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High-Frequency Financial Econometrics
High-Frequency Financial Econometrics
High-Frequency Financial Econometrics
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High-Frequency Financial Econometrics

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A comprehensive introduction to the statistical and econometric methods for analyzing high-frequency financial data

High-frequency trading is an algorithm-based computerized trading practice that allows firms to trade stocks in milliseconds. Over the last fifteen years, the use of statistical and econometric methods for analyzing high-frequency financial data has grown exponentially. This growth has been driven by the increasing availability of such data, the technological advancements that make high-frequency trading strategies possible, and the need of practitioners to analyze these data. This comprehensive book introduces readers to these emerging methods and tools of analysis.

Yacine Aït-Sahalia and Jean Jacod cover the mathematical foundations of stochastic processes, describe the primary characteristics of high-frequency financial data, and present the asymptotic concepts that their analysis relies on. Aït-Sahalia and Jacod also deal with estimation of the volatility portion of the model, including methods that are robust to market microstructure noise, and address estimation and testing questions involving the jump part of the model. As they demonstrate, the practical importance and relevance of jumps in financial data are universally recognized, but only recently have econometric methods become available to rigorously analyze jump processes.

Aït-Sahalia and Jacod approach high-frequency econometrics with a distinct focus on the financial side of matters while maintaining technical rigor, which makes this book invaluable to researchers and practitioners alike.

Release dateJul 21, 2014
High-Frequency Financial Econometrics

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High-Frequency Financial Econometrics - Yacine Aït-Sahalia

High-Frequency Financial Econometrics

High-Frequency Financial Econometrics

Yacine Aït-Sahalia and Jean Jacod

Princeton University Press

Princeton and Oxford

Copyright © 2014 by Princeton University Press

Published by Princeton University Press, 41 William Street, Princeton, New Jersey


In the United Kingdom: Princeton University Press, 6 Oxford Street, Woodstock, Oxfordshire OX20 1TW

All Rights Reserved

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Aït-Sahalia, Yacine.

High-frequency financial econometrics / Yacine Aït-Sahalia, Jean Jacod.

pages cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 978-0-691-16143-3 (hardback)

1. Finance—Econometric models. 2. Econometrics. I. Jacod, Jean. II. Title.

HG106.A3873 2014



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To Sophie and Hadda


To Idir, Ines, Olivier, Vincent, Serge and Thomas



Over the past fifteen years or so, the domain of statistical and econometric methods for high-frequency financial data has been experiencing an exponential growth, due to the development of new mathematical methods to analyze these data, the increasing availability of such data, technological developments that made high-frequency trading strategies possible, and the correlative need of practitioners to analyze these data. So, the time seems ripe for a book devoted to this topic.

The purpose of this book is to introduce these recent methods and present some of the main new tools available to analyze high-frequency data, taking into account some of the distinguishing properties of financial data and the constraints they impose on the range of conceivable econometric methods. Indeed, from a statistical perspective, the analysis of high-frequency financial data presents a number of specific characteristics. As in many other time series settings, we are observing what is assumed to be an underlying continuous-time stochastic process, but on a grid of discrete times. Discrete observation of a path implies in particular that we need to make a distinction between the observed discrete increments and the complete path of the underlying process.

However, although observation times are discrete, the time interval ∆ between successive observations is small, or very small: the high-frequency asymptotics we consider are all based on limiting results where the time interval ∆ tends to zero, or equivalently the sampling frequency tends to infinity. By focusing on asymptotics, we make no real attempt toward an analysis of finite or small samples, although this question is mentioned occasionally. This is not to say that the analysis of small samples is unimportant; this is indeed crucial, since in real life the amount of data available is always finite (even if measured in gigabytes when ultra-high-frequency data is concerned). However, the properties of the various estimators or testing procedures in a small sample situation are always specific to each method, and in most cases can be ascertained only through simulation studies rather than through mathematical analysis. In a few instances, we discuss small sample refinements such as small sample bias corrections or Edgeworth expansions. But a useful treatment of small samples would require hundreds of pages, if at all feasible, hence our quasi exclusive focus on asymptotic theory.

Next, in this book we consider only inference problems on a finite time horizon, say [0, T], unlike the usual time series asymptotics where T goes to infinity, or mixed asymptotics where both ∆ → 0 and T . Our rationale for keeping T fixed is twofold: first, high-frequency asymptotics make it possible to say much, although not everything, about the underlying process when observed within a finite time interval; second, in many cases the underlying models we consider fail to have the type of stationarity or ergodic properties that are crucial for long horizon asymptotics, which then requires different tools. One consequence of observing the price path on a finite horizon is the possibility of being subject to the peso problem: when jumps have finite activity, there is a positive probability that the path we observe has no jump on [0, T], although the model itself may allow for jumps.

