
Why Tyra Banks Cold-Called Zappos's Tony Hsieh

Never stop learning.
Source: Richard Shotwell | AFP | Getty Images)

Tyra Banks has long played the role of wise teacher-on America's Next Top Model and now as a "boardroom adviser" on NBC's The New Celebrity Apprentice. But mentorship is also at the core of her businesses. And she’s just as eager to be a mentee.

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When it comes to finding mentors, I hear you’re a big fan of the cold call.
Yeah, I have no shame in it. I may have fear in my belly, but I just push past those nerves. Years ago, I read Delivering Happiness, by [Zappos CEO] Tony Hsieh. I was struck by how he saw company culture, and I knew I wanted to build a business like that one day. So I picked up the phone and dialed his number. He didn’t believe it was me! Over time we developed a friendship, then a mentorship. I’ve learned so much from Tony. Especially the HR nuts and bolts.

I dressed as him for Halloween! My makeup artist transformed me without any prosthetics. I put pictures. So I asked him to mentor me, in front of thousands of people. He kind of hemmed and hawed, “Ah, I have a wonderful team of people, Tyra. They can totally be there for you!” And I was like, “That team meaning you, right?” I just kept pushing him. I also pay it forward by mentoring people myself.

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