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Ships Monthly1 min read
Canada Looks To The North
The federal government has launched the Canadian Patrol Submarine Project (CPSP), with plans to acquire up to 12 new conventionally powered submarines. The investment is urgently required to bolster security and increase surveillance of Canada’s Nort
Ships Monthly5 min read
I enjoyed Mike Dovey’s article (SM, Apr), as I have always admired Blue Funnel and Glen Line ships, although I thought the P class were somewhat dated when they first appeared. After HMS Conway, I joined my first ship, P&O’s Perim, at No.9 berth King
Ships Monthly4 min read
Leander Class Frigates
On Wednesday 27 March 1963 the lead ship of a new Royal Navy frigate class was commissioned at the Harland & Wolff shipyard in Belfast. Named HMS Leander, she was followed by no fewer than 25 Royal Navy sisterships over the next decade. Collectively,
