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My Oxford Year: A Novel
My Oxford Year: A Novel
My Oxford Year: A Novel
Ebook370 pages5 hours

My Oxford Year: A Novel

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Soon to be a Netflix Film Starring Sofia Carson and Corey Mylchreest!

My Oxford Year is a pure delight . . . Julia Whelan has crafted a story that is as fun and charming as it is powerful and wise.” —TAYLOR JENKINS REID

“A read bursting with warmth, mirth, and heart. A powerfully heartbreaking and life-affirming tribute to love and to choice.” — ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY

Set amidst the breathtaking beauty of Oxford, this sparkling debut novel tells the unforgettable story about a determined young woman eager to make her mark in the world and the handsome man who introduces her to an incredible love that will irrevocably alter her future—perfect for fans of JoJo Moyes and Nicholas Sparks.

American Ella Durran has had the same plan for her life since she was thirteen: Study at Oxford. At 24, she’s finally made it to England on a Rhodes Scholarship when she’s offered an unbelievable position in a rising political star’s presidential campaign. With the promise that she’ll work remotely and return to DC at the end of her Oxford year, she’s free to enjoy her Once in a Lifetime Experience. That is, until a smart-mouthed local who is too quick with his tongue and his car ruins her shirt and her first day.

When Ella discovers that her English literature course will be taught by none other than that same local, Jamie Davenport, she thinks for the first time that Oxford might not be all she’s envisioned. But a late-night drink reveals a connection she wasn’t anticipating finding and what begins as a casual fling soon develops into something much more when Ella learns Jamie has a life-changing secret.

Immediately, Ella is faced with a seemingly impossible decision: turn her back on the man she’s falling in love with to follow her political dreams or be there for him during a trial neither are truly prepared for. As the end of her year in Oxford rapidly approaches, Ella must decide if the dreams she’s always wanted are the same ones she’s now yearning for.


Release dateApr 24, 2018

Julia Whelan

Julia Whelan is a screenwriter, lifelong actor, and award-winning audiobook narrator. She graduated with a degree in English and creative writing from Middlebury College and Oxford University. While she was in England, her flirtation with tea blossomed into a full-blown love affair, culminating in her eventual certification as a tea master. 

