Does Quantum Cryptography Ensure Cyber Security?
Have you ever wondered if the payments, contacts, and data transfers that take place over the internet are secure? Is it possible to hack them? How is all this data protected? Well, cryptography answers it all.
The system that has secured our web activity and interactions for years is on the verge of being wiped out. Businesses and organizations should be aware of this today and prepare for cryptography in the quantum era.
Before we go further, let us understand Quantum Cryptography.
What is Quantum Cryptography?
Cryptography is the technique of encrypting data or altering plain text so that only those with the correct “key” can access it. By application, quantum cryptography encrypts data and sends it in an extremely secure manner using quantum mechanics techniques. The basic principles of quantum mechanics behind quantum cryptography are:
Cryptographic techniques that are expected to be safe against
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