'Range' Argues That Specialization Should Not Be The Goal For Most
David Epstein's book, though it doesn't rely heavily on science, is an engaging survey of research and anecdotes supporting that a thoughtful, collaborative world is a better and more innovative one.
by Bradley Babendir
May 28, 2019
4 minutes
A little more than 10 years ago, Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell was published. Throughout that book, he frequently cited the so-called "10,000-Hour Rule," which stated that to master something, one needed to practice it correctly for that amount of time. That, Gladwell argued, was what successful people did.
It makes intuitive sense: If you want to get good at something, work hard at it until you are. , a new book by David Epstein, a former investigative and science reporter at , argues that this theory of specialization applies to a limited number of skills and fails to set its
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