The class of problems we consider has another specific property: not only is the time horizon finite, but we also observe a single path of the process; for example a typical question is the estimation of the so-called integrated volatility, in a model with stochastic volatility: we want the integrated volatility over, say, a specific day, which is of course different from the integrated volatility over the next day, and averaging over many days does not make much sense in that case.

Two final distinguishing characteristics of high-frequency financial data are important, and call for the development of appropriate econometric methods. First, the time interval separating successive observations can be random, or at least time varying. Second, the observations are subject to market microstructure noise, especially as the sampling frequency increases. Market microstructure effects can be either information or non-information-related, such as the presence of a bid-ask spread and the corresponding bounces, the differences in trade sizes and the corresponding differences in representativeness of the prices, the different informational content of price changes due to informational asymmetries of traders, the gradual response of prices to a block trade, the strategic component of the order flow, inventory control effects, the discreteness of price changes, data errors, etc. The fact that this form of noise interacts with the sampling frequency raises many new questions, and distinguishes this from the classical measurement error problem in statistics.

Before describing in more detail the contents of this book, let us emphasize at the onset some of its general features:

• Our hope is that the book can be useful to econometricians, statisticians, mathematicians and high-frequency practitioners alike, starting at the graduate level. We have assumed basic knowledge of standard probabilistic and statistical principles, but have otherwise attempted to include the prerequisites that fall outside the standard graduate level econometric curriculum. This motivates the existence of the first two parts, which cover the required relevant elements about stochastic processes, convergence, and statistical experiments, plus a brief description of the specific qualitative features of financial data; a knowledgeable reader can skip these, although they do establish the notation we employ in the remainder of the book. Note that Chapter 5 also contains new material, to which the subsequent chapters occasionally refer.

• Because many methods developed in papers rely on different sets of assumptions, we have made a conscious effort to unify our treatment of the available methods by describing them, and their asymptotic properties, under a common set of assumptions. As a result, our proofs will often differ from those in the papers, and the results themselves are sometimes weaker, but more often stronger, than what appeared in the original papers.

• Many different problems are presented and, for most of them, many different methods have been proposed in the literature. However different these statistical methods may appear, they (almost) always hinge upon the same basic techniques and basic limit theorems concerning what we call power variations. The mathematical results about these power variations and some related functionals are gathered in Appendix A. They are all taken from Jacod and Protter (2011), and proofs are omitted.

• Apart from Appendix A, we have tried to make this book as selfcontained as possible, as far as its mathematical content is concerned. This includes relying as little as possible on specific proofs contained in papers, and providing these proofs instead. On the other hand, writing its proof after each result slows down the exposition and tends to obscure the main ideas, at least for a nonmathematician reader. We have thus chosen to write the main part of the text without proofs, except when they are very simple and/or useful for the understanding of what immediately follows. Further, many results are not stated as formal theorems. Nevertheless, since this book is also intended to be a mathematical book, the proofs are given (some of them are new), and they are gathered in Appendix B.

• Since every rule has its exceptions, for a few results we do not give a proof and refer to the appropriate papers. This applies primarily to the results on microstructure noise and on non-equally spaced observations: these are topics in full development now, and the theory is not fully established yet. It also applies in places where we only sketch a description of several different methods which have been proposed for some specific problems.

• We have included an implementation on real data of some estimators or testing procedures described.

• We have tried to be as comprehensive as possible. This said, even under the restrictions imposed by the data (discrete sampling, a single path) and by our choice of methods (high-frequency asymptotics, finite horizon), we cannot pretend to cover all or almost all recent developments on the topic, let alone an exhaustive comparison between the different methods which have been proposed so far, while keeping the length of the book manageable. Inevitably, we did not describe all the available methods, and the – necessarily subjective – choice we made might be viewed as biased by our own interests. We apologize in advance to the authors who might feel that we have not done full justice to their work.

• We have left out some topics altogether, for instance forecasting (of volatility and other related quantities for example) and methods for processes driven by fractional Brownian motion or by fractal processes.

The book is divided into four parts, plus the two appendices A and B described above. The first two parts are devoted to preliminary material: the mathematical notions on stochastic processes and especially semimartingales which are necessary to proceed further, and a chapter that explains the specificities of financial data are gathered into Part I, whereas Part II introduces the asymptotic concepts that the analysis in this book relies upon.

Part III deals with estimation of the volatility part of the model, including methods that are robust to market microstructure noise. Part IV is devoted to estimation and testing questions involving the jump part of the model. The practical importance and relevance of jumps in financial data is universally recognized, but only recently have econometric methods become available to rigorously analyze jump processes. The objective of the methods we will describe here is to decide on the basis of statistical tests applied to high-frequency data which component(s) need to be included in the model (jumps, finite or infinite activity, continuous component, etc.) and determine their relative magnitude. We may then magnify specific components of the model if they are present, so that we can analyze their finer characteristics such as the degree of activity of jumps.