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Reviews for My Oxford Year

Rating: 4.103448230721003 out of 5 stars

319 ratings25 reviews

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Readers find this title to be a heartwarming and captivating story set in Oxford. The book explores themes of love, loss, and personal growth. The characters are endearing and the author's writing style is funny and romantic. While some readers found the story to be clichéd and the narrator's Irish accent questionable, overall, the book received high praise for its emotional depth and relatable characters. It is recommended for anyone looking for a delightful and engaging read.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I liked the book, it was a quick read, but there were a lot of things that required a little suspended belief in reality. Also it reminded me too much of Me Before You.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Note to self: Pay attention when a book blurb compares a book to those written by Jo Moyes and Nicholas Sparks so you are not blindsided by the nature of a secret in the wee hours of the morning!My Oxford Year was, in turn, a lot of fun to read (many quietish snort-laughs occurred in the reading, especially in the first third or so), heartwrenching (gah! So upsetting when unexpected), inspirational, and cautiously optimistic. I loved watching Ella trying to navigate her new-temporary-life in Oxford, making friends (or not...? or maybe she actually is), struggling to decode British slang (in her first real conversation post-customs she realizes she'd "understood maybe half of what he'd said") and trying not to be run over on her first day there (they drive on the "wrong" side of the road! The struggle is real) As an English major and two-time graduate student, I was alternately amazed and appalled that Ella, a poli sci/history major had blithely decided to do a masters at Oxford in English literature from 1830 to 1914 just because. Who does that???Fortunately for my sanity, Ms. Whelan has Ella wonder the same thing. More than once.It's clear from their meet-not-so-cute in the road and chip shop that Ella and Jamie are going to be the main item in the book, and for the most part a lot more time is spent on their not-a-relationship/relationship than is on Ella's actually going to classes/working on schoolwork/working the actual long-distance job she has in addition to going to Oxford, which felt a bit off balance, considering. The author's note at the end also reveals that the book is based on an original screenplay written by someone else (currently in development as Oxford), so perhaps some of those choices were made with more of an eye toward telling the story on screen instead of on the page? Either way, it didn't bother me overmuch--I'm more a relationship girl than a day-to-day IRL one--but it is worth noting. The story is reminiscent of Bridget Jones's Diary in that there's a lot more hanging out with friends and spending time with the opposite sex than work, equally as British-y but far less smoking and sex and none of the body image issues.Just about the same amount of alcohol consumption, though. ;)I have fond memories of Ms. Whelan from Once and Again and really enjoyed her audio performance of Gone Girl (thanks, SB Sarah for your super fun and informative interview with Julia on your podcast and overall I liked her voice here. I highlighted several passages as I read, and will be very interested to see how many of them show up in the film as well--going to see it when it comes out is definitely not a question. It will happen. One quote in particular really spoke to me:...she--by her very presence--assures me that, in the end, it will be okay. She's still here, isn't she?I read that and my whole being said yes. Obviously someone out there gets it. I don't know if the author of the novel or the screenplay came up with that exact wording, but whoever you are, you are speaking my language right there. Ce and I are soul sisters, and I thank you both for writing her.If you enjoy contemporary women's fiction/new adult/fish-out-of-water stories with delicious posh prat heroes, by all means, give My Oxford Year a read--you probably won't be sorry. But definitely have a tissue (or two--boxes, maybe) handy. Rating: 4 stars / B+I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Honestly, this was fantastic! I just really loved everything about this delightful story. I know Julia Whelan from her work as a narrator so I was really curious about this book as soon as I saw it. I decided to give it a try simply because of my curiosity and didn't really know much about the book beyond my guess that it would be about someone spending a year at Oxford (nothing gets past me). This book is really so much more than that and I must say that I had such a good time reading this book.Ella is at the center of this story. Ella is from Ohio and has just made it to England to study at Oxford on a Rhodes Scholarship. To make things even better, she gets a call offering her a position to work on a presidential campaign just as she makes it to England. Things are looking up for Ella. She soon realizes that things are a little different at Oxford than she expects but she is making friends. One of her classes is being taught by the same man she had a run-in with at the fish shop on her first day in town. I do think that this a book that will really be best to go in as blindly as possible so I am going to be careful not to include any spoilers in this reviews.I really liked Ella. She is so driven to do well with everything she attempts but it quickly becomes obvious that she will have to make a few adjustments to succeed at Oxford. She was just such a strong character and I found her very easy to relate to. I really liked her more and more as the book progressed and thought that she grew dramatically as a character. Jamie was also great. He was more of a mystery to me at the start of the book but as I continued reading, I really fell in love with him. He was such a great guy and I thought he compliments Ella very well. This story made me think, it made me feel, and it even made me laugh. This book was such a joy to read. When I started reading, I thought that this was going to be one kind of story and then things changed and by the end of the book I was reading something totally different. I loved the fact that this book went in such an unexpected direction kind of like life tends to do. I would highly recommend this book to others. Julia Whelan has proven that she is not only great narrator but that she is also a wonderful writer. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to read this story and can't wait to read more of her work in the future.I received a digital review copy of this book from William Morrow Paperbacks via Edelweiss.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Heartbreaking yet heartwarming, love it! Amazing references to literary pieces, and beauty of Oxford!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    (Spoiler) I went into this book not knowing much about it. If I’m being honest, what truly grabbed me was the fact that the setting was situated in another country from mine. But God I’m so grateful that I had no clue what would happen or I would have for sure not picked it up. I’m horrible at dealing with character deaths so I try to refrain myself from books with those types of theme. I have fallen in love with this book from the beginning to end. The characters in this book are so easy to feel for, especially Ella. I would honestly recommend this to anyone and everyone.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I write through tears, even as my heart is warmed by these beautiful loving funny characters all.
    I loved the story, how the author brought these wonderful people to life in a city I feel I now know.
    I look forward to more from this author who I feel I know as the voice of so many audio books! Thanks for the great read!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Loved it. Wonderful, entertaining, chuckle-worthy, and it even brought me to tears... it is a nice, refreshing perspective of a young female professional. Loved every minute of it. Refreshing and much more than I expected!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Loved this story! It will take you through every emotions with the most endearing characters. Wish I could give it 10 stars.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It was a bit clichéd, I thought. Narrator was great apart from the Irish accent ?.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I would describe this novel as a poignant tale of an ambitious, career-oriented American expat in Oxford who goes for a putative year of study abroad to pursue a Masters in Literature (as a Rhodes Scholar, no less) but learns about love, loss, and emotional labor instead of just poetry. The cover illustration and author (well-known audiobook narrator, Julia Whelan) might tempt you into lumping this into “Romance” but the story is much darker than typical romance fare. To avoid spoilers, I’ll say the following:
    - if you enjoy British humor and examples of witty repartee, you’ll like many of the exchanges in the book.
    - be forewarned that the “dark” part of the story involves loving someone through hardships and could be emotionally triggering for those who have lost loved ones
    - the ebook was infinitely better for me than the audio version, which is strange since I’ve enjoyed other Julia Whelan-narrated stories before. It’s admirable she attempts about 10 different styles for the ensemble characters but the accents really started to grate. The ebook was a wise switch IMO.

    The novel has a lot of merits and I enjoyed the descriptive details of British life, having lived there for 11 years. But I couldn’t get that invested with the main couple and the choices given to the female lead at the end of the story felt like romantic tropes (plus I was disappointed in the outcome as it seemed she wasn’t really true to herself). 3/5 stars for me but readers looking for American expat stories will probably enjoy the book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Captivating. Loved the character development and oxford scenes. Funny and romantic and quirky.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I don’t know what I expected when I agreed to read this book but I can tell you I got something I didn’t expect. I thought I’d be reading more of a coming of age tale but at least in my opinion what I read was a romance.Ella is a young woman who has had her life planned since she was 13 – she would work hard, get good grades and get a Rhodes Scholarship. Why? An article she read at that impressionable age gave her a glimpse of Oxford and she never forgot it.Ella is a young woman of high intelligence and is very driven in her chosen field of education policy. As she is entering England for her year abroad she receives a call that can change her career path; to work on the campaign for a woman running for President. She does not want to give up her Rhodes so they work a way for her to consult remotely with a commitment for her to fully join the team at the end of her term.As she explores her new living situation and meets friends Ella also engages with a professor. Their initial meeting is very antagonistic but sparks fly and soon they dating without strings. But then something happens to change the course of both of their lives.I’m not going to spoil plot points – you know that by now. I will note that I enjoyed reading My Oxford Year. I will also note that it was not a really deep read. I actually read it waiting for a flight and then on the flight from Kansas City to Salt Lake. It didn’t take long; it read very quickly. It made for a great airport/plane book, if truth be told. That being written it just didn’t leave me with any lasting impact. I read it, I enjoyed it and I promptly forgot about it as I turned to my next book.The characters are likable, the plot has a couple of twists but nothing earth shattering. It was just a good, quick, easy read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I am going to do my best to write a spoiler free review. I will start by saying Julia Whelen has long been my very favorite audiobook reader, and I will often listen to books I would not have otherwise picked up because she read them. So I knew I had to dive into the book she wrote, her first I believe, and I needed to listen to it with her reading it. The narration is, as expected, fantastic. For the first half this was a 5-star, It was charming and funny and naughty and a love letter to Oxford, which is certainly a place worth loving. It was also a love letter to good poetry and Middlemarch -- also worthy loves. I adored Ella and Jamie (another worthy love interest), but also Charlie and Maggie (Tom a bit less, but he is a minor character.) Something comes to light later in the book that changes the tone and trajectory of the entire story, and while I thought the rest of the book smart and beautifully written, it just wasn't the story I signed on for. So 5-star for quality but I am dropping a star for my personal experience because I just wanted the happy. That said I couldn't tear myself away from this book -- this is going to make a great Netflix movie -- there is a floppy haired beautiful English actor who will make a perfect Jamie (Nicholas Hoult?), and I feel like Zoey Deutsch could tackle Emma.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I really loved reading. I’ve read so many novels that I lost count of. However, this book really has got me hooked. I’m still trying tomconvince myself that this book is already finish. I’m still so into E.D and J.D. ❤️
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I went in expecting a light story about a girl exploring life in Oxford, perhaps sampling authentic fish and chips with a pint, and having adventures with new found chums to reminisce about in later years. What I got was a bit of the preconceived but with a giant helping of SO MUCH MORE!

