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Remembering the Radio
IN a world where instant communication is expected, it’s hard to believe that not all that long ago, much of rural America was basically isolated from events of the day. Those who live in densely populated areas have difficulty visualizing vast areas
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Embrace Broody Hens
MANY chicken keepers get frustrated when a hen persistently sits on her eggs, but I embrace her “broodiness,” because it makes my job much easier. Why spend the time, trouble, and money buying fertilized eggs, babying them in an incubator, and hand-r
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Capper's Farmer
Editor-in-Chief TRACI SMITH Group Editor, Rural Lifestyles REBECCA MARTIN Group Editor, Wellness & Natural Living JEAN DENNEY Group Editor, Collectibles LANDON HALL Senior Managing Editor CAITLIN WILSON Managing Editor CARLA TILGHMAN Senior Copy Edit

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