We would like to thank our co-authors of the various papers on which this book is partly based. Without them, most of the book would not exist: many thanks to Jianqing Fan, Arnaud Gloter, Tahaki Hayashi, Jia Li, Yingying Li, Loriano Mancini, Per Mykland, Mark Podolskij, Philip Protter, Markus Reiss, Mathieu Rosenbaum, Viktor Todorov, Matthias Vetter, Dacheng Xiu, Nakahiro Yoshida, Jialin Yu and Lan Zhang. We also thank Yaroslav Yevmenenko-Shul’ts for proofreading parts of the manuscript, and Peter Van Tassel and Michael Sockin for research assistance.

Last but not least, we warmly thank Sophie and Hadda for their love, patience and understanding while we wrote this book.

Yacine Aït-Sahalia, Princeton

Jean Jacod, Paris


General Notation

Notation for Convergence

Specific Notation

Part I

Preliminary Material

Chapter 1

From Diffusions to Semimartingales

This chapter is a quick review of the theory of semimartingales, these processes being those for which statistical methods are considered in this book.

A process is a collection X = (Xt) of random variables with values in the Euclidean space Rd for some integer d ≥ 1, and indexed on the half line R+ = [0, ∞), or a subinterval of R+, typically [0, T] for some real T > 0. The distinctive feature however is that all these variables are defined on the same probability space (Ω, F, P). Therefore, for any outcome ω ∈ Ω one can consider the path (or trajectory), which is the function t Xt(ω), and X can also be considered as a single random variable taking its values in a suitable space of Rd-valued functions on R+ or on [0, T].

In many applications, including the modeling of financial data, the index t can be interpreted as time, and an important feature is the way the process evolves through time. Typically an observer knows what happens up to the current time t, that is, (s)he observes the path s Xs(ω) for all s ∈ [0, t], and wants to infer what will happen later, after time t. In a mathematical framework, this amounts to associating the history of the process, usually called the filtration. This is the increasing family (Ft)t≥0 of σ-fields associated with X in the following way: for each t, Ft is the σ-field generated by the variables Xs for s ∈ [0, t] (more precise specifications will be given later). Therefore, of particular interest is the law of the future after time t, that is of the family (Xs: s > t), conditional on the σ-field Ft.

In a sense, this amounts to specifying the dynamics of the process, which again is a central question in financial modeling. If the process were not random, that would consist in specifying a differential equation governing the time evolution of our quantity of interest, or perhaps a non-autonomous differential equation where dXt = f(t, Xs: s t) dt for a function f depending on time and on the whole past of X before t. In a random setting, this is replaced by a stochastic differential equation.

Historically, it took quite a long time to come up with a class of processes large enough to account for the needs in applications, and still amenable to some simple calculus rules. It started with the Brownian motion, or Wiener process, and then processes with independent and stationary increments, now called Lévy processes after P. Lévy, who introduced and thoroughly described them. Next, martingales were considered, mainly by J. L. Doob, whereas K. Itô introduced (after W. Feller and W. Doeblin) the stochastic differential equations driven by Brownian motions, and also by Poisson random measures. The class of semimartingales was finalized by P.-A. Meyer in the early 1970s only.

In many respects, this class of processes is the right one to consider by someone interested in the dynamics of the process in the sense sketched above. Indeed, this is the largest class with respect to which stochastic integration is possible if one wants to have something like the dominated (Lebesgue) convergence theorem. It allows for relatively simple rules for stochastic calculus. Moreover, in financial mathematics, it also turns out to be the right class to consider, because a process can model the price of an asset in a fair market where no arbitrage is possible only if it is a semimartingale. This certainly is a sufficient motivation for the fact that, in this book, we only consider this type of process for modeling prices, including exchange rates or indices, and interest rates.

Now, of course, quite a few books provide extensive coverage of semi-martingales, stochastic integration and stochastic calculus. Our aim in this chapter is not to duplicate any part of those books, and in particular not the proofs therein: the interested reader should consult one of them to get a complete mathematical picture of the subject, for example, Karatzas and Shreve (1991) or Revuz and Yor (1994) for continuous processes, and Dellacherie and Meyer (1982) or Jacod and Shiryaev (2003) for general ones. Our aim is simply to introduce semimartingales and the properties of those which are going to be of constant use in this book, in as simple a way as possible, starting with the most commonly known processes, which are the Brownian motion or Wiener process and the diffusions. We then introduce Lévy processes and Poisson random measures, and finally arrive at semimartingales, presented as a relatively natural extension of Lévy processes.

1.1 Diffusions

1.1.1 The Brownian Motion

The Brownian motion (or Wiener process), formalized by N. Wiener and P. Lévy, has in fact been used in finance even earlier, by T. N. Thiele and L. Bachelier, and for modeling the physical motion of a particle by A. Einstein. It is the simplest continuous-time analogue of a random walk.

