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Power Chess for Kids: More Ways to Think Ahead and Become One of the Best Players in Your School
Power Chess for Kids: More Ways to Think Ahead and Become One of the Best Players in Your School
Power Chess for Kids: More Ways to Think Ahead and Become One of the Best Players in Your School
Ebook320 pages1 hour

Power Chess for Kids: More Ways to Think Ahead and Become One of the Best Players in Your School

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For kids who love to amaze their friends with their chess sk
PublisherNew in Chess
Release dateOct 29, 2013
Power Chess for Kids: More Ways to Think Ahead and Become One of the Best Players in Your School

Charles Hertan

Charles Hertan is a FIDE master from Massachusetts with several decades of experience as a chess coach. He is the author of the bestselling Power Chess for Kids series.

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    Book preview

    Power Chess for Kids - Charles Hertan


    Introduction To Volume Two

    In Power Chess for Kids, Volume One, we studied four key tricks for thinking 1.5 power moves ahead, and four essential master tactics that win games. We learned that most kids think only of moves they want to make; but to become a tiger, the most important chess skill is to analyze a productive move for yourself, find the opponent’s best answer, and then learn to see one more move ahead (this is what we mean by 1.5 power moves). Meanwhile, to help you catch up, here’s a very quick review of the eight key concepts of Power Chess for Kids Vol. 1. Even if you read Vol. 1, you should at least skim this section for a quick refresher and fun new positions.

    Eight Key Concepts from Volume One:

    1. Know and Use the Values of the Pieces:

    Queen = 9 Points

    Rook = 5

    Bishop or Knight = 3

    Pawn = 1

    The King is priceless; if you lose him you lose the game. But to show what a good attacker he is when few pieces are left, and it’s safe enough for him to advance, the K has an attacking value of about 3.5 points.

    As noted in Power Chess One, The first thing a master does when s/he looks at a position is count the material on the board using these simple values. Power moves and master tactics can’t help you win, unless you can figure out whose pieces are worth more at the end of your calculations!

    Erik Martinez Ramirez - Garagatagli Skelleftea 2013

    A recent game showcases four key concepts of Book One. The first task: use the values to figure out who’s ahead, especially in a position like this with great material imbalance! By the way, skip the K’s when counting pieces – both sides always have one! So…White has two R’s for 10 points, plus three minor pieces (bishops and knights are also called ‘minor pieces’, while rooks and queens are nicknamed ‘major pieces’) – 9 points. So White’s material count is 19 points.

    Black has a Q for 9, 2 B’s for 6, and 4 pawns for a total of also 19 points. Materially the game is even, but Black has a strong attack. With his next move he made White resign! How? He looked 1.5 power moves ahead and found a winning shot using two Volume One master tactics, a fork and a sneaky pin. The move 1…Qd4+! is a queen fork. Forks attacks two pieces at once, here the K and the Nb6.

    Wait a minute! Can’t the Ne2 take Black’s Q?

    No, because the N is pinned to the K by the Bg4! Book One called this a ‘sneaky pin’. The N appears to protect d4, but doesn’t because taking the Q would illegally expose the WK to capture. White resigned since after 2.Kc1 Qxb6 he’s down three points with a lousy position. This is a winning edge between masters.

    This mini-combination shows one more key concept from Book One: Check moves bang! Here’s a key secret to seeing 1.5 moves ahead: when you have a checking possibility, try to look ahead and see his best answer, plus your best second move. (A ‘full move’ in chess means your move plus his reply, so 1.5 moves = a full move plus your second move.) This will win you many games, but it takes practice! Studying the last diagram carefully, you’ll see that the BQ has 8 possible checking moves(!), but they all lose, except the winning check moves bang! fork 1…Qd4+!.

    2. The Quick Count

    Use this master calculation trick when a piece is attacked and protected many times, to quickly and accurately assess who comes out on top. Here’s a typical situation in the Ruy Lopez opening:

    Black to move – can he win the d4-pawn?

    Computers use the ‘brute force’ method to see if the d-pawn is protected: 1…cxd4 2.cxd4 exd4 3.Nxd4 Nxd4 4.Qxd4 is an even trade, and the Ne3 protects the Bc2. Black can’t win the d-pawn; it is adequately protected.

    Thanks for the advice, Zort, but humans aren’t machines! Computers have perfect board sight – they see the exact position in their ‘brains’ even when calculating four moves ahead. But most humans don’t. Seeing where each piece is and what it can do, four moves from now, is very hard for us! Humans need good shortcuts to calculate more easily, and the Quick Count is the best one. Here’s how it works: in the diagram above, count how many black pieces attack the Pawnd4, and how many white pieces defend it. The answer is 3 attackers (Pawn’s and the Nc6) versus 3 defenders (Pawnc3, Nf3 and Qd1).

    The Quick Count rule says: if the number of defenders equals the attackers, the pawn is defended. To win a pawn or piece requires one extra attacker.

    The Quick Count works perfectly as long as pieces of equal value are being captured.

    White to move – exception to the Quick Count

    In this typical Sicilian Defense the Pawnb5 is attacked 3 times and defended only once, but White shouldn’t take it! After 1.Ndxb5 axb5 2.Bxb5+ Bd7 the Values show White has lost a point – a N for 2 pawns. So just make sure equally valuable pieces are being traded, and with practice the Quick Count will help you calculate much better.

    3-4. Takes Takes Bang! and Check Moves Bang!

    We already saw a winning Check Moves Bang! in the first diagram, so to keep our review moving along, the next example shows both concepts.

    Ries - Naumann Bad Wiessee 2008

    After 1…Nxe3? 2.fxe3 White will take the h-pawn, with equality. But Black used Takes Takes Bang! to find a winning sacrifice! When you capture something he normally must take back – and if you look 1.5 power moves ahead you may find a winning move on your second play!

    Black found 1…Rxe3+! 2.fxe3 Ng3+! (a winning N fork), regaining the Rh1 with a 4-point edge.

    Captures like 1…Rxe3 +! are very forcing. Forcing moves limit the opponent’s options, making calculation much, much easier. White had to play 2.fxe3, or lose a bishop for nothing. With a little work, Black’s second move 2…Ng3+ wasn’t too hard to find. There’s another reason you can easily learn to find 1…Rxe3 + – it’s also a Check Moves Bang! combination!

    5-6. Two

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