tools on your machine, which are not specific to Scala but used in some of the more advanced capstones. In the next lesson, you’ll complete your machine’s setup by installing sbt—a tool to build and run structured Scala programs.

    2.1 The REPL installation

    In this section, you’ll learn how to install the Scala REPL on Linux, macOS, and Windows using a package manager. Alternatively, you can also download Scala binaries from its official website (visit and its Download the Scala binaries section for instructions on how to do this).

    First, you need to check that you have installed Java 8+ JDK. Open the terminal and type the command java -version to check your java version. You should see a message similar to the following:

    $ java –version openjdk version 15.0.1 2020-10-20 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 15.0.1+9-18) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 15.0.1+9-18, mixed mode, sharing)

    If you need to install or upgrade your JDK, you can find instructions on how to do so on the OpenJDK’s website (

    You are now ready to download and install the Scala REPL; depending on your operating system, you will have different instructions to follow.

    LINUX On Ubuntu and other Debian-based distribution, type the following command in the terminal:

    $ sudo apt-get install scala

    If you are using an RPM-based distribution, such as Red Hat Enterprise, type the following instruction:

    $ sudo yum install scala

    Use emerge package manager if you are on Gentoo:

    $ emerge dev-lang/scala

    macOS On macOS, you can install Scala using Homebrew by executing the following command in your terminal:

    $ brew install scala

    If you prefer, you can also use MacPorts as follows:

    $ port install scala

    Windows Visit to download the MSI installer for Scala and open the file to complete the installation.

    Once you have completed the installation, you should be able to execute the command scala and receive a message similar to the following:

    $ scala Welcome to Scala 2.13.6 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 15.0.1). Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help. scala>

    The symbol scala> indicates that the Scala REPL is running and ready to receive your commands.

    2.2 The REPL commands

    A REPL tool can receive instructions and interpret snippets of code. Let’s see what the Scala REPL’s main commands.

    The Scala REPL identifies commands by the prefix :; it considers any other instruction as Scala code snippets to compile and evaluate. Lots of commands are available, but you usually remember just a few of them. Here’s a list of the most useful commands:

    :quit gracefully exits the interpreter:

    scala> :quit

    :help lists all the commands available with a brief description. Use it to discover new commands or to check the syntax of an existing one:

    scala> :help All commands can be abbreviated, e.g., :he instead of :help. :help [command]          print this summary or command-specific help :completions     output completions for the given string //

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