Mathematically speaking, the one-dimensional Brownian motion can be specified as a process W = (Wt)t≥0, which is Gaussian (meaning that any finite family (Wt1,…, Wtk) is a Gaussian random vector), centered (i.e. E(Wt) = 0 for all t), and with the covariance structure

where the notation t s means min(t, s). These properties completely characterize the law of the process W, by Kolmogorov’s Theorem, which allows for the definition of a stochastic process through its finite-dimensional distributions, under conditions known as consistency of the finite-dimensional distributions. And, using for example the Kolmogorov continuity criterion (since E(|Wt+s Ws|⁴) = 3s² for all nonnegative t and s), one can realize the Brownian motion on a suitable probability space (Ω, F, P) as a process having continuous paths, i.e. t Wt(ω) is continuous and with W0(ω) = 0 for all outcomes ω. So we will take the view that a Brownian motion always starts at W0 = 0 and has continuous paths.

One of the many fundamental properties of Brownian motion is that it is a Lévy process, that is it starts from 0 and has independent and stationary increments: for all s, t ≥ 0 the variable Wt+s Wt is independent of (Wr: r t), with a law which only depends on s: here, this law is the normal law N (0, s) (centered with variance s). This immediately follows from the above definition. However, a converse is also true: any Lévy process which is centered and continuous is of the form σW for some constant σ ≥ 0, where W is a Brownian motion.

Now, we need two extensions of the previous notion. The first one is straightforward: a d-dimensional Brownian motion is an Rd-valued process W = (Wt)tfor i = 1,…, d (we keep the same notation W is a one-dimensional Brownian motion, and all components are independent processes. Equivalently, W is a centered continuous Gaussian process with W0 = 0, and with the following covariance structure:

A d-dimensional Brownian motion retains the nice property of being a Lévy process.

The second extension is slightly more subtle, and involves the concept of a general filtered probability space, denoted by (Ω, F, (Ft)t≥0, P). Here (Ω, F, P) is a probability space, equipped with a filtration (Ft)t≥0: this is an increasing family of sub-σ-fields Ft of F (that is, Ft ⊂ Fs ⊂ F when t s), which is right-continuous (that is Ft = ∩s>tFs). The right-continuity condition appears for technical reasons, but is in fact an essential requirement. Again, Ft can be viewed as the amount of information available to an observer up to (and including) time t.

We say that a process X is adapted to a filtration (Ft), or (Ft)-adapted, if each variable Xt is Ft-measurable. The filtration generated by a process X is the smallest filtration with respect to which X , and can be expressed as follows:

(this is right-continuous by construction).

We suppose that the reader is familiar with the notion of a martingale (a real process M = (Mt)t≥0 is a martingale on the filtered space if it is adapted, if each variable Mt is integrable and if E(Mt+s | Ft) = Mt for s, t ≥ 0), and also with the notion of a stopping time: a [0, ∞]-valued random variable τ is a stopping time if it is possible to tell, for any t ≥ 0, whether the event that τ has occurred before or at time t is true or not, on the basis of the information contained in Ft; formally, this amounts to saying that the event {τ t} belongs to Ft, for all t ≥ 0. Likewise, Fτ denotes the σ-field of all sets A ∈ F such that A ∩ {τ t} ∈ Ft for all t ≥ 0, and it represents the information available up to (and including) time τ.

A process X is called progressively measurable if for any t the function (ω, s) ↦ Xs(ω) is Ft ⊗ B([0, t])-measurable on Ω × [0, t]; here, B([0, t]) denotes the Borel σ-field of the interval [0, t], that is the σ-field generated by the open sets of [0, t]. Then, given a stopping time τ and a progressively measurable process Xt, the variable 1{τ<∞} is Fτ-measurable; moreover one can define the new process t, or X stopped at τ, and this process is again adapted. We note the following useful property: if M is a martingale and τ1 and τ2 are two stopping times such that 0 ≤ τ1 ≤ τ2 ≤ T a.s. (almost surely), then E(2 | Fτ1) = 1.

Coming back to Brownian motion, we say that a d-dimensional process W = (Wi)1≤id is a Brownian motion on the filtered space (Ω, F, (Ft)t≥0, P), or an (Ft)-Brownian motion, if it satisfies the following three conditions:

1. It has continuous paths, with W0 = 0.

2. It is adapted to the filtration (Ft).

3. For all s, t ≥ 0 the variable Wt+s Wt is independent of the σ-field Ft, with centered Gaussian law N (0, sId) (Id is the d × d identity matrix).

were σ(Wr: r ∈ [0, tfor all s > t for all v < t, then its probability can only equal 0 or 1.

Another characterization of the Brownian motion, particularly well suited to stochastic calculus, is the Lévy Characterization Theorem. Namely, a continuous (Ft)-adapted process W with W0 = 0 is an (Ft)-Brownian motion if and only if it satisfies

where δij = 1 if i = j and 0 otherwise denotes the Kronecker symbol. The necessary part is elementary; the sufficient part is more difficult to prove.