    At first, I was worried. Don't get me wrong, Ella was a GREAT character. At first glance, she was disarmingly innocent, but once you got her started, she was surprisingly witty, opinionated, and not about to back down for simply the sake of propriety. No, Ella from Ohio a she was dubbed by her first jaunty restaurant encounter was a force to be reckoned with and memorable to no end...but that wasn't the worrisome part. No, my worry stemmed from the political aspect of the story, her job away from home, if you will, while attending the infamous Oxford. I was afraid once it cropped up initially that it would become the focal point of the story, but I was worried for naught. Though it is a part of Ella's character per se, it's merely a piece of the ever growing puzzle not the entire picture. *Whew!* Anywho...

    There are shenanigans from the very start as she's almost run over by a careless bloke (though she DID look the wrong way), has her blouse ruined by the very same prat, and wouldn't you know it, ends up having to see the same said prat at least once a week in her studies. A shame really...I mean, true he's easy on the eyes, but I had a feeling he wouldn't be easy on the heart. Admittedly, I was wrong in some ways, but then again, there was still an awful lot of heartache where these two were concerned. The flights of fancy that Ella's life takes ends up deliciously entangled with this Jamie fellow...and while the good times roll as their agreement for a non-relationship with a deadline unfold, shaking on an arrangement means zilch when it comes to matters of the heart.

    I was truly and madly caught up in this one and was ever so grateful to be. Life right now is complicated for me and the ability to be whisked away to another place, seeing life through another's eyes, their joys and pain, celebrations and regrets, even for a little while makes those burdens that weigh us down a little lighter. This one reminded me greatly of those heart tugger stories we know and love...a bit P.S. I Love You and a twist on Me Before You. There's friends to be made (Maggie, Tom, Charles...the whole lot were wonderful!), lessons to be learned, heartstrings to be pulled, and life to be experienced. Take it from me, you'll run the emotional gambit with this one, but those highs and lows add up to a life well lived because in the end it all came down to LOVE.

    **copy received for review

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Ella Durran is a Rhodes Scholar and at 24, she heads to Oxford to fulfill a dream she has had since 13. Upon arriving on her first international trip, she heads to a pub for a meal. A car nearly runs her down, and then in the pub, the driver runs into her and ruins her shirt.Upon arriving in class the next day, the teacher she expected announces that she will not be teaching. The replacement? The driver of the car: Jamie Davenport!On a night out with friends, Jamie arrives and offers to show her some local sites. They become close and when he reveals a secret to her, she has to make a choice-does she return to the US to pursue her political media career or does she stay with Jamie? I absolutely loved this story, and the added bonus of Julia Whelan's narration and writing made it top notch!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I don’t know what I expected when I agreed to read this book but I can tell you I got something I didn’t expect. I thought I’d be reading more of a coming of age tale but at least in my opinion what I read was a romance.Ella is a young woman who has had her life planned since she was 13 – she would work hard, get good grades and get a Rhodes Scholarship. Why? An article she read at that impressionable age gave her a glimpse of Oxford and she never forgot it.Ella is a young woman of high intelligence and is very driven in her chosen field of education policy. As she is entering England for her year abroad she receives a call that can change her career path; to work on the campaign for a woman running for President. She does not want to give up her Rhodes so they work a way for her to consult remotely with a commitment for her to fully join the team at the end of her term.As she explores her new living situation and meets friends Ella also engages with a professor. Their initial meeting is very antagonistic but sparks fly and soon they dating without strings. But then something happens to change the course of both of their lives.I’m not going to spoil plot points – you know that by now. I will note that I enjoyed reading My Oxford Year. I will also note that it was not a really deep read. I actually read it waiting for a flight and then on the flight from Kansas City to Salt Lake. It didn’t take long; it read very quickly. It made for a great airport/plane book, if truth be told. That being written it just didn’t leave me with any lasting impact. I read it, I enjoyed it and I promptly forgot about it as I turned to my next book.The characters are likable, the plot has a couple of twists but nothing earth shattering. It was just a good, quick, easy read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An airport book, according to me, is where you would like to meet the characters who you know are a facsimile or an exaggerated representation of events, their characters and stories that you would willingly indulge in; controlling your scoffs and eye rolls, whilst on a flight to your destination.

