Love Patchwork & Quilting

Carole Lyles Shaw

You’ve said that you found your first quilting home with the African American Quilters of Baltimore, who taught you the best techniques to express your quilt vision. Tell us a little more about this experience and how it influenced your quilting.

Yes, I learned foundational quiltmaking skills from the master quilters of the African American Quilters of Baltimore (AAQB). I will be forever grateful to them for giving me a solid foundation that allows me to execute my visions. And, although most of the members of AAQB were traditional quilters, they strongly encouraged me to develop my own approach to quilt design and construction. They really modelled how a quilter can honor tradition and also be curious and excited about new ideas in quiltmaking.

The improv quilting technique features heavily in your work and designs. What is your favourite thing about the

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