Finally, we mention two well known and important properties of the paths of a one-dimensional Brownian motion:

Lévy modulus of continuity: almost all paths satisfy, for any interval I of positive length,

Law of iterated logarithm: for each finite stopping time T, almost all paths satisfy

. Despite the appearances, these two results are not contradictory, because of the different position of the qualifier almost all. These facts imply that, for any ρ < 1/2, almost all paths are locally Hölder with index ρ, but nowhere Hölder with index 1/2, and a fortiori nowhere differentiable.

1.1.2 Stochastic Integrals

A second fundamental concept is stochastic integration. The paths of a one-dimensional Brownian motion W being continuous but nowhere differentiable, a priori the differential dWt . However, suppose that H is a simple, or piecewise constant, process of the form

where 0 = t0 < t1 < … and tn → ∞ as n → ∞. Then it is natural to set

This would be the usual integral if t Wt were the distribution function of a (signed) measure on [0, t], which it is of course not. Nevertheless it turns out that, due to the martingale properties (1.3) of W, this integral can be extended to all processes H having the following properties:

or, more compactly, as H Wt. It is called a stochastic integral, which emphasizes the fact that it is not a Stieltjes (ω-wise) integral. In particular, it is only defined up to a null set, meaning that another variable Y is also a version of the stochastic integral if and only if we have Y = H Wt a.s. So we emphasize that every statement about a stochastic integral variable H Xt or process (H Xt)t≥0 is necessarily true up to a null set only, although for simplicity we usually omit the qualifier almost surely (exactly as, for the conditional expectation, one simply writes an equality such as E(Y | G) = Z without explicitly mentioning a.s.).

Stochastic integrals enjoy the following properties:

stands for local uniform convergence in probability, if for all t (convergence in probability). Second, a local martingale is a process M for which there exists an increasing sequence of stopping times Tn with infinite limit (called a localizing sequence), such that each stopped process t MtTn is a martingale. In other words, M behaves like a martingale up to suitably chosen stopping times; martingales are local martingales but the converse is not true.

Let us also mention that the first statement (1.9) is shorthand for the more correct "one can find versions of the stochastic integrals H Wt such that almost all paths t H Wt are continuous and start at 0, and further (H Wt)t≥0 is a local martingale. And, as mentioned before, the third statement in (1.9) is true up to null sets."

More generally, let W be a d-dimensional Brownian motion. Then one can integrate componentwise a d-dimensional process H = (Hi)1≤id whose components each satisfy (1.8), thus getting the following one-dimensional process:

We still have the properties (1.9), with the norm of Hn instead of the absolute value in the fourth property. Moreover if H and K are two integrable processes, the process

Before stating the change of variable formula for stochastic integrals, we give our first (restricted) definition of a semimartingale:

Definition 1.1. A one-dimensional continuous Itô semimartingale (also called a generalized diffusion, or a Brownian semimartingale sometimes) is an adapted process X which can be written as

where W is a q-dimensional Brownian motion, and σ is a q-dimensional process, integrable in the above sense (i.e., its components satisfy (1.8)), and b = (bt)t≥0 is another progressively measurable process such that for all t.

A d-dimensional continuous Itô semimartingale is a process whose each one of the d components is a continuous Itô semimartingale.

If X is as above, one can integrate a process K with respect to it, by setting

(with an obvious interpretation when X and K are q-dimensional). We need to be integrable with respect to W, as in (1.8), and also Kb to be integrable with respect to the Lebesgue measure on each finite interval [0, t] (this integral is an ordinary, or ω-wise, integral). A precise description of all processes K which can thus be integrated is somewhat complicated, but in any case we can integrate all processes K which are progressively measurable and locally bounded (meaning we have |Ks| ≤ n for any 0 < s Tn, where Tn is a sequence of stopping times increasing to ∞); note that no condition on K0 is implied. In this case, the integral process K X is also a continuous Itô semimartingale.

The last process on the right hand side of (1.11) is called the continuous martingale part of X, although it usually is a local martingale only, and it is denoted as Xc (with components Xi,c in the multidimensional case). We also associate the family of processes, for j, l = 1,…, q and q the dimension of X:

and it is called the quadratic variation-covariation process. From this formula, the q²-dimensional process C = (Cjl)1≤j,lq takes its values in the cone of all positive semi-definite symmetric q × q matrices, and is continuous in t and increasing (in t again) for the strong order in this cone (that is, Ct Cs is also positive semi-definite if t s). Note also the following obvious but important fact:

If X = W is a Brownian motion, then Xc = W .