    Rules to what makes an engaging book while in a flight are different from those to what grips your attention when you are not reading up in the air.

    My Year In Oxford, is my ‘airport book’ for this month. A pure delight, with unexpected depths, the story revolves around a hard-working girl who is determined to leave her mark in the world and a handsome man who introduces her to a love, which irrevocably alters her future.

    Ella Durran has always dreamed of studying at Oxford, and at 24, she is finally here on a Rhodes Scholarship nonetheless, when she is offered a high position in a rising politician’s presidential campaign. With the understanding that she will work remotely from Oxford and return to Washington after graduating, Ella is free to enjoy her year at Oxford.

    Her careful plans take a bit of a detour when local boy Jamie Davenport succeeds in getting on Ella’s bad side in the infamous rule of three - he ruins her shirt, her first day at Oxford and ends up being the teacher of her English literature class. Ella, then resignedly realises that all might not go according to her plan at Oxford.

    But, as is want, a late-night drink and conversation leads Ella to re-asses her feelings for Jamie, and what starts of as a casual fling turns into something else when Ella learns about Jamie’s hidden secret.

    Ella has till the end of her year at Oxford to choose whether to return to her political job in Washington or be there for Jamie as he stands by him during the trial of his life.

    I didn't see the twist coming; the narrative composed of simple prose and fast-pacing dialogues, and scenarios cast a dreamy and rosy gaze over the text, just like Oxford with its spires and dreams. And you are swept away in the early rush of romance and gushes and blushes spending nary a thought to - well what is the ‘but’ here. You know there has to be rift, it isn't a love story otherwise.

    Julia Whelan writes a love story that explores the conflict that often arises in any relationship when it arrives at a crossroads. In this case, the burgeoning chasm between university life and the corporate world outside has often been the deciding factor in many a relationships.

    The author’s exploration of the obvious sparks between Jamie, an incorrigible flirt with quick tongue and easy smile is perfectly contrasted against Ella, who doesn't shy away from him, assessing him through their banter and sometimes deep revealing conversations - setting up the classic trope of from enemies to lovers, creates two personalities that are believable and vulnerable.

    Does it get a wee bit over-emotional towards the end. Yes, like any good love story, emotions and mis-understandings rain in like a summer storm, doors are slammed, wine glasses are clinked, ultimatums drawn and withdrawn; the usual cacophony.

    But, in this turmoil of emotions you see love at its core, the way poets muse about love - strong, vulnerable, accepted with flaws and binding.

    It is the escapism you want to soothe your restless mind during this lockdown.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    American Ella Durran, a young political consultant with a bright future, wins a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford and the political job of her dreams. Once in Oxford, she meets and falls for a brilliant, handsome and mysterious local, and changes the course of her life.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book tried to kill me and nearly succeeded. More once I recover from this book hangover.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I don't actually own this, but I cataloged it at work and wanted to post this review.On my cataloging truck this morning (April 27, 2018) is a book entitled, “My Oxford Year.” It’s a novel. Of course I am thoroughly intrigued, since a year in Oxford would be a dream come true for me.The summary on the back of the book says that the heroine receives a Rhodes Scholarship, and has wanted to study in Oxford all her life.I dipped into a page at random and found these:1) “I’m ashamed to admit that I already miss American food. I’d exchange sexual favors with anyone who could direct me to a decent cheeseburger.”2) She’s being given a tour of the Bodleian Library, and the narration says, “I silently repeat the way he pronounced it (Bod lee un), understanding why everyone just calls it “the Bod.”Both of these are ludicrous. If you love Oxford enough to have dreamed of it since you were 13, then you wouldn’t give a hoot about cheeseburgers, and, you could probably find one if you wanted to without very much trouble.The fiction that she cannot pronounce Bodleian is even more ridiculous. Anyone interested in studying at Oxford, let alone a Rhodes scholar, for heaven’s sake, would certainly already know this. I assume she put it in there for American readers who don’t know how to pronounce it, but this is a very poor way to do it. In fact, it was so risible, that I’m not even going to read the book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Heard about this via one of the websites I read, where it was remarked on as witty, thoughtful, and literate, plus Oxford. I concur. Author's Note was interesting, too.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Great narrator, but I was somewhat disappointed by her novel.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book was not what I thought it would be. I wanted to know what the experience of a Rhodes scholar would be. While Ella, the main character, was one of those, the story was mostly a love story. It was a decent story with a powerful message in the end, but it's not why I chose to read the book. The turn-around in the attitude of one of the characters was a little unbelievable too. A cranky British aristocrat estranged from his son makes a 180 degree change in his attitude after only a short time around Ella-from-Ohio. I won't go into details since it would contain spoilers, but nonetheless, I struggled with that part of the book. It was a decent read but not what I expected.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Love this sort of book. Didn't identify with the American heroine, Ella Durran, except for her angst. Wow, she's mixed up and maddening, callous and cold. Honest, and yet dishonest.The poetry in it is the shining light, and is deeply romantic.Apparently, I've listened to 4 books narrated by Julia Whelan! including this one. Yet her name had not stuck in my mind at all. I do remember the books she read, Fates and Furies, and Beach Read. Both of these books affected me - provoked me emotionally and intellectually, as My Oxford Year did. So her reading is effective.I really must do more to try to remember what I've read - and titles and authors and narrators!This is Whelan's debut novel as an author - came out in 2018 - and I see she has since published Thank You for Listening, which I have ordered.I persisted with this audiobook, renewing my library loan, but I found the last third heavy going. A terminal illness does not a good book make. Once yes, but not in my current life. Although I did find this beautifully written. Eventually I also came to appreciate Ella, and assistant professor Jamie Davenport was undoubtedly a romantic character - reminded me of the Regency rake.Exciting that this will be a movie.

