Ladybug Stories, Poems, and Songs Magazine for Young Kids and Children

The Halloween Parade Problem

Cat and his friend Mouse couldn’t wait to march in the town’s Halloween parade on Saturday. “I’ll wear my baseball uniform,” said Cat.

Mouse grinned. “I’m almost done making my secret costume,” he said. “Please come over on Friday to see it.”

Friday morning, Cat ran next door to Mouse’s

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Ladybug Stories, Poems, and Songs Magazine for Young Kids and Children1 min read
Leaf Hunt
1. With a grownup, cut out the cards along the gold lines. 2. Mix up all the cards and lay them out right side up on a table. 3. Find the match for each leaf. 4. For a more difficult game, turn all the cards facedown. Then try to find the pairs by tu
Ladybug Stories, Poems, and Songs Magazine for Young Kids and Children1 min read
Making Cookies
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Ladybug Stories, Poems, and Songs Magazine for Young Kids and Children1 min read
I Know a Song
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