This definition of the quadratic variation is based upon the definition (1.11). However, there are two other characterizations. First, one can rewrite (1.10) as

Conversely, C is the unique (up to null sets) adapted continuous process, starting at Chaving finite variation over compact intervals, and such that (1.13) holds.

Second, the name quadratic variation comes from the following property: let ((t(n, i): i ≥ 0): n ≥ 1) be a sequence of subdivisions on R+ with meshes going to 0. This means that for each n we have t(n, 0) = 0 < t(n, 1) < ··· and t(n, i) → ∞ as i → ∞, and also supi≥1(t(n, i) − t(n, i − 1)) → 0 as n → ∞. Then we have

Historically this is the way the quadratic variation has been introduced, indeed as a tool for defining stochastic integrals. We will give below a (simple) proof of this property, deduced from Itô’s formula, and for general semimartingales. The reason for giving the proof is that from an applied viewpoint (and especially for financial applications) (1.14) is an important property in high-frequency statistics: the left hand side, say when j = l = 1, is the so-called realized quadratic variation, or realized volatility, of the component X¹, along the observation times t(n, i) for i ≥ 0, whereas the process C¹¹ is what is called integrated (squared) volatility.

We are now ready to state the change of variable formula, more commonly called Itô’s formula: for any C² real-valued function f on Rd (twice continuously differentiable) and any d-dimensional continuous Itô semimartingale X = (Xj)1≤jd, the process Y = f(Xdenote the first and second partial derivatives of f, we have

are continuous, hence locally bounded, and adapted; so the first integrals in the right hand side above are stochastic integrals with respect to the Itô semimartingales Xi, which are absolutely continuous by (1.12).

When Xc are absolutely continuous, the last sum in (1.15) vanishes, and the formula reduces to the usual change of variable formula (then of course f being C¹ would be sufficient). The fact that in general this additional last term is present is one of the key observations made by K. Itô.

1.1.3 A Central Example: Diffusion Processes

As the other name generalized diffusion processes for continuous Itô semimartingales suggests, the main examples of such processes are diffusions processes. Historically speaking, they were the first relatively general semimartingales to be considered, and they play a central role in modeling, in the physical sciences and in finance, although in many cases they can be far from sufficient to account for all encountered empirical features of the processes being measured.

Going from general to particular, one can characterize diffusions as those continuous Itô semimartingales which are Markov processes. These may be homogeneous or not, and for simplicity we only consider the homogeneous case below, since they are by far the most common ones. More specifically, following for example Çinlar and Jacod (1981), if a continuous d-dimensional Itô semimartingale of the form (1.11) is a homogeneous Markov process, then the two random infinitesimal coefficients bt and σt take the form

where b = (bi)1≤d and σ = (σij)1≤id,1≤jq are functions on Rd. That is,

or, componentwise,

Now, the law of a Markov processes is also characterized by the law of its initial value X0 and its transition semi-group (Pt)t≥0 (defined as the operator which returns Ptf(x) = E(f(Xt) |X0 = x) when applied to any Borel bounded test function f, and x ∈ Rd), and in turn the semi-group is characterized by its infinitesimal generator (in general an unbounded operator defined on a suitable domain). Whereas there is no hope in general to have an explicit expression for the semi-group, one can easily compute the infinitesimal generator, at least when the test function is C². Namely, with the notation c(x) = σ(x)σ(x)∗ (where σ∗ is the transpose of σ. Then Itô’s formula (1.15) implies that

is a local martingale. With the notation

. If further f has compact support, say, and if the coeffcients b and σ are locally bounded, then Af is bounded. Hence Mf is a martingale and not only a local martingale, and by taking the expectation and using Fubini’s Theorem we obtain

In other words, f belongs to the domain of the infinitesimal generator, which is Af (as defined above) for such a function.

Of course, this does not fully specify the infinitesimal generator: for this we should exhibit its full domain and say how it acts on functions which are in the domain but are not C² with compact support (and the domain always contains plenty of such functions). But in the good cases, the complete infinitesimal generator is simply the closure of the operator A acting on C² functions with compact support as in (1.17).

Now, diffusions can also be viewed, and historically have been introduced, as solutions of stochastic differential equation, or SDE in short. Coming back to (1.16), a convenient way of writing it is in differential form, as follows, and with the convention Y = X0:

despite the fact that the differential dWt is a priori meaningless. Now, we can consider (1.18) as an equation. The solution will be a d-dimensional process X, whereas W is a q-dimensional Brownian motion, and the following ingredients are given: the initial condition Y (an Rd-valued random vector, most often a constant Y = x ∈ Rd) and the coeffcients b and σ which are Borel functions on Rd, with the suitable dimensions (they are respectively called the drift and diffusion coeffcients).

The word solution for an SDE like (1.18) may have several different meanings. Here we consider the simplest notion, sometimes called solution-process or strong solution. Namely, we are given a q-dimensional (Ft)-Brownian motion W and a d-dimensional F0-measurable variable Y on some filtered probability space (Ω, F, (Ft)t≥0, P), and a solution is a continuous adapted process X which satisfies (1.18), which is a shorthand way of writing (1.16) with X0 = Y.