Book preview

My Oxford Year - Julia Whelan

Chapter 1

While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough

In England—now!

Robert Browning, Home-Thoughts, from Abroad, 1845


The customs agent beckons the person in front of me and I approach the big red line, absently toeing the curling tape, resting my hand on the gleaming pipe railing. No adjustable ropes at Heathrow, apparently; these lines must always be long if they require permanent demarcation.

My phone, which I’ve been tapping against my leg, rings. I glance at the screen. I don’t know the number.

Hello? I answer.

Is this Eleanor Durran?


This is Gavin Brookdale.

My first thought is that this is a prank call. Gavin Brookdale just stepped down as White House chief of staff. He’s run every major political campaign of the last twenty years. He’s a legend. He’s my idol. He’s calling me?


Sorry, I—I’m here, I stammer. I’m just—

Have you heard of Janet Wilkes?

Have I heard of—Janet Wilkes is the junior senator from Florida and a dark-horse candidate for president. She’s forty-five, lost her husband twelve years ago in Afghanistan, raised three kids on a teacher’s salary while somehow putting herself through law school, and then ran the most impressive grassroots senatorial campaign I’ve ever seen. She also has the hottest human-rights-attorney boyfriend I’ve ever seen, but that’s beside the point. She’s a Gold Star Wife who’s a progressive firebrand on social issues. We’ve never seen anyone like her on the national stage before. The first debate isn’t for another two weeks, on October 13, but voters seem to love her: she’s polling third in a field of twelve. Candidate Number Two is not long for the race; a Case of the Jilted Mistress(es). Number One, however, happens to be the current vice president, George Hillerson, whom Gavin Brookdale (if the Washington gossip mill is accurate) loathes. Still, even the notoriously mercurial Brookdale wouldn’t back a losing horse like Wilkes just to spite the presumptive nominee. If nothing else, Gavin Brookdale likes to win. Of course I’ve heard of her.

"She read your piece in The Atlantic. We both did. ‘The Art of Education and the Death of the Thinking American Electorate.’ We were impressed."

Thank you, I say, gushing. It was something I felt was missing from the discourse—

What you wrote was philosophy. It wasn’t policy.

This brings me up short. I understand why you’d think that, but I—

Don’t worry, I know you have the policy chops. I know you won Ohio for Janey Bennett. The 138th for Carl Moseley. You’re a talented young lady, Eleanor.

Mr. Brookdale—

Call me Gavin.

Then call me Ella. No one calls me Eleanor.

All right, Ella, would you like to be the education consultant for Wilkes’s campaign?



Yes! I bleat. Yes, of course! She’s incredible—

Great. Come down to my office today and we’ll read you in.

All the breath leaves my body. I can’t seem to get it back. So . . . here’s the thing. I—I’m in England.

Fine, when you get back.

 . . . I get back in June.


Are you consulting over there?

No, I have a . . . I got a Rhodes and I’m doing a—

Gavin chortles. I was a Rhodie.

I know, sir.



What are you studying?

English language and literature 1830 to 1914.

Beat. Why?

Because I want to? Why does it come out as a question?

"You don’t need it. Getting the Rhodes is what matters. Doing it is meaningless, especially in literature from 1830 to 19-whatever. The only reason you wanted it was to help you get that life-changing political job, right? Well, I’m giving that to you. So come home and let’s get down to business."


A customs agent—stone-faced, turbaned, impressive beard—waves me forward. I take one step over the line, but hold a finger up to him. He’s not even looking at me. Gavin, can I call—

She’s going to be the nominee, Ella. It’s going to be the fight of my life and I need all hands—including yours—on deck, but we’re going to do it.

He’s delusional. But, my God, what if he’s right? A shiver of excitement snakes through me. Gavin—

Listen, I’ve always backed the winning candidate, but I have never backed someone who I personally, deeply, wanted to win.

Miss? Now the customs agent looks at me.

Gavin chuckles at my silence. I don’t want to have to convince you, if you don’t feel—

I can work from here. Before he can argue, I continue: I will make myself available at all hours. I will make Wilkes my priority. Behind me, a bloated, red-faced businessman reeking of gin moves to squeeze around me. I head him off, grabbing the railing, saying into the phone, I had two jobs in college while volunteering in field offices and coordinating multiple city council runs. I worked two winning congressional campaigns last year while helping to shape the education budget for Ohio. I can certainly consult for you while reading books and writing about them occasionally.

Miss! the customs agent barks. Hang up the phone or step aside. I hold my finger up higher (as if visibility is the problem) and widen my stance over the line.

What’s your set date for coming home? Gavin asks.

June eleventh. I already have a ticket. Seat 32A.

Miss! Both the customs agent and the man bark at me.

I look down at the red line between my sprawled feet. Gavin, I’m straddling the North Atlantic right now. I literally have one foot in England and one in America and if I don’t hang up they’ll—

I’ll call you back.

He disconnects.

What does that mean? What do I do? Numbly, I hurry to the immigration window, coming face to face with the dour agent. I adopt my best beauty-pageant smile and speak in the chagrined, gee-whiz tone I know he expects. I am so sorry, sir, my sincerest apologies. My mom’s—

Passport. He’s back to not looking at me. I’m getting the passive-aggressive treatment now. I hand over my brand-new passport with the crisp, unstamped pages. Purpose of visit?


For how long will you be in the country?

I pause. I glance down at the dark, unhelpful screen of my phone. I . . . I don’t know.

