Rotman Management

Why it Pays to Break the Rules

How do you define 'rebel talent'?
Rebels get a bad rap. We mostly think of them as contrarians — colleagues, friends and family members who complicate seemingly straightforward decisions and disagree when everyone else agrees. But rebels also change the world with their unconventional outlooks. In an environment that is demanding more and more innovation and reinvention, we can learn a lot from them.

I spent over a decade studying rebels at organizations around the world, from high-end boutiques in Italy’s fashion capital, to the world’s best restaurant, to a thriving fast-food chain, to an award-winning computer animation studio. From an early age, we are taught to follow the rules, and the pressure to fit in only increases over time. But when we mindlessly accept norms rather than questioning and constructively rebelling against of rule-breaking is exactly what today’s leaders need to do to help their organizations adapt and thrive.

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