In particular, the integrals on the right side of (1.16) should make sense: so the functions b and σ should be measurable and not too big; more important, the process σ(Xt) should be progressively measurable, so (unless of course σ is constant) we need X itself to be progressively measurable, and since it is continuous in time this is the same as saying that it is adapted. Finally, it follows in particular that X0 is F0-measurable, which is the reason why we impose the F0-measurability to the initial condition Y.

Of course, as ordinary differential equations, not all SDEs have a solution. Let us simply mention that, if the two functions b and σ are locally Lipschitz and with at most linear growth on Rd, then (1.18) has a solution, and furthermore this solution is unique: the uniqueness here means that any two solutions X and Xa.s. for all t, which is the best one can hope since in any case stochastic integrals are defined only up to null sets. An interesting feature is that, under the previous assumptions on b and σ, existence and uniqueness hold for all initial conditions Y.

These Lipschitz and growth conditions are by far not the only available conditions implying existence and/or uniqueness. In fact, existence and/or uniqueness is somehow related to the fact that the operator A defined by (1.17) for C² functions f with compact support can be extended as a bona fide infinitesimal generator.

Example 1.2. The following one-dimensional example (d = q = 1):

where κ, η ∈ R and ν ∈ R+ are given constants, is known as Feller’s equation or in finance the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR) model, and it shows some of the problems that can occur. It does not fit the previous setting, for two reasons: first, because of the square root, we need Xt ≥ 0; so the natural state space of our process is not R, but R+. Second, the diffusion coeffcient is not locally Lipschitz on [0, ∞).

Let us thus provide some comments:

1. In the general setting of (1.18), the fact that the state space is not Rd but a domain D ⊂ Rd is not a problem for the formulation of the equation: the coeffcients b and σ are simply functions on D instead of being functions on Rd, and the solution X should be a D-valued process, provided of course that the initial condition Y is also D-valued. Problems arise when one tries to solve the equation. Even with Lipschitz coeffcients, there is no guarantee that X will not reach the boundary of D, and here anything can happen, like the drift or the Brownian motion forcing X to leave D. So one should either make sure that X cannot reach the boundary, or specify what happens if it does (such as, how the process behaves along the boundary, or how it is reflected back inside the domain D).

2. Coming back to the CIR model (1.19), and assuming Y > 0, one can show that with the state space D = (0, ∞) (on which the coeffcients are locally Lipschitz), then the solution X will never reach 0 if and only if 2κν > η². Otherwise, it reaches 0 and uniqueness fails, unless we specify that the process reflects instantaneously when it reaches 0, and of course we need κ > 0.

All these problems are often diffcult to resolve, and sometimes require ad hoc or model-specific arguments. In this book, when we have a diffusion we suppose in fact that it is well defined, and that those diffcult problems have been solved beforehand. Let us simply mention that the literature on this topic is huge, see for example Revuz and Yor (1994) and Karatzas and Shreve (1991).

1.2 Lévy Processes

As already said, a Lévy process is an Rd-valued process starting at 0 and having stationary and independent increments. More generally:

Definition 1.3. A filtered probability space (Ω, F, (Ft)t≥0, P) being given, a Lévy process relative to the filtration (Ft), or an (Ft)-Lévy process, is an Rd-valued process X satisfying the following three conditions:

1. Its paths are right-continuous with left limit everywhere (we say, a càdlàg process, from the French acronym continu à droite, limité à gauche), with X0 = 0.

2. It is adapted to the filtration (Ft).

3. For all s, t ≥ 0 the variable Xt+s Xt is independent of the σ-field Ft, and its law only depends on s.

These are the same as the conditions defining an (Ft)-Brownian motion, except that the paths are càdlàg instead of continuous, and the laws of the increments are not necessarily Gaussian. In particular, we associate with X its jump process, defined (for any càdlàg process, for that matter) as

where Xt− is the left limit at time t, and by convention ∆X0 = 0.

Regarding the nature of the sample paths of a Lévy process, note that the càdlàg property is important to give meaning to the concept of a jump defined in (1.20) where we need as a prerequisite left and right limits at each t. When a jump occurs at time t, being right-continuous means that the value after the jump, Xt+, is Xt. In finance, it means that by the time a jump has occurred, the price has already moved to Xt = Xt+ and it is no longer possible to trade at the pre-jump value Xt−.

Although the process can have infinitely many jumps on a finite interval [0, T], the càdlàg property limits the total number of jumps to be at most countable. It also limits the number of jumps larger than any fixed value ε > 0 on any interval [0, t(convergence in probability) for all t > 0, and as s t (here, t is non-random). This condition does not make the paths of X continuous, but it excludes jumps at fixed times. All it says is that at any given non-random time t, the probability of seeing a jump at this time is 0.