Now he looks up at me.

A year, I say. Screw it. An academic year.


Oxford. Saying the word out loud cuts through everything else. My smile becomes genuine. He asks me more questions, and I suppose I answer, but all I can think is: I’m here. This is actually happening. Everything has come together according to plan.

He stamps my passport, hands it back, lifts his hand to the line.


WHEN I WAS thirteen I read an article in Seventeen magazine called My Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience, and it was a personal account of an American girl’s year abroad at Oxford. The classes, the students, the parks, the pubs, even the chip shop (pictured, bottom left) seemed like another world. Like slipping through a wormhole into a universe where things were ordered and people were dignified and the buildings were older than my entire country. I suppose thirteen is an important age in every girl’s life, but for me, growing up in the middle of nowhere, with a family that had fallen apart? I needed something to hold on to. I needed inspiration. I needed hope. The girl who wrote the article had been transformed. Oxford had unlocked her life and I was convinced that it would be the key to mine.

So I had made a plan: get to Oxford.

After going through more customs checkpoints, I follow signs for the Central Bus Terminal and find an automatic ticket kiosk. The £ sign before the amount looks so much better, more civilized, more historical than the American dollar sign, which always seems overly suggestive to me. Like it should be flashing in sequential neon lights above a strip club. $-$-$. GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS!

The kiosk’s screen asks me if I want a discounted return ticket (I assume that means round trip), and I pause. My flight back to Washington is on June 11, barely sixteen hours after the official end of Trinity Term. I have no plans to return to the States before then, instead I’m staying here over the two long vacations (in December and March) and traveling. In fact, I already have my December itinerary all planned. I purchase the return ticket, then cross to a bench to wait for the next bus.

My phone dings and I look down. An e-mail from the Rhodes Foundation reminding me about the orientation tomorrow morning.

For whatever reason, out of all the academic scholarships in the world, most people seem to have heard of the Rhodes. It’s not the only prestigious scholarship to be had, but it’s the one that I wanted. Every year, America sends thirty-two of its most overachieving, über-competitive, social-climbing, do-gooder nerds to Oxford. It’s mostly associated with geniuses, power players, global leaders. Let me demystify this: to get a Rhodes, you have to be slightly unhinged. You have to have a stellar GPA, excel in multiple courses of study, be socially entrepreneurial, charity-minded, and athletically proficient (though the last time I did anything remotely athletic I knocked out Jimmy Brighton’s front tooth with a foul ball, so take that criterion with a grain of salt). I could have gone after other scholarships. There’s the Marshall, the Fulbright, the Watson, but the Rhodies are my people. They’re the planners.

The other finalist selected from my district (a math/econ/classics triple major and Olympic archer who had discovered that applying game theory to negotiations with known terrorists makes the intel 147 percent more reliable), told me, I’ve been working toward getting a Rhodes since freshman year. To which I replied, Me too. He clarified, Of high school. To which I replied, Me too.

While, yes, the Rhodes is a golden ticket to Oxford, it’s also a built-in network and the means to my political future. It ensures that people who would have otherwise discounted me—this unconnected girl from the soybean fields of Ohio—will take a second, serious look. People like Gavin Brookdale.

Going after things the way I do, being who I am, has alienated my entire hometown and most of my extended family. My mom hadn’t gone to college and my dad had dropped out after two years because he’d thought it was more important to change the world than learn about it, and there I was, this achievement machine making everyone around me vaguely uncomfortable. She thinks she’s better than everyone else.

Honestly, I don’t. But I do think I’m better than what everyone, besides my dad, told me I was.

I WAKE UP in a moment of panic when the bus I’d boarded back at Heathrow jerks to a stop, sending the book on my lap to the floor. Hastily retrieving it, I force my sleepy eyes to take in the view from the floor-to-ceiling window in front of me. I chose the seat on the upper level at the very front, wanting to devour every bit of English countryside on the way to Oxford. Then I slept through it.

Pushing through the fog in my head, I peer outside. A dingy bus stop in front of a generic cell-phone store. I look for a street sign, trying to get my bearings. My info packet from the college said to get off at the Queens Lane stop on High Street. This can’t be it. I glance behind me and no one on the bus is moving to get off, so I settle back into my seat.

The bus starts up again, and I breathe deeply, trying to wake up. I jam the book into my backpack. I’d wanted to finish it before my first class tomorrow, but I can’t focus. I was too excited to eat or sleep on the plane. My empty stomach and all-nighter are catching up to me. The time difference is catching up to me. The last twelve years spent striving for this moment is catching up to me.

Inside my jacket pocket, my phone vibrates. I pull it out and see the same number from earlier. I take a deep breath and preemptively answer, Gavin, listen, I was thinking, let’s do a trial period of, say, a month, and if you feel that I need to be there—

Not necessary.

My throat tightens. Please, just give me thirty days to prove that—

It’s fine. I made it work. Just remember who comes first.

Elation breaks through the fog. My fist clenches in victory and my smile reaches all the way to my temples. Absolutely, I say in my most professional voice. Thank you so much for this opportunity. You won’t be disappointed.

I know that. That’s why I hired you. What’s your fee? FYI: there’s no money.

There’s never any money. I tell him my fee anyway and we settle on something that I can live with. The Rhodes is paying my tuition and lodging and I get a small stipend for living expenses on top of that. I decide right then that what Gavin’s going to pay me will go directly into my travel budget.

Now go, he says, have fun. You’ve clearly earned it. There’s a pub you should visit in the center of town. The Turf. See where one of your fellow Rhodes scholars—a young William Jefferson Clinton—‘didn’t inhale.’

Ha, got it. Will do.

