

A loud rap on the door made Stacey jump. Probably just a steward coming to check that she’d settled in, she thought. Fixing her face into a suitable smile, she turned the handle and gasped sharply at the sight of the half-naked, dripping woman standing before her.

‘Sorry to bother you,’ the woman said apologetically. ‘I’m Lisa by the way – cabin 406. Really sorry, but I’m all lathered up and my shower’s died.’

Attempting and failing to make the edges of her towel meet decently, she pulled a face. ‘Any chance I can rinse off in yours?’

‘Go ahead. Please.’ A bemused Stacey waved her through to the bathroom.

The shower pulse soon started up and beneath its hum she could hear snatches of an explanation from Lisa. ‘Thanks for this. What a thing to happen on the first day at sea... Think I must have picked up a bit of a small towel as well – LOL! Handy that we’re both holidaying alone...’

How could she get out of this

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