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Help! I'm a Small-Group Leader!: 50 Ways to Lead Teenagers into Animated and Purposeful Discussions
Help! I'm a Small-Group Leader!: 50 Ways to Lead Teenagers into Animated and Purposeful Discussions
Help! I'm a Small-Group Leader!: 50 Ways to Lead Teenagers into Animated and Purposeful Discussions
Ebook88 pages55 minutes

Help! I'm a Small-Group Leader!: 50 Ways to Lead Teenagers into Animated and Purposeful Discussions

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So you're leading a small group? Your small group can accomplish big things in the lives of your teenagers. And in Help! I'm a Small-Group Leader! you'll find methods and approaches you can use. Foibles and minefields to avoid. Solutions and tips that will help you nurture your small group into a growing community, whatever you goals. Inside you'll discover -- How to put small groups together - How NOT to lead a small group - How to start a discussion -- and KEEP IT GOING - How to ASK QUESTIONS that get responses - Three kinds of BIBLE STUDY questions to ask - How to work with DIFFERENT personalities in a small group - How to help you kids LEARN TO PRAY - 10 ideas for BUILDING COMMUNITY in your small group . . . and to top it off are 20 pages of questions (100 questions, to be exact) that you can use in your small group Bible study, on the most common subjects discussed in junior and senior high small groups. All this in a no-frills, straight-to-the-point style -- perfect for volunteer small-group leaders, or for youth pastors or youth directors to lead their staffs through.
Release dateMay 11, 2010
Help! I'm a Small-Group Leader!: 50 Ways to Lead Teenagers into Animated and Purposeful Discussions

Laurie Polich

With 15 years of youth ministry experience, Laurie Polich serves as pastor of small groups and discipleship at Ocean Hills Covenant Church, in Santa Barbara. She¹s the author of several books including Help! I'm a Small-Group Leader training curriculum and book, Studies on the Go: John, and Small Group Qs, and she speaks frequently to students and youth workers across the country.

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    Help! I'm a Small-Group Leader! - Laurie Polich


    When I was 17, I had my first small group experience. It was February of my senior year. I had signed up to go to a Christian camp for the very spiritual reason that my boyfriend was going, and I wanted to be with him (a common level of spirituality among high school students). But God wasn’t constrained by my motives. Two weeks later, my boyfriend and I broke up, but God and I have been in a relationship ever since.

    I became a Christian that weekend largely because of the patience and encouragement of my small group leader. I can still see Joanne’s face as I strongly asserted my spiritual views, misguided as they were. As I explained to her the Gospel According to Laurie Polich, she patiently listened to my ideas, trusting that the Holy Spirit would make the needed adjustments as time went on. Somehow she knew that all of us in the group needed a chance to process our thoughts and be heard. And thanks to Joanne’s skilled leadership, our small group was a place where that could happen.

    Since then I’ve been in all sorts of small groups, as a leader as well as a participant. Joanne’s face has remained an image for me as I’ve tried to be the kind of small group leader she was—the kind students really need. I’m thankful for Joanne and so many others who, with gentleness, patience, and faithfulness, modeled for me what small group ministry is all about. It’s because of their work in my life that I’ve had the freedom and encouragement to fall so deeply in love with Jesus Christ.

    Help! I’m a Small Group Leader is for people who want to impact students through the ministry of small groups. Small group ministry is the most effective way I know to help kids grow in their faith. Perhaps that’s because they experience firsthand—sometimes for the first time—the body of Christ. From Christ the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work, writes Paul to the Ephesian church (4:16). As students join together in a supportive environment, they not only learn what it means to become a Christian, but how to be the Christian they’ve become. This is true discipleship.

    There are all sorts of ways to effectively lead a small group, but most of them are distilled from a few proven principles. This book equips you with these principles while letting you keep the uniqueness of your own style. There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit, Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 12:4-6. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all [people].

    As you learn (or improve) the skill of leading a small group, my prayer is that you discover the joy and fulfillment of being used by God. And if this little book assists you in that task, I can say along with Paul that my joy will be complete.




    Usually composed of anywhere between three and eight students, small groups typically break down into three types.


    Informal and spontaneous, you form it in order to get kids sharing their thoughts on a topic or lesson. Its life span is typically five to 10 minutes, or perhaps as long as a Sunday school lesson. Its purpose: A onetime, quick-use only—a good introduction to small groups for kids who’ve never experienced them.


    For weekend retreats, mission trips, or an ongoing study on a particular topic. Its purpose is for instruction and/ or reflection, and it can last anywhere from a weekend to a few

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