Just take your phone with you. Your phone is an appendage, not an accessory. Okay?

I nod even though he can’t see me. Okay. It’s a plan. Just as I say this, the bus rounds a bend and there she is:


Beyond a picturesque bridge, the narrow two-lane road continues into a bustling main street, lined on each side by buildings in a hodgepodge of architectural styles, no room to breathe between them. Like the crowd at the finish line of a marathon, these buildings cheer me on, welcoming me to their city. Some are topped with sloped, slate roofs, others with battlements. Some of the larger buildings have huge wooden gates that look as if they were carved in place, a fusion of timeless wood and stone that steals my breath. Maybe those doors lead to some of the thirty-eight individual Oxford colleges? Imagining it, dreaming of it all these years, doesn’t do it justice.

I look skyward. Punctuating the horizon are the tips of other ancient buildings, high points of stone bordering the city like beacons.

The City of Dreaming Spires, I murmur to myself.

Indeed it is, Gavin says in my ear. I’d forgotten he was still on the line.

That’s what they call Oxford. A title well deserved. Because that means, before it was my dream or Seventeen magazine girl’s dream, it was someone else’s dream as well.

Chapter 2

Light, that never makes you wink;

Memory, that gives no pain;

Love, when, so, you’re loved again.

What’s the best thing in the world?

—Something out of it, I think.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning, The Best Thing in the World, 1862

I wish I could say that Oxford smells like parchment and cinnamon or something poetic, but right now it just smells like city: bus diesel, damp pavement, and the aroma of French roast wafting from the coffee shop across the street.

The sidewalks are narrow on High Street, edged by tall stone walls on one side and low, worn curbs on the other. The narrowness heightens their crowdedness. Students rushing, tourists lingering, the former annoyed by the latter. Those who speak English are almost as incomprehensible to me as those who don’t. My ear hasn’t yet adjusted to the accent and passing dialogue is entirely lost on me.

It’s just another day in Oxford, but to me it’s magical.

As the bus pulls away I gather my luggage and try to sidestep a large family bowed over a map, their voices agitated and overlapping. After a moment, the father’s head pops up and he lifts the map into the air, out of reach, his patience snapping. Awright, awright, step off it now, wouldya? We’re goin’ this way!

Before I can steer clear of the family, a flock of bicycles, a veritable swarm, goes flying past, grazing my luggage and whipping my hair in its wake. Their riders wear some kind of sporting attire (rugby, maybe?), smelling of boy-sweat and new-mown grass as they go by, hooting and hollering. Boys are boys in any country, apparently. The last rider snatches the map right out of the father’s hand, lifting it victoriously, crying out, Et in Arcadia ego!

Oxford: where even the jocks speak Latin.

THERE’S NOTHING I have to do for the Rhodes, per se. It’s not a degree or title in its own right. What I do—or don’t do—at Oxford is between my academic department and me. Also, between my college and me.

The college I’ll be affiliated with is Magdalen, which, for reasons unknown to me, is pronounced maudlin. Founded in 1458, it boasts a great hall, a deer park, an iconic bell tower, medieval cloisters, and approximately six hundred students. I did not request Magdalen because of some heavily considered academic reason; I requested Magdalen because it was Oscar Wilde’s college.

I approach the gate, carefully navigating the people streaming in and out, and lug my baggage into a portico. In front of me, straight out an open Gothic-style door, I glimpse a cobblestone courtyard with a charming three-story sand-colored dormered building in the distance. On the portico’s flagstones, sandwich boards announce the times of day the college is open to visitors and advertise a tour of the fifteenth-century kitchens. To my left are glass-enclosed bulletin boards with notices and reminders posted haphazardly: Have you paid your battels? Get all your uni gear! New Student Discount at Summer Eights on Broad, show your Bod card. Fancy a nip before Hilary’s first OKB bop? 8, Friday noughth week, JCR. Seeing the words in writing, I realize the accent isn’t the only obstacle. To my right, wood paneling and two arched glass windows cordon off a sort of office, like an Old West bank just asking to be held up.

I round the corner and spy, behind the glass, an older man in a red, pilled sweater, white collared shirt, and tie. He stands over an archaic copier the size of an SUV, his shoulders hunched in consternation, long neck and mostly bald head giving him the appearance of a Galápagos tortoise. He mutters something and kicks the bottom of the machine. It whirs like a propjet engine and slowly spits out sheets of green paper.

Hi! I chirp.

Help you? he asks, not looking up, paging methodically through another stack of papers, occasionally licking his finger.

I’m . . . I hesitate. Checking in? I guess?

Student? he asks.

Yeah. Yes.


I have no idea what he just said. What?


I don’t answer. I’m afraid to answer.

Finally he looks up, exasperated, and I realize he’s been counting the papers and, more, that I’ve interrupted him. First year. Are you a first year?

I’m a graduate student. But I’m flattered, sir.

He sighs. American. Name? He goes back to counting.

Eleanor Durran. But, please, call me Ella.

He does no such thing. He moves to a long wooden desk and hands me a piece of paper and a pen. I glance at it. It’s a contract that says I can’t burn down my room. I sign. He slides an envelope the size of a playing card across the counter to me, my initials written on the front. He walks around the long desk and comes out a side door, moving to a wall of small cubbyholes, similar to the kind in a kindergarten classroom. As he speaks, he bends one green paper into each hole.

This is your pidge. Check it daily for post. You’re room thirteen, staircase four. That’s Swithuns staircase four, mind you. We don’t make a habit of housing graduate students inside walls, but there’s a shortage in graduate housing this year. Besides, I’ve found Americans rather enjoy being ‘behind the gates.’ Something to do with that boy wizard?