1.2.1 The Law of a Lévy Process

One can look at Lévy processes per se without consideration for the connection with other processes defined on the probability space or with the underlying filtration. We then take the viewpoint of the law, or equivalently the family of all finite-dimensional distributions, that is the laws of any n-tuple (Xt1,…, Xtn), where 0 ≤ t1 < ··· < tn.

Because of the three properties defining X above, the law of (Xt1,…, Xtn) is the same as the law of (Y1, Y1 + Y2,…, Y1 + … + Yn), where the Yj’s are independent variables having the same laws as Xtjtj−1. Therefore the law of the whole process X is completely determined, once the one-dimensional laws Gt = L(Xt) are known.

Moreover, Gt+s is equal to the convolution product Gt Gs for all s, t ≥ 0, so the laws Gt have the very special property of being infinitely divisible: the name comes from the fact that, for any integer n as a sum of n i.i.d. random variables Yj whose distribution is that of Xt/n; equivalently, for any n ≥ 1, the law Gt is the n-fold convolution power of some probability measure, namely Gt/n here. This property places a restriction on the possible laws Gt, and is called infinite divisibility. Examples include the Gaussian, gamma, stable and Poisson distributions. For instance, in the Gaussian case, any Xt ∼ N(m, v) can be written as the sum of n i.i.d. random variables Yj ∼ N(m/n, v/n).

Infinite divisibility implies that the characteristic function

(where u ∈ Rd and ux is the scalar product) does not vanish and there exists a function Ψ: Rd → R, called the characteristic exponent of X, such that the characteristic function takes the form

Indeed we have Ĝt+s(u) = Ĝt(u) Ĝs(u) and Ĝt(u) is càdlàg in t, which imply that the logarithm of Ĝt(u) is linear, as a function of t; of course these are complex numbers, so some care must be taken to justify the statement.

In fact it implies much more, namely that Ψ(u) has a specific form given by the Lévy-Khintchine formula, which we write here for the variable X1:

In this formula, the three ingredients (b, c, F) are as follows:

The integrability requirement on F in (1.23) is really two different constraints written in one: it requires ∫‖x‖≤1 ‖x‖²F(dx) < ∞, which limits the rate at which F can diverge near 0, and ∫‖x‖≥1 F(dx) < ∞. These two requirements are exactly what is needed for the integral in (1.22) to be absolutely convergent, because eiux − 1 − iux1{‖x‖≤1} ∼ (ux)² as x → 0, and eiux − 1 is bounded.

We have written (1.2) at time t = 1, but because of (1.21), we also have it at any time t. A priori, one might think that the triple (bt, ct, Ft) associated with Gt would depend on t in a rather arbitrary way, but this is not so. We have, for any t ≥ 0, and with the same (b, c, F) as in (1.22),

and Ψ(u) is called the characteristic exponent of the Lévy process.

In other words, the law of X is completely characterized by the triple (b, c, F), subject to (1.23), thus earning it the name characteristic triple of the Lévy process X. And we do have a converse: if (b, c, F) satisfies the conditions (1.23), then it is the characteristic triple of a Lévy process. The measure F is called the Lévy measure of the process, c is called the diffusion coeffcient (for reasons which will be apparent later), and b is the drift (a slightly misleading terminology, as we will see later again). In Section 1.2.5 below, we will see that the different elements on the right-hand side of (1.22) correspond to specific elements of the canonical decomposition of a Lévy process in terms of drift, volatility, small jumps and big jumps.

We end this subsection by pointing out some moment properties of Lévy processes. First, for any reals p > 0 and t > 0 we have

In particular the pth moments are either finite for all t or infinite for all t > 0, and they are all finite when F has compact support, a property which is equivalent to saying that the jumps of X are bounded, as we will see later.

Second, cumulants and hence moments of the distribution of Xt of integer order p can be computed explicitly using (1.24) by differentiation of the characteristic exponent and characteristic function. For example, in the one-dimensional case and when E(|Xt|n) < ∞, the nth cumulant and nth moment of Xt are

The first four cumulants, in terms of the moments and of the centered moments µn,t = E((Xt − Ø1,t)n), are

In terms of the characteristics (b, c, F) of X, we have

All infinitely divisible distributions with a non-vanishing Lévy measure are leptokurtic, that is κ4 > 0. The skewness and excess kurtosis of Xt, when the third and fourth moments are finite, are

which both increase as t decreases.

1.2.2 Examples

The Brownian motion W is a Lévy process, with characteristic triple (0, Id, 0). Another (trivial) example is the pure drift Xt = bt for a vector b ∈ Rd, with the characteristic triple (b, 0, 0). Then Xt = bt + σWt is also a Lévy process, with characteristic triple (b, c, 0), where c = σσ∗.

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