Rotman Management

Q & A

Why do so many people begin to question their job and/or their career at some point?

People have always done this, but we’re definitely more comfortable expressing it now than in the past, and I think there are a couple of explanations. First, the well-being boom that we experienced a couple of years ago during the pandemic has really opened up people’s ideas that happiness at work is an actual possibility — and that they can think more deeply about the ‘relationship’ they have with their careers in ways that we used to only think about other types of relationships. Like all relationships, the career relationship involves some complicated emotions. Our feelings can go up and down. We can love it one week and then hate it the next.

Another contributor to this paradigm shift is that there is a lot more comparison data out there now. We didn’t used to know, for example, how many people shifted from one career to another, but now there are entire Facebook groups and LinkedIn teams dedicated to nothing but that. There’s lots of social support out there for people who are interested in doing this.

Lastly, there

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