Harry Pott—

Meals are at your discretion. We have Formal Hall on Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday. Gowns must be worn. Nip into a shop on Turl for one. Boiler won’t come on till October fifteenth, no heat till then, so don’t ask for it. You’ll find two keys in the envelope; the electronic card will get you in the gates and any of the public rooms after hours, the other is a proper key for your room. It is irreplaceable. Don’t lose it.

I understand maybe half of what he’s said. Thanks. What’s your name? I ask.

His turtle neck recedes. Hugh, he grunts, turning back to the pidges.

I’m Ella.

We’ve established that, Miss Durran.

Well, I say, grabbing the handle of my suitcase, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship, Hugh.

Of all the gin joints, Miss Durran, he mutters. But I can see the hint of a smile. I mean, it’s reluctant and has a rusty, unused quality about it, like an old bicycle pump, but it’s there. You’ll be finding staircase four just outside the lodge— I open my mouth to speak, but he forges on, This is the lodge, and you will exit through that door there, cross St. John’s quad, turn left at Swithuns, and then you will pass, on your left, staircase one, and then you will pass, also on your left, staircase two, and if you persevere you shall invariably come to staircase four. I try again, opening my mouth to speak, but he deftly continues: At which point, your room will be on the left of the uppermost landing, at the very top.

The words the very top give me pause. I’m once again reminded that I haven’t eaten since I left the States.

Hugh, would you mind if I left my bags here and got some food first?

As you will, Miss Durran.

I’ll be quick, I assure him, but Hugh’s turned back to his copier. Any recommendations?

Plenty of options on the High.

The High. So much cooler than High Street.

I wheel my bag next to the copier, take my book out of my backpack, turn to go, and stop abruptly. A boy pokes his head around the entrance to the lodge and tentatively steps forward. He moves like a mouse. He’s pudgy around the middle and his hair is styled in two pointed fans on the top of his head, resembling ears. He looks like Gus Gus from Cinderella.

I’m so tired.

Yes, Hugh snaps at the boy, instantly impatient.

He looks as if he wants to flee, but says, Yes, erm, sorry, sir, I’m going to, erm, uh, Sebastian Melmoth’s room?

Not again, Hugh mutters. Posh prat. I can’t help but smile. Someone actually said posh prat in real life, in real time, right in front of me. Hugh then barks at the boy, Don’t just stand there, come in, come in. Gus Gus scurries past us. As Hugh shakes his head, I walk back out to the High.

Taking an arbitrary right, I journey back the way I came, glancing at my watch. As if on cue, a clock tower somewhere begins belting out five resounding chimes. Goose bumps crawl up my arms. If I weren’t exhausted I’d probably start crying.

I glance across the street and stop.

I can’t believe what I’m seeing. The sign still looks exactly like it did in the magazine.


I look left and move to cross the street, dropping one foot off the curb when the sudden bleat of a horn makes me leap back onto the sidewalk. I clutch my book to my chest, keeping my heart from falling out. A classic silver convertible, like something out of a Bond movie, flies past, nearly running me over. I catch a glimpse of the careless driver, whose longish brown hair swirls in the wind as he zooms off. In the passenger seat, an equally windswept blond woman turns around to stare at me, her mouth wide open in a shocked, but unabashed, laugh.

Not funny! I want to shout after them, but they’re already well past me. As my heart begins beating normally again, I take a deep breath and step off the curb once more. This time, making sure to look right.

A TINY BELL jingles as I enter the Happy Cod. The proprietor, a stocky, red-nosed man with a white towel slung over his shoulder, glances up cheerfully. Hallo!

The small, charming room has a row of wooden booths on one side and a bar with stools on the other. The man stands at the back, behind a small service counter. There’s a stool there as well. He pats the counter in welcome. What can I get you?

Fish and chips!

Comin’ right up. He turns to his fryer as I settle in, running my hands along the old, worn wood and moving around on the squishy black vinyl seat. Everything feels just as I imagined it would. Smells just as I imagined it would. Even the proprietor is exactly as I imagined.

I’m Ella, by the way.

He spins back, ceremoniously wipes his hand on his towel, and offers it to me. Simon. I take his hand, meeting his firm shake with one of my own. He grins. Where you from, Ella?

Ohio, originally. But I live in D.C. now. Simon nods vaguely and leans his elbows on the counter, looking down at the book I’ve put there.

It’s a meager hardcover, bound in that linen material that only academic books are covered in. It cost me eighty dollars on eBay; the price of these books is inversely proportional to the size of their audience. He reads the title aloud, picking over each word as if he’s selecting ripe tomatoes: "The Victorian Conundrum: How Contemporary Poetry Shaped Gender Politics and Sexuality 1837 to 1898, by Roberta Styan." He glances up at me dubiously.

It’s a real page-turner, I say, and he guffaws. No, I’m doing a master’s. I tap the author’s name on the cover. Mostly with Professor Styan. Do you know her? Simon shakes his head and a beeping noise comes from the fryer. He moves to it. She’s, like, a deity in the lit crit world. Her specialty is Tennyson, which isn’t exactly my area. Not at all, actually. I work in politics. American politics. But this whole year for me is about pushing boundaries, and exploring new things, and basically just, like, leveling up. As a person? Why am I rambling? Why do I feel like a fog is rolling into my head? Oh. Jet lag.

Simon wraps my whole meal in a cone of brown butcher paper surrounded by newspaper and offers it to me like a bouquet of roses. Tradition, he boasts. Some other chippies use them plastic takeaway containers. Flattens me. He hands me a paper plate, saying, For sauce, and gestures to

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